(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Translation from Mach to ARM. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Errors. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Op. Require Import Locations. Require Import Mach. Require Import Asm. (** Recognition of integer immediate arguments. - For arithmetic operations, immediates are 8-bit quantities zero-extended and rotated right by 0, 2, 4, ... 30 bits. - For memory accesses of type [Mint32], immediate offsets are 12-bit quantities plus a sign bit. - For other memory accesses, immediate offsets are 8-bit quantities plus a sign bit. *) Fixpoint is_immed_arith_aux (n: nat) (x msk: int) {struct n}: bool := match n with | Datatypes.O => false | Datatypes.S n' => Int.eq (Int.and x (Int.not msk)) Int.zero || is_immed_arith_aux n' x (Int.ror msk (Int.repr 2)) end. Definition is_immed_arith (x: int) : bool := is_immed_arith_aux 16%nat x (Int.repr 255). Definition is_immed_mem_word (x: int) : bool := Int.lt x (Int.repr 4096) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-4096)) x. Definition is_immed_mem_small (x: int) : bool := Int.lt x (Int.repr 256) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-256)) x. Definition is_immed_mem_float (x: int) : bool := Int.eq (Int.and x (Int.repr 3)) Int.zero && Int.lt x (Int.repr 1024) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-1024)) x. (** Decomposition of a 32-bit integer into a list of immediate arguments, whose sum or "or" or "xor" equals the integer. *) Fixpoint decompose_int_rec (N: nat) (n p: int) : list int := match N with | Datatypes.O => if Int.eq n Int.zero then nil else n :: nil | Datatypes.S M => if Int.eq (Int.and n (Int.shl (Int.repr 3) p)) Int.zero then decompose_int_rec M n (Int.add p (Int.repr 2)) else let m := Int.shl (Int.repr 255) p in Int.and n m :: decompose_int_rec M (Int.and n (Int.not m)) (Int.add p (Int.repr 2)) end. Definition decompose_int (n: int) : list int := match decompose_int_rec 12%nat n Int.zero with | nil => Int.zero :: nil | l => l end. Definition iterate_op (op1 op2: shift_op -> instruction) (l: list int) (k: code) := match l with | nil => op1 (SOimm Int.zero) :: k (**r should never happen *) | i :: l' => op1 (SOimm i) :: map (fun i => op2 (SOimm i)) l' ++ k end. (** Smart constructors for integer immediate arguments. *) Definition loadimm (r: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := let d1 := decompose_int n in let d2 := decompose_int (Int.not n) in if NPeano.leb (List.length d1) (List.length d2) then iterate_op (Pmov r) (Porr r r) d1 k else iterate_op (Pmvn r) (Pbic r r) d2 k. Definition addimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := let d1 := decompose_int n in let d2 := decompose_int (Int.neg n) in if NPeano.leb (List.length d1) (List.length d2) then iterate_op (Padd r1 r2) (Padd r1 r1) d1 k else iterate_op (Psub r1 r2) (Psub r1 r1) d2 k. Definition andimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_arith n then Pand r1 r2 (SOimm n) :: k else iterate_op (Pbic r1 r2) (Pbic r1 r1) (decompose_int (Int.not n)) k. Definition rsubimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := iterate_op (Prsb r1 r2) (Padd r1 r1) (decompose_int n) k. Definition orimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := iterate_op (Porr r1 r2) (Porr r1 r1) (decompose_int n) k. Definition xorimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := iterate_op (Peor r1 r2) (Peor r1 r1) (decompose_int n) k. (** Translation of a shift immediate operation (type [Op.shift]) *) Definition transl_shift (s: shift) (r: ireg) : shift_op := match s with | Slsl n => SOlslimm r (s_amount n) | Slsr n => SOlsrimm r (s_amount n) | Sasr n => SOasrimm r (s_amount n) | Sror n => SOrorimm r (s_amount n) end. (** Translation of a condition. Prepends to [k] the instructions that evaluate the condition and leave its boolean result in one of the bits of the condition register. The bit in question is determined by the [crbit_for_cond] function. *) Definition transl_cond (cond: condition) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := match cond, args with | Ccomp c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompu c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompshift c s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompushift c s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompimm c n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed_arith n then Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm n) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg IR14) :: k) | Ccompuimm c n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed_arith n then Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm n) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg IR14) :: k) | Ccompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfcmpd (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Cnotcompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfcmpd (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Ccompfzero cmp, a1 :: nil => Pfcmpzd (freg_of a1) :: k | Cnotcompfzero cmp, a1 :: nil => Pfcmpzd (freg_of a1) :: k | _, _ => k (**r never happens for well-typed code *) end. Definition crbit_for_signed_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRlt | Cle => CRle | Cgt => CRgt | Cge => CRge end. Definition crbit_for_unsigned_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRlo | Cle => CRls | Cgt => CRhi | Cge => CRhs end. Definition crbit_for_float_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRmi | Cle => CRls | Cgt => CRgt | Cge => CRge end. Definition crbit_for_float_not_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CRne | Cne => CReq | Clt => CRpl | Cle => CRhi | Cgt => CRle | Cge => CRlt end. Definition crbit_for_cond (cond: condition) := match cond with | Ccomp cmp => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompu cmp => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompshift cmp s => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompushift cmp s => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompimm cmp n => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompuimm cmp n => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompf cmp => crbit_for_float_cmp cmp | Cnotcompf cmp => crbit_for_float_not_cmp cmp | Ccompfzero cmp => crbit_for_float_cmp cmp | Cnotcompfzero cmp => crbit_for_float_not_cmp cmp end. (** Translation of the arithmetic operation [r <- op(args)]. The corresponding instructions are prepended to [k]. *) Definition transl_op (op: operation) (args: list mreg) (r: mreg) (k: code) := match op, args with | Omove, a1 :: nil => match mreg_type a1 with | Tint => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Tfloat => Pfcpyd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k end | Ointconst n, nil => loadimm (ireg_of r) n k | Ofloatconst f, nil => Pflid (freg_of r) f :: k | Oaddrsymbol s ofs, nil => Ploadsymbol (ireg_of r) s ofs :: k | Oaddrstack n, nil => addimm (ireg_of r) IR13 n k | Oadd, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Padd (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oaddshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Padd (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oaddimm n, a1 :: nil => addimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Osub, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psub (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Osubshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psub (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Orsubshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Prsb (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Orsubimm n, a1 :: nil => rsubimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Omul, a1 :: a2 :: nil => if ireg_eq (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) || ireg_eq (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a2) then Pmul IR14 (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOreg IR14) :: k else Pmul (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Odiv, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psdiv (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Odivu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pudiv (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Oand, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pand (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oandshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pand (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oandimm n, a1 :: nil => andimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Oor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Porr (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oorshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Porr (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oorimm n, a1 :: nil => orimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Oxor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Peor (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oxorshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Peor (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oxorimm n, a1 :: nil => xorimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Obic, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pbic (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Obicshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pbic (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Onot, a1 :: nil => Pmvn (ireg_of r) (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Onotshift s, a1 :: nil => Pmvn (ireg_of r) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Oshl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlslreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshr, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshru, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlsrreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshift s, a1 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Oshrximm n, a1 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm Int.zero) :: addimm IR14 (ireg_of a1) (Int.sub (Int.shl Int.one n) Int.one) (Pmovc CRge IR14 (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrimm IR14 n) :: k) | Onegf, a1 :: nil => Pfnegd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Oabsf, a1 :: nil => Pfabsd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Oaddf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfaddd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Osubf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfsubd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Omulf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfmuld (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Odivf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pfdivd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Osingleoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pfcvtsd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ointoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pftosizd (ireg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ointuoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pftouizd (ireg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ofloatofint, a1 :: nil => Pfsitod (freg_of r) (ireg_of a1) :: k | Ofloatofintu, a1 :: nil => Pfuitod (freg_of r) (ireg_of a1) :: k | Ocmp cmp, _ => transl_cond cmp args (Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOimm Int.zero) :: Pmovc (crbit_for_cond cmp) (ireg_of r) (SOimm Int.one) :: k) | _, _ => k (**r never happens for well-typed code *) end. (** Common code to translate [Mload] and [Mstore] instructions. *) Definition transl_shift_addr (s: shift) (r: ireg) : shift_addr := match s with | Slsl n => SAlsl r (s_amount n) | Slsr n => SAlsr r (s_amount n) | Sasr n => SAasr r (s_amount n) | Sror n => SAror r (s_amount n) end. Definition transl_load_store (mk_instr_imm: ireg -> int -> instruction) (mk_instr_gen: option (ireg -> shift_addr -> instruction)) (is_immed: int -> bool) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) : code := match addr, args with | Aindexed n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed n then mk_instr_imm (ireg_of a1) n :: k else addimm IR14 (ireg_of a1) n (mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k) | Aindexed2, a1 :: a2 :: nil => match mk_instr_gen with | Some f => f (ireg_of a1) (SAreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | None => Padd IR14 (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k end | Aindexed2shift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => match mk_instr_gen with | Some f => f (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift_addr s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | None => Padd IR14 (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k end | Ainstack n, nil => if is_immed n then mk_instr_imm IR13 n :: k else addimm IR14 IR13 n (mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k) | _, _ => (* should not happen *) k end. Definition transl_load_store_int (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> shift_addr -> instruction) (is_immed: int -> bool) (rd: mreg) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := transl_load_store (fun r n => mk_instr (ireg_of rd) r (SAimm n)) (Some (mk_instr (ireg_of rd))) is_immed addr args k. Definition transl_load_store_float (mk_instr: freg -> ireg -> int -> instruction) (is_immed: int -> bool) (rd: mreg) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := transl_load_store (mk_instr (freg_of rd)) None is_immed addr args k. Definition loadind_int (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (dst: ireg) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_word ofs then Pldr dst base (SAimm ofs) :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pldr dst IR14 (SAimm Int.zero) :: k). Definition loadind_float (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (dst: freg) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_float ofs then Pfldd dst base ofs :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pfldd dst IR14 Int.zero :: k). Definition loadind (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (ty: typ) (dst: mreg) (k: code) := match ty with | Tint => loadind_int base ofs (ireg_of dst) k | Tfloat => loadind_float base ofs (freg_of dst) k end. Definition storeind_int (src: ireg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_word ofs then Pstr src base (SAimm ofs) :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pstr src IR14 (SAimm Int.zero) :: k). Definition storeind_float (src: freg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_float ofs then Pfstd src base ofs :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pfstd src IR14 Int.zero :: k). Definition storeind (src: mreg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (ty: typ) (k: code) := match ty with | Tint => storeind_int (ireg_of src) base ofs k | Tfloat => storeind_float (freg_of src) base ofs k end. (** Translation of arguments to annotations *) Definition transl_annot_param (p: Mach.annot_param) : Asm.annot_param := match p with | Mach.APreg r => APreg (preg_of r) | Mach.APstack chunk ofs => APstack chunk ofs end. (** Translation of a Mach instruction. *) Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction) (k: code) := match i with | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => loadind IR13 ofs ty dst k | Msetstack src ofs ty => storeind src IR13 ofs ty k | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_link_ofs) IR14 (loadind IR14 ofs ty dst k) | Mop op args res => transl_op op args res k | Mload chunk addr args dst => match chunk with | Mint8signed => transl_load_store_int Pldrsb is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint8unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pldrb is_immed_mem_word dst addr args k | Mint16signed => transl_load_store_int Pldrsh is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint16unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pldrh is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint32 => transl_load_store_int Pldr is_immed_mem_word dst addr args k | Mfloat32 => transl_load_store_float Pflds is_immed_mem_float dst addr args k | Mfloat64 | Mfloat64al32 => transl_load_store_float Pfldd is_immed_mem_float dst addr args k end | Mstore chunk addr args src => match chunk with | Mint8signed => transl_load_store_int Pstrb is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint8unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pstrb is_immed_mem_word src addr args k | Mint16signed => transl_load_store_int Pstrh is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint16unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pstrh is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint32 => transl_load_store_int Pstr is_immed_mem_word src addr args k | Mfloat32 => transl_load_store_float Pfsts is_immed_mem_float src addr args k | Mfloat64 | Mfloat64al32 => transl_load_store_float Pfstd is_immed_mem_float src addr args k end | Mcall sig (inl r) => Pblreg (ireg_of r) sig :: k | Mcall sig (inr symb) => Pblsymb symb sig :: k | Mtailcall sig (inl r) => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbreg (ireg_of r) sig :: k) | Mtailcall sig (inr symb) => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbsymb symb sig :: k) | Mbuiltin ef args res => Pbuiltin ef (map preg_of args) (preg_of res) :: k | Mannot ef args => Pannot ef (map transl_annot_param args) :: k | Mlabel lbl => Plabel lbl :: k | Mgoto lbl => Pb lbl :: k | Mcond cond args lbl => transl_cond cond args (Pbc (crbit_for_cond cond) lbl :: k) | Mjumptable arg tbl => Pmov IR14 (SOlslimm (ireg_of arg) (Int.repr 2)) :: Pbtbl IR14 tbl :: k | Mreturn => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbreg IR14 f.(Mach.fn_sig) :: k) end. Definition transl_code (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) := List.fold_right (transl_instr f) nil il. (** Translation of a whole function. Note that we must check that the generated code contains less than [2^32] instructions, otherwise the offset part of the [PC] code pointer could wrap around, leading to incorrect executions. *) Definition transl_function (f: Mach.function) := mkfunction f.(Mach.fn_sig) (Pallocframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pstr IR14 IR13 (SAimm f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) :: transl_code f f.(Mach.fn_code)). Fixpoint code_size (c: code) : Z := match c with | nil => 0 | instr :: c' => code_size c' + 1 end. Open Local Scope string_scope. Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : res Asm.function := let tf := transl_function f in if zlt Int.max_unsigned (code_size tf.(fn_code)) then Errors.Error (msg "code size exceeded") else Errors.OK tf. Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : res Asm.fundef := transf_partial_fundef transf_function f. Definition transf_program (p: Mach.program) : res Asm.program := transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.