(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Translation from Mach to ARM. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import Errors. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Values. Require Import Memory. Require Import Globalenvs. Require Import Op. Require Import Locations. Require Import Mach. Require Import Asm. (** Recognition of integer immediate arguments. - For arithmetic operations, immediates are 8-bit quantities zero-extended and rotated right by 0, 2, 4, ... 30 bits. - For memory accesses of type [Mint32], immediate offsets are 12-bit quantities plus a sign bit. - For other memory accesses, immediate offsets are 8-bit quantities plus a sign bit. *) Fixpoint is_immed_arith_aux (n: nat) (x msk: int) {struct n}: bool := match n with | O => false | Datatypes.S n' => Int.eq (Int.and x (Int.not msk)) Int.zero || is_immed_arith_aux n' x (Int.ror msk (Int.repr 2)) end. Definition is_immed_arith (x: int) : bool := is_immed_arith_aux 16%nat x (Int.repr 255). Definition is_immed_mem_word (x: int) : bool := Int.lt x (Int.repr 4096) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-4096)) x. Definition is_immed_mem_small (x: int) : bool := Int.lt x (Int.repr 256) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-256)) x. Definition is_immed_mem_float (x: int) : bool := Int.eq (Int.and x (Int.repr 3)) Int.zero && Int.lt x (Int.repr 1024) && Int.lt (Int.repr (-1024)) x. (** Smart constructor for integer immediate arguments. *) Definition loadimm (r: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_arith n then Pmov r (SOimm n) :: k else if is_immed_arith (Int.not n) then Pmvn r (SOimm (Int.not n)) :: k else (* could be much improved! *) Pmov r (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 255))) :: Porr r r (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 65280))) :: Porr r r (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 16711680))) :: Porr r r (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 4278190080))) :: k. Definition addimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_arith n then Padd r1 r2 (SOimm n) :: k else if is_immed_arith (Int.neg n) then Psub r1 r2 (SOimm (Int.neg n)) :: k else Padd r1 r2 (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 255))) :: Padd r1 r1 (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 65280))) :: Padd r1 r1 (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 16711680))) :: Padd r1 r1 (SOimm (Int.and n (Int.repr 4278190080))) :: k. Definition andimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_arith n then Pand r1 r2 (SOimm n) :: k else if is_immed_arith (Int.not n) then Pbic r1 r2 (SOimm (Int.not n)) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (Pand r1 r2 (SOreg IR14) :: k). Definition makeimm (instr: ireg -> ireg -> shift_op -> instruction) (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_arith n then instr r1 r2 (SOimm n) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (instr r1 r2 (SOreg IR14) :: k). (** Translation of a shift immediate operation (type [Op.shift]) *) Definition transl_shift (s: shift) (r: ireg) : shift_op := match s with | Slsl n => SOlslimm r (s_amount n) | Slsr n => SOlsrimm r (s_amount n) | Sasr n => SOasrimm r (s_amount n) | Sror n => SOrorimm r (s_amount n) end. (** Translation of a condition. Prepends to [k] the instructions that evaluate the condition and leave its boolean result in one of the bits of the condition register. The bit in question is determined by the [crbit_for_cond] function. *) Definition transl_cond (cond: condition) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := match cond, args with | Ccomp c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompu c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompshift c s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompushift c s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Ccompimm c n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed_arith n then Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm n) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg IR14) :: k) | Ccompuimm c n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed_arith n then Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm n) :: k else loadimm IR14 n (Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOreg IR14) :: k) | Ccompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmf (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Cnotcompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pcmf (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | _, _ => k (**r never happens for well-typed code *) end. Definition crbit_for_signed_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRlt | Cle => CRle | Cgt => CRgt | Cge => CRge end. Definition crbit_for_unsigned_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRlo | Cle => CRls | Cgt => CRhi | Cge => CRhs end. Definition crbit_for_float_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CReq | Cne => CRne | Clt => CRmi | Cle => CRls | Cgt => CRgt | Cge => CRge end. Definition crbit_for_float_not_cmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => CRne | Cne => CReq | Clt => CRpl | Cle => CRhi | Cgt => CRle | Cge => CRlt end. Definition crbit_for_cond (cond: condition) := match cond with | Ccomp cmp => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompu cmp => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompshift cmp s => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompushift cmp s => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompimm cmp n => crbit_for_signed_cmp cmp | Ccompuimm cmp n => crbit_for_unsigned_cmp cmp | Ccompf cmp => crbit_for_float_cmp cmp | Cnotcompf cmp => crbit_for_float_not_cmp cmp end. (** Translation of the arithmetic operation [r <- op(args)]. The corresponding instructions are prepended to [k]. *) Definition transl_op (op: operation) (args: list mreg) (r: mreg) (k: code) := match op, args with | Omove, a1 :: nil => match mreg_type a1 with | Tint => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Tfloat => Pmvfd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k end | Ointconst n, nil => loadimm (ireg_of r) n k | Ofloatconst f, nil => Plifd (freg_of r) f :: k | Oaddrsymbol s ofs, nil => Ploadsymbol (ireg_of r) s ofs :: k | Oaddrstack n, nil => addimm (ireg_of r) IR13 n k | Ocast8signed, a1 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlslimm (ireg_of a1) (Int.repr 24)) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrimm (ireg_of r) (Int.repr 24)) :: k | Ocast8unsigned, a1 :: nil => Pand (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOimm (Int.repr 255)) :: k | Ocast16signed, a1 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlslimm (ireg_of a1) (Int.repr 16)) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrimm (ireg_of r) (Int.repr 16)) :: k | Ocast16unsigned, a1 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlslimm (ireg_of a1) (Int.repr 16)) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlsrimm (ireg_of r) (Int.repr 16)) :: k | Oadd, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Padd (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oaddshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Padd (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oaddimm n, a1 :: nil => addimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Osub, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psub (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Osubshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psub (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Orsubshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Prsb (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Orsubimm n, a1 :: nil => makeimm Prsb (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Omul, a1 :: a2 :: nil => if ireg_eq (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) || ireg_eq (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a2) then Pmul IR14 (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOreg IR14) :: k else Pmul (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Odiv, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psdiv (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Odivu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pudiv (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2) :: k | Oand, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pand (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oandshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pand (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oandimm n, a1 :: nil => andimm (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Oor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Porr (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oorshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Porr (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oorimm n, a1 :: nil => makeimm Porr (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Oxor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Peor (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oxorshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Peor (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oxorimm n, a1 :: nil => makeimm Peor (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) n k | Obic, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pbic (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Obicshift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pbic (ireg_of r) (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Onot, a1 :: nil => Pmvn (ireg_of r) (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Onotshift s, a1 :: nil => Pmvn (ireg_of r) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Oshl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlslreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshr, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshru, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOlsrreg (ireg_of a1) (ireg_of a2)) :: k | Oshift s, a1 :: nil => Pmov (ireg_of r) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a1)) :: k | Oshrximm n, a1 :: nil => Pcmp (ireg_of a1) (SOimm Int.zero) :: addimm IR14 (ireg_of a1) (Int.sub (Int.shl Int.one n) Int.one) (Pmovc CRge IR14 (SOreg (ireg_of a1)) :: Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOasrimm IR14 n) :: k) | Onegf, a1 :: nil => Pmnfd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Oabsf, a1 :: nil => Pabsd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Oaddf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Padfd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Osubf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Psufd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Omulf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pmufd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Odivf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => Pdvfd (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) (freg_of a2) :: k | Osingleoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pmvfs (freg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ointoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pfixz (ireg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ointuoffloat, a1 :: nil => Pfixzu (ireg_of r) (freg_of a1) :: k | Ofloatofint, a1 :: nil => Pfltd (freg_of r) (ireg_of a1) :: k | Ofloatofintu, a1 :: nil => Pfltud (freg_of r) (ireg_of a1) :: k | Ocmp cmp, _ => transl_cond cmp args (Pmov (ireg_of r) (SOimm Int.zero) :: Pmovc (crbit_for_cond cmp) (ireg_of r) (SOimm Int.one) :: k) | _, _ => k (**r never happens for well-typed code *) end. (** Common code to translate [Mload] and [Mstore] instructions. *) Definition transl_shift_addr (s: shift) (r: ireg) : shift_addr := match s with | Slsl n => SAlsl r (s_amount n) | Slsr n => SAlsr r (s_amount n) | Sasr n => SAasr r (s_amount n) | Sror n => SAror r (s_amount n) end. Definition transl_load_store (mk_instr_imm: ireg -> int -> instruction) (mk_instr_gen: option (ireg -> shift_addr -> instruction)) (is_immed: int -> bool) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) : code := match addr, args with | Aindexed n, a1 :: nil => if is_immed n then mk_instr_imm (ireg_of a1) n :: k else addimm IR14 (ireg_of a1) n (mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k) | Aindexed2, a1 :: a2 :: nil => match mk_instr_gen with | Some f => f (ireg_of a1) (SAreg (ireg_of a2)) :: k | None => Padd IR14 (ireg_of a1) (SOreg (ireg_of a2)) :: mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k end | Aindexed2shift s, a1 :: a2 :: nil => match mk_instr_gen with | Some f => f (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift_addr s (ireg_of a2)) :: k | None => Padd IR14 (ireg_of a1) (transl_shift s (ireg_of a2)) :: mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k end | Ainstack n, nil => if is_immed n then mk_instr_imm IR13 n :: k else addimm IR14 IR13 n (mk_instr_imm IR14 Int.zero :: k) | _, _ => (* should not happen *) k end. Definition transl_load_store_int (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> shift_addr -> instruction) (is_immed: int -> bool) (rd: mreg) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := transl_load_store (fun r n => mk_instr (ireg_of rd) r (SAimm n)) (Some (mk_instr (ireg_of rd))) is_immed addr args k. Definition transl_load_store_float (mk_instr: freg -> ireg -> int -> instruction) (is_immed: int -> bool) (rd: mreg) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := transl_load_store (mk_instr (freg_of rd)) None is_immed addr args k. Definition loadind_int (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (dst: ireg) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_word ofs then Pldr dst base (SAimm ofs) :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pldr dst IR14 (SAimm Int.zero) :: k). Definition loadind_float (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (dst: freg) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_float ofs then Pldfd dst base ofs :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pldfd dst IR14 Int.zero :: k). Definition loadind (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (ty: typ) (dst: mreg) (k: code) := match ty with | Tint => loadind_int base ofs (ireg_of dst) k | Tfloat => loadind_float base ofs (freg_of dst) k end. Definition storeind_int (src: ireg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_word ofs then Pstr src base (SAimm ofs) :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pstr src IR14 (SAimm Int.zero) :: k). Definition storeind_float (src: freg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (k: code) := if is_immed_mem_float ofs then Pstfd src base ofs :: k else addimm IR14 base ofs (Pstfd src IR14 Int.zero :: k). Definition storeind (src: mreg) (base: ireg) (ofs: int) (ty: typ) (k: code) := match ty with | Tint => storeind_int (ireg_of src) base ofs k | Tfloat => storeind_float (freg_of src) base ofs k end. (** Translation of a Mach instruction. *) Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction) (k: code) := match i with | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => loadind IR13 ofs ty dst k | Msetstack src ofs ty => storeind src IR13 ofs ty k | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_link_ofs) IR14 (loadind IR14 ofs ty dst k) | Mop op args res => transl_op op args res k | Mload chunk addr args dst => match chunk with | Mint8signed => transl_load_store_int Pldrsb is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint8unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pldrb is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint16signed => transl_load_store_int Pldrsh is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint16unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pldrh is_immed_mem_small dst addr args k | Mint32 => transl_load_store_int Pldr is_immed_mem_word dst addr args k | Mfloat32 => transl_load_store_float Pldfs is_immed_mem_float dst addr args k | Mfloat64 => transl_load_store_float Pldfd is_immed_mem_float dst addr args k end | Mstore chunk addr args src => match chunk with | Mint8signed => transl_load_store_int Pstrb is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint8unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pstrb is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint16signed => transl_load_store_int Pstrh is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint16unsigned => transl_load_store_int Pstrh is_immed_mem_small src addr args k | Mint32 => transl_load_store_int Pstr is_immed_mem_word src addr args k | Mfloat32 => transl_load_store_float Pstfs is_immed_mem_float src addr args k | Mfloat64 => transl_load_store_float Pstfd is_immed_mem_float src addr args k end | Mcall sig (inl r) => Pblreg (ireg_of r) :: k | Mcall sig (inr symb) => Pblsymb symb :: k | Mtailcall sig (inl r) => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbreg (ireg_of r) :: k) | Mtailcall sig (inr symb) => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbsymb symb :: k) | Mlabel lbl => Plabel lbl :: k | Mgoto lbl => Pb lbl :: k | Mcond cond args lbl => transl_cond cond args (Pbc (crbit_for_cond cond) lbl :: k) | Mjumptable arg tbl => Pmov IR14 (SOlslimm (ireg_of arg) (Int.repr 2)) :: Pbtbl IR14 tbl :: k | Mreturn => loadind_int IR13 f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) IR14 (Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pbreg IR14 :: k) end. Definition transl_code (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) := List.fold_right (transl_instr f) nil il. (** Translation of a whole function. Note that we must check that the generated code contains less than [2^32] instructions, otherwise the offset part of the [PC] code pointer could wrap around, leading to incorrect executions. *) Definition transl_function (f: Mach.function) := Pallocframe (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: Pstr IR14 IR13 (SAimm f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) :: transl_code f f.(fn_code). Fixpoint code_size (c: code) : Z := match c with | nil => 0 | instr :: c' => code_size c' + 1 end. Open Local Scope string_scope. Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : res Asm.code := let c := transl_function f in if zlt Int.max_unsigned (code_size c) then Errors.Error (msg "code size exceeded") else Errors.OK c. Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : res Asm.fundef := transf_partial_fundef transf_function f. Definition transf_program (p: Mach.program) : res Asm.program := transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.