(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *) (* *) (* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *) (* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *) (* License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open Asm open Asmexpandaux open AST open Camlcoq (* open Integers *) let _0 = Integers.Int.zero (* Options controlling the output of the constants *) let literals_in_code = ref true (* to be turned into a proper option *) let vfpv3 = Configuration.model >= "armv7" (* Record current code position and latest position at which to emit float and symbol constants. *) let currpos = ref 0 let size_constants = ref 0 let max_pos_constants = ref max_int let distance_to_emit_constants () = if !literals_in_code then !max_pos_constants - (!currpos + !size_constants) else max_int (* Associate labels to floating-point constants and to symbols *) let float_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (Floats.float, label) Hashtbl.t) let float32_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (Floats.float32, label) Hashtbl.t) let symbol_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (ident * Integers.Int.int, label) Hashtbl.t) let get_label tbl sz pinc bf = try Hashtbl.find tbl bf with Not_found -> let lbl' = new_label () in Hashtbl.add tbl bf lbl'; size_constants := !size_constants + sz; max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + pinc); lbl' let label_float = get_label float_labels 8 1024 let label_float32 = get_label float32_labels 4 1024 let label_symbol id ofs = get_label symbol_labels 4 4096 (id,ofs) let reset_constants () = Hashtbl.clear float_labels; Hashtbl.clear float32_labels; Hashtbl.clear symbol_labels; size_constants := 0; max_pos_constants := max_int (* Recognition of float constants appropriate for VMOV. a normalized binary floating point encoding with 1 sign bit, 4 bits of fraction and a 3-bit exponent *) let is_immediate_float64 bits = let exp = (Int64.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 52)) land 0x7FF) - 1023 in let mant = Int64.logand bits 0xF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL in exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int64.logand mant 0xF_0000_0000_0000L = mant let is_immediate_float32 bits = let exp = (Int32.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 23)) land 0xFF) - 127 in let mant = Int32.logand bits 0x7F_FFFFl in exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int32.logand mant 0x78_0000l = mant let no_fallthrough = function | Pb _ -> true | Pbsymb _ -> true | Pbreg _ -> true | _ -> false let estimate_size = function | Pflid _ | Pflis _ -> 3 | Pfcmpd _ | Pfcmpzd _ | Pfsitod _ | Pfuitod _ | Pftosizd _ | Pftouizd _ | Pfcmps _ | Pfcmpzs _ | Pfsitos _ | Pfuitos _ | Pftosizs _ | Pftouizs _ | Pmovite _ -> 2 | Pbuiltin (ef,_,_) -> begin match ef with | EF_inline_asm _ -> 256 | _ -> 0 end | Pcfi_adjust _ | Pcfi_rel_offset _ | Plabel _ -> 0 | Pbtbl (r,tbl) -> 2 + List.length tbl | _ -> 1 let expand_constants () = let consts = Hashtbl.fold (fun bf lbl c -> Float64 (lbl, bf)::c) float_labels [] in let consts = Hashtbl.fold (fun bf lbl c -> Float32 (lbl, bf)::c) float32_labels consts in let consts = Hashtbl.fold (fun (id,ofs) lbl c -> Symbol (lbl,id,ofs)::c) symbol_labels consts in if consts <> [] then emit (Pconstants consts); reset_constants () let expand_instruction = function | Pflid (r1,f) -> let f' = camlint64_of_coqint(Floats.Float.to_bits f) in if vfpv3 && is_immediate_float64 f' then begin emit (Pflid_imm (r1,f)); 1 end else if !literals_in_code then begin let lbl = label_float f in emit (Pflid_lbl (r1,lbl,f)); 1 end else begin emit (Pflid (r1,f)); 3 end | Pflis (r1,f) -> let f' = camlint_of_coqint(Floats.Float32.to_bits f) in if vfpv3 && is_immediate_float32 f' then begin emit (Pflis_imm (r1,f)); 1 end else if !literals_in_code then begin let lbl = label_float32 f in emit (Pflis_lbl (r1,lbl,f)); 1 end else begin let lo = coqint_of_camlint (Int32.logand f' 0xFFFFl) and hi = coqint_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical f' 16) in emit (Pmovw (IR14,lo)); emit (Pmovt (IR14,hi)); emit (Pfcpy_fi (r1,IR14)); 3 end | Ploadsymbol(r1, id, ofs) -> let o = camlint_of_coqint ofs in if o >= -32768l && o <= 32767l && !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin emit (Ploadsymbol_imm (r1,id,ofs)); 2 end else begin let lbl = label_symbol id ofs in emit (Ploadsymbol_lbl (r1,lbl,id,ofs)); 1 end | inst -> emit inst; estimate_size inst let rec expand_instructions no_fall = function | [] -> () | i :: il -> let estimate = estimate_size i * 4 in let d = distance_to_emit_constants() - estimate in if d < 256 && no_fall then expand_constants () else if d < 16 then begin let lbl = new_label () in emit (Pb lbl); expand_constants (); emit (Plabel lbl) end; let n = expand_instruction i in currpos := !currpos + n * 4; expand_instructions (no_fallthrough i) il let expand_constants fn = reset_constants (); set_current_function fn; expand_instructions false fn.fn_code; expand_constants (); get_current_function ()