(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Printing ARM assembly code in asm syntax *) open Printf open Datatypes open Camlcoq open Sections open AST open Memdata open Asm (* On-the-fly label renaming *) let next_label = ref 100 let new_label() = let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t) let label_for_label lbl = try Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl with Not_found -> let lbl' = new_label() in Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl'; lbl' (* Basic printing functions *) let strip_variadic_suffix name = try String.sub name 0 (String.index name '$') with Not_found -> name let print_symb oc symb = fprintf oc "%s" (strip_variadic_suffix (extern_atom symb)) let print_label oc lbl = fprintf oc ".L%d" (label_for_label lbl) let coqint oc n = fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) let comment = "@" let print_symb_ofs oc (symb, ofs) = print_symb oc symb; let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs let int_reg_name = function | IR0 -> "r0" | IR1 -> "r1" | IR2 -> "r2" | IR3 -> "r3" | IR4 -> "r4" | IR5 -> "r5" | IR6 -> "r6" | IR7 -> "r7" | IR8 -> "r8" | IR9 -> "r9" | IR10 -> "r10" | IR11 -> "r11" | IR12 -> "r12" | IR13 -> "sp" | IR14 -> "lr" let float_reg_name = function | FR0 -> "d0" | FR1 -> "d1" | FR2 -> "d2" | FR3 -> "d3" | FR4 -> "d4" | FR5 -> "d5" | FR6 -> "d6" | FR7 -> "d7" | FR8 -> "d8" | FR9 -> "d9" | FR10 -> "d10" | FR11 -> "d11" | FR12 -> "d12" | FR13 -> "d13" | FR14 -> "d14" | FR15 -> "d15" let single_float_reg_index = function | FR0 -> 0 | FR1 -> 2 | FR2 -> 4 | FR3 -> 6 | FR4 -> 8 | FR5 -> 10 | FR6 -> 12 | FR7 -> 14 | FR8 -> 16 | FR9 -> 18 | FR10 -> 20 | FR11 -> 22 | FR12 -> 24 | FR13 -> 26 | FR14 -> 28 | FR15 -> 30 let single_float_reg_name = function | FR0 -> "s0" | FR1 -> "s2" | FR2 -> "s4" | FR3 -> "s6" | FR4 -> "s8" | FR5 -> "s10" | FR6 -> "s12" | FR7 -> "s14" | FR8 -> "s16" | FR9 -> "s18" | FR10 -> "s20" | FR11 -> "s22" | FR12 -> "s24" | FR13 -> "s26" | FR14 -> "s28" | FR15 -> "s30" let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r) let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r) let freg_single oc r = output_string oc (single_float_reg_name r) let preg oc = function | IR r -> ireg oc r | FR r -> freg oc r | _ -> assert false let condition_name = function | CReq -> "eq" | CRne -> "ne" | CRhs -> "hs" | CRlo -> "lo" | CRmi -> "mi" | CRpl -> "pl" | CRhi -> "hi" | CRls -> "ls" | CRge -> "ge" | CRlt -> "lt" | CRgt -> "gt" | CRle -> "le" (* Names of sections *) let name_of_section_ELF = function | Section_text -> ".text" | Section_data i | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss" | Section_const | Section_small_const -> ".section .rodata" | Section_string -> ".section .rodata" | Section_literal -> ".text" | Section_jumptable -> ".text" | Section_user(s, wr, ex) -> sprintf ".section %s,\"a%s%s\",%%progbits" s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "") let section oc sec = fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section_ELF sec) (* Record current code position and latest position at which to emit float and symbol constants. *) let currpos = ref 0 let size_constants = ref 0 let max_pos_constants = ref max_int let distance_to_emit_constants () = !max_pos_constants - (!currpos + !size_constants) (* Associate labels to floating-point constants and to symbols *) let float_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int64, int) Hashtbl.t) let label_float f = let bf = Int64.bits_of_float f in try Hashtbl.find float_labels bf with Not_found -> let lbl' = new_label() in Hashtbl.add float_labels bf lbl'; size_constants := !size_constants + 8; max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024); lbl' let symbol_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (ident * Integers.Int.int, int) Hashtbl.t) let label_symbol id ofs = try Hashtbl.find symbol_labels (id, ofs) with Not_found -> let lbl' = new_label() in Hashtbl.add symbol_labels (id, ofs) lbl'; size_constants := !size_constants + 4; max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 4096); lbl' let reset_constants () = Hashtbl.clear float_labels; Hashtbl.clear symbol_labels; size_constants := 0; max_pos_constants := max_int let emit_constants oc = Hashtbl.iter (fun bf lbl -> (* Little-endian floats *) let bfhi = Int64.shift_right_logical bf 32 and bflo = Int64.logand bf 0xFFFF_FFFFL in fprintf oc ".L%d: .word 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx\n" lbl bflo bfhi) float_labels; Hashtbl.iter (fun (id, ofs) lbl -> fprintf oc ".L%d: .word %a\n" lbl print_symb_ofs (id, ofs)) symbol_labels; reset_constants () (* Simulate instructions by calling helper functions *) let print_list_ireg oc l = match l with | [] -> assert false | r1 :: rs -> ireg oc r1; List.iter (fun r -> fprintf oc ", %a" ireg r) rs let rec remove l r = match l with | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> if hd = r then remove tl r else hd :: remove tl r let call_helper oc fn dst arg1 arg2 = (* Preserve caller-save registers r0...r3 except dst *) let tosave = remove [IR0; IR1; IR2; IR3] dst in fprintf oc " stmfd sp!, {%a}\n" print_list_ireg tosave; (* Copy arg1 to R0 and arg2 to R1 *) let moves = Parmov.parmove2 (=) (fun _ -> IR14) [arg1; arg2] [IR0; IR1] in List.iter (fun (Coq_pair(s, d)) -> fprintf oc " mov %a, %a\n" ireg d ireg s) moves; (* Call the helper function *) fprintf oc " bl %s\n" fn; (* Move result to dst *) begin match dst with | IR0 -> () | _ -> fprintf oc " mov %a, r0\n" ireg dst end; (* Restore the other caller-save registers *) fprintf oc " ldmfd sp!, {%a}\n" print_list_ireg tosave; (* ... for a total of at most 7 instructions *) 7 (* Built-ins. They come in two flavors: - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack locations; generate no code; - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary registers; preserve all registers the temporaries (IR10, IR12, IR14, FP2, FP4) *) (* Handling of annotations *) let re_annot_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[1-9][0-9]*" let print_annot_text print_arg oc txt args = fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment; let print_fragment = function | Str.Text s -> output_string oc s | Str.Delim "%%" -> output_char oc '%' | Str.Delim s -> let n = int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) in try print_arg oc (List.nth args (n-1)) with Failure _ -> fprintf oc "" s in List.iter print_fragment (Str.full_split re_annot_param txt); fprintf oc "\n" let print_annot_stmt oc txt args = let print_annot_param oc = function | APreg r -> preg oc r | APstack(chunk, ofs) -> fprintf oc "mem(R1 + %a, %a)" coqint ofs coqint (size_chunk chunk) in print_annot_text print_annot_param oc txt args let print_annot_val oc txt args res = print_annot_text preg oc txt args; match args, res with | IR src :: _, IR dst -> if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " mov %a, %a\n" ireg dst ireg src; 1) | FR src :: _, FR dst -> if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " fcpy %a, %a\n" freg dst freg src; 1) | _, _ -> assert false (* Handling of memcpy *) (* The ARM has strict alignment constraints. *) let print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst = let rec copy ofs sz ninstr = if sz >= 4 && al >= 4 then begin fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs; fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs; copy (ofs + 4) (sz - 4) (ninstr + 2) end else if sz >= 2 && al >= 2 then begin fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs; fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs; copy (ofs + 2) (sz - 2) (ninstr + 2) end else if sz >= 1 then begin fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs; fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs; copy (ofs + 1) (sz - 1) (ninstr + 2) end else ninstr in copy 0 sz 0 let print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst = assert (sz >= al); assert (sz mod al = 0); let (load, store, chunksize) = if al >= 4 then ("ldr", "str", 4) else if al = 2 then ("ldrh", "strh", 2) else ("ldrb", "strb", 1) in let tmp = if src <> IR0 && dst <> IR0 then IR0 else if src <> IR1 && dst <> IR1 then IR1 else IR2 in let tosave = List.sort compare [tmp;src;dst] in fprintf oc " stmfd sp!, {%a}\n" print_list_ireg tosave; begin match Asmgen.decompose_int (coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int (sz / chunksize))) with | [] -> assert false | hd::tl -> fprintf oc " mov %a, #%a\n" ireg IR14 coqint hd; List.iter (fun n -> fprintf oc " orr %a, %a, #%a\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14 coqint n) tl end; let lbl = new_label() in fprintf oc ".L%d: %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" lbl load ireg tmp ireg src chunksize; fprintf oc " subs %a, %a, #1\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14; fprintf oc " %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" store ireg tmp ireg dst chunksize; fprintf oc " bne .L%d\n" lbl; fprintf oc " ldmfd sp!, {%a}\n" print_list_ireg tosave; 9 let print_builtin_memcpy oc sz al args = let (dst, src) = match args with [IR d; IR s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned, size = %d, alignment = %d\n" comment sz al; let n = if sz <= 32 then print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst else print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst in fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned\n" comment; n (* Handling of volatile reads and writes *) let print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res = fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; let n = begin match chunk, args, res with | Mint8unsigned, [IR addr], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1 | Mint8signed, [IR addr], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1 | Mint16unsigned, [IR addr], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1 | Mint16signed, [IR addr], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1 | Mint32, [IR addr], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1 | Mfloat32, [IR addr], FR res -> fprintf oc " flds %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single res ireg addr; fprintf oc " fcvtds %a, %a\n" freg res freg_single res; 2 | Mfloat64, [IR addr], FR res -> fprintf oc " fldd %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg res ireg addr; 1 | _ -> assert false end in fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; n let print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args = fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; let n = begin match chunk, args with | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] -> fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1 | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] -> fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1 | Mint32, [IR addr; IR src] -> fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1 | Mfloat32, [IR addr; FR src] -> fprintf oc " fcvtsd %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg src; fprintf oc " fsts %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single FR6 ireg addr; 2 | Mfloat64, [IR addr; FR src] -> fprintf oc " fstd %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg src ireg addr; 1 | _ -> assert false end in fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; n (* Magic sequence for byte-swapping *) let print_bswap oc src tmp dst = (* tmp <> src, tmp <> dst, but can have dst = src *) (* src = A . B .C . D *) fprintf oc " eor %a, %a, %a, ror #16\n" ireg tmp ireg src ireg src; (* tmp = A^C . B^D . C^A . D^B *) fprintf oc " bic %a, %a, #0x00FF0000\n" ireg tmp ireg tmp; (* tmp = A^C . 000 . C^A . D^B *) fprintf oc " mov %a, %a, ror #8\n" ireg dst ireg src; (* dst = D . A . B . C *) fprintf oc " eor %a, %a, %a, lsr #8\n" ireg dst ireg dst ireg tmp (* dst = D . A^A^C . B . C^C^A = D . C . B . A *) (* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *) let print_builtin_inline oc name args res = fprintf oc "%s begin %s\n" comment name; let n = match name, args, res with (* Integer arithmetic *) | "__builtin_bswap", [IR a1], IR res -> print_bswap oc a1 IR14 res; 4 (* Float arithmetic *) | "__builtin_fabs", [FR a1], FR res -> fprintf oc " fabsd %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1 | "__builtin_fsqrt", [FR a1], FR res -> fprintf oc " fsqrtd %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1 (* Memory accesses *) | "__builtin_read_int16_reversed", [IR a1], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1; fprintf oc " mov %a, %a, lsl #8\n" ireg IR14 ireg res; fprintf oc " and %a, %a, #0xFF00\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14; fprintf oc " orr %a, %a, %a, lsr #8\n" ireg res ireg IR14 ireg res; 4 | "__builtin_read_int32_reversed", [IR a1], IR res -> fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1; print_bswap oc res IR14 res; 5 | "__builtin_write_int16_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ -> fprintf oc " mov %a, %a, lsr #8\n" ireg IR14 ireg a2; fprintf oc " and %a, %a, #0xFF\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14; fprintf oc " orr %a, %a, %a, lsl #8\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14 ireg a2; fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg IR14 ireg a1; 4 | "__builtin_write_int32_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ -> let tmp = if a1 = IR10 then IR12 else IR10 in print_bswap oc a2 IR14 tmp; fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg tmp ireg a1; 5 (* Catch-all *) | _ -> invalid_arg ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name) in fprintf oc "%s end %s\n" comment name; n (* Fixing up calling conventions *) type direction = Incoming | Outgoing let fixup_conventions oc dir tyl = let fixup f i1 i2 = match dir with | Incoming -> (* f <- (i1, i2) *) fprintf oc " fmdlr %a, %a\n" freg f ireg i1; fprintf oc " fmdhr %a, %a\n" freg f ireg i2 | Outgoing -> (* (i1, i2) <- f *) fprintf oc " fmrdl %a, %a\n" ireg i1 freg f; fprintf oc " fmrdh %a, %a\n" ireg i2 freg f in match tyl with | Tfloat :: Tfloat :: _ -> fixup FR0 IR0 IR1; fixup FR1 IR2 IR3; 4 | Tfloat :: _ -> fixup FR0 IR0 IR1; 2 | Tint :: Tfloat :: _ | Tint :: Tint :: Tfloat :: _ -> fixup FR1 IR2 IR3; 2 | _ -> 0 let fixup_arguments oc dir sg = fixup_conventions oc dir sg.sig_args let fixup_result oc dir sg = fixup_conventions oc dir (proj_sig_res sg :: []) (* Printing of instructions *) let shift_op oc = function | SOimm n -> fprintf oc "#%a" coqint n | SOreg r -> ireg oc r | SOlslimm(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsl #%a" ireg r coqint n | SOlslreg(r, r') -> fprintf oc "%a, lsl %a" ireg r ireg r' | SOlsrimm(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsr #%a" ireg r coqint n | SOlsrreg(r, r') -> fprintf oc "%a, lsr %a" ireg r ireg r' | SOasrimm(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, asr #%a" ireg r coqint n | SOasrreg(r, r') -> fprintf oc "%a, asr %a" ireg r ireg r' | SOrorimm(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, ror #%a" ireg r coqint n | SOrorreg(r, r') -> fprintf oc "%a, ror %a" ireg r ireg r' let shift_addr oc = function | SAimm n -> fprintf oc "#%a" coqint n | SAreg r -> ireg oc r | SAlsl(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsl #%a" ireg r coqint n | SAlsr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsr #%a" ireg r coqint n | SAasr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, asr #%a" ireg r coqint n | SAror(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, ror #%a" ireg r coqint n let print_instruction oc = function (* Core instructions *) | Padd(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " add %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pand(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " and %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pb lbl -> fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label lbl; 1 | Pbc(bit, lbl) -> fprintf oc " b%s %a\n" (condition_name bit) print_label lbl; 1 | Pbsymb(id, sg) -> let n = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_symb id; n + 1 | Pbreg(r, sg) -> let n = if r = IR14 then fixup_result oc Outgoing sg else fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in fprintf oc " bx %a\n" ireg r; n + 1 | Pblsymb(id, sg) -> let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in fprintf oc " bl %a\n" print_symb id; let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in n1 + 1 + n2 | Pblreg(r, sg) -> let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in fprintf oc " blx %a\n" ireg r; let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in n1 + 1 + n2 | Pbic(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " bic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pcmp(r1, so) -> fprintf oc " cmp %a, %a\n" ireg r1 shift_op so; 1 | Peor(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " eor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pldr(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pldrb(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pldrh(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pldrsb(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pldrsh(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pmov(r1, so) -> fprintf oc " mov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 shift_op so; 1 | Pmovc(bit, r1, so) -> fprintf oc " mov%s %a, %a\n" (condition_name bit) ireg r1 shift_op so; 1 | Pmul(r1, r2, r3) -> fprintf oc " mul %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1 | Pmvn(r1, so) -> fprintf oc " mvn %a, %a\n" ireg r1 shift_op so; 1 | Porr(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " orr %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Prsb(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " rsb %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pstr(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pstrb(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Pstrh(r1, r2, sa) -> fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_addr sa; 1 | Psdiv(r1, r2, r3) -> call_helper oc "__aeabi_idiv" r1 r2 r3 | Psub(r1, r2, so) -> fprintf oc " sub %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1 | Pudiv(r1, r2, r3) -> call_helper oc "__aeabi_uidiv" r1 r2 r3 (* Floating-point coprocessor instructions *) | Pfcpyd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fcpyd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1 | Pfabsd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fabsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1 | Pfnegd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fnegd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1 | Pfaddd(r1, r2, r3) -> fprintf oc " faddd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1 | Pfdivd(r1, r2, r3) -> fprintf oc " fdivd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1 | Pfmuld(r1, r2, r3) -> fprintf oc " fmuld %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1 | Pfsubd(r1, r2, r3) -> fprintf oc " fsubd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1 | Pflid(r1, f) -> (* if Int64.bits_of_float f = 0L (* +0.0 *) then begin fprintf oc " mvfd %a, #0.0\n" freg r1; 1 end else begin *) let lbl = label_float f in fprintf oc " fldd %a, .L%d @ %.12g\n" freg r1 lbl f; 1 | Pfcmpd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fcmpd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; fprintf oc " fmstat\n"; 2 | Pfsitod(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fmsr %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2; fprintf oc " fsitod %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2 | Pfuitod(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fmsr %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2; fprintf oc " fuitod %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2 | Pftosizd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " ftosizd %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2; fprintf oc " fmrs %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2 | Pftouizd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " ftouizd %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2; fprintf oc " fmrs %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2 | Pfcvtsd(r1, r2) -> fprintf oc " fcvtsd %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg r2; fprintf oc " fcvtds %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2 | Pfldd(r1, r2, n) -> fprintf oc " fldd %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1 | Pflds(r1, r2, n) -> fprintf oc " flds %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2 coqint n; fprintf oc " fcvtds %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2 | Pfstd(r1, r2, n) -> fprintf oc " fstd %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1 | Pfsts(r1, r2, n) -> fprintf oc " fcvtsd %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r1; fprintf oc " fsts %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single FR6 ireg r2 coqint n; 2 (* Pseudo-instructions *) | Pallocframe(sz, ofs) -> fprintf oc " mov r12, sp\n"; let ninstr = ref 0 in List.iter (fun n -> fprintf oc " sub sp, sp, #%a\n" coqint n; incr ninstr) (Asmgen.decompose_int sz); fprintf oc " str r12, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs; 2 + !ninstr | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) -> if Asmgen.is_immed_arith sz then fprintf oc " add sp, sp, #%a\n" coqint sz else fprintf oc " ldr sp, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs; 1 | Plabel lbl -> fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_label lbl; 0 | Ploadsymbol(r1, id, ofs) -> let lbl = label_symbol id ofs in fprintf oc " ldr %a, .L%d @ %a\n" ireg r1 lbl print_symb_ofs (id, ofs); 1 | Pbtbl(r, tbl) -> fprintf oc " ldr pc, [pc, %a]\n" ireg r; fprintf oc " mov r0, r0\n"; (* no-op *) List.iter (fun l -> fprintf oc " .word %a\n" print_label l) tbl; 2 + List.length tbl | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> begin match ef with | EF_builtin(name, sg) -> print_builtin_inline oc (extern_atom name) args res | EF_vload chunk -> print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res | EF_vstore chunk -> print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args | EF_memcpy(sz, al) -> print_builtin_memcpy oc (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint sz)) (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args | EF_annot_val(txt, targ) -> print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res | _ -> assert false end | Pannot(ef, args) -> begin match ef with | EF_annot(txt, targs) -> print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) args; 0 | _ -> assert false end let no_fallthrough = function | Pb _ -> true | Pbsymb _ -> true | Pbreg _ -> true | _ -> false let rec print_instructions oc instrs = match instrs with | [] -> () | i :: il -> let n = print_instruction oc i in currpos := !currpos + n * 4; let d = distance_to_emit_constants() in if d < 256 && no_fallthrough i then emit_constants oc else if d < 16 then begin let lbl = new_label() in fprintf oc " b .L%d\n" lbl; emit_constants oc; fprintf oc ".L%d:\n" lbl end; print_instructions oc il let print_function oc name fn = Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels; reset_constants(); currpos := 0; let (text, _, _) = sections_for_function name in section oc text; fprintf oc " .align 2\n"; if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then fprintf oc " .global %a\n" print_symb name; fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name; ignore (fixup_arguments oc Incoming fn.fn_sig); print_instructions oc fn.fn_code; emit_constants oc; fprintf oc " .type %a, %%function\n" print_symb name; fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" print_symb name print_symb name let print_fundef oc (Coq_pair(name, defn)) = match defn with | Internal code -> print_function oc name code | External ef -> () (* Data *) let print_init oc = function | Init_int8 n -> fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_int16 n -> fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_int32 n -> fprintf oc " .word %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_float32 n -> fprintf oc " .word 0x%lx %s %.15g \n" (Int32.bits_of_float n) comment n | Init_float64 n -> fprintf oc " .quad %Ld %s %.18g\n" (Int64.bits_of_float n) comment n | Init_space n -> let n = camlint_of_z n in if n > 0l then fprintf oc " .space %ld\n" n | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) -> fprintf oc " .word %a\n" print_symb_ofs (symb, ofs) let print_init_data oc name id = if Str.string_match PrintCsyntax.re_string_literal (extern_atom name) 0 && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) id then fprintf oc " .ascii \"%s\"\n" (PrintCsyntax.string_of_init id) else List.iter (print_init oc) id (* Base-2 log of a Caml integer *) let rec log2 n = assert (n > 0); if n = 1 then 0 else 1 + log2 (n lsr 1) let print_var oc (Coq_pair(name, v)) = match v.gvar_init with | [] -> () | _ -> let init = match v.gvar_init with [Init_space _] -> false | _ -> true in let sec = Sections.section_for_variable name init and align = match C2C.atom_alignof name with | Some a -> log2 a | None -> 3 (* 8-alignment is a safe default *) in section oc sec; fprintf oc " .align %d\n" align; if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then fprintf oc " .global %a\n" print_symb name; fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name; print_init_data oc name v.gvar_init; fprintf oc " .type %a, %%object\n" print_symb name; fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" print_symb name print_symb name let print_program oc p = fprintf oc " .fpu vfp\n"; List.iter (print_var oc) p.prog_vars; List.iter (print_fundef oc) p.prog_funct