(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Machine- and ABI-dependent layout information for activation records. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Bounds. (** The general shape of activation records is as follows, from bottom (lowest offsets) to top: - Space for outgoing arguments to function calls. - Local stack slots of integer type. - Saved values of integer callee-save registers used by the function. - One word of padding, if necessary to align the following data on a 8-byte boundary. - Local stack slots of float type. - Saved values of float callee-save registers used by the function. - Saved return address into caller. - Pointer to activation record of the caller. - Space for the stack-allocated data declared in Cminor. To facilitate some of the proofs, the Cminor stack-allocated data starts at offset 0; the preceding areas in the activation record therefore have negative offsets. This part (with negative offsets) is called the ``frame'', by opposition with the ``Cminor stack data'' which is the part with positive offsets. The [frame_env] compilation environment records the positions of the boundaries between areas in the frame part. *) Definition fe_ofs_arg := 0. Record frame_env : Type := mk_frame_env { fe_size: Z; fe_ofs_link: Z; fe_ofs_retaddr: Z; fe_ofs_int_local: Z; fe_ofs_int_callee_save: Z; fe_num_int_callee_save: Z; fe_ofs_float_local: Z; fe_ofs_float_callee_save: Z; fe_num_float_callee_save: Z }. (** Computation of the frame environment from the bounds of the current function. *) Definition make_env (b: bounds) := let oil := 4 * b.(bound_outgoing) in (* integer locals *) let oics := oil + 4 * b.(bound_int_local) in (* integer callee-saves *) let oendi := oics + 4 * b.(bound_int_callee_save) in let ofl := align oendi 8 in (* float locals *) let ofcs := ofl + 8 * b.(bound_float_local) in (* float callee-saves *) let ora := ofcs + 8 * b.(bound_float_callee_save) in (* retaddr *) let olink := ora + 4 in (* back link *) let sz := olink + 4 in (* total frame size *) mk_frame_env sz olink ora oil oics b.(bound_int_callee_save) ofl ofcs b.(bound_float_callee_save). Remark align_float_part: forall b, 4 * bound_outgoing b + 4 * bound_int_local b + 4 * bound_int_callee_save b <= align (4 * bound_outgoing b + 4 * bound_int_local b + 4 * bound_int_callee_save b) 8. Proof. intros. apply align_le. omega. Qed.