(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Util functions used for the expansion of built-ins and some pseudo-instructions *) open Asm open AST open Camlcoq (* Buffering the expanded code *) let current_code = ref ([]: instruction list) let emit i = current_code := i :: !current_code (* Generation of fresh labels *) let dummy_function = { fn_code = []; fn_sig = signature_main } let current_function = ref dummy_function let next_label = ref (None: label option) let new_label () = let lbl = match !next_label with | Some l -> l | None -> (* on-demand computation of the next available label *) List.fold_left (fun next instr -> match instr with | Plabel l -> if P.lt l next then next else P.succ l | _ -> next) P.one (!current_function).fn_code in next_label := Some (P.succ lbl); lbl let set_current_function f = current_function := f; next_label := None; current_code := [] let get_current_function () = let c = List.rev !current_code in let fn = !current_function in set_current_function dummy_function; {fn with fn_code = c} (* Expand function for debug information *) let expand_scope id lbl oldscopes newscopes = let opening = List.filter (fun a -> not (List.mem a oldscopes)) newscopes and closing = List.filter (fun a -> not (List.mem a newscopes)) oldscopes in List.iter (fun i -> Debug.open_scope id i lbl) opening; List.iter (fun i -> Debug.close_scope id i lbl) closing let translate_annot sp preg_to_dwarf annot = let rec aux = function | BA x -> Some (sp,BA (preg_to_dwarf x)) | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ | BA_loadglobal _ | BA_addrglobal _ | BA_loadstack _ -> None | BA_addrstack ofs -> Some (sp,BA_addrstack ofs) | BA_splitlong (hi,lo) -> begin match (aux hi,aux lo) with | Some (_,hi) ,Some (_,lo) -> Some (sp,BA_splitlong (hi,lo)) | _,_ -> None end in (match annot with | [] -> None | a::_ -> aux a) let expand_debug id sp preg simple l = let get_lbl = function | None -> let lbl = new_label () in emit (Plabel lbl); lbl | Some lbl -> lbl in let rec aux lbl scopes = function | [] -> let lbl = get_lbl lbl in Debug.function_end id lbl | (Pbuiltin(EF_debug (kind,txt,_x),args,_) as i)::rest -> let kind = (P.to_int kind) in begin match kind with | 1-> emit i;aux lbl scopes rest | 2 -> aux lbl scopes rest | 3 -> begin match translate_annot sp preg args with | Some a -> let lbl = get_lbl lbl in Debug.start_live_range (id,txt) lbl a; aux (Some lbl) scopes rest | None -> aux lbl scopes rest end | 4 -> let lbl = get_lbl lbl in Debug.end_live_range (id,txt) lbl; aux (Some lbl) scopes rest | 5 -> begin match translate_annot sp preg args with | Some a-> Debug.stack_variable (id,txt) a; aux lbl scopes rest | _ -> aux lbl scopes rest end | 6 -> let lbl = get_lbl lbl in let scopes' = List.map (function BA_int x -> Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint x) | _ -> assert false) args in expand_scope id lbl scopes scopes'; aux (Some lbl) scopes' rest | _ -> aux None scopes rest end | (Plabel lbl)::rest -> simple (Plabel lbl); aux (Some lbl) scopes rest | i::rest -> simple i; aux None scopes rest in (* We need to move all closing debug annotations before the last real statement *) let rec move_debug acc bcc = function | (Pbuiltin(EF_debug (kind,_,_),_,_) as i)::rest -> let kind = (P.to_int kind) in if kind = 1 then move_debug acc (i::bcc) rest (* Do not move debug line *) else move_debug (i::acc) bcc rest (* Move the debug annotations forward *) | b::rest -> List.rev ((List.rev (b::bcc)@List.rev acc)@rest) (* We found the first non debug location *) | [] -> List.rev acc (* This actually can never happen *) in aux None [] (move_debug [] [] (List.rev l))