(** Abstract syntax and semantics for the Cminor language. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Events. Require Import Values. Require Import Mem. Require Import Op. Require Import Globalenvs. (** * Abstract syntax *) (** Cminor is a low-level imperative language structured in expressions, statements, functions and programs. Expressions include reading and writing local variables, reading and writing store locations, arithmetic operations, function calls, and conditional expressions (similar to [e1 ? e2 : e3] in C). The [Elet] and [Eletvar] constructs enable sharing the computations of subexpressions. De Bruijn notation is used: [Eletvar n] refers to the value bound by then [n+1]-th enclosing [Elet] construct. A variant [condexpr] of [expr] is used to represent expressions which are evaluated for their boolean value only and not their exact value. *) Inductive expr : Set := | Evar : ident -> expr | Eassign : ident -> expr -> expr | Eop : operation -> exprlist -> expr | Eload : memory_chunk -> addressing -> exprlist -> expr | Estore : memory_chunk -> addressing -> exprlist -> expr -> expr | Ecall : signature -> expr -> exprlist -> expr | Econdition : condexpr -> expr -> expr -> expr | Elet : expr -> expr -> expr | Eletvar : nat -> expr | Ealloc : expr -> expr with condexpr : Set := | CEtrue: condexpr | CEfalse: condexpr | CEcond: condition -> exprlist -> condexpr | CEcondition : condexpr -> condexpr -> condexpr -> condexpr with exprlist : Set := | Enil: exprlist | Econs: expr -> exprlist -> exprlist. (** Statements include expression evaluation, an if/then/else conditional, infinite loops, blocks and early block exits, and early function returns. [Sexit n] terminates prematurely the execution of the [n+1] enclosing [Sblock] statements. *) Inductive stmt : Set := | Sskip: stmt | Sexpr: expr -> stmt | Sseq: stmt -> stmt -> stmt | Sifthenelse: condexpr -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt | Sloop: stmt -> stmt | Sblock: stmt -> stmt | Sexit: nat -> stmt | Sswitch: expr -> list (int * nat) -> nat -> stmt | Sreturn: option expr -> stmt. (** Functions are composed of a signature, a list of parameter names, a list of local variables, and a statement representing the function body. Each function can allocate a memory block of size [fn_stackspace] on entrance. This block will be deallocated automatically before the function returns. Pointers into this block can be taken with the [Oaddrstack] operator. *) Record function : Set := mkfunction { fn_sig: signature; fn_params: list ident; fn_vars: list ident; fn_stackspace: Z; fn_body: stmt }. Definition fundef := AST.fundef function. Definition program := AST.program fundef unit. Definition funsig (fd: fundef) := match fd with | Internal f => f.(fn_sig) | External ef => ef.(ef_sig) end. (** * Operational semantics *) (** The operational semantics for Cminor is given in big-step operational style. Expressions evaluate to values, and statements evaluate to ``outcomes'' indicating how execution should proceed afterwards. *) Inductive outcome: Set := | Out_normal: outcome (**r continue in sequence *) | Out_exit: nat -> outcome (**r terminate [n+1] enclosing blocks *) | Out_return: option val -> outcome. (**r return immediately to caller *) Definition outcome_result_value (out: outcome) (ot: option typ) (v: val) : Prop := match out, ot with | Out_normal, None => v = Vundef | Out_return None, None => v = Vundef | Out_return (Some v'), Some ty => v = v' | _, _ => False end. Definition outcome_block (out: outcome) : outcome := match out with | Out_normal => Out_normal | Out_exit O => Out_normal | Out_exit (S n) => Out_exit n | Out_return optv => Out_return optv end. Fixpoint switch_target (n: int) (dfl: nat) (cases: list (int * nat)) {struct cases} : nat := match cases with | nil => dfl | (n1, lbl1) :: rem => if Int.eq n n1 then lbl1 else switch_target n dfl rem end. (** Three kinds of evaluation environments are involved: - [genv]: global environments, define symbols and functions; - [env]: local environments, map local variables to values; - [lenv]: let environments, map de Bruijn indices to values. *) Definition genv := Genv.t fundef. Definition env := PTree.t val. Definition letenv := list val. (** The following functions build the initial local environment at function entry, binding parameters to the provided arguments and initializing local variables to [Vundef]. *) Fixpoint set_params (vl: list val) (il: list ident) {struct il} : env := match il, vl with | i1 :: is, v1 :: vs => PTree.set i1 v1 (set_params vs is) | i1 :: is, nil => PTree.set i1 Vundef (set_params nil is) | _, _ => PTree.empty val end. Fixpoint set_locals (il: list ident) (e: env) {struct il} : env := match il with | nil => e | i1 :: is => PTree.set i1 Vundef (set_locals is e) end. Section RELSEM. Variable ge: genv. (** Evaluation of an expression: [eval_expr ge sp le e m a e' m' v] states that expression [a], in initial local environment [e] and memory state [m], evaluates to value [v]. [e'] and [m'] are the final local environment and memory state, respectively, reflecting variable assignments and memory stores possibly performed by [a]. [ge] and [le] are the global environment and let environment respectively, and are unchanged during evaluation. [sp] is the pointer to the memory block allocated for this function (stack frame). *) Inductive eval_expr: val -> letenv -> env -> mem -> expr -> trace -> env -> mem -> val -> Prop := | eval_Evar: forall sp le e m id v, PTree.get id e = Some v -> eval_expr sp le e m (Evar id) E0 e m v | eval_Eassign: forall sp le e m id a t e1 m1 v, eval_expr sp le e m a t e1 m1 v -> eval_expr sp le e m (Eassign id a) t (PTree.set id v e1) m1 v | eval_Eop: forall sp le e m op al t e1 m1 vl v, eval_exprlist sp le e m al t e1 m1 vl -> eval_operation ge sp op vl = Some v -> eval_expr sp le e m (Eop op al) t e1 m1 v | eval_Eload: forall sp le e m chunk addr al t e1 m1 v vl a, eval_exprlist sp le e m al t e1 m1 vl -> eval_addressing ge sp addr vl = Some a -> Mem.loadv chunk m1 a = Some v -> eval_expr sp le e m (Eload chunk addr al) t e1 m1 v | eval_Estore: forall sp le e m chunk addr al b t t1 e1 m1 vl t2 e2 m2 m3 v a, eval_exprlist sp le e m al t1 e1 m1 vl -> eval_expr sp le e1 m1 b t2 e2 m2 v -> eval_addressing ge sp addr vl = Some a -> Mem.storev chunk m2 a v = Some m3 -> t = t1 ** t2 -> eval_expr sp le e m (Estore chunk addr al b) t e2 m3 v | eval_Ecall: forall sp le e m sig a bl t t1 e1 m1 t2 e2 m2 t3 m3 vf vargs vres f, eval_expr sp le e m a t1 e1 m1 vf -> eval_exprlist sp le e1 m1 bl t2 e2 m2 vargs -> Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f -> funsig f = sig -> eval_funcall m2 f vargs t3 m3 vres -> t = t1 ** t2 ** t3 -> eval_expr sp le e m (Ecall sig a bl) t e2 m3 vres | eval_Econdition: forall sp le e m a b c t t1 e1 m1 v1 t2 e2 m2 v2, eval_condexpr sp le e m a t1 e1 m1 v1 -> eval_expr sp le e1 m1 (if v1 then b else c) t2 e2 m2 v2 -> t = t1 ** t2 -> eval_expr sp le e m (Econdition a b c) t e2 m2 v2 | eval_Elet: forall sp le e m a b t t1 e1 m1 v1 t2 e2 m2 v2, eval_expr sp le e m a t1 e1 m1 v1 -> eval_expr sp (v1::le) e1 m1 b t2 e2 m2 v2 -> t = t1 ** t2 -> eval_expr sp le e m (Elet a b) t e2 m2 v2 | eval_Eletvar: forall sp le e m n v, nth_error le n = Some v -> eval_expr sp le e m (Eletvar n) E0 e m v | eval_Ealloc: forall sp le e m a t e1 m1 n m2 b, eval_expr sp le e m a t e1 m1 (Vint n) -> Mem.alloc m1 0 (Int.signed n) = (m2, b) -> eval_expr sp le e m (Ealloc a) t e1 m2 (Vptr b Int.zero) (** Evaluation of a condition expression: [eval_condexpr ge sp le e m a e' m' b] states that condition expression [a] evaluates to the boolean value [b]. The other parameters are as in [eval_expr]. *) with eval_condexpr: val -> letenv -> env -> mem -> condexpr -> trace -> env -> mem -> bool -> Prop := | eval_CEtrue: forall sp le e m, eval_condexpr sp le e m CEtrue E0 e m true | eval_CEfalse: forall sp le e m, eval_condexpr sp le e m CEfalse E0 e m false | eval_CEcond: forall sp le e m cond al t1 e1 m1 vl b, eval_exprlist sp le e m al t1 e1 m1 vl -> eval_condition cond vl = Some b -> eval_condexpr sp le e m (CEcond cond al) t1 e1 m1 b | eval_CEcondition: forall sp le e m a b c t t1 e1 m1 vb1 t2 e2 m2 vb2, eval_condexpr sp le e m a t1 e1 m1 vb1 -> eval_condexpr sp le e1 m1 (if vb1 then b else c) t2 e2 m2 vb2 -> t = t1 ** t2 -> eval_condexpr sp le e m (CEcondition a b c) t e2 m2 vb2 (** Evaluation of a list of expressions: [eval_exprlist ge sp le al m a e' m' vl] states that the list [al] of expressions evaluate to the list [vl] of values. The other parameters are as in [eval_expr]. *) with eval_exprlist: val -> letenv -> env -> mem -> exprlist -> trace -> env -> mem -> list val -> Prop := | eval_Enil: forall sp le e m, eval_exprlist sp le e m Enil E0 e m nil | eval_Econs: forall sp le e m a bl t t1 e1 m1 v t2 e2 m2 vl, eval_expr sp le e m a t1 e1 m1 v -> eval_exprlist sp le e1 m1 bl t2 e2 m2 vl -> t = t1 ** t2 -> eval_exprlist sp le e m (Econs a bl) t e2 m2 (v :: vl) (** Evaluation of a function invocation: [eval_funcall ge m f args m' res] means that the function [f], applied to the arguments [args] in memory state [m], returns the value [res] in modified memory state [m']. *) with eval_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace -> mem -> val -> Prop := | eval_funcall_internal: forall m f vargs m1 sp e t e2 m2 out vres, Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = (m1, sp) -> set_locals f.(fn_vars) (set_params vargs f.(fn_params)) = e -> exec_stmt (Vptr sp Int.zero) e m1 f.(fn_body) t e2 m2 out -> outcome_result_value out f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) vres -> eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t (Mem.free m2 sp) vres | eval_funcall_external: forall ef m args t res, event_match ef args t res -> eval_funcall m (External ef) args t m res (** Execution of a statement: [exec_stmt ge sp e m s e' m' out] means that statement [s] executes with outcome [out]. The other parameters are as in [eval_expr]. *) with exec_stmt: val -> env -> mem -> stmt -> trace -> env -> mem -> outcome -> Prop := | exec_Sskip: forall sp e m, exec_stmt sp e m Sskip E0 e m Out_normal | exec_Sexpr: forall sp e m a t e1 m1 v, eval_expr sp nil e m a t e1 m1 v -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sexpr a) t e1 m1 Out_normal | exec_Sifthenelse: forall sp e m a s1 s2 t t1 e1 m1 v1 t2 e2 m2 out, eval_condexpr sp nil e m a t1 e1 m1 v1 -> exec_stmt sp e1 m1 (if v1 then s1 else s2) t2 e2 m2 out -> t = t1 ** t2 -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sifthenelse a s1 s2) t e2 m2 out | exec_Sseq_continue: forall sp e m t s1 t1 e1 m1 s2 t2 e2 m2 out, exec_stmt sp e m s1 t1 e1 m1 Out_normal -> exec_stmt sp e1 m1 s2 t2 e2 m2 out -> t = t1 ** t2 -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sseq s1 s2) t e2 m2 out | exec_Sseq_stop: forall sp e m t s1 s2 e1 m1 out, exec_stmt sp e m s1 t e1 m1 out -> out <> Out_normal -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sseq s1 s2) t e1 m1 out | exec_Sloop_loop: forall sp e m s t t1 e1 m1 t2 e2 m2 out, exec_stmt sp e m s t1 e1 m1 Out_normal -> exec_stmt sp e1 m1 (Sloop s) t2 e2 m2 out -> t = t1 ** t2 -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sloop s) t e2 m2 out | exec_Sloop_stop: forall sp e m t s e1 m1 out, exec_stmt sp e m s t e1 m1 out -> out <> Out_normal -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sloop s) t e1 m1 out | exec_Sblock: forall sp e m s t e1 m1 out, exec_stmt sp e m s t e1 m1 out -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sblock s) t e1 m1 (outcome_block out) | exec_Sexit: forall sp e m n, exec_stmt sp e m (Sexit n) E0 e m (Out_exit n) | exec_Sswitch: forall sp e m a cases default t1 e1 m1 n, eval_expr sp nil e m a t1 e1 m1 (Vint n) -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sswitch a cases default) t1 e1 m1 (Out_exit (switch_target n default cases)) | exec_Sreturn_none: forall sp e m, exec_stmt sp e m (Sreturn None) E0 e m (Out_return None) | exec_Sreturn_some: forall sp e m a t e1 m1 v, eval_expr sp nil e m a t e1 m1 v -> exec_stmt sp e m (Sreturn (Some a)) t e1 m1 (Out_return (Some v)). End RELSEM. (** Execution of a whole program: [exec_program p r] holds if the application of [p]'s main function to no arguments in the initial memory state for [p] eventually returns value [r]. *) Definition exec_program (p: program) (t: trace) (r: val) : Prop := let ge := Genv.globalenv p in let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in exists b, exists f, exists m, Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f /\ funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) /\ eval_funcall ge m0 f nil t m r.