(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Computation of live ranges for local variables that carry debugging information. *) Require Import Axioms Coqlib Maps Iteration Errors. Require Import Integers Floats AST. Require Import Machregs Locations Conventions Linear. (** A debug info is a [builtin_arg loc] expression that safely evaluates in any context. *) Fixpoint safe_builtin_arg {A: Type} (a: builtin_arg A) : Prop := match a with | BA _ | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ => True | BA_splitlong hi lo => safe_builtin_arg hi /\ safe_builtin_arg lo | _ => False end. Definition debuginfo := { a : builtin_arg loc | safe_builtin_arg a }. (** Normalization of debug info. Prefer an actual location to a constant. Make sure that the debug info is safe to evaluate in any context. *) Definition normalize_debug_1 (a: builtin_arg loc) : option debuginfo := match a with | BA x => Some (exist _ (BA x) I) | BA_int n => Some (exist _ (BA_int n) I) | BA_long n => Some (exist _ (BA_long n) I) | BA_float n => Some (exist _ (BA_float n) I) | BA_single n => Some (exist _ (BA_single n) I) | BA_splitlong (BA hi) (BA lo) => Some (exist _ (BA_splitlong (BA hi) (BA lo)) (conj I I)) | _ => None end. Fixpoint normalize_debug (l: list (builtin_arg loc)) : option debuginfo := match l with | nil => None | a :: l' => match a with | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ => match normalize_debug l' with | Some i => Some i | None => normalize_debug_1 a end | _ => normalize_debug_1 a end end. (** * Availability analysis *) (** This static analysis tracks which locations (registers and stack slots) contain the values of which C local variables. The abstraction of the program state at a program point is a list of pairs (variable name, location). It is kept sorted by increasing name. The location is represented by a safe [builtin_arg loc] expression. *) Definition avail : Type := list (ident * debuginfo). (** Operations on [avail] abstract states. *) Fixpoint set_state (v: ident) (i: debuginfo) (s: avail) : avail := match s with | nil => (v, i) :: nil | (v', i') as vi' :: s' => match Pos.compare v v' with | Eq => (v, i) :: s' | Lt => (v, i) :: s | Gt => vi' :: set_state v i s' end end. Fixpoint remove_state (v: ident) (s: avail) : avail := match s with | nil => nil | (v', i') as vi' :: s' => match Pos.compare v v' with | Eq => s' | Lt => s | Gt => vi' :: remove_state v s' end end. Fixpoint set_debug_info (v: ident) (info: list (builtin_arg loc)) (s: avail) := match normalize_debug info with | Some a => set_state v a s | None => remove_state v s end. (** When the program writes to a register or stack location, some availability information is invalidated. *) Fixpoint arg_no_overlap (a: builtin_arg loc) (l: loc) : bool := match a with | BA l' => Loc.diff_dec l' l | BA_splitlong hi lo => arg_no_overlap hi l && arg_no_overlap lo l | _ => true end. Definition kill (l: loc) (s: avail) : avail := List.filter (fun vi => arg_no_overlap (proj1_sig (snd vi)) l) s. Fixpoint kill_res (r: builtin_res mreg) (s: avail) : avail := match r with | BR r => kill (R r) s | BR_none => s | BR_splitlong hi lo => kill_res hi (kill_res lo s) end. (** Likewise when a function call takes place. *) Fixpoint arg_preserved (a: builtin_arg loc) : bool := match a with | BA (R r) => negb (List.In_dec mreg_eq r destroyed_at_call) | BA (S _ _ _) => true | BA_splitlong hi lo => arg_preserved hi && arg_preserved lo | _ => true end. Definition kill_at_call (s: avail) : avail := List.filter (fun vi => arg_preserved (proj1_sig(snd vi))) s. (** The join of two availability states is the intersection of the corresponding lists. *) Definition eq_arg (a1 a2: builtin_arg loc) : {a1=a2} + {a1<>a2}. Proof. generalize Loc.eq ident_eq Int.eq_dec Int64.eq_dec Float.eq_dec Float32.eq_dec chunk_eq; decide equality. Defined. Global Opaque eq_arg. Definition eq_debuginfo (i1 i2: debuginfo) : {i1=i2} + {i1 <> i2}. Proof. destruct (eq_arg (proj1_sig i1) (proj1_sig i2)). left. destruct i1, i2; simpl in *. subst x0. f_equal. apply proof_irr. right. congruence. Defined. Global Opaque eq_debuginfo. Fixpoint join (s1: avail) (s2: avail) {struct s1} : avail := match s1 with | nil => nil | (v1, i1) as vi1 :: s1' => let fix join2 (s2: avail) : avail := match s2 with | nil => nil | (v2, i2) as vi2 :: s2' => match Pos.compare v1 v2 with | Eq => if eq_debuginfo i1 i2 then vi1 :: join s1' s2' else join s1' s2' | Lt => join s1' s2 | Gt => join2 s2' end end in join2 s2 end. Definition eq_state (s1 s2: avail) : {s1=s2} + {s1<>s2}. Proof. apply list_eq_dec. decide equality. apply eq_debuginfo. apply ident_eq. Defined. Global Opaque eq_state. Definition top : avail := nil. (** Record availability information at labels. *) Definition labelmap := (PTree.t avail * bool)%type. Definition get_label (lbl: label) (lm: labelmap) : option avail := PTree.get lbl (fst lm). Definition update_label (lbl: label) (s1: avail) (lm: labelmap) : labelmap * avail := match get_label lbl lm with | None => ((PTree.set lbl s1 (fst lm), true), s1) | Some s2 => let s := join s1 s2 in if eq_state s s2 then (lm, s2) else ((PTree.set lbl s (fst lm), true), s) end. Fixpoint update_labels (lbls: list label) (s: avail) (lm: labelmap) : labelmap := match lbls with | nil => lm | lbl1 :: lbls => update_labels lbls s (fst (update_label lbl1 s lm)) end. (** Classification of builtins *) Definition is_debug_setvar (ef: external_function) := match ef with | EF_debug 2%positive txt targs => Some txt | _ => None end. Definition is_builtin_debug_setvar (i: instruction) := match i with | Lbuiltin ef args BR_none => is_debug_setvar ef | _ => None end. (** The transfer function for the forward dataflow analysis. *) Definition transfer (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (i: instruction): labelmap * option avail := match before with | None => match i with | Llabel lbl => (lm, get_label lbl lm) | _ => (lm, None) end | Some s => match i with | Lgetstack sl ofs ty rd => (lm, Some (kill (R rd) s)) | Lsetstack rs sl ofs ty => (lm, Some (kill (S sl ofs ty) s)) | Lop op args dst => (lm, Some (kill (R dst) s)) | Lload chunk addr args dst => (lm, Some (kill (R dst) s)) | Lstore chunk addr args src => (lm, before) | Lcall sg ros => (lm, Some (kill_at_call s)) | Ltailcall sg ros => (lm, None) | Lbuiltin ef args res => let s' := match is_debug_setvar ef with | Some v => set_debug_info v args s | None => s end in (lm, Some (kill_res res s')) | Llabel lbl => let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in (lm1, Some s1) | Lgoto lbl => let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in (lm1, None) | Lcond cond args lbl => let (lm1, s1) := update_label lbl s lm in (lm1, before) | Ljumptable r lbls => (update_labels lbls s lm, None) | Lreturn => (lm, None) end end. (** One pass of forward analysis over the code [c]. Return an updated label map. *) Fixpoint ana_code (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) : labelmap := match c with | nil => lm | i :: c => let (lm1, after) := transfer lm before i in ana_code lm1 after c end. (** Iterate [ana_code] until the label map is stable. *) Definition ana_iter (c: code) (lm: labelmap) : labelmap + labelmap := let lm' := ana_code (fst lm, false) (Some top) c in if snd lm' then inr _ lm' else inl _ lm. Definition ana_function (f: function) : option labelmap := PrimIter.iterate _ _ (ana_iter f.(fn_code)) (PTree.empty _, false). (** * Code transformation *) (** Compute the changes between two abstract states *) Fixpoint diff (s1 s2: avail) {struct s1} : avail := match s1 with | nil => nil | (v1, i1) as vi1 :: s1' => let fix diff2 (s2: avail) : avail := match s2 with | nil => s1 | (v2, i2) :: s2' => match Pos.compare v1 v2 with | Eq => if eq_debuginfo i1 i2 then diff s1' s2' else vi1 :: diff s1' s2' | Lt => vi1 :: diff s1' s2 | Gt => diff2 s2' end end in diff2 s2 end. Definition delta_state (before after: option avail) : avail * avail := match before, after with | None, None => (nil, nil) | Some b, None => (b, nil) | None, Some a => (nil, a) | Some b, Some a => (diff b a, diff a b) end. (** Insert debug annotations at the beginning and end of live ranges of locations that correspond to source local variables. *) Definition add_start_range (vi: ident * debuginfo) (c: code) : code := let (v, i) := vi in Lbuiltin (EF_debug 3%positive v nil) (proj1_sig i :: nil) BR_none :: c. Definition add_end_range (vi: ident * debuginfo) (c: code) : code := let (v, i) := vi in Lbuiltin (EF_debug 4%positive v nil) nil BR_none :: c. Definition add_delta_ranges (before after: option avail) (c: code) : code := let (killed, born) := delta_state before after in List.fold_right add_end_range (List.fold_right add_start_range c born) killed. Fixpoint skip_debug_setvar (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) := match c with | nil => before | i :: c' => match is_builtin_debug_setvar i with | Some _ => skip_debug_setvar lm (snd (transfer lm before i)) c' | None => before end end. Fixpoint transf_code (lm: labelmap) (before: option avail) (c: code) : code := match c with | nil => nil | Lgoto lbl1 :: Llabel lbl2 :: c' => (* This special case avoids some redundant start/end annotations *) let after := get_label lbl2 lm in Lgoto lbl1 :: Llabel lbl2 :: add_delta_ranges before after (transf_code lm after c') | i :: c' => let after := skip_debug_setvar lm (snd (transfer lm before i)) c' in i :: add_delta_ranges before after (transf_code lm after c') end. Local Open Scope string_scope. Definition transf_function (f: function) : res function := match ana_function f with | None => Error (msg "Debugvar: analysis diverges") | Some lm => OK (mkfunction f.(fn_sig) f.(fn_stacksize) (transf_code lm (Some top) f.(fn_code))) end. Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : res fundef := AST.transf_partial_fundef transf_function fd. Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program := transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.