(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open AST open Datatypes open FSetAVL open Maps open Op open Ordered open !RTL module PSet = Make(OrderedPositive) type inlining_info = { call_cnt : int PTree.t; (* Count the number of direct calls to a function *) addr_taken : PSet.t; (* The set of globals which have their address taken *) } let empty_inlining_info = { call_cnt = PTree.empty; addr_taken = PSet.empty; } let call_count id io = match PTree.get id io.call_cnt with | Some cnt -> cnt | None -> 0 let called id io = let call_cnt = PTree.set id (1 + call_count id io) io.call_cnt in { io with call_cnt = call_cnt } let address_taken id io = PSet.mem id io.addr_taken let rec used_id io ids = match ids with | [] -> io | id::ids -> used_id {io with addr_taken = PSet.add id io.addr_taken} ids let used_in_globvar io gv = let used_in_init_data io = function | Init_addrof (id,_) -> used_id io [id] | _ -> io in List.fold_left used_in_init_data io gv.gvar_init let fun_inline_analysis id io fn = let inst io nid = function | Iop (op, args, dest, succ) -> used_id io (globals_operation op) | Iload (chunk, addr, args, dest, succ) | Istore (chunk, addr, args, dest, succ) -> used_id io (globals_addressing addr) | Ibuiltin (ef, args, dest, succ) -> used_id io (globals_of_builtin_args args) | Icall (_, Coq_inr cid, _, _, _) | Itailcall (_, Coq_inr cid, _) -> called cid io | _ -> io in PTree.fold inst fn.fn_code io (* Gather information about the program used for inlining heuristic *) let inlining_analysis (p: program) = if !Clflags.option_finline && !Clflags.option_finline_functions_called_once then List.fold_left (fun io idg -> match idg with | fid, Gfun (Internal f) -> fun_inline_analysis fid io f | _, Gvar gv -> used_in_globvar io gv | _ -> io) empty_inlining_info p.prog_defs else empty_inlining_info (* Test whether a function is static and called only once *) let static_called_once fn_sig id io = if !Clflags.option_finline_functions_called_once then C2C.atom_is_static id && call_count id io <= 1 && not (address_taken id io) else false (* To be considered: heuristics based on size of function? *) let should_inline (io: inlining_info) (id: ident) (f: coq_function) = if !Clflags.option_finline && not (C2C.atom_is_noinline id) then C2C.atom_is_inline id || static_called_once f.fn_sig id io else false