(** Solvers for dataflow inequations. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import Lattice. (** A forward dataflow problem is a set of inequations of the form - [X(s) >= transf n X(n)] if program point [s] is a successor of program point [n] - [X(n) >= a] if [(n, a)] belongs to a given list of (program points, approximations). The unknowns are the [X(n)], indexed by program points (e.g. nodes in the CFG graph of a RTL function). They range over a given ordered set that represents static approximations of the program state at each point. The [transf] function is the abstract transfer function: it computes an approximation [transf n X(n)] of the program state after executing instruction at point [n], as a function of the approximation [X(n)] of the program state before executing that instruction. Symmetrically, a backward dataflow problem is a set of inequations of the form - [X(n) >= transf s X(s)] if program point [s] is a successor of program point [n] - [X(n) >= a] if [(n, a)] belongs to a given list of (program points, approximations). The only difference with a forward dataflow problem is that the transfer function [transf] now computes the approximation before a program point [s] from the approximation [X(s)] after point [s]. This file defines three solvers for dataflow problems. The first two solve (optimally) forward and backward problems using Kildall's worklist algorithm. They assume that the unknowns range over a semi-lattice, that is, an ordered type equipped with a least upper bound operation. The last solver corresponds to propagation over extended basic blocks: it returns approximate solutions of forward problems where the unknowns range over any ordered type having a greatest element [top]. It simply sets [X(n) = top] for all merge points [n], that is, program points having several predecessors. This solver is useful when least upper bounds of approximations do not exist or are too expensive to compute. *) (** * Bounded iteration *) (** The three solvers proceed iteratively, increasing the value of one of the unknowns [X(n)] at each iteration until a solution is reached. This section defines the general form of iteration used. *) Section BOUNDED_ITERATION. Variables A B: Set. Variable step: A -> B + A. (** The [step] parameter represents one step of the iteration. From a current iteration state [a: A], it either returns a value of type [B], meaning that iteration is over and that this [B] value is the final result of the iteration, or a value [a' : A] which is the next state of the iteration. The naive way to define the iteration is: << Fixpoint iterate (a: A) : B := match step a with | inl b => b | inr a' => iterate a' end. >> However, this is a general recursion, not guaranteed to terminate, and therefore not expressible in Coq. The standard way to work around this difficulty is to use Noetherian recursion (Coq module [Wf]). This requires that we equip the type [A] with a well-founded ordering [<] (no infinite ascending chains) and we demand that [step] satisfies [step a = inr a' -> a < a']. For the types [A] that are of interest to us in this development, it is however very painful to define adequate well-founded orderings, even though we know our iterations always terminate. Instead, we choose to bound the number of iterations by an arbitrary constant. [iterate] then becomes a function that can fail, of type [A -> option B]. The [None] result denotes failure to reach a result in the number of iterations prescribed, or, in other terms, failure to find a solution to the dataflow problem. The compiler passes that exploit dataflow analysis (the [Constprop], [CSE] and [Allocation] passes) will, in this case, either fail ([Allocation]) or turn off the optimization pass ([Constprop] and [CSE]). Since we know (informally) that our computations terminate, we can take a very large constant as the maximal number of iterations. Failure will therefore never happen in practice, but of course our proofs also cover the failure case and show that nothing bad happens in this hypothetical case either. *) Definition num_iterations := 1000000000000%positive. (** The simple definition of bounded iteration is: << Fixpoint iterate (niter: nat) (a: A) {struct niter} : option B := match niter with | O => None | S niter' => match step a with | inl b => b | inr a' => iterate niter' a' end end. >> This function is structural recursive over the parameter [niter] (number of iterations), represented here as a Peano integer (type [nat]). However, we want to use very large values of [niter]. As Peano integers, these values would be much too large to fit in memory. Therefore, we must express iteration counts as a binary integer (type [positive]). However, Peano induction over type [positive] is not structural recursion, so we cannot define [iterate] as a Coq fixpoint and must use Noetherian recursion instead. *) Definition iter_step (x: positive) (next: forall y, Plt y x -> A -> option B) (s: A) : option B := match peq x xH with | left EQ => None | right NOTEQ => match step s with | inl res => Some res | inr s' => next (Ppred x) (Ppred_Plt x NOTEQ) s' end end. Definition iterate: positive -> A -> option B := Fix Plt_wf (fun _ => A -> option B) iter_step. (** We then prove the expected unrolling equations for [iterate]. *) Remark unroll_iterate: forall x, iterate x = iter_step x (fun y _ => iterate y). Proof. unfold iterate; apply (Fix_eq Plt_wf (fun _ => A -> option B) iter_step). intros. unfold iter_step. apply extensionality. intro s. case (peq x xH); intro. auto. rewrite H. auto. Qed. Lemma iterate_base: forall s, iterate 1%positive s = None. Proof. intro; rewrite unroll_iterate; unfold iter_step. case (peq 1 1); congruence. Qed. Lemma iterate_step: forall x s, iterate (Psucc x) s = match step s with | inl res => Some res | inr s' => iterate x s' end. Proof. intro; rewrite unroll_iterate; unfold iter_step; intros. case (peq (Psucc x) 1); intro. destruct x; simpl in e; discriminate. rewrite Ppred_succ. auto. Qed. End BOUNDED_ITERATION. (** * Solving forward dataflow problems using Kildall's algorithm *) (** A forward dataflow solver has the following generic interface. Unknowns range over the type [L.t], which is equipped with semi-lattice operations (see file [Lattice]). *) Module Type DATAFLOW_SOLVER. Declare Module L: SEMILATTICE. Variable fixpoint: (positive -> list positive) -> positive -> (positive -> L.t -> L.t) -> list (positive * L.t) -> option (PMap.t L.t). (** [fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoints] is the solver. It returns either an error or a mapping from program points to values of type [L.t] representing the solution. [successors] is a function returning the list of successors of the given program point. [topnode] is the maximal number of nodes considered. [transf] is the transfer function, and [entrypoints] the additional constraints imposed on the solution. *) Hypothesis fixpoint_solution: forall successors topnode transf entrypoints res n s, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoints = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!s (transf n res!!n). (** The [fixpoint_solution] theorem shows that the returned solution, if any, satisfies the dataflow inequations. *) Hypothesis fixpoint_entry: forall successors topnode transf entrypoints res n v, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoints = Some res -> In (n, v) entrypoints -> L.ge res!!n v. (** The [fixpoint_entry] theorem shows that the returned solution, if any, satisfies the additional constraints expressed by [entrypoints]. *) End DATAFLOW_SOLVER. (** We now define a generic solver that works over any semi-lattice structure. *) Module Dataflow_Solver (LAT: SEMILATTICE): DATAFLOW_SOLVER with Module L := LAT. Module L := LAT. Section Kildall. Variable successors: positive -> list positive. Variable topnode: positive. Variable transf: positive -> L.t -> L.t. Variable entrypoints: list (positive * L.t). (** The state of the iteration has two components: - A mapping from program points to values of type [L.t] representing the candidate solution found so far. - A worklist of program points that remain to be considered. *) Record state : Set := mkstate { st_in: PMap.t L.t; st_wrk: list positive }. (** Kildall's algorithm, in pseudo-code, is as follows: << while st_wrk is not empty, do extract a node n from st_wrk compute out = transf n st_in[n] for each successor s of n: compute in = lub st_in[s] out if in <> st_in[s]: st_in[s] := in st_wrk := st_wrk union {n} end if end for end while return st_in >> The initial state is built as follows: - The initial mapping sets all program points to [L.bot], except those mentioned in the [entrypoints] list, for which we take the associated approximation as initial value. Since a program point can be mentioned several times in [entrypoints], with different approximations, we actually take the l.u.b. of these approximations. - The initial worklist contains all the program points up to [topnode]. *) Fixpoint start_state_in (ep: list (positive * L.t)) : PMap.t L.t := match ep with | nil => PMap.init L.bot | (n, v) :: rem => let m := start_state_in rem in PMap.set n (L.lub m!!n v) m end. Definition start_state_wrk := positive_rec (list positive) nil (@cons positive) topnode. Definition start_state := mkstate (start_state_in entrypoints) start_state_wrk. (** The worklist is actually treated as a set: it is not useful (and detrimental to performance) to put the same point twice in the worklist. The following function adds a point to the worklist if it was not already there. *) Definition add_to_worklist (n: positive) (wrk: list positive) := if List.In_dec peq n wrk then wrk else n :: wrk. (** [propagate_succ] corresponds, in the pseudocode, to the body of the [for] loop iterating over all successors. *) Definition propagate_succ (s: state) (out: L.t) (n: positive) := let oldl := s.(st_in)!!n in let newl := L.lub oldl out in if L.eq oldl newl then s else mkstate (PMap.set n newl s.(st_in)) (add_to_worklist n s.(st_wrk)). (** [propagate_succ_list] corresponds, in the pseudocode, to the [for] loop iterating over all successors. *) Fixpoint propagate_succ_list (s: state) (out: L.t) (succs: list positive) {struct succs} : state := match succs with | nil => s | n :: rem => propagate_succ_list (propagate_succ s out n) out rem end. (** [step] corresponds to the body of the outer [while] loop in the pseudocode. *) Definition step (s: state) : PMap.t L.t + state := match s.(st_wrk) with | nil => inl _ s.(st_in) | n :: rem => inr _ (propagate_succ_list (mkstate s.(st_in) rem) (transf n s.(st_in)!!n) (successors n)) end. (** The whole fixpoint computation is the iteration of [step] from the start state. *) Definition fixpoint : option (PMap.t L.t) := iterate _ _ step num_iterations start_state. (** ** Monotonicity properties *) (** We first show that the [st_in] part of the state evolves monotonically: at each step, the values of the [st_in[n]] either remain the same or increase with respect to the [L.ge] ordering. *) Definition in_incr (in1 in2: PMap.t L.t) : Prop := forall n, L.ge in2!!n in1!!n. Lemma in_incr_refl: forall in1, in_incr in1 in1. Proof. unfold in_incr; intros. apply L.ge_refl. Qed. Lemma in_incr_trans: forall in1 in2 in3, in_incr in1 in2 -> in_incr in2 in3 -> in_incr in1 in3. Proof. unfold in_incr; intros. apply L.ge_trans with in2!!n; auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_incr: forall st out n, in_incr st.(st_in) (propagate_succ st out n).(st_in). Proof. unfold in_incr, propagate_succ; simpl; intros. case (L.eq st.(st_in)!!n (L.lub st.(st_in)!!n out)); intro. apply L.ge_refl. simpl. case (peq n n0); intro. subst n0. rewrite PMap.gss. apply L.ge_lub_left. rewrite PMap.gso; auto. apply L.ge_refl. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_list_incr: forall out succs st, in_incr st.(st_in) (propagate_succ_list st out succs).(st_in). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. apply in_incr_refl. apply in_incr_trans with (propagate_succ st out a).(st_in). apply propagate_succ_incr. auto. Qed. Lemma iterate_incr: forall n st res, iterate _ _ step n st = Some res -> in_incr st.(st_in) res. Proof. intro n; pattern n. apply positive_Peano_ind; intros until res. rewrite iterate_base. congruence. rewrite iterate_step. unfold step. destruct st.(st_wrk); intros. injection H0; intro; subst res. red; intros; apply L.ge_refl. apply in_incr_trans with (propagate_succ_list (mkstate (st_in st) l) (transf p (st_in st)!!p) (successors p)).(st_in). change (st_in st) with (st_in (mkstate (st_in st) l)). apply propagate_succ_list_incr. apply H. auto. Qed. Lemma fixpoint_incr: forall res, fixpoint = Some res -> in_incr (start_state_in entrypoints) res. Proof. unfold fixpoint; intros. change (start_state_in entrypoints) with start_state.(st_in). apply iterate_incr with num_iterations; auto. Qed. (** ** Correctness invariant *) (** The following invariant is preserved at each iteration of Kildall's algorithm: for all program points [n] below [topnode], either [n] is in the worklist, or the inequations associated with [n] ([st_in[s] >= transf n st_in[n]] for all successors [s] of [n]) hold. In other terms, the worklist contains all nodes that do not yet satisfy their inequations. *) Definition good_state (st: state) : Prop := forall n, Plt n topnode -> In n st.(st_wrk) \/ (forall s, In s (successors n) -> L.ge st.(st_in)!!s (transf n st.(st_in)!!n)). (** We show that the start state satisfies the invariant, and that the [step] function preserves it. *) Lemma start_state_good: good_state start_state. Proof. unfold good_state, start_state; intros. left; simpl. unfold start_state_wrk. generalize H. pattern topnode. apply positive_Peano_ind. intro. compute in H0. destruct n; discriminate. intros. rewrite positive_rec_succ. elim (Plt_succ_inv _ _ H1); intro. auto with coqlib. subst x; auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma add_to_worklist_1: forall n wkl, In n (add_to_worklist n wkl). Proof. intros. unfold add_to_worklist. case (In_dec peq n wkl); auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma add_to_worklist_2: forall n wkl n', In n' wkl -> In n' (add_to_worklist n wkl). Proof. intros. unfold add_to_worklist. case (In_dec peq n wkl); auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_charact: forall st out n, let st' := propagate_succ st out n in L.ge st'.(st_in)!!n out /\ (forall s, n <> s -> st'.(st_in)!!s = st.(st_in)!!s). Proof. unfold propagate_succ; intros; simpl. case (L.eq (st_in st) !! n (L.lub (st_in st) !! n out)); intro. split. rewrite e. rewrite L.lub_commut. apply L.ge_lub_left. auto. simpl. split. rewrite PMap.gss. rewrite L.lub_commut. apply L.ge_lub_left. intros. rewrite PMap.gso; auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_list_charact: forall out succs st, let st' := propagate_succ_list st out succs in forall s, (In s succs -> L.ge st'.(st_in)!!s out) /\ (~(In s succs) -> st'.(st_in)!!s = st.(st_in)!!s). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. tauto. generalize (IHsuccs (propagate_succ st out a) s). intros [A B]. generalize (propagate_succ_charact st out a). intros [C D]. split; intros. elim H; intro. subst s. apply L.ge_trans with (propagate_succ st out a).(st_in)!!a. apply propagate_succ_list_incr. assumption. apply A. auto. transitivity (propagate_succ st out a).(st_in)!!s. apply B. tauto. apply D. tauto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_incr_worklist: forall st out n, incl st.(st_wrk) (propagate_succ st out n).(st_wrk). Proof. intros. unfold propagate_succ. case (L.eq (st_in st) !! n (L.lub (st_in st) !! n out)); intro. apply incl_refl. simpl. red; intros. apply add_to_worklist_2; auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_list_incr_worklist: forall out succs st, incl st.(st_wrk) (propagate_succ_list st out succs).(st_wrk). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. apply incl_refl. apply incl_tran with (propagate_succ st out a).(st_wrk). apply propagate_succ_incr_worklist. auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_records_changes: forall st out n s, let st' := propagate_succ st out n in In s st'.(st_wrk) \/ st'.(st_in)!!s = st.(st_in)!!s. Proof. simpl. intros. unfold propagate_succ. case (L.eq (st_in st) !! n (L.lub (st_in st) !! n out)); intro. right; auto. case (peq s n); intro. subst s. left. simpl. apply add_to_worklist_1. right. simpl. apply PMap.gso. auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_succ_list_records_changes: forall out succs st s, let st' := propagate_succ_list st out succs in In s st'.(st_wrk) \/ st'.(st_in)!!s = st.(st_in)!!s. Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. right; auto. elim (propagate_succ_records_changes st out a s); intro. left. apply propagate_succ_list_incr_worklist. auto. rewrite <- H. auto. Qed. Lemma step_state_good: forall st n rem, st.(st_wrk) = n :: rem -> good_state st -> good_state (propagate_succ_list (mkstate st.(st_in) rem) (transf n st.(st_in)!!n) (successors n)). Proof. unfold good_state. intros st n rem WKL GOOD x LTx. set (out := transf n st.(st_in)!!n). rewrite WKL in GOOD. elim (propagate_succ_list_records_changes out (successors n) (mkstate st.(st_in) rem) x). intro; left; auto. simpl; intro EQ. rewrite EQ. (* Case 1: x = n *) case (peq x n); intro. subst x. fold out. right; intros. elim (propagate_succ_list_charact out (successors n) (mkstate st.(st_in) rem) s); intros. auto. (* Case 2: x <> n *) elim (GOOD x LTx); intro. (* Case 2.1: x was already in worklist, still is *) left. apply propagate_succ_list_incr_worklist. simpl. elim H; intro. elim n0; auto. auto. (* Case 2.2: x was not in worklist *) right; intros. case (In_dec peq s (successors n)); intro. (* Case 2.2.1: s is a successor of n, it may have increased *) apply L.ge_trans with st.(st_in)!!s. change st.(st_in)!!s with (mkstate st.(st_in) rem).(st_in)!!s. apply propagate_succ_list_incr. auto. (* Case 2.2.2: s is not a successor of n, it did not change *) elim (propagate_succ_list_charact out (successors n) (mkstate st.(st_in) rem) s); intros. rewrite H2. simpl. auto. auto. Qed. (** ** Correctness of the solution returned by [iterate]. *) (** As a consequence of the [good_state] invariant, the result of [iterate], if defined, is a solution of the dataflow inequations, since [st_wrk] is empty when [iterate] terminates. *) Lemma iterate_solution: forall niter st res n s, good_state st -> iterate _ _ step niter st = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!s (transf n res!!n). Proof. intro niter; pattern niter; apply positive_Peano_ind; intros until s. rewrite iterate_base. congruence. intro GS. rewrite iterate_step. unfold step; caseEq (st.(st_wrk)). intros. injection H1; intros; subst res. elim (GS n H2); intro. rewrite H0 in H4. elim H4. auto. intros. apply H with (propagate_succ_list (mkstate st.(st_in) l) (transf p st.(st_in)!!p) (successors p)). apply step_state_good; auto. auto. auto. auto. Qed. Theorem fixpoint_solution: forall res n s, fixpoint = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!s (transf n res!!n). Proof. unfold fixpoint. intros. apply iterate_solution with num_iterations start_state. apply start_state_good. auto. auto. auto. Qed. (** As a consequence of the monotonicity property, the result of [fixpoint], if defined, is pointwise greater than or equal the initial mapping. Therefore, it satisfies the additional constraints stated in [entrypoints]. *) Lemma start_state_in_entry: forall ep n v, In (n, v) ep -> L.ge (start_state_in ep)!!n v. Proof. induction ep; simpl; intros. elim H. elim H; intros. subst a. rewrite PMap.gss. rewrite L.lub_commut. apply L.ge_lub_left. destruct a. rewrite PMap.gsspec. case (peq n p); intro. subst p. apply L.ge_trans with (start_state_in ep)!!n. apply L.ge_lub_left. auto. auto. Qed. Theorem fixpoint_entry: forall res n v, fixpoint = Some res -> In (n, v) entrypoints -> L.ge res!!n v. Proof. intros. apply L.ge_trans with (start_state_in entrypoints)!!n. apply fixpoint_incr. auto. apply start_state_in_entry. auto. Qed. End Kildall. End Dataflow_Solver. (** * Solving backward dataflow problems using Kildall's algorithm *) (** A backward dataflow problem on a given flow graph is a forward dataflow program on the reversed flow graph, where predecessors replace successors. We exploit this observation to cheaply derive a backward solver from the forward solver. *) (** ** Construction of the predecessor relation *) Section Predecessor. Variable successors: positive -> list positive. Variable topnode: positive. Fixpoint add_successors (pred: PMap.t (list positive)) (from: positive) (tolist: list positive) {struct tolist} : PMap.t (list positive) := match tolist with | nil => pred | to :: rem => add_successors (PMap.set to (from :: pred!!to) pred) from rem end. Lemma add_successors_correct: forall tolist from pred n s, In n pred!!s \/ (n = from /\ In s tolist) -> In n (add_successors pred from tolist)!!s. Proof. induction tolist; simpl; intros. tauto. apply IHtolist. rewrite PMap.gsspec. case (peq s a); intro. subst a. elim H; intro. left; auto with coqlib. elim H0; intros. subst n. left; auto with coqlib. intuition. elim n0; auto. Qed. Definition make_predecessors : PMap.t (list positive) := positive_rec (PMap.t (list positive)) (PMap.init nil) (fun n pred => add_successors pred n (successors n)) topnode. Lemma make_predecessors_correct: forall n s, Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> In n make_predecessors!!s. Proof. unfold make_predecessors. pattern topnode. apply positive_Peano_ind; intros. compute in H. destruct n; discriminate. rewrite positive_rec_succ. apply add_successors_correct. elim (Plt_succ_inv _ _ H0); intro. left; auto. right. subst x. tauto. Qed. End Predecessor. (** ** Solving backward dataflow problems *) (** The interface to a backward dataflow solver is as follows. *) Module Type BACKWARD_DATAFLOW_SOLVER. Declare Module L: SEMILATTICE. Variable fixpoint: (positive -> list positive) -> positive -> (positive -> L.t -> L.t) -> list (positive * L.t) -> option (PMap.t L.t). Hypothesis fixpoint_solution: forall successors topnode transf entrypoints res n s, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoints = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> Plt s topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!n (transf s res!!s). Hypothesis fixpoint_entry: forall successors topnode transf entrypoints res n v, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoints = Some res -> In (n, v) entrypoints -> L.ge res!!n v. End BACKWARD_DATAFLOW_SOLVER. (** We construct a generic backward dataflow solver, working over any semi-lattice structure, by applying the forward dataflow solver with the predecessor relation instead of the successor relation. *) Module Backward_Dataflow_Solver (LAT: SEMILATTICE): BACKWARD_DATAFLOW_SOLVER with Module L := LAT. Module L := LAT. Module DS := Dataflow_Solver L. Section Kildall. Variable successors: positive -> list positive. Variable topnode: positive. Variable transf: positive -> L.t -> L.t. Variable entrypoints: list (positive * L.t). Definition fixpoint := let pred := make_predecessors successors topnode in DS.fixpoint (fun s => pred!!s) topnode transf entrypoints. Theorem fixpoint_solution: forall res n s, fixpoint = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> Plt s topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!n (transf s res!!s). Proof. intros. apply DS.fixpoint_solution with (fun s => (make_predecessors successors topnode)!!s) topnode entrypoints. exact H. assumption. apply make_predecessors_correct; auto. Qed. Theorem fixpoint_entry: forall res n v, fixpoint = Some res -> In (n, v) entrypoints -> L.ge res!!n v. Proof. intros. apply DS.fixpoint_entry with (fun s => (make_predecessors successors topnode)!!s) topnode transf entrypoints. exact H. auto. Qed. End Kildall. End Backward_Dataflow_Solver. (** * Analysis on extended basic blocks *) (** We now define an approximate solver for forward dataflow problems that proceeds by forward propagation over extended basic blocks. In other terms, program points with multiple predecessors are mapped to [L.top] (the greatest, or coarsest, approximation) and the other program points are mapped to [transf p X[p]] where [p] is their unique predecessor. This analysis applies to any type of approximations equipped with an ordering and a greatest element. *) Module Type ORDERED_TYPE_WITH_TOP. Variable t: Set. Variable ge: t -> t -> Prop. Variable top: t. Hypothesis top_ge: forall x, ge top x. Hypothesis refl_ge: forall x, ge x x. End ORDERED_TYPE_WITH_TOP. (** The interface of the solver is similar to that of Kildall's forward solver. We provide one additional theorem [fixpoint_invariant] stating that any property preserved by the [transf] function holds for the returned solution. *) Module Type BBLOCK_SOLVER. Declare Module L: ORDERED_TYPE_WITH_TOP. Variable fixpoint: (positive -> list positive) -> positive -> (positive -> L.t -> L.t) -> positive -> option (PMap.t L.t). Hypothesis fixpoint_solution: forall successors topnode transf entrypoint res n s, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoint = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!s (transf n res!!n). Hypothesis fixpoint_entry: forall successors topnode transf entrypoint res, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoint = Some res -> res!!entrypoint = L.top. Hypothesis fixpoint_invariant: forall successors topnode transf entrypoint (P: L.t -> Prop), P L.top -> (forall pc x, P x -> P (transf pc x)) -> forall res pc, fixpoint successors topnode transf entrypoint = Some res -> P res!!pc. End BBLOCK_SOLVER. (** The implementation of the ``extended basic block'' solver is a functor parameterized by any ordered type with a top element. *) Module BBlock_solver(LAT: ORDERED_TYPE_WITH_TOP): BBLOCK_SOLVER with Module L := LAT. Module L := LAT. Section Solver. Variable successors: positive -> list positive. Variable topnode: positive. Variable transf: positive -> L.t -> L.t. Variable entrypoint: positive. Variable P: L.t -> Prop. Hypothesis Ptop: P L.top. Hypothesis Ptransf: forall pc x, P x -> P (transf pc x). Definition bbmap := positive -> bool. Definition result := PMap.t L.t. (** As in Kildall's solver, the state of the iteration has two components: - A mapping from program points to values of type [L.t] representing the candidate solution found so far. - A worklist of program points that remain to be considered. *) Record state : Set := mkstate { st_in: result; st_wrk: list positive }. (** The ``extended basic block'' algorithm, in pseudo-code, is as follows: << st_wrk := the set of all points n having multiple predecessors st_in := the mapping n -> L.top while st_wrk is not empty, do extract a node n from st_wrk compute out = transf n st_in[n] for each successor s of n: compute in = lub st_in[s] out if s has only one predecessor (namely, n): st_in[s] := in st_wrk := st_wrk union {s} end if end for end while return st_in >> **) Fixpoint propagate_successors (bb: bbmap) (succs: list positive) (l: L.t) (st: state) {struct succs} : state := match succs with | nil => st | s1 :: sl => if bb s1 then propagate_successors bb sl l st else propagate_successors bb sl l (mkstate (PMap.set s1 l st.(st_in)) (s1 :: st.(st_wrk))) end. Definition step (bb: bbmap) (st: state) : result + state := match st.(st_wrk) with | nil => inl _ st.(st_in) | pc :: rem => if plt pc topnode then inr _ (propagate_successors bb (successors pc) (transf pc st.(st_in)!!pc) (mkstate st.(st_in) rem)) else inr _ (mkstate st.(st_in) rem) end. (** Recognition of program points that have more than one predecessor. *) Definition is_basic_block_head (preds: PMap.t (list positive)) (pc: positive) : bool := match preds!!pc with | nil => true | s :: nil => if peq s pc then true else if peq pc entrypoint then true else false | _ :: _ :: _ => true end. Definition basic_block_map : bbmap := is_basic_block_head (make_predecessors successors topnode). Definition basic_block_list (bb: bbmap) : list positive := positive_rec (list positive) nil (fun pc l => if bb pc then pc :: l else l) topnode. (** The computation of the approximate solution. *) Definition fixpoint : option result := let bb := basic_block_map in iterate _ _ (step bb) num_iterations (mkstate (PMap.init L.top) (basic_block_list bb)). (** ** Properties of predecessors and multiple-predecessors nodes *) Definition predecessors := make_predecessors successors topnode. Lemma predecessors_correct: forall n s, Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> In n predecessors!!s. Proof. intros. unfold predecessors. eapply make_predecessors_correct; eauto. Qed. Lemma multiple_predecessors: forall s n1 n2, Plt n1 topnode -> In s (successors n1) -> Plt n2 topnode -> In s (successors n2) -> n1 <> n2 -> basic_block_map s = true. Proof. intros. assert (In n1 predecessors!!s). apply predecessors_correct; auto. assert (In n2 predecessors!!s). apply predecessors_correct; auto. unfold basic_block_map, is_basic_block_head. fold predecessors. destruct (predecessors!!s). auto. destruct l. simpl in H4. simpl in H5. intuition congruence. auto. Qed. Lemma no_self_loop: forall n, Plt n topnode -> In n (successors n) -> basic_block_map n = true. Proof. intros. unfold basic_block_map, is_basic_block_head. fold predecessors. generalize (predecessors_correct n n H H0). intro. destruct (predecessors!!n). auto. destruct l. replace n with p. apply peq_true. simpl in H1. tauto. auto. Qed. (** ** Correctness invariant *) (** The invariant over the state is as follows: - Points with several predecessors are mapped to [L.top] - Points not in the worklist satisfy their inequations (as in Kildall's algorithm). *) Definition state_invariant (st: state) : Prop := (forall n, basic_block_map n = true -> st.(st_in)!!n = L.top) /\ (forall n, Plt n topnode -> In n st.(st_wrk) \/ (forall s, In s (successors n) -> L.ge st.(st_in)!!s (transf n st.(st_in)!!n))). Lemma propagate_successors_charact1: forall bb succs l st, incl st.(st_wrk) (propagate_successors bb succs l st).(st_wrk). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. apply incl_refl. case (bb a). auto. apply incl_tran with (a :: st_wrk st). apply incl_tl. apply incl_refl. set (st1 := (mkstate (PMap.set a l (st_in st)) (a :: st_wrk st))). change (a :: st_wrk st) with (st_wrk st1). auto. Qed. Lemma propagate_successors_charact2: forall bb succs l st n, let st' := propagate_successors bb succs l st in (In n succs -> bb n = false -> In n st'.(st_wrk) /\ st'.(st_in)!!n = l) /\ (~In n succs \/ bb n = true -> st'.(st_in)!!n = st.(st_in)!!n). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. (* Base case *) split. tauto. auto. (* Inductive case *) caseEq (bb a); intro. elim (IHsuccs l st n); intros A B. split; intros. apply A; auto. elim H0; intro. subst a. congruence. auto. apply B. tauto. set (st1 := mkstate (PMap.set a l (st_in st)) (a :: st_wrk st)). elim (IHsuccs l st1 n); intros A B. split; intros. elim H0; intros. subst n. split. apply propagate_successors_charact1. simpl. tauto. case (In_dec peq a succs); intro. elim (A i H1); auto. rewrite B. unfold st1; simpl. apply PMap.gss. tauto. apply A; auto. rewrite B. unfold st1; simpl. apply PMap.gso. red; intro; subst n. elim H0; intro. tauto. congruence. tauto. Qed. Lemma propagate_successors_invariant: forall pc res rem, Plt pc topnode -> state_invariant (mkstate res (pc :: rem)) -> state_invariant (propagate_successors basic_block_map (successors pc) (transf pc res!!pc) (mkstate res rem)). Proof. intros until rem. intros PC [INV1 INV2]. simpl in INV1. simpl in INV2. set (l := transf pc res!!pc). generalize (propagate_successors_charact1 basic_block_map (successors pc) l (mkstate res rem)). generalize (propagate_successors_charact2 basic_block_map (successors pc) l (mkstate res rem)). set (st1 := propagate_successors basic_block_map (successors pc) l (mkstate res rem)). intros A B. (* First part: BB entries remain at top *) split; intros. elim (A n); intros C D. rewrite D. simpl. apply INV1. auto. tauto. (* Second part: monotonicity *) (* Case 1: n = pc *) case (peq pc n); intros. subst n. right; intros. elim (A s); intros C D. replace (st1.(st_in)!!pc) with res!!pc. fold l. caseEq (basic_block_map s); intro. rewrite D. simpl. rewrite INV1. apply L.top_ge. auto. tauto. elim (C H0 H1); intros. rewrite H3. apply L.refl_ge. elim (A pc); intros E F. rewrite F. reflexivity. case (In_dec peq pc (successors pc)); intro. right. apply no_self_loop; auto. left; auto. (* Case 2: n <> pc *) elim (INV2 n H); intro. (* Case 2.1: n was already in worklist, still is *) left. apply B. simpl. simpl in H0. tauto. (* Case 2.2: n was not in worklist *) assert (INV3: forall s, In s (successors n) -> st1.(st_in)!!s = res!!s). (* Amazingly, successors of n do not change. The only way they could change is if they were successors of pc as well, but that gives them two different predecessors, so they are basic block heads, and thus do not change! *) intros. elim (A s); intros C D. rewrite D. reflexivity. case (In_dec peq s (successors pc)); intro. right. apply multiple_predecessors with n pc; auto. left; auto. case (In_dec peq n (successors pc)); intro. (* Case 2.2.1: n is a successor of pc. Either it is in the worklist or it did not change *) caseEq (basic_block_map n); intro. right; intros. elim (A n); intros C D. rewrite D. simpl. rewrite INV3; auto. tauto. left. elim (A n); intros C D. elim (C i H1); intros. auto. (* Case 2.2.2: n is not a successor of pc. It did not change. *) right; intros. elim (A n); intros C D. rewrite D. simpl. rewrite INV3; auto. tauto. Qed. Lemma discard_top_worklist_invariant: forall pc res rem, ~(Plt pc topnode) -> state_invariant (mkstate res (pc :: rem)) -> state_invariant (mkstate res rem). Proof. intros; red; intros. elim H0; simpl; intros A B. split. assumption. intros. elim (B n H1); intros. left. elim H2; intro. subst n. contradiction. auto. right. assumption. Qed. Lemma analyze_invariant: forall res count st, iterate _ _ (step basic_block_map) count st = Some res -> state_invariant st -> state_invariant (mkstate res nil). Proof. intros until count. pattern count. apply positive_Peano_ind; intros until st. rewrite iterate_base. congruence. rewrite iterate_step. unfold step at 1. case st; intros r w; simpl. case w. intros. replace res with r. auto. congruence. intros pc wl. case (plt pc topnode); intros. eapply H. eauto. apply propagate_successors_invariant; auto. eapply H. eauto. eapply discard_top_worklist_invariant; eauto. Qed. Lemma initial_state_invariant: state_invariant (mkstate (PMap.init L.top) (basic_block_list basic_block_map)). Proof. split; simpl; intros. apply PMap.gi. right. intros. repeat rewrite PMap.gi. apply L.top_ge. Qed. (** ** Correctness of the returned solution *) Theorem fixpoint_solution: forall res n s, fixpoint = Some res -> Plt n topnode -> In s (successors n) -> L.ge res!!s (transf n res!!n). Proof. unfold fixpoint. intros. assert (state_invariant (mkstate res nil)). eapply analyze_invariant; eauto. apply initial_state_invariant. elim H2; simpl; intros. elim (H4 n H0); intros. contradiction. auto. Qed. Theorem fixpoint_entry: forall res, fixpoint = Some res -> res!!entrypoint = L.top. Proof. unfold fixpoint. intros. assert (state_invariant (mkstate res nil)). eapply analyze_invariant; eauto. apply initial_state_invariant. elim H0; simpl; intros. apply H1. unfold basic_block_map, is_basic_block_head. fold predecessors. destruct (predecessors!!entrypoint). auto. destruct l. destruct (peq p entrypoint). auto. apply peq_true. auto. Qed. (** ** Preservation of a property over solutions *) Definition Pstate (st: state) : Prop := forall pc, P st.(st_in)!!pc. Lemma propagate_successors_P: forall bb l, P l -> forall succs st, Pstate st -> Pstate (propagate_successors bb succs l st). Proof. induction succs; simpl; intros. auto. case (bb a). auto. apply IHsuccs. red; simpl; intros. rewrite PMap.gsspec. case (peq pc a); intro. auto. apply H0. Qed. Lemma analyze_P: forall bb res count st, iterate _ _ (step bb) count st = Some res -> Pstate st -> (forall pc, P res!!pc). Proof. intros until count; pattern count; apply positive_Peano_ind; intros until st. rewrite iterate_base. congruence. rewrite iterate_step; unfold step at 1; destruct st.(st_wrk). intros. inversion H0. apply H1. destruct (plt p topnode). intros. eapply H. eauto. apply propagate_successors_P. apply Ptransf. apply H1. red; intro; simpl. apply H1. intros. eauto. Qed. Theorem fixpoint_invariant: forall res pc, fixpoint = Some res -> P res!!pc. Proof. intros. unfold fixpoint in H. eapply analyze_P; eauto. red; intro; simpl. rewrite PMap.gi. apply Ptop. Qed. End Solver. End BBlock_solver.