(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Typing rules for LTLin. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Op. Require Import RTL. Require Import Locations. Require Import LTLin. Require LTLtyping. Require Import Conventions. (** The following predicates define a type system for LTLin similar to that of LTL. *) Section WT_INSTR. Variable funsig: signature. Inductive wt_instr : instruction -> Prop := | wt_Lopmove: forall r1 r, Loc.type r1 = Loc.type r -> loc_acceptable r1 -> loc_acceptable r -> wt_instr (Lop Omove (r1 :: nil) r) | wt_Lop: forall op args res, op <> Omove -> (List.map Loc.type args, Loc.type res) = type_of_operation op -> locs_acceptable args -> loc_acceptable res -> wt_instr (Lop op args res) | wt_Lload: forall chunk addr args dst, List.map Loc.type args = type_of_addressing addr -> Loc.type dst = type_of_chunk chunk -> locs_acceptable args -> loc_acceptable dst -> wt_instr (Lload chunk addr args dst) | wt_Lstore: forall chunk addr args src, List.map Loc.type args = type_of_addressing addr -> Loc.type src = type_of_chunk chunk -> locs_acceptable args -> loc_acceptable src -> wt_instr (Lstore chunk addr args src) | wt_Lcall: forall sig ros args res, List.map Loc.type args = sig.(sig_args) -> Loc.type res = proj_sig_res sig -> LTLtyping.call_loc_acceptable sig ros -> locs_acceptable args -> loc_acceptable res -> wt_instr (Lcall sig ros args res) | wt_Ltailcall: forall sig ros args, List.map Loc.type args = sig.(sig_args) -> LTLtyping.call_loc_acceptable sig ros -> locs_acceptable args -> sig.(sig_res) = funsig.(sig_res) -> Conventions.tailcall_possible sig -> wt_instr (Ltailcall sig ros args) | wt_Llabel: forall lbl, wt_instr (Llabel lbl) | wt_Lgoto: forall lbl, wt_instr (Lgoto lbl) | wt_Lcond: forall cond args lbl, List.map Loc.type args = type_of_condition cond -> locs_acceptable args -> wt_instr (Lcond cond args lbl) | wt_Lreturn: forall optres, option_map Loc.type optres = funsig.(sig_res) -> match optres with None => True | Some r => loc_acceptable r end -> wt_instr (Lreturn optres). Definition wt_code (c: code) : Prop := forall i, In i c -> wt_instr i. End WT_INSTR. Record wt_function (f: function): Prop := mk_wt_function { wt_params: List.map Loc.type f.(fn_params) = f.(fn_sig).(sig_args); wt_acceptable: locs_acceptable f.(fn_params); wt_norepet: Loc.norepet f.(fn_params); wt_instrs: wt_code f.(fn_sig) f.(fn_code) }. Inductive wt_fundef: fundef -> Prop := | wt_fundef_external: forall ef, wt_fundef (External ef) | wt_function_internal: forall f, wt_function f -> wt_fundef (Internal f). Definition wt_program (p: program): Prop := forall i f, In (i, f) (prog_funct p) -> wt_fundef f.