(** The Linear intermediate language: abstract syntax and semantcs *) (** The Linear language is a variant of LTL where control-flow is not expressed as a graph of basic blocks, but as a linear list of instructions with explicit labels and ``goto'' instructions. *) Require Import Relations. Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Values. Require Import Mem. Require Import Globalenvs. Require Import Op. Require Import Locations. Require Import LTL. Require Conventions. (** * Abstract syntax *) Definition label := positive. (** Linear instructions are similar to their LTL counterpart: arguments and results are machine registers, except for the [Lgetstack] and [Lsetstack] instructions which are register-stack moves. Except the last three, these instructions continue in sequence with the next instruction in the linear list of instructions. Unconditional branches [Lgoto] and conditional branches [Lcond] transfer control to the given code label. Labels are explicitly inserted in the instruction list as pseudo-instructions [Llabel]. *) Inductive instruction: Set := | Lgetstack: slot -> mreg -> instruction | Lsetstack: mreg -> slot -> instruction | Lop: operation -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction | Lload: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction | Lstore: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction | Lcall: signature -> mreg + ident -> instruction | Llabel: label -> instruction | Lgoto: label -> instruction | Lcond: condition -> list mreg -> label -> instruction | Lreturn: instruction. Definition code: Set := list instruction. Record function: Set := mkfunction { fn_sig: signature; fn_stacksize: Z; fn_code: code }. Definition program := AST.program function. Definition genv := Genv.t function. Definition locset := Locmap.t. (** * Operational semantics *) (** Looking up labels in the instruction list. *) Definition is_label (lbl: label) (instr: instruction) : bool := match instr with | Llabel lbl' => if peq lbl lbl' then true else false | _ => false end. Lemma is_label_correct: forall lbl instr, if is_label lbl instr then instr = Llabel lbl else instr <> Llabel lbl. Proof. intros. destruct instr; simpl; try discriminate. case (peq lbl l); intro; congruence. Qed. (** [find_label lbl c] returns a list of instruction, suffix of the code [c], that immediately follows the [Llabel lbl] pseudo-instruction. If the label [lbl] is multiply-defined, the first occurrence is retained. If the label [lbl] is not defined, [None] is returned. *) Fixpoint find_label (lbl: label) (c: code) {struct c} : option code := match c with | nil => None | i1 :: il => if is_label lbl i1 then Some il else find_label lbl il end. Section RELSEM. Variable ge: genv. Definition find_function (ros: mreg + ident) (rs: locset) : option function := match ros with | inl r => Genv.find_funct ge (rs (R r)) | inr symb => match Genv.find_symbol ge symb with | None => None | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b end end. (** [exec_instr ge f sp c ls m c' ls' m'] represents the execution of the first instruction in the code sequence [c]. [ls] and [m] are the initial location set and memory state, respectively. [c'] is the current code sequence after execution of the instruction: it is the tail of [c] if the instruction falls through. [ls'] and [m'] are the final location state and memory state. *) Inductive exec_instr: function -> val -> code -> locset -> mem -> code -> locset -> mem -> Prop := | exec_Lgetstack: forall f sp sl r b rs m, exec_instr f sp (Lgetstack sl r :: b) rs m b (Locmap.set (R r) (rs (S sl)) rs) m | exec_Lsetstack: forall f sp r sl b rs m, exec_instr f sp (Lsetstack r sl :: b) rs m b (Locmap.set (S sl) (rs (R r)) rs) m | exec_Lop: forall f sp op args res b rs m v, eval_operation ge sp op (reglist args rs) = Some v -> exec_instr f sp (Lop op args res :: b) rs m b (Locmap.set (R res) v rs) m | exec_Lload: forall f sp chunk addr args dst b rs m a v, eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist args rs) = Some a -> loadv chunk m a = Some v -> exec_instr f sp (Lload chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m b (Locmap.set (R dst) v rs) m | exec_Lstore: forall f sp chunk addr args src b rs m m' a, eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist args rs) = Some a -> storev chunk m a (rs (R src)) = Some m' -> exec_instr f sp (Lstore chunk addr args src :: b) rs m b rs m' | exec_Lcall: forall f sp sig ros b rs m f' rs' m', find_function ros rs = Some f' -> sig = f'.(fn_sig) -> exec_function f' rs m rs' m' -> exec_instr f sp (Lcall sig ros :: b) rs m b (return_regs rs rs') m' | exec_Llabel: forall f sp lbl b rs m, exec_instr f sp (Llabel lbl :: b) rs m b rs m | exec_Lgoto: forall f sp lbl b rs m b', find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some b' -> exec_instr f sp (Lgoto lbl :: b) rs m b' rs m | exec_Lcond_true: forall f sp cond args lbl b rs m b', eval_condition cond (reglist args rs) = Some true -> find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some b' -> exec_instr f sp (Lcond cond args lbl :: b) rs m b' rs m | exec_Lcond_false: forall f sp cond args lbl b rs m, eval_condition cond (reglist args rs) = Some false -> exec_instr f sp (Lcond cond args lbl :: b) rs m b rs m with exec_instrs: function -> val -> code -> locset -> mem -> code -> locset -> mem -> Prop := | exec_refl: forall f sp b rs m, exec_instrs f sp b rs m b rs m | exec_one: forall f sp b1 rs1 m1 b2 rs2 m2, exec_instr f sp b1 rs1 m1 b2 rs2 m2 -> exec_instrs f sp b1 rs1 m1 b2 rs2 m2 | exec_trans: forall f sp b1 rs1 m1 b2 rs2 m2 b3 rs3 m3, exec_instrs f sp b1 rs1 m1 b2 rs2 m2 -> exec_instrs f sp b2 rs2 m2 b3 rs3 m3 -> exec_instrs f sp b1 rs1 m1 b3 rs3 m3 with exec_function: function -> locset -> mem -> locset -> mem -> Prop := | exec_funct: forall f rs m m1 stk rs2 m2 b, alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m1, stk) -> exec_instrs f (Vptr stk Int.zero) f.(fn_code) (call_regs rs) m1 (Lreturn :: b) rs2 m2 -> exec_function f rs m rs2 (free m2 stk). Scheme exec_instr_ind3 := Minimality for exec_instr Sort Prop with exec_instrs_ind3 := Minimality for exec_instrs Sort Prop with exec_function_ind3 := Minimality for exec_function Sort Prop. End RELSEM. Definition exec_program (p: program) (r: val) : Prop := let ge := Genv.globalenv p in let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in exists b, exists f, exists rs, exists m, Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f /\ f.(fn_sig) = mksignature nil (Some Tint) /\ exec_function ge f (Locmap.init Vundef) m0 rs m /\ rs (R (Conventions.loc_result f.(fn_sig))) = r.