(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Locations are a refinement of RTL pseudo-registers, used to reflect the results of register allocation (file [Allocation]). *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Values. Require Export Machregs. (** * Representation of locations *) (** A location is either a processor register or (an abstract designation of) a slot in the activation record of the current function. *) (** ** Processor registers *) (** Processor registers usable for register allocation are defined in module [Machregs]. *) (** ** Slots in activation records *) (** A slot in an activation record is designated abstractly by a kind, a type and an integer offset. Three kinds are considered: - [Local]: these are the slots used by register allocation for pseudo-registers that cannot be assigned a hardware register. - [Incoming]: used to store the parameters of the current function that cannot reside in hardware registers, as determined by the calling conventions. - [Outgoing]: used to store arguments to called functions that cannot reside in hardware registers, as determined by the calling conventions. *) Inductive slot: Type := | Local: Z -> typ -> slot | Incoming: Z -> typ -> slot | Outgoing: Z -> typ -> slot. (** Morally, the [Incoming] slots of a function are the [Outgoing] slots of its caller function. The type of a slot indicates how it will be accessed later once mapped to actual memory locations inside a memory-allocated activation record: as 32-bit integers/pointers (type [Tint]) or as 64-bit floats (type [Tfloat]). The offset of a slot, combined with its type and its kind, identifies uniquely the slot and will determine later where it resides within the memory-allocated activation record. Offsets are always positive. Conceptually, slots will be mapped to four non-overlapping memory areas within activation records: - The area for [Local] slots of type [Tint]. The offset is interpreted as a 4-byte word index. - The area for [Local] slots of type [Tfloat]. The offset is interpreted as a 8-byte word index. Thus, two [Local] slots always refer either to the same memory chunk (if they have the same types and offsets) or to non-overlapping memory chunks (if the types or offsets differ). - The area for [Outgoing] slots. The offset is a 4-byte word index. Unlike [Local] slots, the PowerPC calling conventions demand that integer and float [Outgoing] slots reside in the same memory area. Therefore, [Outgoing Tint 0] and [Outgoing Tfloat 0] refer to overlapping memory chunks and cannot be used simultaneously: one will lose its value when the other is assigned. We will reflect this overlapping behaviour in the environments mapping locations to values defined later in this file. - The area for [Incoming] slots. Same structure as the [Outgoing] slots. *) Definition slot_type (s: slot): typ := match s with | Local ofs ty => ty | Incoming ofs ty => ty | Outgoing ofs ty => ty end. Lemma slot_eq: forall (p q: slot), {p = q} + {p <> q}. Proof. assert (typ_eq: forall (t1 t2: typ), {t1 = t2} + {t1 <> t2}). decide equality. generalize zeq; intro. decide equality. Qed. Open Scope Z_scope. Definition typesize (ty: typ) : Z := match ty with Tint => 1 | Tfloat => 2 end. Lemma typesize_pos: forall (ty: typ), typesize ty > 0. Proof. destruct ty; compute; auto. Qed. (** ** Locations *) (** Locations are just the disjoint union of machine registers and activation record slots. *) Inductive loc : Type := | R: mreg -> loc | S: slot -> loc. Module Loc. Definition type (l: loc) : typ := match l with | R r => mreg_type r | S s => slot_type s end. Lemma eq: forall (p q: loc), {p = q} + {p <> q}. Proof. decide equality. apply mreg_eq. apply slot_eq. Qed. (** As mentioned previously, two locations can be different (in the sense of the [<>] mathematical disequality), yet denote overlapping memory chunks within the activation record. Given two locations, three cases are possible: - They are equal (in the sense of the [=] equality) - They are different and non-overlapping. - They are different but overlapping. The second case (different and non-overlapping) is characterized by the following [Loc.diff] predicate. *) Definition diff (l1 l2: loc) : Prop := match l1, l2 with | R r1, R r2 => r1 <> r2 | S (Local d1 t1), S (Local d2 t2) => d1 <> d2 \/ t1 <> t2 | S (Incoming d1 t1), S (Incoming d2 t2) => d1 + typesize t1 <= d2 \/ d2 + typesize t2 <= d1 | S (Outgoing d1 t1), S (Outgoing d2 t2) => d1 + typesize t1 <= d2 \/ d2 + typesize t2 <= d1 | _, _ => True end. Lemma same_not_diff: forall l, ~(diff l l). Proof. destruct l; unfold diff; try tauto. destruct s. tauto. generalize (typesize_pos t); omega. generalize (typesize_pos t); omega. Qed. Lemma diff_not_eq: forall l1 l2, diff l1 l2 -> l1 <> l2. Proof. unfold not; intros. subst l2. elim (same_not_diff l1 H). Qed. Lemma diff_sym: forall l1 l2, diff l1 l2 -> diff l2 l1. Proof. destruct l1; destruct l2; unfold diff; auto. destruct s; auto. destruct s; destruct s0; intuition auto. Qed. Lemma diff_reg_right: forall l r, l <> R r -> diff (R r) l. Proof. intros. simpl. destruct l. congruence. auto. Qed. Lemma diff_reg_left: forall l r, l <> R r -> diff l (R r). Proof. intros. apply diff_sym. apply diff_reg_right. auto. Qed. (** [Loc.overlap l1 l2] returns [false] if [l1] and [l2] are different and non-overlapping, and [true] otherwise: either [l1 = l2] or they partially overlap. *) Definition overlap_aux (t1: typ) (d1 d2: Z) : bool := if zeq d1 d2 then true else match t1 with | Tint => false | Tfloat => if zeq (d1 + 1) d2 then true else false end. Definition overlap (l1 l2: loc) : bool := match l1, l2 with | S (Incoming d1 t1), S (Incoming d2 t2) => overlap_aux t1 d1 d2 || overlap_aux t2 d2 d1 | S (Outgoing d1 t1), S (Outgoing d2 t2) => overlap_aux t1 d1 d2 || overlap_aux t2 d2 d1 | _, _ => false end. Lemma overlap_aux_true_1: forall d1 t1 d2 t2, overlap_aux t1 d1 d2 = true -> ~(d1 + typesize t1 <= d2 \/ d2 + typesize t2 <= d1). Proof. intros until t2. generalize (typesize_pos t1); intro. generalize (typesize_pos t2); intro. unfold overlap_aux. case (zeq d1 d2). intros. omega. case t1. intros; discriminate. case (zeq (d1 + 1) d2); intros. subst d2. simpl. omega. discriminate. Qed. Lemma overlap_aux_true_2: forall d1 t1 d2 t2, overlap_aux t2 d2 d1 = true -> ~(d1 + typesize t1 <= d2 \/ d2 + typesize t2 <= d1). Proof. intros. generalize (overlap_aux_true_1 d2 t2 d1 t1 H). tauto. Qed. Lemma overlap_not_diff: forall l1 l2, overlap l1 l2 = true -> ~(diff l1 l2). Proof. unfold overlap, diff; destruct l1; destruct l2; intros; try discriminate. destruct s; discriminate. destruct s; destruct s0; try discriminate. elim (orb_true_elim _ _ H); intro. apply overlap_aux_true_1; auto. apply overlap_aux_true_2; auto. elim (orb_true_elim _ _ H); intro. apply overlap_aux_true_1; auto. apply overlap_aux_true_2; auto. Qed. Lemma overlap_aux_false_1: forall t1 d1 t2 d2, overlap_aux t1 d1 d2 || overlap_aux t2 d2 d1 = false -> d1 + typesize t1 <= d2 \/ d2 + typesize t2 <= d1. Proof. intros until d2. intro OV. generalize (orb_false_elim _ _ OV). intro OV'. elim OV'. unfold overlap_aux. case (zeq d1 d2); intro. intros; discriminate. case (zeq d2 d1); intro. intros; discriminate. case t1; case t2; simpl. intros; omega. case (zeq (d2 + 1) d1); intros. discriminate. omega. case (zeq (d1 + 1) d2); intros. discriminate. omega. case (zeq (d1 + 1) d2); intros H1 H2. discriminate. case (zeq (d2 + 1) d1); intros. discriminate. omega. Qed. Lemma non_overlap_diff: forall l1 l2, l1 <> l2 -> overlap l1 l2 = false -> diff l1 l2. Proof. intros. unfold diff; destruct l1; destruct l2. congruence. auto. destruct s; auto. destruct s; destruct s0; auto. case (zeq z z0); intro. compare t t0; intro. congruence. tauto. tauto. apply overlap_aux_false_1. exact H0. apply overlap_aux_false_1. exact H0. Qed. Definition diff_dec (l1 l2: loc) : { Loc.diff l1 l2 } + {~Loc.diff l1 l2}. Proof. intros. case (eq l1 l2); intros. right. rewrite e. apply same_not_diff. case_eq (overlap l1 l2); intros. right. apply overlap_not_diff; auto. left. apply non_overlap_diff; auto. Qed. (** We now redefine some standard notions over lists, using the [Loc.diff] predicate instead of standard disequality [<>]. [Loc.notin l ll] holds if the location [l] is different from all locations in the list [ll]. *) Fixpoint notin (l: loc) (ll: list loc) {struct ll} : Prop := match ll with | nil => True | l1 :: ls => diff l l1 /\ notin l ls end. Lemma notin_not_in: forall l ll, notin l ll -> ~(In l ll). Proof. unfold not; induction ll; simpl; intros. auto. elim H; intros. elim H0; intro. subst l. exact (same_not_diff a H1). auto. Qed. Lemma reg_notin: forall r ll, ~(In (R r) ll) -> notin (R r) ll. Proof. induction ll; simpl; intros. auto. split. destruct a; auto. intuition congruence. apply IHll. intuition. Qed. (** [Loc.disjoint l1 l2] is true if the locations in list [l1] are different from all locations in list [l2]. *) Definition disjoint (l1 l2: list loc) : Prop := forall x1 x2, In x1 l1 -> In x2 l2 -> diff x1 x2. Lemma disjoint_cons_left: forall a l1 l2, disjoint (a :: l1) l2 -> disjoint l1 l2. Proof. unfold disjoint; intros. auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma disjoint_cons_right: forall a l1 l2, disjoint l1 (a :: l2) -> disjoint l1 l2. Proof. unfold disjoint; intros. auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma disjoint_sym: forall l1 l2, disjoint l1 l2 -> disjoint l2 l1. Proof. unfold disjoint; intros. apply diff_sym; auto. Qed. Lemma in_notin_diff: forall l1 l2 ll, notin l1 ll -> In l2 ll -> diff l1 l2. Proof. induction ll; simpl; intros. elim H0. elim H0; intro. subst a. tauto. apply IHll; tauto. Qed. Lemma notin_disjoint: forall l1 l2, (forall x, In x l1 -> notin x l2) -> disjoint l1 l2. Proof. unfold disjoint; induction l1; intros. elim H0. elim H0; intro. subst x1. eapply in_notin_diff. apply H. auto with coqlib. auto. eapply IHl1; eauto. intros. apply H. auto with coqlib. Qed. Lemma disjoint_notin: forall l1 l2 x, disjoint l1 l2 -> In x l1 -> notin x l2. Proof. unfold disjoint; induction l2; simpl; intros. auto. split. apply H. auto. tauto. apply IHl2. intros. apply H. auto. tauto. auto. Qed. (** [Loc.norepet ll] holds if the locations in list [ll] are pairwise different. *) Inductive norepet : list loc -> Prop := | norepet_nil: norepet nil | norepet_cons: forall hd tl, notin hd tl -> norepet tl -> norepet (hd :: tl). (** [Loc.no_overlap l1 l2] holds if elements of [l1] never overlap partially with elements of [l2]. *) Definition no_overlap (l1 l2 : list loc) := forall r, In r l1 -> forall s, In s l2 -> r = s \/ Loc.diff r s. End Loc. (** * Mappings from locations to values *) (** The [Locmap] module defines mappings from locations to values, used as evaluation environments for the semantics of the [LTL] and [LTLin] intermediate languages. *) Set Implicit Arguments. Module Locmap. Definition t := loc -> val. Definition init (x: val) : t := fun (_: loc) => x. Definition get (l: loc) (m: t) : val := m l. (** The [set] operation over location mappings reflects the overlapping properties of locations: changing the value of a location [l] invalidates (sets to [Vundef]) the locations that partially overlap with [l]. In other terms, the result of [set l v m] maps location [l] to value [v], locations that overlap with [l] to [Vundef], and locations that are different (and non-overlapping) from [l] to their previous values in [m]. This is apparent in the ``good variables'' properties [Locmap.gss] and [Locmap.gso]. *) Definition set (l: loc) (v: val) (m: t) : t := fun (p: loc) => if Loc.eq l p then v else if Loc.overlap l p then Vundef else m p. Lemma gss: forall l v m, (set l v m) l = v. Proof. intros. unfold set. case (Loc.eq l l); tauto. Qed. Lemma gso: forall l v m p, Loc.diff l p -> (set l v m) p = m p. Proof. intros. unfold set. case (Loc.eq l p); intro. subst p. elim (Loc.same_not_diff _ H). caseEq (Loc.overlap l p); intro. elim (Loc.overlap_not_diff _ _ H0 H). auto. Qed. Fixpoint undef (ll: list loc) (m: t) {struct ll} : t := match ll with | nil => m | l1 :: ll' => undef ll' (set l1 Vundef m) end. Lemma guo: forall ll l m, Loc.notin l ll -> (undef ll m) l = m l. Proof. induction ll; simpl; intros. auto. destruct H. rewrite IHll; auto. apply gso. apply Loc.diff_sym; auto. Qed. Lemma gus: forall ll l m, In l ll -> (undef ll m) l = Vundef. Proof. assert (P: forall ll l m, m l = Vundef -> (undef ll m) l = Vundef). induction ll; simpl; intros. auto. apply IHll. unfold set. destruct (Loc.eq a l); auto. destruct (Loc.overlap a l); auto. induction ll; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct H. apply P. subst a. apply gss. auto. Qed. End Locmap.