(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Proof of type preservation for the [RRE] pass. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import AST. Require Import Locations. Require Import Linear. Require Import Lineartyping. Require Import Conventions. Require Import RRE. Require Import RREproof. Remark wt_cons: forall f c i, wt_instr f i -> wt_code f c -> wt_code f (i::c). Proof. intros; red; intros. simpl in H1; destruct H1. congruence. auto. Qed. Hint Constructors wt_instr : linearty. Hint Resolve wt_cons: linearty. Definition wt_eqs (eqs: equations) := forall e, In e eqs -> slot_type (e_slot e) = mreg_type (e_reg e). Lemma wt_eqs_nil: wt_eqs nil. Proof. red; simpl; tauto. Qed. Lemma wt_eqs_cons: forall r s eqs, slot_type s = mreg_type r -> wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (mkeq r s :: eqs). Proof. intros; red; simpl; intros. destruct H1. subst; simpl; auto. auto. Qed. Lemma wt_kill_loc: forall l eqs, wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (kill_loc l eqs). Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit In_kill_loc; eauto. intros [A B]. auto. Qed. Lemma wt_kill_locs: forall ll eqs, wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (kill_locs ll eqs). Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit In_kill_locs; eauto. intros [A B]. auto. Qed. Lemma wt_kill_temps: forall eqs, wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (kill_temps eqs). Proof. exact (wt_kill_locs temporaries). Qed. Lemma wt_kill_at_move: forall eqs, wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (kill_at_move eqs). Proof. exact (wt_kill_locs destroyed_at_move). Qed. Hint Resolve wt_eqs_nil wt_eqs_cons wt_kill_loc wt_kill_locs wt_kill_temps wt_kill_at_move: linearty. Lemma wt_kill_op: forall op eqs, wt_eqs eqs -> wt_eqs (kill_op op eqs). Proof. intros; destruct op; simpl; apply wt_kill_locs; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve wt_kill_op: linearty. Lemma wt_transf_code: forall f c eqs, wt_code f c -> wt_eqs eqs -> wt_code (transf_function f) (transf_code eqs c). Proof. induction c; intros; simpl. red; simpl; tauto. assert (WI: wt_instr f a) by auto with coqlib. assert (WC: wt_code f c) by (red; auto with coqlib). clear H. inv WI; auto 10 with linearty. destruct (is_incoming s) eqn:?. auto with linearty. destruct (contains_equation s r eqs). auto with linearty. destruct (find_reg_containing s eqs) as [r'|] eqn:?; auto with linearty. assert (mreg_type r' = mreg_type r). exploit H0. eapply find_reg_containing_sound; eauto. simpl. congruence. destruct (safe_move_insertion c); auto 10 with linearty. Qed. Lemma program_typing_preserved: forall p, wt_program p -> wt_program (transf_program p). Proof. intros. red; intros. exploit transform_program_function; eauto. intros [f0 [A B]]. subst f. exploit H; eauto. intros WTFD. inv WTFD; simpl; constructor. red; simpl. apply wt_transf_code; auto with linearty. Qed.