(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Type inference for RTL *) open Datatypes open CList open Camlcoq open Maps open AST open Op open Registers open RTL exception Type_error of string let env = ref (PTree.empty : typ PTree.t) let set_type r ty = match PTree.get r !env with | None -> env := PTree.set r ty !env | Some ty' -> if ty <> ty' then raise (Type_error "type mismatch") let rec set_types rl tyl = match rl, tyl with | [], [] -> () | r1 :: rs, ty1 :: tys -> set_type r1 ty1; set_types rs tys | _, _ -> raise (Type_error "arity mismatch") (* First pass: process constraints of the form typeof(r) = ty *) let type_instr retty (Coq_pair(pc, i)) = match i with | Inop(_) -> () | Iop(Omove, _, _, _) -> () | Iop(op, args, res, _) -> let (Coq_pair(targs, tres)) = type_of_operation op in set_types args targs; set_type res tres | Iload(chunk, addr, args, dst, _) -> set_types args (type_of_addressing addr); set_type dst (type_of_chunk chunk) | Istore(chunk, addr, args, src, _) -> set_types args (type_of_addressing addr); set_type src (type_of_chunk chunk) | Icall(sg, ros, args, res, _) -> begin try begin match ros with | Coq_inl r -> set_type r Tint | Coq_inr _ -> () end; set_types args sg.sig_args; set_type res (match sg.sig_res with None -> Tint | Some ty -> ty) with Type_error msg -> let name = match ros with | Coq_inl _ -> "" | Coq_inr id -> extern_atom id in raise(Type_error (Printf.sprintf "type mismatch in Icall(%s): %s" name msg)) end | Itailcall(sg, ros, args) -> begin try begin match ros with | Coq_inl r -> set_type r Tint | Coq_inr _ -> () end; set_types args sg.sig_args; if sg.sig_res <> retty then raise (Type_error "mismatch on return type") with Type_error msg -> let name = match ros with | Coq_inl _ -> "" | Coq_inr id -> extern_atom id in raise(Type_error (Printf.sprintf "type mismatch in Itailcall(%s): %s" name msg)) end | Icond(cond, args, _, _) -> set_types args (type_of_condition cond) | Ireturn(optres) -> begin match optres, retty with | None, None -> () | Some r, Some ty -> set_type r ty | _, _ -> raise (Type_error "type mismatch in Ireturn") end let type_pass1 retty instrs = List.iter (type_instr retty) instrs (* Second pass: extract move constraints typeof(r1) = typeof(r2) and solve them iteratively *) let rec extract_moves = function | [] -> [] | Coq_pair(pc, i) :: rem -> match i with | Iop(Omove, [r1], r2, _) -> (r1, r2) :: extract_moves rem | Iop(Omove, _, _, _) -> raise (Type_error "wrong Omove") | _ -> extract_moves rem let changed = ref false let rec solve_moves = function | [] -> [] | (r1, r2) :: rem -> match (PTree.get r1 !env, PTree.get r2 !env) with | Some ty1, Some ty2 -> if ty1 = ty2 then (changed := true; solve_moves rem) else raise (Type_error "type mismatch in Omove") | Some ty1, None -> env := PTree.set r2 ty1 !env; changed := true; solve_moves rem | None, Some ty2 -> env := PTree.set r1 ty2 !env; changed := true; solve_moves rem | None, None -> (r1, r2) :: solve_moves rem let rec iter_solve_moves mvs = changed := false; let mvs' = solve_moves mvs in if !changed then iter_solve_moves mvs' let type_pass2 instrs = iter_solve_moves (extract_moves instrs) let typeof e r = match PTree.get r e with Some ty -> ty | None -> Tint let infer_type_environment f instrs = try env := PTree.empty; set_types f.fn_params f.fn_sig.sig_args; type_pass1 f.fn_sig.sig_res instrs; type_pass2 instrs; let e = !env in env := PTree.empty; Some(typeof e) with Type_error msg -> Printf.eprintf "Error during RTL type inference: %s\n" msg; None