(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Register allocation by coloring of an interference graph *) (* The algorithm in a nutshell: - Split live ranges - Convert from RTL to XTL - Eliminate dead code - Repeat: . Construct interference graph . Color interference graph using IRC algorithm . Check for variables that were spilled and must be in registers . If none, convert to LTL and exit. . If some, insert spill and reload instructions and try again End Repeat *) open Printf open Clflags open Camlcoq open Datatypes open Coqlib open Maps open AST open Kildall open Op open Machregs open Locations open Conventions1 open Conventions open IRC open XTL (* Detection of 2-address operations *) let is_two_address op args = if two_address_op op then match args with | [] -> assert false | arg1 :: argl -> Some(arg1, argl) else None (* For tracing *) let destination_alloctrace : string option ref = ref None let pp = ref stdout let init_trace () = if !option_dalloctrace && !pp == stdout then begin match !destination_alloctrace with | None -> () (* should not happen *) | Some f -> pp := open_out f end (**************** Initial conversion from RTL to XTL **************) let vreg tyenv r = V(r, tyenv r) let vregs tyenv rl = List.map (vreg tyenv) rl let constrain_reg v c = match c with | None -> v | Some mr -> L(R mr) let rec constrain_regs vl cl = match vl, cl with | [], _ -> [] | v1 :: vl', [] -> vl | v1 :: vl', Some mr1 :: cl' -> L(R mr1) :: constrain_regs vl' cl' | v1 :: vl', None :: cl' -> v1 :: constrain_regs vl' cl' let move v1 v2 k = if v1 = v2 then k else if XTL.is_stack_reg v1 then begin let t = new_temp (typeof v2) in Xmove(v1, t) :: Xmove(t, v2) :: k end else if XTL.is_stack_reg v2 then begin let t = new_temp (typeof v1) in Xmove(v1, t) :: Xmove(t, v2) :: k end else Xmove(v1, v2) :: k let rec movelist vl1 vl2 k = match vl1, vl2 with | [], [] -> k | v1 :: vl1, v2 :: vl2 -> move v1 v2 (movelist vl1 vl2 k) | _, _ -> assert false let parmove_regs2locs tyenv srcs dsts k = assert (List.length srcs = List.length dsts); let rec expand srcs' dsts' rl ll = match rl, ll with | [], [] -> (srcs', dsts') | r :: rl, One l :: ll -> let ty = tyenv r in expand (V(r, ty) :: srcs') (L l :: dsts') rl ll | r :: rl, Twolong(l1, l2) :: ll -> assert (tyenv r = Tlong); expand (V(r, Tint) :: V(twin_reg r, Tint) :: srcs') (L l1 :: L l2 :: dsts') rl ll | _, _ -> assert false in let (srcs', dsts') = expand [] [] srcs dsts in match srcs', dsts' with | [], [] -> k | [src], [dst] -> move src dst k | _, _ -> Xparmove(srcs', dsts', new_temp Tint, new_temp Tfloat) :: k let parmove_locs2regs tyenv srcs dsts k = assert (List.length srcs = List.length dsts); let rec expand srcs' dsts' ll rl = match ll, rl with | [], [] -> (srcs', dsts') | One l :: ll, r :: rl -> let ty = tyenv r in expand (L l :: srcs') (V(r, ty) :: dsts') ll rl | Twolong(l1, l2) :: ll, r :: rl -> assert (tyenv r = Tlong); expand (L l1 :: L l2 :: srcs') (V(r, Tint) :: V(twin_reg r, Tint) :: dsts') ll rl | _, _ -> assert false in let (srcs', dsts') = expand [] [] srcs dsts in match srcs', dsts' with | [], [] -> k | [src], [dst] -> move src dst k | _, _ -> Xparmove(srcs', dsts', new_temp Tint, new_temp Tfloat) :: k let rec convert_builtin_arg tyenv = function | BA r -> begin match tyenv r with | Tlong -> BA_splitlong(BA(V(r, Tint)), BA(V(twin_reg r, Tint))) | ty -> BA(V(r, ty)) end | BA_int n -> BA_int n | BA_long n -> BA_long n | BA_float n -> BA_float n | BA_single n -> BA_single n | BA_loadstack(chunk, ofs) -> BA_loadstack(chunk, ofs) | BA_addrstack(ofs) -> BA_addrstack(ofs) | BA_loadglobal(chunk, id, ofs) -> BA_loadglobal(chunk, id, ofs) | BA_addrglobal(id, ofs) -> BA_addrglobal(id, ofs) | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) -> BA_splitlong(convert_builtin_arg tyenv hi, convert_builtin_arg tyenv lo) let convert_builtin_res tyenv = function | BR r -> begin match tyenv r with | Tlong -> BR_splitlong(BR(V(r, Tint)), BR(V(twin_reg r, Tint))) | ty -> BR(V(r, ty)) end | BR_none -> BR_none | BR_splitlong _ -> assert false let rec constrain_builtin_arg a cl = match a, cl with | BA x, None :: cl' -> (a, cl') | BA x, Some mr :: cl' -> (BA (L(R mr)), cl') | BA_splitlong(hi, lo), _ -> let (hi', cl1) = constrain_builtin_arg hi cl in let (lo', cl2) = constrain_builtin_arg lo cl1 in (BA_splitlong(hi', lo'), cl2) | _, _ -> (a, cl) let rec constrain_builtin_args al cl = match al with | [] -> ([], cl) | a :: al -> let (a', cl1) = constrain_builtin_arg a cl in let (al', cl2) = constrain_builtin_args al cl1 in (a' :: al', cl2) let rec constrain_builtin_res a cl = match a, cl with | BR x, None :: cl' -> (a, cl') | BR x, Some mr :: cl' -> (BR (L(R mr)), cl') | BR_splitlong(hi, lo), _ -> let (hi', cl1) = constrain_builtin_res hi cl in let (lo', cl2) = constrain_builtin_res lo cl1 in (BR_splitlong(hi', lo'), cl2) | _, _ -> (a, cl) (* Return the XTL basic block corresponding to the given RTL instruction. Move and parallel move instructions are introduced to honor calling conventions and register constraints on some operations. 64-bit integer variables are split in two 32-bit halves. *) let block_of_RTL_instr funsig tyenv = function | RTL.Inop s -> [Xbranch s] | RTL.Iop(Omove, [arg], res, s) -> if tyenv arg = Tlong then [Xmove(V(arg, Tint), V(res, Tint)); Xmove(V(twin_reg arg, Tint), V(twin_reg res, Tint)); Xbranch s] else [Xmove(vreg tyenv arg, vreg tyenv res); Xbranch s] | RTL.Iop(Omakelong, [arg1; arg2], res, s) -> [Xmove(V(arg1, Tint), V(res, Tint)); Xmove(V(arg2, Tint), V(twin_reg res, Tint)); Xbranch s] | RTL.Iop(Olowlong, [arg], res, s) -> [Xmove(V(twin_reg arg, Tint), V(res, Tint)); Xbranch s] | RTL.Iop(Ohighlong, [arg], res, s) -> [Xmove(V(arg, Tint), V(res, Tint)); Xbranch s] | RTL.Iop(op, args, res, s) -> let (cargs, cres) = mregs_for_operation op in let args1 = vregs tyenv args and res1 = vreg tyenv res in let args2 = constrain_regs args1 cargs and res2 = constrain_reg res1 cres in let (args3, res3) = match is_two_address op args2 with | None -> (args2, res2) | Some(arg, args2') -> if arg = res2 || not (List.mem res2 args2') then (args2, res2) else let t = new_temp (tyenv res) in (t :: args2', t) in movelist args1 args3 (Xop(op, args3, res3) :: move res3 res1 [Xbranch s]) | RTL.Iload(chunk, addr, args, dst, s) -> if chunk = Mint64 then begin match offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) with | None -> assert false | Some addr' -> [Xload(Mint32, addr, vregs tyenv args, V((if Archi.big_endian then dst else twin_reg dst), Tint)); Xload(Mint32, addr', vregs tyenv args, V((if Archi.big_endian then twin_reg dst else dst), Tint)); Xbranch s] end else [Xload(chunk, addr, vregs tyenv args, vreg tyenv dst); Xbranch s] | RTL.Istore(chunk, addr, args, src, s) -> if chunk = Mint64 then begin match offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) with | None -> assert false | Some addr' -> [Xstore(Mint32, addr, vregs tyenv args, V((if Archi.big_endian then src else twin_reg src), Tint)); Xstore(Mint32, addr', vregs tyenv args, V((if Archi.big_endian then twin_reg src else src), Tint)); Xbranch s] end else [Xstore(chunk, addr, vregs tyenv args, vreg tyenv src); Xbranch s] | RTL.Icall(sg, ros, args, res, s) -> let args' = loc_arguments sg and res' = [map_rpair (fun r -> R r) (loc_result sg)] in parmove_regs2locs tyenv args args' (Xcall(sg, sum_left_map (vreg tyenv) ros, vlocpairs args', vlocpairs res') :: parmove_locs2regs tyenv res' [res] [Xbranch s]) | RTL.Itailcall(sg, ros, args) -> let args' = loc_arguments sg in parmove_regs2locs tyenv args args' [Xtailcall(sg, sum_left_map (vreg tyenv) ros, vlocpairs args')] | RTL.Ibuiltin(ef, args, res, s) -> let (cargs, cres) = mregs_for_builtin ef in let args1 = List.map (convert_builtin_arg tyenv) args and res1 = convert_builtin_res tyenv res in let (args2, _) = constrain_builtin_args args1 cargs and (res2, _) = constrain_builtin_res res1 cres in movelist (params_of_builtin_args args1) (params_of_builtin_args args2) (Xbuiltin(ef, args2, res2) :: movelist (params_of_builtin_res res2) (params_of_builtin_res res1) [Xbranch s]) | RTL.Icond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> [Xcond(cond, vregs tyenv args, s1, s2)] | RTL.Ijumptable(arg, tbl) -> [Xjumptable(vreg tyenv arg, tbl)] | RTL.Ireturn None -> [Xreturn []] | RTL.Ireturn (Some arg) -> let args' = [map_rpair (fun r -> R r) (loc_result funsig)] in parmove_regs2locs tyenv [arg] args' [Xreturn (vlocpairs args')] (* One above the [pc] nodes of the given RTL function *) let next_pc f = PTree.fold (fun npc pc i -> if P.lt pc npc then npc else P.succ pc) f.RTL.fn_code P.one (* Translate an RTL function to an XTL function *) let function_of_RTL_function f tyenv = let xc = PTree.map1 (block_of_RTL_instr f.RTL.fn_sig tyenv) f.RTL.fn_code in (* Add moves for function parameters *) let pc_entrypoint = next_pc f in let b_entrypoint = parmove_locs2regs tyenv (loc_parameters f.RTL.fn_sig) f.RTL.fn_params [Xbranch f.RTL.fn_entrypoint] in { fn_sig = f.RTL.fn_sig; fn_stacksize = f.RTL.fn_stacksize; fn_entrypoint = pc_entrypoint; fn_code = PTree.set pc_entrypoint b_entrypoint xc } (***************** Liveness analysis *****************) let vset_removelist vl after = List.fold_right VSet.remove vl after let vset_addlist vl after = List.fold_right VSet.add vl after let vset_addros vos after = match vos with Coq_inl v -> VSet.add v after | Coq_inr id -> after let rec vset_addarg a after = match a with | BA v -> VSet.add v after | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) -> vset_addarg hi (vset_addarg lo after) | _ -> after let vset_addargs al after = List.fold_right vset_addarg al after let rec vset_removeres r after = match r with | BR v -> VSet.remove v after | BR_none -> after | BR_splitlong(hi, lo) -> vset_removeres hi (vset_removeres lo after) let live_before instr after = match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) | Xspill(src, dst) | Xreload(src, dst) -> if VSet.mem dst after || XTL.is_stack_reg src then VSet.add src (VSet.remove dst after) else after | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> vset_addlist srcs (vset_removelist dsts after) | Xop(op, args, res) -> if VSet.mem res after then vset_addlist args (VSet.remove res after) else after | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> if VSet.mem dst after then vset_addlist args (VSet.remove dst after) else after | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> vset_addlist args (VSet.add src after) | Xcall(sg, ros, args, res) -> vset_addlist args (vset_addros ros (vset_removelist res after)) | Xtailcall(sg, ros, args) -> vset_addlist args (vset_addros ros VSet.empty) | Xbuiltin(EF_debug _, args, res) -> vset_removeres res after | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> vset_addargs args (vset_removeres res after) | Xbranch s -> after | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> List.fold_right VSet.add args after | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> VSet.add arg after | Xreturn args -> vset_addlist args VSet.empty let rec live_before_block blk after = match blk with | [] -> after | instr :: blk -> live_before instr (live_before_block blk after) let transfer_live f pc after = match PTree.get pc f.fn_code with | None -> VSet.empty | Some blk -> live_before_block blk after module VSetLat = struct type t = VSet.t let beq = VSet.equal let bot = VSet.empty let lub = VSet.union end module Liveness_Solver = Backward_Dataflow_Solver(VSetLat)(NodeSetBackward) let liveness_analysis f = match Liveness_Solver.fixpoint f.fn_code successors_block (transfer_live f) with | None -> assert false | Some lv -> lv (* Pair the instructions of a block with their live-before sets *) let pair_block_live blk after = let rec pair_rec accu after = function | [] -> accu | instr :: blk -> let before = live_before instr after in pair_rec ((instr, before) :: accu) before blk in pair_rec [] after (List.rev blk) (**************** Dead code elimination **********************) (* Eliminate pure instructions whose results are not used later. *) (* Also: remove dead registers from debug annotations. *) let rec dce_parmove srcs dsts after = match srcs, dsts with | [], [] -> [], [] | src1 :: srcs, dst1 :: dsts -> let (srcs', dsts') = dce_parmove srcs dsts after in if VSet.mem dst1 after || XTL.is_stack_reg src1 then (src1 :: srcs', dst1 :: dsts') else (srcs', dsts') | _, _ -> assert false let rec keep_builtin_arg after = function | BA v -> VSet.mem v after | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) -> keep_builtin_arg after hi && keep_builtin_arg after lo | _ -> true let dce_instr instr after k = match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) -> if VSet.mem dst after || XTL.is_stack_reg src then instr :: k else k | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> begin match dce_parmove srcs dsts after with | ([], []) -> k | ([src], [dst]) -> Xmove(src, dst) :: k | (srcs', dsts') -> Xparmove(srcs', dsts', itmp, ftmp) :: k end | Xop(op, args, res) -> if VSet.mem res after then instr :: k else k | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> if VSet.mem dst after then instr :: k else k | Xbuiltin(EF_debug _ as ef, args, res) -> let across = vset_removeres res after in Xbuiltin(ef, List.filter (keep_builtin_arg across) args, res) :: k | _ -> instr :: k let rec dce_block blk after = match blk with | [] -> (after, []) | instr :: blk' -> let (after', tblk') = dce_block blk' after in (live_before instr after', dce_instr instr after' tblk') let dead_code_elimination f liveness = { f with fn_code = PTree.map (fun pc blk -> Datatypes.snd(dce_block blk (PMap.get pc liveness))) f.fn_code } (*********************** Spill costs ****************************) (* Estimate spill costs and count other statistics for every variable. Variables that must not be spilled are given infinite costs. *) let spill_costs f = let costs = ref PTree.empty in let get_stats r = match PTree.get r !costs with | Some st -> st | None -> let st = {cost = 0; usedefs = 0} in costs := PTree.set r st !costs; st in let charge amount uses v = match v with | L l -> () | V(r, ty) -> let st = get_stats r in if st.cost < 0 then (* the variable must be spilled, don't change its cost *) assert (amount < max_int) else begin (* saturating addition *) let c1 = st.cost + amount in let c2 = if c1 >= 0 then c1 else max_int (* overflow *) in st.cost <- c2 end; st.usedefs <- st.usedefs + uses in let charge_list amount uses vl = List.iter (charge amount uses) vl in let charge_ros amount ros = match ros with Coq_inl v -> charge amount 1 v | Coq_inr id -> () in let force_stack_allocation v = match v with | L l -> () | V(r, ty) -> let st = get_stats r in assert (st.cost < max_int); st.cost <- (-1) in let charge_instr = function | Xmove(src, dst) -> if XTL.is_stack_reg src then force_stack_allocation dst else if XTL.is_stack_reg dst then force_stack_allocation src else begin charge 1 1 src; charge 1 1 dst end | Xreload(src, dst) -> charge 1 1 src; charge max_int 1 dst (* dest must not be spilled! *) | Xspill(src, dst) -> charge max_int 1 src; charge 1 1 dst (* source must not be spilled! *) | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> charge_list 1 1 srcs; charge_list 1 1 dsts; charge max_int 0 itmp; charge max_int 0 ftmp (* temps must not be spilled *) | Xop(op, args, res) -> charge_list 10 1 args; charge 10 1 res | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> charge_list 10 1 args; charge 10 1 dst | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> charge_list 10 1 args; charge 10 1 src | Xcall(sg, vos, args, res) -> charge_ros 10 vos | Xtailcall(sg, vos, args) -> charge_ros 10 vos | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> begin match ef with | EF_annot _ | EF_debug _ -> () | EF_vstore _ | EF_memcpy _ -> (* result is not used but should not be spilled *) charge_list 10 1 (params_of_builtin_args args); charge_list max_int 0 (params_of_builtin_res res) | EF_annot_val _ -> (* like a move *) charge_list 1 1 (params_of_builtin_args args); charge_list 1 1 (params_of_builtin_res res) | _ -> charge_list 10 1 (params_of_builtin_args args); charge_list 10 1 (params_of_builtin_res res) end | Xbranch _ -> () | Xcond(cond, args, _, _) -> charge_list 10 1 args | Xjumptable(arg, _) -> charge 10 1 arg | Xreturn optarg -> () in let charge_block blk = List.iter charge_instr blk in PTree.fold1 (fun () blk -> charge_block blk) f.fn_code (); if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "------------------ Unspillable variables --------------\n\n"; PTree.fold (fun () r st -> if st.cost = max_int then fprintf !pp "x%d " (P.to_int r)) !costs (); fprintf !pp "\n\n" end; (* Result is cost function: pseudoreg -> stats *) get_stats (********* Construction and coloring of the interference graph **************) let add_interfs_def g res live = VSet.iter (fun v -> if v <> res then IRC.add_interf g v res) live let add_interfs_move g src dst live = VSet.iter (fun v -> if v <> src && v <> dst then IRC.add_interf g v dst) live let add_interfs_destroyed g live mregs = List.iter (fun mr -> VSet.iter (IRC.add_interf g (L (R mr))) live) mregs let add_interfs_live g live v = VSet.iter (fun v' -> IRC.add_interf g v v') live let add_interfs_list g v vl = List.iter (IRC.add_interf g v) vl let add_interfs_list_mreg g vl mr = List.iter (fun v -> IRC.add_interf g v (L (R mr))) vl let rec add_interfs_pairwise g = function | [] -> () | v1 :: vl -> add_interfs_list g v1 vl; add_interfs_pairwise g vl let add_interfs_instr g instr live = match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) | Xspill(src, dst) | Xreload(src, dst) -> IRC.add_pref g src dst; add_interfs_move g src dst live | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> List.iter2 (IRC.add_pref g) srcs dsts; (* Interferences with live across *) let across = vset_removelist dsts live in List.iter (add_interfs_live g across) dsts; add_interfs_live g across itmp; add_interfs_live g across ftmp; (* All destinations must be pairwise different *) add_interfs_pairwise g dsts; (* The temporaries must be different from sources and dests *) add_interfs_list g itmp srcs; add_interfs_list g itmp dsts; add_interfs_list g ftmp srcs; add_interfs_list g ftmp dsts; (* Take into account destroyed reg when accessing Incoming param *) if List.exists (function (L(Locations.S(Incoming, _, _))) -> true | _ -> false) srcs then add_interfs_list g (vmreg temp_for_parent_frame) dsts; (* Take into account destroyed reg when initializing Outgoing arguments of type Tsingle *) if List.exists (function (L(Locations.S(Outgoing, _, Tsingle))) -> true | _ -> false) dsts then List.iter (fun mr -> add_interfs_list g (vmreg mr) srcs; IRC.add_interf g (vmreg mr) ftmp) (destroyed_by_setstack Tsingle) | Xop(Ofloatofsingle, arg1::_, res) when Configuration.arch = "powerpc" -> add_interfs_def g res live; IRC.add_pref g arg1 res | Xop(op, args, res) -> begin match is_two_address op args with | None -> add_interfs_def g res live | Some(arg1, argl) -> (* Treat as "res := arg1; res := op(res, argl)" *) add_interfs_def g res live; IRC.add_pref g arg1 res; add_interfs_move g arg1 res (vset_addlist (res :: argl) (VSet.remove res live)) end; add_interfs_destroyed g (VSet.remove res live) (destroyed_by_op op) | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> add_interfs_def g dst live; add_interfs_destroyed g (VSet.remove dst live) (destroyed_by_load chunk addr) | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> add_interfs_destroyed g live (destroyed_by_store chunk addr) | Xcall(sg, vos, args, res) -> add_interfs_destroyed g (vset_removelist res live) destroyed_at_call | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inl v, args) -> List.iter (fun r -> IRC.add_interf g (vmreg r) v) int_callee_save_regs | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inr id, args) -> () | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> (* Interferences with live across *) let across = vset_removeres res live in let vres = params_of_builtin_res res in List.iter (add_interfs_live g across) vres; (* All results must be pairwise different *) add_interfs_pairwise g vres; add_interfs_destroyed g across (destroyed_by_builtin ef); begin match ef, args, res with | EF_annot_val _, [BA arg], BR res -> (* like a move *) IRC.add_pref g arg res | EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, _ -> let vargs = params_of_builtin_args args in (* clobbered regs interfere with res and args for GCC compatibility *) List.iter (fun c -> match Machregs.register_by_name c with | None -> () | Some mr -> add_interfs_list_mreg g vargs mr; add_interfs_list_mreg g vres mr) clob | _ -> () end | Xbranch s -> () | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> add_interfs_destroyed g live (destroyed_by_cond cond) | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> add_interfs_destroyed g live destroyed_by_jumptable | Xreturn optarg -> () let rec add_interfs_block g blk live = match blk with | [] -> live | instr :: blk' -> let live' = add_interfs_block g blk' live in add_interfs_instr g instr live'; live_before instr live' let find_coloring f liveness = (*type_function f; (* for debugging *)*) let g = IRC.init (spill_costs f) in PTree.fold (fun () pc blk -> ignore (add_interfs_block g blk (PMap.get pc liveness))) f.fn_code (); add_interfs_destroyed g (transfer_live f f.fn_entrypoint (PMap.get f.fn_entrypoint liveness)) destroyed_at_function_entry; IRC.coloring g (*********** Determination of variables that need spill code insertion *****) let is_reg alloc v = match alloc v with R _ -> true | Locations.S _ -> false let add_tospill alloc v ts = match alloc v with R _ -> ts | Locations.S _ -> VSet.add v ts let addlist_tospill alloc vl ts = List.fold_right (add_tospill alloc) vl ts let addros_tospill alloc ros ts = match ros with Coq_inl v -> add_tospill alloc v ts | Coq_inr s -> ts let tospill_instr alloc instr ts = match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) -> if is_reg alloc src || is_reg alloc dst || alloc src = alloc dst then ts else VSet.add src (VSet.add dst ts) | Xreload(src, dst) -> if not (is_reg alloc dst) then begin printf "Error: %a was spilled\n" PrintXTL.var dst; assert false end; ts | Xspill(src, dst) -> if not (is_reg alloc src) then begin printf "Error: %a was spilled\n" PrintXTL.var src; assert false end; ts | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> assert (is_reg alloc itmp && is_reg alloc ftmp); ts | Xop(op, args, res) -> addlist_tospill alloc args (add_tospill alloc res ts) | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> addlist_tospill alloc args (add_tospill alloc dst ts) | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> addlist_tospill alloc args (add_tospill alloc src ts) | Xcall(sg, vos, args, res) -> addros_tospill alloc vos ts | Xtailcall(sg, vos, args) -> addros_tospill alloc vos ts | Xbuiltin((EF_annot _ | EF_debug _), _, _) -> ts | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> addlist_tospill alloc (params_of_builtin_args args) (addlist_tospill alloc (params_of_builtin_res res) ts) | Xbranch s -> ts | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> addlist_tospill alloc args ts | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> add_tospill alloc arg ts | Xreturn optarg -> ts let rec tospill_block alloc blk ts = match blk with | [] -> ts | instr :: blk' -> tospill_block alloc blk' (tospill_instr alloc instr ts) let tospill_function f alloc = PTree.fold1 (fun ts blk -> tospill_block alloc blk ts) f.fn_code VSet.empty (********************* Spilling ***********************) (* We follow a semi-naive spilling strategy. By default, we spill at every definition of a variable that could not be allocated a register, and we reload before every use. However, we also maintain a list of equations of the form [spilled-var = temp] that keep track of variables that were recently spilled or reloaded. Based on these equations, we can avoid reloading a spilled variable if its value is still available in a temporary register. *) let rec find_reg_containing v = function | [] -> None | (var, temp, date) :: eqs -> if var = v then Some temp else find_reg_containing v eqs let add v t eqs = (v, t, 0) :: eqs let kill x eqs = List.filter (fun (v, t, date) -> v <> x && t <> x) eqs let reload_var tospill eqs v = if not (VSet.mem v tospill) then (v, [], eqs) else match find_reg_containing v eqs with | Some t -> (*printf "Reusing %a for %a@ @." PrintXTL.var t PrintXTL.var v;*) (t, [], eqs) | None -> let t = new_temp (typeof v) in (t, [Xreload(v, t)], add v t eqs) let rec reload_vars tospill eqs vl = match vl with | [] -> ([], [], eqs) | v1 :: vs -> let (t1, c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs v1 in let (ts, cs, eqs2) = reload_vars tospill eqs1 vs in (t1 :: ts, c1 @ cs, eqs2) let rec reload_arg tospill eqs = function | BA v -> let (t, c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs v in (BA t, c1, eqs1) | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) -> let (hi', c1, eqs1) = reload_arg tospill eqs hi in let (lo', c2, eqs2) = reload_arg tospill eqs1 lo in (BA_splitlong(hi', lo'), c1 @ c2, eqs2) | a -> (a, [], eqs) let rec reload_args tospill eqs = function | [] -> ([], [], eqs) | a1 :: al -> let (t1, c1, eqs1) = reload_arg tospill eqs a1 in let (tl, cl, eqs2) = reload_args tospill eqs1 al in (t1 :: tl, c1 @ cl, eqs2) let save_var tospill eqs v = if not (VSet.mem v tospill) then (v, [], kill v eqs) else begin let t = new_temp (typeof v) in (t, [Xspill(t, v)], add v t (kill v eqs)) end let rec save_res tospill eqs = function | BR v -> let (t, c1, eqs1) = save_var tospill eqs v in (BR t, c1, eqs1) | BR_none -> (BR_none, [], eqs) | BR_splitlong(hi, lo) -> let (hi', c1, eqs1) = save_res tospill eqs hi in let (lo', c2, eqs2) = save_res tospill eqs1 lo in (BR_splitlong(hi', lo'), c1 @ c2, eqs2) (* Trimming equations when we have too many or when they are too old. The goal is to limit the live range of unspillable temporaries. By setting [max_age] to zero, we can effectively deactivate the reuse strategy and fall back to a naive "reload at every use" strategy. *) let max_age = ref 3 let max_num_eqs = ref 3 let rec trim count eqs = if count <= 0 then [] else match eqs with | [] -> [] | (v, t, date) :: eqs' -> if date <= !max_age then (v, t, date + 1) :: trim (count - 1) eqs' else [] (* Insertion of spill and reload instructions. *) let spill_instr tospill eqs instr = let eqs = trim !max_num_eqs eqs in match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) -> if VSet.mem src tospill && VSet.mem dst tospill then begin let (src', c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs src in (c1 @ [Xspill(src', dst)], add dst src' (kill dst eqs1)) end else begin ([instr], kill dst eqs) end | Xreload(src, dst) -> assert false | Xspill(src, dst) -> assert false | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> ([instr], List.fold_right kill dsts eqs) | Xop(op, args, res) -> begin match is_two_address op args with | None -> let (args', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs args in let (res', c2, eqs2) = save_var tospill eqs1 res in (c1 @ Xop(op, args', res') :: c2, eqs2) | Some(arg1, argl) -> begin match VSet.mem res tospill, VSet.mem arg1 tospill with | false, false -> let (argl', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs argl in (c1 @ [Xop(op, arg1 :: argl', res)], kill res eqs1) | true, false -> let tmp = new_temp (typeof res) in let (argl', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs argl in (c1 @ [Xmove(arg1, tmp); Xop(op, tmp :: argl', tmp); Xspill(tmp, res)], add res tmp (kill res eqs1)) | false, true -> let eqs1 = add arg1 res (kill res eqs) in let (argl', c1, eqs2) = reload_vars tospill eqs1 argl in (* PR#113, PR#122: [Xreload] here causes [res] to become unspillable in the future. This is too strong, hence the [Xmove]. Alternatively, this [false, true] case could be removed and the [true, true] case below used instead. *) (Xmove(arg1, res) :: c1 @ [Xop(op, res :: argl', res)], kill res eqs2) | true, true -> let tmp = new_temp (typeof res) in let eqs1 = add arg1 tmp eqs in let (argl', c1, eqs2) = reload_vars tospill eqs1 argl in (Xreload(arg1, tmp) :: c1 @ [Xop(op, tmp :: argl', tmp); Xspill(tmp, res)], add res tmp (kill tmp (kill res eqs2))) end end | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> let (args', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs args in let (dst', c2, eqs2) = save_var tospill eqs1 dst in (c1 @ Xload(chunk, addr, args', dst') :: c2, eqs2) | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> let (args', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs args in let (src', c2, eqs2) = reload_var tospill eqs1 src in (c1 @ c2 @ [Xstore(chunk, addr, args', src')], eqs2) | Xcall(sg, Coq_inl v, args, res) -> let (v', c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs v in (c1 @ [Xcall(sg, Coq_inl v', args, res)], []) | Xcall(sg, Coq_inr id, args, res) -> ([instr], []) | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inl v, args) -> let (v', c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs v in (c1 @ [Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inl v', args)], []) | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inr id, args) -> ([instr], []) | Xbuiltin((EF_annot _ | EF_debug _), args, res) -> ([instr], eqs) | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> let (args', c1, eqs1) = reload_args tospill eqs args in let (res', c2, eqs2) = save_res tospill eqs1 res in (c1 @ Xbuiltin(ef, args', res') :: c2, eqs2) | Xbranch s -> ([instr], eqs) | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> let (args', c1, eqs1) = reload_vars tospill eqs args in (c1 @ [Xcond(cond, args', s1, s2)], eqs1) | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> let (arg', c1, eqs1) = reload_var tospill eqs arg in (c1 @ [Xjumptable(arg', tbl)], eqs1) | Xreturn optarg -> ([instr], []) let rec spill_block tospill pc blk eqs = match blk with | [] -> ([], eqs) | instr :: blk' -> let (c1, eqs1) = spill_instr tospill eqs instr in let (c2, eqs2) = spill_block tospill pc blk' eqs1 in (c1 @ c2, eqs2) (* let spill_block tospill pc blk eqs = printf "@[spill_block: at %ld: " (camlint_of_positive pc); List.iter (fun (x,y,d) -> printf "@ %a=%a" PrintXTL.var x PrintXTL.var y) eqs; printf "@]@."; spill_block tospill pc blk eqs *) let spill_function f tospill round = max_num_eqs := 3; max_age := (if round <= 10 then 3 else if round <= 20 then 1 else 0); transform_basic_blocks (spill_block tospill) [] f (***************** Generation of LTL from XTL ***********************) (** Apply a register allocation to an XTL function, producing an LTL function. Raise [Bad_LTL] if some pseudoregisters were mapped to stack locations while machine registers were expected, or in other words if spilling and reloading code must be inserted. *) exception Bad_LTL let mreg_of alloc v = match alloc v with R mr -> mr | Locations.S _ -> raise Bad_LTL let mregs_of alloc vl = List.map (mreg_of alloc) vl let mros_of alloc vos = sum_left_map (mreg_of alloc) vos let make_move src dst k = match src, dst with | R rsrc, R rdst -> if rsrc = rdst then k else LTL.Lop(Omove, [rsrc], rdst) :: k | R rsrc, Locations.S(sl, ofs, ty) -> LTL.Lsetstack(rsrc, sl, ofs, ty) :: k | Locations.S(sl, ofs, ty), R rdst -> LTL.Lgetstack(sl, ofs, ty, rdst) :: k | Locations.S _, Locations.S _ -> if src = dst then k else raise Bad_LTL type parmove_status = To_move | Being_moved | Moved let make_parmove srcs dsts itmp ftmp k = let src = Array.of_list srcs and dst = Array.of_list dsts in let n = Array.length src in assert (Array.length dst = n); let status = Array.make n To_move in let temp_for = function (Tint|Tany32) -> itmp | (Tfloat|Tsingle|Tany64) -> ftmp | Tlong -> assert false in let code = ref [] in let add_move s d = match s, d with | R rs, R rd -> code := LTL.Lop(Omove, [rs], rd) :: !code | R rs, Locations.S(sl, ofs, ty) -> code := LTL.Lsetstack(rs, sl, ofs, ty) :: !code | Locations.S(sl, ofs, ty), R rd -> code := LTL.Lgetstack(sl, ofs, ty, rd) :: !code | Locations.S(sls, ofss, tys), Locations.S(sld, ofsd, tyd) -> let tmp = temp_for tys in (* code will be reversed at the end *) code := LTL.Lsetstack(tmp, sld, ofsd, tyd) :: LTL.Lgetstack(sls, ofss, tys, tmp) :: !code in let rec move_one i = if src.(i) <> dst.(i) then begin status.(i) <- Being_moved; for j = 0 to n - 1 do if src.(j) = dst.(i) then match status.(j) with | To_move -> move_one j | Being_moved -> let tmp = R (temp_for (Loc.coq_type src.(j))) in add_move src.(j) tmp; src.(j) <- tmp | Moved -> () done; add_move src.(i) dst.(i); status.(i) <- Moved end in for i = 0 to n - 1 do if status.(i) = To_move then move_one i done; List.rev_append !code k let transl_instr alloc instr k = match instr with | Xmove(src, dst) | Xreload(src, dst) | Xspill(src, dst) -> make_move (alloc src) (alloc dst) k | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> make_parmove (List.map alloc srcs) (List.map alloc dsts) (mreg_of alloc itmp) (mreg_of alloc ftmp) k | Xop(op, args, res) -> let rargs = mregs_of alloc args and rres = mreg_of alloc res in begin match is_two_address op rargs with | None -> LTL.Lop(op, rargs, rres) :: k | Some(rarg1, rargl) -> if rarg1 = rres then LTL.Lop(op, rargs, rres) :: k else LTL.Lop(Omove, [rarg1], rres) :: LTL.Lop(op, rres :: rargl, rres) :: k end | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> LTL.Lload(chunk, addr, mregs_of alloc args, mreg_of alloc dst) :: k | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> LTL.Lstore(chunk, addr, mregs_of alloc args, mreg_of alloc src) :: k | Xcall(sg, vos, args, res) -> LTL.Lcall(sg, mros_of alloc vos) :: k | Xtailcall(sg, vos, args) -> LTL.Ltailcall(sg, mros_of alloc vos) :: [] | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> LTL.Lbuiltin(ef, List.map (AST.map_builtin_arg alloc) args, AST.map_builtin_res (mreg_of alloc) res) :: k | Xbranch s -> LTL.Lbranch s :: [] | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> LTL.Lcond(cond, mregs_of alloc args, s1, s2) :: [] | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> LTL.Ljumptable(mreg_of alloc arg, tbl) :: [] | Xreturn optarg -> LTL.Lreturn :: [] let rec transl_block alloc blk = match blk with | [] -> [] | instr :: blk' -> transl_instr alloc instr (transl_block alloc blk') let transl_function fn alloc = { LTL.fn_sig = fn.fn_sig; LTL.fn_stacksize = fn.fn_stacksize; LTL.fn_entrypoint = fn.fn_entrypoint; LTL.fn_code = PTree.map1 (transl_block alloc) fn.fn_code } (******************* All together *********************) exception Timeout let rec first_round f liveness = let alloc = find_coloring f liveness in if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "-------------- After initial register allocation\n\n"; PrintXTL.print_function !pp ~alloc: alloc ~live: liveness f end; let ts = tospill_function f alloc in if VSet.is_empty ts then success f alloc else more_rounds f ts 1 and more_rounds f ts count = if count >= 40 then raise Timeout; let f' = spill_function f ts count in let liveness = liveness_analysis f' in let alloc = find_coloring f' liveness in if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "-------------- After register allocation (round %d)\n\n" count; PrintXTL.print_function !pp ~alloc: alloc ~live: liveness f' end; let ts' = tospill_function f' alloc in if VSet.is_empty ts' then success f' alloc else begin if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "--- Remain to be spilled:\n"; VSet.iter (fun v -> fprintf !pp "%a " PrintXTL.var v) ts'; fprintf !pp "\n\n" end; more_rounds f (VSet.union ts ts') (count + 1) end and success f alloc = let f' = transl_function f alloc in if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "-------------- Candidate allocation\n\n"; PrintLTL.print_function !pp P.one f' end; f' open !Errors let regalloc f = init_trace(); reset_temps(); let f1 = Splitting.rename_function f in match RTLtyping.type_function f1 with | Error msg -> Errors.Error(MSG (coqstring_of_camlstring "RTL code after splitting is ill-typed:") :: msg) | OK tyenv -> let f2 = function_of_RTL_function f1 tyenv in let liveness = liveness_analysis f2 in let f3 = dead_code_elimination f2 liveness in if !option_dalloctrace then begin fprintf !pp "-------------- Initial XTL\n\n"; PrintXTL.print_function !pp f3 end; try OK(first_round f3 liveness) with | Timeout -> Error(msg (coqstring_of_camlstring "Spilling fails to converge")) | Type_error_at pc -> Error [MSG(coqstring_of_camlstring "Ill-typed XTL code at PC "); POS pc] | Bad_LTL -> Error(msg (coqstring_of_camlstring "Bad LTL after spilling"))