(** Pseudo-registers and register states. This library defines the type of pseudo-registers used in the RTL intermediate language, and of mappings from pseudo-registers to values as used in the dynamic semantics of RTL. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import AST. Require Import Maps. Require Import Sets. Definition reg: Set := positive. Module Reg. Definition eq := peq. Definition typenv := PMap.t typ. End Reg. (** Mappings from registers to some type. *) Module Regmap := PMap. Set Implicit Arguments. Definition regmap_optget (A: Set) (or: option reg) (dfl: A) (rs: Regmap.t A) : A := match or with | None => dfl | Some r => Regmap.get r rs end. Definition regmap_optset (A: Set) (or: option reg) (v: A) (rs: Regmap.t A) : Regmap.t A := match or with | None => rs | Some r => Regmap.set r v rs end. Notation "a # b" := (Regmap.get b a) (at level 1). Notation "a ## b" := (List.map (fun r => Regmap.get r a) b) (at level 1). Notation "a # b <- c" := (Regmap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level). (** Sets of registers *) Module Regset := MakeSet(PTree).