Require Import FSets. Set Implicit Arguments. (* Useful properties over finite sets and ordered types *) Module MyOTFacts (M : OrderedType). Section compat. Lemma compat_not_compat : forall f : M.t -> bool, compat_bool M.eq f -> compat_bool M.eq (fun x => negb (f x)). Proof. unfold compat_bool;intros f H. intros; unfold negb. rewrite (H x y H0);reflexivity. Qed. End compat. End MyOTFacts. Module MyFacts (M : S). Import M. Module Import Props := Properties M. Module Import Facts := OrderedTypeFacts E. Module Import OTFacts := MyOTFacts E. Lemma set_induction2 : forall s, Empty s \/ exists x, exists s', Add x s' s. Proof. intros. case_eq (choose s);intros. right. exists e. exists (remove e s). constructor;intro H0. destruct (eq_dec e y). left;assumption. right;apply (remove_2 n H0). destruct H0. rewrite <-H0;apply (choose_1 H). eapply remove_3;eassumption. left;apply (choose_2 H). Qed. Lemma equal_equivlist : forall s s', Equal s s' -> equivlistA E.eq (elements s) (elements s'). Proof. unfold equivlistA. generalize elements_1;generalize elements_2;intros H0 H1 s s' H x. split;intro H2. apply H1;rewrite <-H;apply H0;assumption. apply H1;rewrite H;apply H0;assumption. Qed. Section Fold_Facts. Variable A : Type. Lemma fold_left_compat_set : forall (f : t -> A -> t) l e e', Equal e e' -> (forall e1 e2 a, Equal e1 e2 -> Equal (f e1 a) (f e2 a)) -> Equal (fold_left f l e) (fold_left f l e'). Proof. intros f l. induction l;simpl. auto. intros e e' H H0 H1. apply (IHl (f e a) (f e' a)). apply H0;assumption. assumption. Qed. Lemma fold_left_assoc : forall l f x h, (forall (y z : A) s, Equal (f (f s y) z) (f (f s z) y)) -> (forall e1 e2 a, Equal e1 e2 -> Equal (f e1 a) (f e2 a)) -> Equal (fold_left f (h :: l) x) (f (fold_left f l x) h). Proof. induction l;simpl;intros f x h H H0. intuition. rewrite <-IHl;simpl;try assumption. apply fold_left_compat_set;[apply H|];auto. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_elements : forall s, NoDupA E.eq (elements s). Proof. intro s. apply SortA_NoDupA with (ltA := apply E.eq_refl. apply E.eq_sym. apply E.lt_trans. apply E.lt_not_eq. apply Facts.lt_eq. apply Facts.eq_lt. apply elements_3. Qed. End Fold_Facts. End MyFacts.