(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** The XTL intermediate language for register allocation *) open Datatypes open Camlcoq open Maps open AST open Registers open Op open Locations type var = V of reg * typ | L of loc type node = P.t type instruction = | Xmove of var * var | Xreload of var * var | Xspill of var * var | Xparmove of var list * var list * var * var | Xop of operation * var list * var | Xload of memory_chunk * addressing * var list * var | Xstore of memory_chunk * addressing * var list * var | Xcall of signature * (var, ident) sum * var list * var list | Xtailcall of signature * (var, ident) sum * var list | Xbuiltin of external_function * var builtin_arg list * var builtin_res | Xbranch of node | Xcond of condition * var list * node * node | Xjumptable of var * node list | Xreturn of var list type block = instruction list (* terminated by one of Xbranch, Xcond, Xjumptable, Xtailcall or Xreturn *) type code = block PTree.t (* mapping node -> block *) type xfunction = { fn_sig: signature; fn_stacksize: Z.t; fn_code: code; fn_entrypoint: node } (* Type of a variable *) let typeof = function V(_, ty) -> ty | L l -> Loc.coq_type l (* Constructors for type [var] *) let vloc l = L l let vlocs ll = List.map vloc ll let vmreg mr = L(R mr) let vmregs mrl = List.map vmreg mrl (* Tests over variables *) let is_stack_reg = function | L(R r) -> Machregs.is_stack_reg r | _ -> false (* Sets of variables *) module VSet = Set.Make(struct type t = var let compare = compare end) (*** Generation of fresh registers and fresh register variables *) let next_temp = ref P.one let twin_table : (int32, P.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 27 let reset_temps () = next_temp := P.one; Hashtbl.clear twin_table let new_reg() = let r = !next_temp in next_temp := P.succ !next_temp; r let new_temp ty = V (new_reg(), ty) let twin_reg r = let r = P.to_int32 r in try Hashtbl.find twin_table r with Not_found -> let t = new_reg() in Hashtbl.add twin_table r t; t (*** Successors (for dataflow analysis) *) let rec successors_block = function | Xbranch s :: _ -> [s] | Xtailcall(sg, vos, args) :: _ -> [] | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) :: _ -> [s1; s2] | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) :: _ -> tbl | Xreturn _:: _ -> [] | instr :: blk -> successors_block blk | [] -> assert false (**** Type checking for XTL *) exception Type_error exception Type_error_at of node let set_var_type v ty = if typeof v <> ty then raise Type_error let rec set_vars_type vl tyl = match vl, tyl with | [], [] -> () | v1 :: vl, ty1 :: tyl -> set_var_type v1 ty1; set_vars_type vl tyl | _, _ -> raise Type_error let unify_var_type v1 v2 = if typeof v1 <> typeof v2 then raise Type_error let rec type_builtin_arg a ty = match a with | BA v -> set_var_type v ty | BA_longofwords(a1, a2) -> type_builtin_arg a1 Tint; type_builtin_arg a2 Tint | _ -> () let rec type_builtin_args al tyl = match al, tyl with | [], [] -> () | a :: al, ty :: tyl -> type_builtin_arg a ty; type_builtin_args al tyl | _, _ -> raise Type_error let rec type_builtin_res a ty = match a with | BR v -> set_var_type v ty | BR_longofwords(a1, a2) -> type_builtin_res a1 Tint; type_builtin_res a2 Tint | _ -> () let type_instr = function | Xmove(src, dst) | Xspill(src, dst) | Xreload(src, dst) -> unify_var_type src dst | Xparmove(srcs, dsts, itmp, ftmp) -> List.iter2 unify_var_type srcs dsts; set_var_type itmp Tint; set_var_type ftmp Tfloat | Xop(op, args, res) -> let (targs, tres) = type_of_operation op in set_vars_type args targs; set_var_type res tres | Xload(chunk, addr, args, dst) -> set_vars_type args (type_of_addressing addr); set_var_type dst (type_of_chunk chunk) | Xstore(chunk, addr, args, src) -> set_vars_type args (type_of_addressing addr); set_var_type src (type_of_chunk chunk) | Xcall(sg, Coq_inl v, args, res) -> set_var_type v Tint | Xcall(sg, Coq_inr id, args, res) -> () | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inl v, args) -> set_var_type v Tint | Xtailcall(sg, Coq_inr id, args) -> () | Xbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> let sg = ef_sig ef in type_builtin_args args sg.sig_args; type_builtin_res res (proj_sig_res sg) | Xbranch s -> () | Xcond(cond, args, s1, s2) -> set_vars_type args (type_of_condition cond) | Xjumptable(arg, tbl) -> set_var_type arg Tint | Xreturn args -> () let type_block blk = List.iter type_instr blk let type_function f = PTree.fold (fun () pc blk -> try type_block blk with Type_error -> raise (Type_error_at pc)) f.fn_code () (*** A generic framework for transforming extended basic blocks *) (* Determine instructions that start an extended basic block. These are instructions that have >= 2 predecessors. *) let basic_blocks_map f = (* return mapping pc -> number of predecessors *) let add_successor map s = PMap.set s (1 + PMap.get s map) map in let add_successors_block map blk = List.fold_left add_successor map (successors_block blk) in PTree.fold1 add_successors_block f.fn_code (PMap.set f.fn_entrypoint 2 (PMap.init 0)) let transform_basic_blocks (transf: node -> block -> 'state -> block * 'state) (top: 'state) f = let bbmap = basic_blocks_map f in let rec transform_block st newcode pc bb = assert (PTree.get pc newcode = None); let (bb', st') = transf pc bb st in (* Record new code after transformation *) let newcode' = PTree.set pc bb' newcode in (* Propagate outgoing state to all successors *) List.fold_left (transform_successor st') newcode' (successors_block bb) and transform_successor st newcode pc = if PMap.get pc bbmap <> 1 then newcode else begin match PTree.get pc f.fn_code with | None -> newcode | Some bb -> transform_block st newcode pc bb end in (* Iterate over all extended basic block heads *) let newcode = PTree.fold (fun newcode pc bb -> if PMap.get pc bbmap >= 2 then transform_block top newcode pc bb else newcode) f.fn_code PTree.empty in {f with fn_code = newcode}