(* A type-checker for Cminor *) open Printf open Datatypes open CList open Camlcoq open AST open Op open Cminor exception Error of string let name_of_typ = function Tint -> "int" | Tfloat -> "float" type ty = Base of typ | Var of ty option ref let newvar () = Var (ref None) let tint = Base Tint let tfloat = Base Tfloat let ty_of_typ = function Tint -> tint | Tfloat -> tfloat let rec ty_of_sig_args = function | Coq_nil -> [] | Coq_cons(t, l) -> ty_of_typ t :: ty_of_sig_args l let rec repr t = match t with | Base _ -> t | Var r -> match !r with None -> t | Some t' -> repr t' let unify t1 t2 = match (repr t1, repr t2) with | Base b1, Base b2 -> if b1 <> b2 then raise (Error (sprintf "Expected type %s, actual type %s\n" (name_of_typ b1) (name_of_typ b2))) | Base b, Var r -> r := Some (Base b) | Var r, Base b -> r := Some (Base b) | Var r1, Var r2 -> r1 := Some (Var r2) let unify_list l1 l2 = let ll1 = List.length l1 and ll2 = List.length l2 in if ll1 <> ll2 then raise (Error (sprintf "Arity mismatch: expected %d, actual %d\n" ll1 ll2)); List.iter2 unify l1 l2 let type_var env id = try List.assoc id env with Not_found -> raise (Error (sprintf "Unbound variable %s\n" (extern_atom id))) let type_letvar env n = let n = camlint_of_nat n in try List.nth env n with Not_found -> raise (Error (sprintf "Unbound let variable #%d\n" n)) let name_of_comparison = function | Ceq -> "eq" | Cne -> "ne" | Clt -> "lt" | Cle -> "le" | Cgt -> "gt" | Cge -> "ge" let type_condition = function | Ccomp _ -> [tint;tint] | Ccompu _ -> [tint;tint] | Ccompimm _ -> [tint] | Ccompuimm _ -> [tint] | Ccompf _ -> [tfloat;tfloat] | Cnotcompf _ -> [tfloat;tfloat] | Cmaskzero _ -> [tint] | Cmasknotzero _ -> [tint] let name_of_condition = function | Ccomp c -> sprintf "comp %s" (name_of_comparison c) | Ccompu c -> sprintf "compu %s" (name_of_comparison c) | Ccompimm(c, n) -> sprintf "compimm %s %ld" (name_of_comparison c) (camlint_of_coqint n) | Ccompuimm(c, n) -> sprintf "compuimm %s %ld" (name_of_comparison c) (camlint_of_coqint n) | Ccompf c -> sprintf "compf %s" (name_of_comparison c) | Cnotcompf c -> sprintf "notcompf %s" (name_of_comparison c) | Cmaskzero n -> sprintf "maskzero %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Cmasknotzero n -> sprintf "masknotzero %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) let type_operation = function | Omove -> let v = newvar() in [v], v | Ointconst _ -> [], tint | Ofloatconst _ -> [], tfloat | Oaddrsymbol _ -> [], tint | Oaddrstack _ -> [], tint | Oundef -> [], newvar() | Ocast8signed -> [tint], tint | Ocast16signed -> [tint], tint | Oadd -> [tint;tint], tint | Oaddimm _ -> [tint], tint | Osub -> [tint;tint], tint | Osubimm _ -> [tint], tint | Omul -> [tint;tint], tint | Omulimm _ -> [tint], tint | Odiv -> [tint;tint], tint | Odivu -> [tint;tint], tint | Oand -> [tint;tint], tint | Oandimm _ -> [tint], tint | Oor -> [tint;tint], tint | Oorimm _ -> [tint], tint | Oxor -> [tint;tint], tint | Oxorimm _ -> [tint], tint | Onand -> [tint;tint], tint | Onor -> [tint;tint], tint | Onxor -> [tint;tint], tint | Oshl -> [tint;tint], tint | Oshr -> [tint;tint], tint | Oshrimm _ -> [tint], tint | Oshrximm _ -> [tint], tint | Oshru -> [tint;tint], tint | Orolm _ -> [tint], tint | Onegf -> [tfloat], tfloat | Oabsf -> [tfloat], tfloat | Oaddf -> [tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Osubf -> [tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Omulf -> [tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Odivf -> [tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Omuladdf -> [tfloat;tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Omulsubf -> [tfloat;tfloat;tfloat], tfloat | Osingleoffloat -> [tfloat], tfloat | Ointoffloat -> [tfloat], tint | Ofloatofint -> [tint], tfloat | Ofloatofintu -> [tint], tfloat | Ocmp c -> type_condition c, tint let name_of_operation = function | Omove -> "move" | Ointconst n -> sprintf "intconst %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Ofloatconst n -> sprintf "floatconst %g" n | Oaddrsymbol (s, ofs) -> sprintf "addrsymbol %s %ld" (extern_atom s) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) | Oaddrstack n -> sprintf "addrstack %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Oundef -> "undef" | Ocast8signed -> "cast8signed" | Ocast16signed -> "cast16signed" | Oadd -> "add" | Oaddimm n -> sprintf "addimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Osub -> "sub" | Osubimm n -> sprintf "subimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Omul -> "mul" | Omulimm n -> sprintf "mulimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Odiv -> "div" | Odivu -> "divu" | Oand -> "and" | Oandimm n -> sprintf "andimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Oor -> "or" | Oorimm n -> sprintf "orimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Oxor -> "xor" | Oxorimm n -> sprintf "xorimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Onand -> "nand" | Onor -> "nor" | Onxor -> "nxor" | Oshl -> "shl" | Oshr -> "shr" | Oshrimm n -> sprintf "shrimm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Oshrximm n -> sprintf "shrximm %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Oshru -> "shru" | Orolm(n, m) -> sprintf "rolm %ld %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) (camlint_of_coqint m) | Onegf -> "negf" | Oabsf -> "absf" | Oaddf -> "addf" | Osubf -> "subf" | Omulf -> "mulf" | Odivf -> "divf" | Omuladdf -> "muladdf" | Omulsubf -> "mulsubf" | Osingleoffloat -> "singleoffloat" | Ointoffloat -> "intoffloat" | Ofloatofint -> "floatofint" | Ofloatofintu -> "floatofintu" | Ocmp c -> name_of_condition c let type_addressing = function | Aindexed _ -> [tint] | Aindexed2 -> [tint;tint] | Aglobal _ -> [] | Abased _ -> [tint] | Ainstack _ -> [] let name_of_addressing = function | Aindexed n -> sprintf "indexed %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Aindexed2 -> sprintf "indexed2" | Aglobal(s, ofs) -> sprintf "global %s %ld" (extern_atom s) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) | Abased(s, ofs) -> sprintf "based %s %ld" (extern_atom s) (camlint_of_coqint ofs) | Ainstack n -> sprintf "instack %ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) let type_chunk = function | Mint8signed -> tint | Mint8unsigned -> tint | Mint16signed -> tint | Mint16unsigned -> tint | Mint32 -> tint | Mfloat32 -> tfloat | Mfloat64 -> tfloat let name_of_chunk = function | Mint8signed -> "int8signed" | Mint8unsigned -> "int8unsigned" | Mint16signed -> "int16signed" | Mint16unsigned -> "int16unsigned" | Mint32 -> "int32" | Mfloat32 -> "float32" | Mfloat64 -> "float64" let rec type_expr env lenv e = match e with | Evar id -> type_var env id | Eassign(id, e1) -> let tid = type_var env id in let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in begin try unify tid te1 with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In assignment to %s:\n%s" (extern_atom id) s)) end; tid | Eop(op, el) -> let tel = type_exprlist env lenv el in let (targs, tres) = type_operation op in begin try unify_list targs tel with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In application of operator %s:\n%s" (name_of_operation op) s)) end; tres | Eload(chunk, addr, el) -> let tel = type_exprlist env lenv el in begin try unify_list (type_addressing addr) tel with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In load %s %s:\n%s" (name_of_chunk chunk) (name_of_addressing addr) s)) end; type_chunk chunk | Estore(chunk, addr, el, e1) -> let tel = type_exprlist env lenv el in let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in begin try unify_list (type_addressing addr) tel; unify (type_chunk chunk) te1 with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In store %s %s:\n%s" (name_of_chunk chunk) (name_of_addressing addr) s)) end; te1 | Ecall(sg, e1, el) -> let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in let tel = type_exprlist env lenv el in begin try unify tint te1; unify_list (ty_of_sig_args sg.sig_args) tel with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In call:\n%s" s)) end; begin match sg.sig_res with | None -> tint (*???*) | Some t -> ty_of_typ t end | Econdition(e1, e2, e3) -> type_condexpr env lenv e1; let te2 = type_expr env lenv e2 in let te3 = type_expr env lenv e3 in begin try unify te2 te3 with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In conditional expression:\n%s" s)) end; te2 | Elet(e1, e2) -> let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in let te2 = type_expr env (te1 :: lenv) e2 in te2 | Eletvar n -> type_letvar lenv n and type_exprlist env lenv el = match el with | Enil -> [] | Econs (e1, et) -> let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in let tet = type_exprlist env lenv et in (te1 :: tet) and type_condexpr env lenv ce = match ce with | CEtrue -> () | CEfalse -> () | CEcond(c, el) -> let tel = type_exprlist env lenv el in begin try unify_list (type_condition c) tel with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In condition %s:\n%s" (name_of_condition c) s)) end | CEcondition(ce1, ce2, ce3) -> type_condexpr env lenv ce1; type_condexpr env lenv ce2; type_condexpr env lenv ce3 let rec type_stmt env blk ret s = match s with | Sskip -> () | Sexpr e -> ignore (type_expr env [] e) | Sseq(s1, s2) -> type_stmt env blk ret s1; type_stmt env blk ret s2 | Sifthenelse(ce, s1, s2) -> type_condexpr env [] ce; type_stmt env blk ret s1; type_stmt env blk ret s2 | Sloop s1 -> type_stmt env blk ret s1 | Sblock s1 -> type_stmt env (blk + 1) ret s1 | Sexit n -> if camlint_of_nat n >= blk then raise (Error (sprintf "Bad exit(%d)\n" (camlint_of_nat n))) | Sswitch(e, cases, deflt) -> unify (type_expr env [] e) tint | Sreturn None -> begin match ret with | None -> () | Some tret -> raise (Error ("return without argument")) end | Sreturn (Some e) -> begin match ret with | None -> raise (Error "return with argument") | Some tret -> begin try unify (type_expr env [] e) (ty_of_typ tret) with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In return:\n%s" s)) end end let rec env_of_vars idl = match idl with | Coq_nil -> [] | Coq_cons(id1, idt) -> (id1, newvar()) :: env_of_vars idt let type_function (Coq_pair (id, f)) = try type_stmt (env_of_vars f.fn_vars @ env_of_vars f.fn_params) 0 f.fn_sig.sig_res f.fn_body with Error s -> raise (Error (sprintf "In function %s:\n%s" (extern_atom id) s)) let type_program p = coqlist_iter type_function p.prog_funct; p