(* Library of useful Caml <-> Coq conversions *) open Datatypes open CList open BinPos open BinInt (* Integers *) let rec camlint_of_positive = function | Coq_xI p -> Int32.add (Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1) 1l | Coq_xO p -> Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1 | Coq_xH -> 1l let camlint_of_z = function | Z0 -> 0l | Zpos p -> camlint_of_positive p | Zneg p -> Int32.neg (camlint_of_positive p) let camlint_of_coqint : Integers.int -> int32 = camlint_of_z let rec camlint_of_nat = function | O -> 0 | S n -> camlint_of_nat n + 1 let rec nat_of_camlint n = assert (n >= 0l); if n = 0l then O else S (nat_of_camlint (Int32.sub n 1l)) let rec positive_of_camlint n = if n = 0l then assert false else if n = 1l then Coq_xH else if Int32.logand n 1l = 0l then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1)) else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right_logical n 1)) let z_of_camlint n = if n = 0l then Z0 else if n > 0l then Zpos (positive_of_camlint n) else Zneg (positive_of_camlint (Int32.neg n)) let coqint_of_camlint : int32 -> Integers.int = z_of_camlint (* Strings *) let atom_of_string = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, positive) Hashtbl.t) let string_of_atom = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (positive, string) Hashtbl.t) let next_atom = ref Coq_xH let intern_string s = try Hashtbl.find atom_of_string s with Not_found -> let a = !next_atom in next_atom := coq_Psucc !next_atom; Hashtbl.add atom_of_string s a; Hashtbl.add string_of_atom a s; a let extern_atom a = try Hashtbl.find string_of_atom a with Not_found -> Printf.sprintf "" (camlint_of_positive a) (* Lists *) let rec coqlist_iter f = function Coq_nil -> () | Coq_cons(a,l) -> f a; coqlist_iter f l (* Helpers *) let rec list_iter f = function [] -> () | a::l -> f a; list_iter f l let rec list_memq x = function [] -> false | a::l -> a == x || list_memq x l let rec list_exists p = function [] -> false | a::l -> p a || list_exists p l let rec list_filter p = function [] -> [] | x :: l -> if p x then x :: list_filter p l else list_filter p l let rec length_coqlist = function | Coq_nil -> 0 | Coq_cons (x, l) -> 1 + length_coqlist l let array_of_coqlist = function | Coq_nil -> [||] | Coq_cons(hd, tl) as l -> let a = Array.create (length_coqlist l) hd in let rec fill i = function | Coq_nil -> a | Coq_cons(hd, tl) -> a.(i) <- hd; fill (i + 1) tl in fill 1 tl