(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Thomas Moniot, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (************************************************************************** CIL -> CabsCoq translator **************************************************************************) open Cil open CList open Camlcoq open AST open Csyntax module type TypeSpecifierTranslator = sig val convertIkind: Cil.ikind -> (intsize * signedness) option val convertFkind: Cil.fkind -> floatsize option end module Make(TS: TypeSpecifierTranslator) = struct (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (** Pre-defined constants *) let constInt32 = Tint (I32, Signed) let constInt32uns = Tint (I32, Unsigned) let const0 = Expr (Econst_int (coqint_of_camlint Int32.zero), constInt32) (** Global variables *) let currentLocation = ref Cil.locUnknown let currentGlobalPrefix = ref "" let stringNum = ref 0 (* number of next global for string literals *) let stringTable = Hashtbl.create 47 (** ** Functions related to [struct]s and [union]s *) (* Unroll recursion in struct or union types: substitute [Tcomp_ptr id] by [Tpointer compty] in [ty]. *) let unrollType id compty ty = let rec unrType ty = match ty with | Tvoid -> ty | Tint(sz, sg) -> ty | Tfloat sz -> ty | Tpointer ty -> Tpointer (unrType ty) | Tarray(ty, sz) -> Tarray (unrType ty, sz) | Tfunction(args, res) -> Tfunction(unrTypelist args, unrType res) | Tstruct(id', fld) -> if id' = id then ty else Tstruct(id', unrFieldlist fld) | Tunion(id', fld) -> if id' = id then ty else Tunion(id', unrFieldlist fld) | Tcomp_ptr id' -> if id' = id then Tpointer compty else ty and unrTypelist = function | Tnil -> Tnil | Tcons(hd, tl) -> Tcons(unrType hd, unrTypelist tl) and unrFieldlist = function | Fnil -> Fnil | Fcons(id, ty, tl) -> Fcons(id, unrType ty, unrFieldlist tl) in unrType ty (* Return the type of a [struct] field *) let rec getFieldType f = function | Fnil -> raise Not_found | Fcons(idf, t, rem) -> if idf = f then t else getFieldType f rem (** ** Some functions over lists *) (** Apply [f] to each element of the OCaml list [l] and build a Coq list with the results returned by [f] *) let rec map_coqlist f l = match l with | [] -> CList.Coq_nil | a :: b -> CList.Coq_cons (f a, map_coqlist f b) (** Keep the elements in a list from [elt] (included) to the end (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *) let rec keepFrom elt = function | [] -> [] | (x :: l) as l' -> if x == elt then l' else keepFrom elt l (** Keep the elements in a list before [elt'] (excluded) (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *) let rec keepUntil elt' = function | [] -> [] | x :: l -> if x == elt' then [] else x :: (keepUntil elt' l) (** Keep the elements in a list from [elt] (included) to [elt'] (excluded) (used for the translation of the [switch] statement) *) let keepBetween elt elt' l = keepUntil elt' (keepFrom elt l) (** Reverse-append over Coq lists *) let rec revappend l1 l2 = match l1 with | CList.Coq_nil -> l2 | CList.Coq_cons(hd, tl) -> revappend tl (CList.Coq_cons (hd, l2)) (** ** Functions used to handle locations *) (** Update the current location *) let updateLoc loc = currentLocation := loc (** Convert the current location into a string *) let currentLoc() = match !currentLocation with { line=l; file=f } -> f ^ ":" ^ (if l = -1 then "?" else string_of_int l) ^ ": " (** Exception raised when an unsupported feature is encountered *) exception Unsupported of string let unsupported msg = raise (Unsupported(currentLoc() ^ "Unsupported C feature: " ^ msg)) (** Exception raised when an internal error is encountered *) exception Internal_error of string let internal_error msg = raise (Internal_error(currentLoc() ^ "Internal error: " ^ msg)) (** Warning messages *) let warning msg = prerr_string (currentLoc()); prerr_string "Warning: "; prerr_endline msg (** ** Functions used to handle string literals *) let name_for_string_literal s = try Hashtbl.find stringTable s with Not_found -> incr stringNum; let symbol_name = Printf.sprintf "_%s__stringlit_%d" !currentGlobalPrefix !stringNum in let symbol_ident = intern_string symbol_name in Hashtbl.add stringTable s symbol_ident; symbol_ident let typeStringLiteral s = Tarray(Tint(I8, Unsigned), z_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(String.length s + 1))) let global_for_string s id = let init = ref CList.Coq_nil in let add_char c = init := CList.Coq_cons( AST.Init_int8(coqint_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(Char.code c))), !init) in add_char '\000'; for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do add_char s.[i] done; Datatypes.Coq_pair(Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, !init), typeStringLiteral s) let globals_for_strings globs = Hashtbl.fold (fun s id l -> CList.Coq_cons(global_for_string s id, l)) stringTable globs (** ** Handling of stubs for variadic functions *) let stub_function_table = Hashtbl.create 47 let register_stub_function name tres targs = let rec letters_of_type = function | Tnil -> [] | Tcons(Tfloat _, tl) -> "f" :: letters_of_type tl | Tcons(_, tl) -> "i" :: letters_of_type tl in let stub_name = name ^ "$" ^ String.concat "" (letters_of_type targs) in try (stub_name, Hashtbl.find stub_function_table stub_name) with Not_found -> let rec types_of_types = function | Tnil -> Tnil | Tcons(Tfloat _, tl) -> Tcons(Tfloat F64, types_of_types tl) | Tcons(_, tl) -> Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, types_of_types tl) in let stub_type = Tfunction (types_of_types targs, tres) in Hashtbl.add stub_function_table stub_name stub_type; (stub_name, stub_type) let declare_stub_function stub_name stub_type = match stub_type with | Tfunction(targs, tres) -> Datatypes.Coq_pair(intern_string stub_name, External(intern_string stub_name, targs, tres)) | _ -> assert false let declare_stub_functions k = Hashtbl.fold (fun n i k -> CList.Coq_cons(declare_stub_function n i, k)) stub_function_table k (** ** Generation of temporary variable names *) let current_function = ref (None: Cil.fundec option) let make_temp typ = match !current_function with | None -> assert false | Some f -> let v = Cil.makeTempVar f typ in intern_string v.vname (** ** Translation functions *) (** Convert a [Cil.ikind] into a pair [(intsize * signedness)] *) let convertIkind ik = match TS.convertIkind ik with | Some p -> p | None -> unsupported "integer type specifier" (** Convert a [Cil.fkind] into a [floatsize] *) let convertFkind fk = match TS.convertFkind fk with | Some fs -> fs | None -> unsupported "floating-point type specifier" (** Convert a [Cil.constant] into a [CabsCoq.expr] *) let rec convertConstant = function | CInt64 (i64, _, _) -> let i = coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64) in Expr (Econst_int i, constInt32) | CStr s -> let symb = name_for_string_literal s in Expr (Evar symb, typeStringLiteral s) | CWStr _ -> unsupported "wide string literal" | CChr c -> let i = coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int (Char.code c)) in Expr (Econst_int i, constInt32) | CReal (f, _, _) -> Expr (Econst_float f, Tfloat F64) | (CEnum (exp, str, enumInfo)) as enum -> (* do constant folding on an enum constant *) let e = Cil.constFold false (Const enum) in convertExp e (** Convert a [Cil.UnOp] into a [CabsCoq.expr] ([t] is the type of the result of applying [uop] to [e]) *) and convertUnop uop e t = let e' = convertExp e in let t' = convertTyp t in let uop' = match uop with | Neg -> Eunop (Oneg, e') | BNot -> Eunop (Onotint, e') | LNot -> Eunop (Onotbool, e') in Expr (uop', t') (** Convert a [Cil.BinOp] into a [CabsCoq.expr] ([t] is the type of the result of applying [bop] to [(e1, e2)], every arithmetic conversion being made explicit by CIL for both arguments] *) and convertBinop bop e1 e2 t = let e1' = convertExp e1 in let e2' = convertExp e2 in let t' = convertTyp t in let bop' = match bop with | PlusA -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2') | PlusPI -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2') | IndexPI -> Ebinop (Oadd, e1', e2') | MinusA -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2') | MinusPI -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2') | MinusPP -> Ebinop (Osub, e1', e2') | Mult -> Ebinop (Omul, e1', e2') | Div -> Ebinop (Odiv, e1', e2') | Mod -> Ebinop (Omod, e1', e2') | Shiftlt -> Ebinop (Oshl, e1', e2') | Shiftrt -> Ebinop (Oshr, e1', e2') | Lt -> Ebinop (Olt, e1', e2') | Gt -> Ebinop (Ogt, e1', e2') | Le -> Ebinop (Ole, e1', e2') | Ge -> Ebinop (Oge, e1', e2') | Eq -> Ebinop (Oeq, e1', e2') | Ne -> Ebinop (One, e1', e2') | BAnd -> Ebinop (Oand, e1', e2') | BXor -> Ebinop (Oxor, e1', e2') | BOr -> Ebinop (Oor, e1', e2') | LAnd -> Eandbool (e1', e2') | LOr -> Eorbool (e1', e2') in Expr (bop', t') (** Test if two types are compatible (in order to cast one of the types to the other) *) and compatibleTypes t1 t2 = true (* let isArithmeticType = function | Tint _ | Tfloat _ -> true | _ -> false in let isPointerType = function | Tpointer _ | Tarray _ -> true | _ -> false in (t1 = t2) || (isArithmeticType t1 && isArithmeticType t2) || match (t1, t2) with | (Tpointer Tvoid, t) | (t, Tpointer Tvoid) -> isPointerType t | (Tint _, t) | (t, Tint _) -> isPointerType t | _ -> false *) (** Convert a [Cil.CastE] into a [CabsCoq.expr] (fail if the cast is illegal) *) and processCast t e = let t' = convertTyp t in let te = convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) in if compatibleTypes t' te then let e' = convertExp e in Expr (Ecast (t', e'), t') else internal_error "processCast: illegal cast" (** Convert a [Cil.exp list] into an [CamlCoq.exprlist] *) and processParamsE = function | [] -> Coq_nil | e :: l -> let (Expr (_, t)) as e' = convertExp e in match t with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "function parameter of struct or union type" | _ -> Coq_cons (e', processParamsE l) (** Convert a [Cil.exp] into a [CabsCoq.expr] *) and convertExp = function | Const c -> convertConstant c | Lval lv -> convertLval lv | SizeOf t -> Expr (Esizeof (convertTyp t), constInt32uns) | SizeOfE e -> let ty = convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) in Expr (Esizeof ty, constInt32uns) | SizeOfStr str -> let n = coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int(String.length str)) in Expr (Econst_int n, constInt32uns) | AlignOf t -> unsupported "GCC `alignof' construct" | AlignOfE e -> unsupported "GCC `alignof' construct" | UnOp (uop, e, t) -> convertUnop uop e t | BinOp (bop, e1, e2, t) -> convertBinop bop e1 e2 t | CastE (t, e) -> processCast t e | AddrOf lv -> let (Expr (_, t)) as e = convertLval lv in Expr (Eaddrof e, Tpointer t) | StartOf lv -> (* convert an array into a pointer to the beginning of the array *) match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOfLval lv) with | TArray (t, _, _) -> let t' = convertTyp t in let tPtr = Tpointer t' in let e = convertLval lv in (* array A of type T replaced by (T* )A *) Expr (Ecast (tPtr, e), tPtr) (* (* array A replaced by &(A[0]) *) Expr (Eaddrof (Expr (Eindex (e, const0), t')), tPtr) *) | _ -> internal_error "convertExp: StartOf applied to a \ lvalue whose type is not an array" (** Convert a [Cil.lval] into a [CabsCoq.expression] *) and convertLval lv = (* convert the offset of the lvalue *) let rec processOffset ((Expr (_, t)) as e) = function | NoOffset -> e | Field (f, ofs) -> begin match t with | Tstruct(id, fList) -> begin try let idf = intern_string f.fname in let t' = unrollType id t (getFieldType idf fList) in processOffset (Expr (Efield (e, idf), t')) ofs with Not_found -> internal_error "processOffset: no such struct field" end | Tunion(id, fList) -> begin try let idf = intern_string f.fname in let t' = unrollType id t (getFieldType idf fList) in processOffset (Expr (Efield (e, idf), t')) ofs with Not_found -> internal_error "processOffset: no such union field" end | _ -> internal_error "processOffset: Field on a non-struct nor union" end | Index (e', ofs) -> match t with | Tarray (t', _) -> let e'' = Eindex (e, convertExp e') in processOffset (Expr (e'', t')) ofs | _ -> internal_error "processOffset: Index on a non-array" in (* convert the lvalue *) match lv with | (Var v, ofs) -> let id = intern_string v.vname in processOffset (Expr (Evar id, convertTyp v.vtype)) ofs | (Mem e, ofs) -> match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf e) with | TPtr (t, _) -> let e' = Ederef (convertExp e) in processOffset (Expr (e', convertTyp t)) ofs | _ -> internal_error "convertLval: Mem on a non-pointer" (** Convert a [(Cil.string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes)] list into a [typelist] *) and processParamsT convert = function | [] -> Tnil | (_, t, _) :: l -> let t' = convert t in match t' with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "function parameter of struct or union type" | _ -> Tcons (t', processParamsT convert l) (** Convert a [Cil.typ] into a [coq_type] *) and convertTypGen env = function | TVoid _ -> Tvoid | TInt (k, _) -> let (x, y) = convertIkind k in Tint (x, y) | TFloat (k, _) -> Tfloat (convertFkind k) | TPtr (TComp(c, _), _) when List.mem c.ckey env -> Tcomp_ptr (intern_string (Cil.compFullName c)) | TPtr (t, _) -> Tpointer (convertTypGen env t) | TArray (t, eOpt, _) -> begin match eOpt with | None -> warning "array type of unspecified size"; Tarray (convertTypGen env t, coqint_of_camlint 0l) | Some e -> match Cil.constFold true e with | Const (CInt64 (i64, _, _)) -> Tarray (convertTypGen env t, coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 i64)) | _ -> unsupported "size of array type not an integer constant" end | TFun (t, argListOpt, vArg, _) -> if vArg then unsupported "variadic function type"; let argList = match argListOpt with | None -> unsupported "un-prototyped function type" | Some l -> l in let t' = convertTypGen env t in begin match t' with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "return type is a struct or union" | _ -> Tfunction (processParamsT (convertTypGen env) argList, t') end | TNamed (tinfo, _) -> convertTypGen env tinfo.ttype | TComp (c, _) -> let rec convertFieldList = function | [] -> Fnil | {fname=str; ftype=t} :: rem -> let idf = intern_string str in let t' = convertTypGen (c.ckey :: env) t in Fcons(idf, t', convertFieldList rem) in let fList = convertFieldList c.cfields in let id = intern_string (Cil.compFullName c) in if c.cstruct then Tstruct(id, fList) else Tunion(id, fList) | TEnum _ -> constInt32 (* enum constants are integers *) | TBuiltin_va_list _ -> unsupported "GCC `builtin va_list' type" and convertTyp ty = convertTypGen [] ty (** Convert a [Cil.varinfo] into a pair [(ident * coq_type)] *) let convertVarinfo v = updateLoc(v.vdecl); let id = intern_string v.vname in Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, convertTyp v.vtype) (** Convert a [Cil.varinfo] into a pair [(ident * coq_type)] (fail if the variable is of type struct or union) *) let convertVarinfoParam v = updateLoc(v.vdecl); let id = intern_string v.vname in let t' = convertTyp v.vtype in match t' with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "function parameter of struct or union type" | _ -> Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, t') (** Convert a [Cil.exp] which has a function type into a [CabsCoq.expr] (used only to translate function calls) *) let convertExpFuncall e eList = match typeOf e with | TFun (res, argListOpt, vArg, _) -> begin match argListOpt, vArg with | Some argList, false -> (* Prototyped, non-variadic function *) if List.length argList <> List.length eList then internal_error "convertExpFuncall: wrong number of arguments"; (convertExp e, processParamsE eList) | _, _ -> (* Variadic or unprototyped function: generate a call to a stub function with the appropriate number and types of arguments. Works only if the function expression e is a global variable. *) let params = processParamsE eList in let fun_name = match e with | Lval(Var v, NoOffset) -> warning "working around a call to a variadic or non-prototyped function"; v.vname | _ -> unsupported "call to variadic or non-prototyped function" in let rec typeOfExprList = function | Coq_nil -> Tnil | Coq_cons (Expr (_, ty), rem) -> Tcons (ty, typeOfExprList rem) in let targs = typeOfExprList params in let tres = convertTyp res in let (stub_fun_name, stub_fun_typ) = register_stub_function fun_name tres targs in (Expr(Evar(intern_string stub_fun_name), stub_fun_typ), params) end | _ -> internal_error "convertExpFuncall: not a function" (** Auxiliaries for function calls *) let makeFuncall1 tyfun (Expr(_, tlhs) as elhs) efun eargs = match tyfun with | TFun (t, _, _, _) -> let tres = convertTyp t in if tlhs = tres then Scall(Datatypes.Some elhs, efun, eargs) else begin let tmp = make_temp t in let elhs' = Expr(Evar tmp, tres) in Ssequence(Scall(Datatypes.Some elhs', efun, eargs), Sassign(elhs, Expr(Ecast(tlhs, elhs'), tlhs))) end | _ -> internal_error "wrong type for function in call" let makeFuncall2 tyfun tylhs elhs efun eargs = match elhs with | Expr(Evar _, _) -> makeFuncall1 tyfun elhs efun eargs | Expr(_, tlhs) -> let tmp = make_temp tylhs in let elhs' = Expr(Evar tmp, tlhs) in Ssequence(makeFuncall1 tyfun elhs' efun eargs, Sassign(elhs, elhs')) (** Convert a [Cil.instr list] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *) let rec processInstrList l = (* convert an instruction *) let convertInstr = function | Set (lv, e, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); begin match convertTyp (Cil.typeOf e) with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "struct or union assignment" | t -> Sassign (convertLval lv, convertExp e) end | Call (None, e, eList, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let (efun, params) = convertExpFuncall e eList in Scall(Datatypes.None, efun, params) | Call (Some lv, e, eList, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let (efun, params) = convertExpFuncall e eList in makeFuncall2 (Cil.typeOf e) (Cil.typeOfLval lv) (convertLval lv) efun params | Asm (_, _, _, _, _, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); unsupported "inline assembly" in (* convert a list of instructions *) match l with | [] -> Sskip | [s] -> convertInstr s | s :: l -> let cs = convertInstr s in let cl = processInstrList l in Ssequence (cs, cl) (** Convert a [Cil.stmt list] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *) let rec processStmtList = function | [] -> Sskip | [s] -> convertStmt s | s :: l -> let cs = convertStmt s in let cl = processStmtList l in Ssequence (cs, cl) (** Return the list of the constant expressions in a label list (return [None] if this is the default case) (fail if the constant expression is not of type integer) *) and getCaseList lblList = match lblList with | [] -> Some [] | Label (_, loc, _) :: l -> updateLoc(loc); getCaseList l | Default loc :: _ -> updateLoc(loc); None | Case (e, loc) :: l -> updateLoc(loc); begin match convertExp e with | Expr (Econst_int n, _) -> begin match getCaseList l with | None -> None | Some cl -> Some (n :: cl) end | _ -> internal_error "getCaseList: case label does not \ reduce to an integer constant" end (** Convert a list of integers into a [CabsCoq.lblStatementList] *) and processCaseList cl s lrem = match cl with | [] -> internal_error "processCaseList: syntax error in switch statement" | [n] -> LScase (n, s, lrem) | n1 :: l -> LScase (n1, Sskip, processCaseList l s lrem) (** Convert a [Cil.stmt list] which is the body of a Switch structure into a [CabsCoq.lblStatementList] (Pre-condition: all the Case labels are supposed to be at the same level, ie. no nested structures) *) and processLblStmtList switchBody = function | [] -> LSdefault Sskip | [ls] -> let s = processStmtList (keepFrom ls switchBody) in begin match getCaseList ls.labels with | None -> LSdefault s | Some cl -> processCaseList cl s (LSdefault Sskip) end | ls :: ((ls' :: _) as l) -> if ls.labels = ls'.labels then processLblStmtList switchBody l else begin match getCaseList ls.labels with | None -> unsupported "default case is not at the end of this `switch' statement" | Some cl -> let s = processStmtList (keepBetween ls ls' switchBody) in let lrem = processLblStmtList switchBody l in processCaseList cl s lrem end (** Convert a [Cil.stmt] into a [CabsCoq.statement] *) and convertStmt s = match s.skind with | Instr iList -> processInstrList iList | Return (eOpt, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let eOpt' = match eOpt with | None -> Datatypes.None | Some e -> Datatypes.Some (convertExp e) in Sreturn eOpt' | Goto (_, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); unsupported "`goto' statement" | Break loc -> updateLoc(loc); Sbreak | Continue loc -> updateLoc(loc); Scontinue | If (e, b1, b2, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let e1 = processStmtList b1.bstmts in let e2 = processStmtList b2.bstmts in Sifthenelse (convertExp e, e1, e2) | Switch (e, b, l, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); Sswitch (convertExp e, processLblStmtList b.bstmts l) | While (e, b, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); Swhile (convertExp e, processStmtList b.bstmts) | DoWhile (e, b, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); Sdowhile (convertExp e, processStmtList b.bstmts) | For (bInit, e, bIter, b, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let sInit = processStmtList bInit.bstmts in let e' = convertExp e in let sIter = processStmtList bIter.bstmts in Sfor (sInit, e', sIter, processStmtList b.bstmts) | Block b -> processStmtList b.bstmts | TryFinally (_, _, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); unsupported "`try'...`finally' statement" | TryExcept (_, _, _, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); unsupported "`try'...`except' statement" (** Convert a [Cil.GFun] into a pair [(ident * coq_fundecl)] *) let convertGFun fdec = current_function := Some fdec; let v = fdec.svar in let ret = match v.vtype with | TFun (t, _, vArg, _) -> if vArg then unsupported "variadic function"; begin match convertTyp t with | Tstruct _ | Tunion _ -> unsupported "return value of struct or union type" | t' -> t' end | _ -> internal_error "convertGFun: incorrect function type" in let s = processStmtList fdec.sbody.bstmts in (* function body -- do it first because of generated temps *) let args = map_coqlist convertVarinfoParam fdec.sformals in (* parameters*) let varList = map_coqlist convertVarinfo fdec.slocals in (* local vars *) if v.vname = "main" then begin match ret with | Tint(_, _) -> () | _ -> updateLoc v.vdecl; unsupported "the return type of main() must be an integer type" end; current_function := None; Datatypes.Coq_pair (intern_string v.vname, Internal { fn_return=ret; fn_params=args; fn_vars=varList; fn_body=s }) (** Auxiliary for [convertInit] *) let rec initDataLen accu = function | CList.Coq_nil -> accu | CList.Coq_cons(i1, il) -> let sz = match i1 with | Init_int8 _ -> 1l | Init_int16 _ -> 2l | Init_int32 _ -> 4l | Init_float32 _ -> 4l | Init_float64 _ -> 8l | Init_space n -> camlint_of_z n | Init_pointer _ -> 4l in initDataLen (Int32.add sz accu) il (** Convert a [Cil.init] into a list of [AST.init_data] prepended to the given list [k]. Result is in reverse order. *) (* Cil.constFold does not reduce floating-point operations. We treat here those that appear naturally in initializers. *) type init_constant = | ICint of int64 * intsize | ICfloat of float * floatsize | ICstring of string | ICnone let rec extract_constant e = match e with | Const (CInt64(n, ikind, _)) -> ICint(n, fst (convertIkind ikind)) | Const (CReal(n, fkind, _)) -> ICfloat(n, convertFkind fkind) | Const (CStr s) -> ICstring s | CastE (ty, e1) -> begin match extract_constant e1, convertTyp ty with | ICfloat(n, _), Tfloat sz -> ICfloat(n, sz) | ICint(n, _), Tfloat sz -> ICfloat(Int64.to_float n, sz) | ICint(n, sz), Tpointer _ -> ICint(n, sz) | ICstring s, (Tint _ | Tpointer _) -> ICstring s | _, _ -> ICnone end | UnOp (Neg, e1, _) -> begin match extract_constant e1 with | ICfloat(n, sz) -> ICfloat(-. n, sz) | _ -> ICnone end | _ -> ICnone let init_data_of_string s = let id = ref CList.Coq_nil in for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do let n = coqint_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(Char.code s.[i])) in id := CList.Coq_cons(Init_int8 n, !id) done; !id let convertInit init = let k = ref Coq_nil and pos = ref 0 in let emit size datum = k := Coq_cons(datum, !k); pos := !pos + size in let emit_space size = emit size (Init_space (z_of_camlint (Int32.of_int size))) in let check_align size = assert (!pos land (size - 1) = 0) in let align size = let n = !pos land (size - 1) in if n > 0 then emit_space (size - n) in let rec cvtInit init = match init with | SingleInit e -> begin match extract_constant(Cil.constFold true e) with | ICint(n, I8) -> let n' = coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n) in emit 1 (Init_int8 n') | ICint(n, I16) -> check_align 2; let n' = coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n) in emit 2 (Init_int16 n') | ICint(n, I32) -> check_align 4; let n' = coqint_of_camlint (Int64.to_int32 n) in emit 4 (Init_int32 n') | ICfloat(n, F32) -> check_align 4; emit 4 (Init_float32 n) | ICfloat(n, F64) -> check_align 8; emit 8 (Init_float64 n) | ICstring s -> check_align 4; emit 4 (Init_pointer(init_data_of_string s)) | ICnone -> unsupported "this kind of expression is not supported in global initializers" end | CompoundInit(ty, data) -> let ty' = convertTyp ty in let sz = Int32.to_int (camlint_of_z (Csyntax.sizeof ty')) in let pos0 = !pos in Cil.foldLeftCompoundAll ~doinit: cvtCompoundInit ~ct: ty ~initl: data ~acc: (); let pos1 = !pos in assert (pos1 <= pos0 + sz); if pos1 < pos0 + sz then emit_space (pos0 + sz - pos1) and cvtCompoundInit ofs init ty () = let ty' = convertTyp ty in let al = Int32.to_int (camlint_of_z (Csyntax.alignof ty')) in align al; cvtInit init in cvtInit init; CList.rev !k (** Convert a [Cil.initinfo] into a list of [AST.init_data] *) let convertInitInfo ty info = match info.init with | None -> CList.Coq_cons(Init_space(Csyntax.sizeof (convertTyp ty)), CList.Coq_nil) | Some init -> convertInit init (** Convert a [Cil.GVar] into a global variable definition *) let convertGVar v i = updateLoc(v.vdecl); let id = intern_string v.vname in Datatypes.Coq_pair (Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, convertInitInfo v.vtype i), convertTyp v.vtype) (** Convert a [Cil.GVarDecl] into a global variable declaration *) let convertExtVar v = updateLoc(v.vdecl); let id = intern_string v.vname in Datatypes.Coq_pair (Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, CList.Coq_nil), convertTyp v.vtype) (** Convert a [Cil.GVarDecl] into an external function declaration *) let convertExtFun v = updateLoc(v.vdecl); match convertTyp v.vtype with | Tfunction(args, res) -> let id = intern_string v.vname in Datatypes.Coq_pair (id, External(id, args, res)) | _ -> assert false (** Convert a [Cil.global list] into a pair whose first component, of type [(ident * coq_function) coqlist], represents the definitions of the functions and the second component, of type [(ident * coq_type) coqlist], the definitions of the global variables of the program *) let rec processGlobals = function | [] -> (CList.Coq_nil, CList.Coq_nil) | g :: l -> match g with | GType _ -> processGlobals l (* typedefs are unrolled... *) | GCompTag _ -> processGlobals l | GCompTagDecl _ -> processGlobals l | GEnumTag _ -> processGlobals l (* enum constants are folded... *) | GEnumTagDecl _ -> processGlobals l | GVarDecl (v, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); (* Functions become external declarations, variadic and unprototyped functions are skipped, variables become uninitialized variables *) begin match Cil.unrollType v.vtype with | TFun (tres, Some targs, false, _) -> let fn = convertExtFun v in let (fList, vList) = processGlobals l in (CList.Coq_cons (fn, fList), vList) | TFun (tres, _, _, _) -> processGlobals l | _ -> let var = convertExtVar v in let (fList, vList) = processGlobals l in (fList, CList.Coq_cons (var, vList)) end | GVar (v, init, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let var = convertGVar v init in let (fList, vList) = processGlobals l in (fList, CList.Coq_cons (var, vList)) | GFun (fdec, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); let fn = convertGFun fdec in let (fList, vList) = processGlobals l in (CList.Coq_cons (fn, fList), vList) | GAsm (_, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); unsupported "inline assembly" | GPragma (_, loc) -> updateLoc(loc); warning "#pragma directive ignored"; processGlobals l | GText _ -> processGlobals l (* comments are ignored *) (** Eliminate forward declarations of globals that are defined later *) let cleanupGlobals globs = let defined = List.fold_right (fun g def -> match g with GVar (v, init, loc) -> v.vname :: def | GFun (fdec, loc) -> fdec.svar.vname :: def | _ -> def) globs [] in List.filter (function GVarDecl(v, loc) -> not(List.mem v.vname defined) | g -> true) globs (** Convert a [Cil.file] into a [CabsCoq.program] *) let convertFile f = currentGlobalPrefix := Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f.fileName); stringNum := 0; Hashtbl.clear stringTable; Hashtbl.clear stub_function_table; let (funList, defList) = processGlobals (cleanupGlobals f.globals) in let funList' = declare_stub_functions funList in let funList'' = match f.globinit with | Some fdec -> CList.Coq_cons (convertGFun fdec, funList') | None -> funList' in let defList' = globals_for_strings defList in { AST.prog_funct = funList''; AST.prog_vars = defList'; AST.prog_main = intern_string "main" } (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) end