(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open Printf module CompcertErrors = Errors (* avoid shadowing by Cparser.Errors *) open Cparser open Cparser.C open Cparser.Env open Cparser.Builtins open Camlcoq open AST open Values open Csyntax open Initializers (** Record the declarations of global variables and associate them with the corresponding atom. *) type atom_info = { a_storage: C.storage; a_env: Env.t; a_type: C.typ; a_fundef: C.fundef option } let decl_atom : (AST.ident, atom_info) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 103 (** Hooks -- overriden in machine-dependent CPragmas module *) let process_pragma_hook = ref (fun (s: string) -> false) (** ** Error handling *) let currentLocation = ref Cutil.no_loc let updateLoc l = currentLocation := l let numErrors = ref 0 let error msg = incr numErrors; eprintf "%aError: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg let unsupported msg = incr numErrors; eprintf "%aUnsupported feature: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg let warning msg = eprintf "%aWarning: %s\n" Cutil.printloc !currentLocation msg (** ** The builtin environment *) let builtins_generic = { typedefs = [ (* keeps GCC-specific headers happy, harmless for others *) "__builtin_va_list", C.TPtr(C.TVoid [], []) ]; functions = [ (* Floating-point absolute value *) "__builtin_fabs", (TFloat(FDouble, []), [TFloat(FDouble, [])], false); (* The volatile read/volatile write functions *) "__builtin_volatile_read_int8unsigned", (TInt(IUChar, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_int8signed", (TInt(ISChar, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_int16unsigned", (TInt(IUShort, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_int16signed", (TInt(IShort, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_int32", (TInt(IInt, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_float32", (TFloat(FFloat, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_float64", (TFloat(FDouble, []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_read_pointer", (TPtr(TVoid [], []), [TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_int8unsigned", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TInt(IUChar, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_int8signed", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TInt(ISChar, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_int16unsigned", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TInt(IUShort, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_int16signed", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TInt(IShort, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_int32", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TInt(IInt, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_float32", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TFloat(FFloat, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_float64", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TFloat(FDouble, [])], false); "__builtin_volatile_write_pointer", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TPtr(TVoid [], [])], false); (* Block copy *) "__builtin_memcpy", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TPtr(TVoid [AConst], []); TInt(Cutil.size_t_ikind, [])], false); "__builtin_memcpy_al2", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TPtr(TVoid [AConst], []); TInt(Cutil.size_t_ikind, [])], false); "__builtin_memcpy_al4", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TPtr(TVoid [AConst], []); TInt(Cutil.size_t_ikind, [])], false); "__builtin_memcpy_al8", (TVoid [], [TPtr(TVoid [], []); TPtr(TVoid [AConst], []); TInt(Cutil.size_t_ikind, [])], false); (* Annotations *) "__builtin_annotation", (TVoid [], (* overriden during elaboration *) [TPtr(TInt(IChar, [AConst]), [])], false) ] } (* Add processor-dependent builtins *) let builtins = { typedefs = builtins_generic.typedefs @ CBuiltins.builtins.typedefs; functions = builtins_generic.functions @ CBuiltins.builtins.functions } (** ** Functions used to handle string literals *) let stringNum = ref 0 (* number of next global for string literals *) let stringTable = Hashtbl.create 47 let name_for_string_literal env s = try Hashtbl.find stringTable s with Not_found -> incr stringNum; let name = Printf.sprintf "__stringlit_%d" !stringNum in let id = intern_string name in Hashtbl.add decl_atom id { a_storage = C.Storage_static; a_env = env; a_type = C.TPtr(C.TInt(C.IChar,[C.AConst]),[]); a_fundef = None }; Sections.define_stringlit id; Hashtbl.add stringTable s id; id let typeStringLiteral s = Tarray(Tint(I8, Unsigned), z_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(String.length s + 1))) let global_for_string s id = let init = ref [] in let add_char c = init := AST.Init_int8(coqint_of_camlint(Int32.of_int(Char.code c))) :: !init in add_char '\000'; for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do add_char s.[i] done; Datatypes.Coq_pair(id, {gvar_info = typeStringLiteral s; gvar_init = !init; gvar_readonly = true; gvar_volatile = false}) let globals_for_strings globs = Hashtbl.fold (fun s id l -> global_for_string s id :: l) stringTable globs (** ** Declaration of special external functions *) let special_externals_table : (string, fundef) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 47 let register_special_external c_name int_name targs tres inline = if not (Hashtbl.mem special_externals_table c_name) then begin Hashtbl.add special_externals_table c_name (External({ef_id = intern_string int_name; ef_sig = signature_of_type targs tres; ef_inline = inline}, targs, tres)) end let declare_special_externals k = Hashtbl.fold (fun c_name fd k -> Datatypes.Coq_pair(intern_string c_name, fd) :: k) special_externals_table k (** ** Handling of stubs for variadic functions *) let register_stub_function name tres targs = let rec letters_of_type = function | Tnil -> [] | Tcons(Tfloat _, tl) -> "f" :: letters_of_type tl | Tcons(_, tl) -> "i" :: letters_of_type tl in let rec types_of_types = function | Tnil -> Tnil | Tcons(Tfloat _, tl) -> Tcons(Tfloat F64, types_of_types tl) | Tcons(_, tl) -> Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, types_of_types tl) in let stub_name = name ^ "$" ^ String.concat "" (letters_of_type targs) in let targs = types_of_types targs in register_special_external stub_name stub_name targs tres false; (stub_name, Tfunction (targs, tres)) (** ** Handling of annotations *) let annot_function_next = ref 0 let register_annotation_function txt targs tres = incr annot_function_next; let fun_name = Printf.sprintf "__builtin_annotation_%d" !annot_function_next and int_name = Printf.sprintf "__builtin_annotation_\"%s\"" txt in register_special_external fun_name int_name targs tres true; Evalof(Evar(intern_string fun_name, Tfunction(targs, tres)), Tfunction(targs, tres)) (** ** Handling of inlined memcpy functions *) let alignof_pointed ty = match ty with | Tpointer ty' -> camlint_of_z (alignof ty') | _ -> 1l (* safe default *) let register_inlined_memcpy basename sz = let name = Printf.sprintf "%s_sz%ld" basename sz in let targs = Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, Tnil)) in let tres = Tvoid in register_special_external name name targs tres true; Evalof(Evar(intern_string name, Tfunction(targs, tres)), Tfunction(targs, tres)) let memcpy_inline_threshold = ref 64l let make_builtin_memcpy name fn args = match args with | Econs(dst, Econs(src, Econs(sz, Enil))) -> let sz1 = match Initializers.constval sz with | CompcertErrors.OK(Vint n) -> Some (camlint_of_coqint n) | _ -> None in begin match sz1 with | Some sz2 when sz2 <= !memcpy_inline_threshold -> let fn = register_inlined_memcpy name sz2 in Ecall(fn, Econs(dst, Econs(src, Enil)), Tvoid) | _ -> Ecall(fn, args, Tvoid) end | _ -> Ecall(fn, args, Tvoid) (** ** Translation functions *) (** Constants *) let convertInt n = coqint_of_camlint(Int64.to_int32 n) (** Types *) let convertIkind = function | C.IBool -> unsupported "'_Bool' type"; (Unsigned, I8) | C.IChar -> ((if (!Cparser.Machine.config).Cparser.Machine.char_signed then Signed else Unsigned), I8) | C.ISChar -> (Signed, I8) | C.IUChar -> (Unsigned, I8) | C.IInt -> (Signed, I32) | C.IUInt -> (Unsigned, I32) | C.IShort -> (Signed, I16) | C.IUShort -> (Unsigned, I16) | C.ILong -> (Signed, I32) | C.IULong -> (Unsigned, I32) (* Special-cased in convertTyp below *) | C.ILongLong -> unsupported "'long long' type"; (Signed, I32) | C.IULongLong -> unsupported "'unsigned long long' type"; (Unsigned, I32) let convertFkind = function | C.FFloat -> F32 | C.FDouble -> F64 | C.FLongDouble -> unsupported "'long double' type"; F64 let int64_struct = let ty = Tint(I32,Unsigned) in Tstruct(intern_string "struct __int64", if Memdataaux.big_endian then Fcons(intern_string "hi", ty, Fcons(intern_string "lo", ty, Fnil)) else Fcons(intern_string "lo", ty, Fcons(intern_string "hi", ty, Fnil))) let convertTyp env t = let rec convertTyp seen t = match Cutil.unroll env t with | C.TVoid a -> Tvoid | C.TInt((C.ILongLong|C.IULongLong), a) when !Clflags.option_flonglong -> int64_struct | C.TInt(ik, a) -> let (sg, sz) = convertIkind ik in Tint(sz, sg) | C.TFloat(fk, a) -> Tfloat(convertFkind fk) | C.TPtr(ty, a) -> begin match Cutil.unroll env ty with | C.TStruct(id, _) when List.mem id seen -> Tcomp_ptr(intern_string ("struct " ^ id.name)) | C.TUnion(id, _) when List.mem id seen -> Tcomp_ptr(intern_string ("union " ^ id.name)) | _ -> Tpointer(convertTyp seen ty) end | C.TArray(ty, None, a) -> (* Cparser verified that the type ty[] occurs only in contexts that are safe for Clight, so just treat as ty[0]. *) (* warning "array type of unspecified size"; *) Tarray(convertTyp seen ty, coqint_of_camlint 0l) | C.TArray(ty, Some sz, a) -> Tarray(convertTyp seen ty, convertInt sz) | C.TFun(tres, targs, va, a) -> if va then unsupported "variadic function type"; if Cutil.is_composite_type env tres then unsupported "return type is a struct or union"; Tfunction(begin match targs with | None -> warning "un-prototyped function type"; Tnil | Some tl -> convertParams seen tl end, convertTyp seen tres) | C.TNamed _ -> assert false | C.TStruct(id, a) -> let flds = try convertFields (id :: seen) (Env.find_struct env id) with Env.Error e -> error (Env.error_message e); Fnil in Tstruct(intern_string("struct " ^ id.name), flds) | C.TUnion(id, a) -> let flds = try convertFields (id :: seen) (Env.find_union env id) with Env.Error e -> error (Env.error_message e); Fnil in Tunion(intern_string("union " ^ id.name), flds) and convertParams seen = function | [] -> Tnil | (id, ty) :: rem -> if Cutil.is_composite_type env ty then unsupported "function parameter of struct or union type"; Tcons(convertTyp seen ty, convertParams seen rem) and convertFields seen ci = convertFieldList seen ci.Env.ci_members and convertFieldList seen = function | [] -> Fnil | f :: fl -> if f.fld_bitfield <> None then unsupported "bit field in struct or union"; Fcons(intern_string f.fld_name, convertTyp seen f.fld_typ, convertFieldList seen fl) in convertTyp [] t let rec convertTypList env = function | [] -> Tnil | t1 :: tl -> Tcons(convertTyp env t1, convertTypList env tl) let rec projFunType env ty = match Cutil.unroll env ty with | TFun(res, args, vararg, attr) -> Some(res, vararg) | TPtr(ty', attr) -> projFunType env ty' | _ -> None let string_of_type ty = let b = Buffer.create 20 in let fb = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in Cprint.typ fb ty; Format.pp_print_flush fb (); Buffer.contents b let first_class_value env ty = match Cutil.unroll env ty with | C.TInt((C.ILongLong|C.IULongLong), _) -> false | C.TStruct _ -> false | C.TUnion _ -> false | _ -> true (* Handling of volatile *) let is_volatile_access env e = List.mem C.AVolatile (Cutil.attributes_of_type env e.etyp) && Cutil.is_lvalue env e let volatile_fun_suffix_type ty = match ty with | Tint(I8, Unsigned) -> ("int8unsigned", ty) | Tint(I8, Signed) -> ("int8signed", ty) | Tint(I16, Unsigned) -> ("int16unsigned", ty) | Tint(I16, Signed) -> ("int16signed", ty) | Tint(I32, _) -> ("int32", Tint(I32, Signed)) | Tfloat F32 -> ("float32", ty) | Tfloat F64 -> ("float64", ty) | Tpointer _ | Tarray _ | Tfunction _ | Tcomp_ptr _ -> ("pointer", Tpointer Tvoid) | _ -> unsupported "operation on volatile struct or union"; ("", Tvoid) let volatile_read_fun ty = let (suffix, ty') = volatile_fun_suffix_type ty in let funty = Tfunction(Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, Tnil), ty') in Evalof(Evar(intern_string ("__builtin_volatile_read_" ^ suffix), funty), funty) let volatile_write_fun ty = let (suffix, ty') = volatile_fun_suffix_type ty in let funty = Tfunction(Tcons(Tpointer Tvoid, Tcons(ty', Tnil)), Tvoid) in Evalof(Evar(intern_string ("__builtin_volatile_write_" ^ suffix), funty), funty) (** Expressions *) let ezero = Eval(Vint(coqint_of_camlint 0l), Tint(I32, Signed)) let check_assignop msg env e = if not (first_class_value env e.etyp) then unsupported (msg ^ " on a l-value of type " ^ string_of_type e.etyp); if is_volatile_access env e then unsupported (msg ^ " on a volatile l-value") let rec convertExpr env e = let ty = convertTyp env e.etyp in match e.edesc with | C.EVar _ | C.EUnop((C.Oderef|C.Odot _|C.Oarrow _), _) | C.EBinop(C.Oindex, _, _, _) -> let l = convertLvalue env e in if not (first_class_value env e.etyp) then unsupported ("r-value of type " ^ string_of_type e.etyp); if is_volatile_access env e then Ecall(volatile_read_fun (typeof l), Econs(Eaddrof(l, Tpointer(typeof l)), Enil), ty) else Evalof(l, ty) | C.EConst(C.CInt(i, _, _)) -> Eval(Vint(convertInt i), ty) | C.EConst(C.CFloat(f, _, _)) -> Eval(Vfloat(f), ty) | C.EConst(C.CStr s) -> let ty = typeStringLiteral s in Evalof(Evar(name_for_string_literal env s, ty), ty) | C.EConst(C.CWStr s) -> unsupported "wide string literal"; ezero | C.EConst(C.CEnum(id, i)) -> Eval(Vint(convertInt i), ty) | C.ESizeof ty1 -> Esizeof(convertTyp env ty1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Ominus, e1) -> Eunop(Oneg, convertExpr env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Oplus, e1) -> convertExpr env e1 | C.EUnop(C.Olognot, e1) -> Eunop(Onotbool, convertExpr env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Onot, e1) -> Eunop(Onotint, convertExpr env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Oaddrof, e1) -> Eaddrof(convertLvalue env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Opreincr, e1) -> check_assignop "pre-increment" env e1; coq_Epreincr Incr (convertLvalue env e1) ty | C.EUnop(C.Opredecr, e1) -> check_assignop "pre-decrement" env e1; coq_Epreincr Decr (convertLvalue env e1) ty | C.EUnop(C.Opostincr, e1) -> check_assignop "post-increment" env e1; Epostincr(Incr, convertLvalue env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Opostdecr, e1) -> check_assignop "post-decrement" env e1; Epostincr(Decr, convertLvalue env e1, ty) | C.EBinop((C.Oadd|C.Osub|C.Omul|C.Odiv|C.Omod|C.Oand|C.Oor|C.Oxor| C.Oshl|C.Oshr|C.Oeq|C.One|C.Olt|C.Ogt|C.Ole|C.Oge) as op, e1, e2, _) -> let op' = match op with | C.Oadd -> Oadd | C.Osub -> Osub | C.Omul -> Omul | C.Odiv -> Odiv | C.Omod -> Omod | C.Oand -> Oand | C.Oor -> Oor | C.Oxor -> Oxor | C.Oshl -> Oshl | C.Oshr -> Oshr | C.Oeq -> Oeq | C.One -> One | C.Olt -> Olt | C.Ogt -> Ogt | C.Ole -> Ole | C.Oge -> Oge | _ -> assert false in Ebinop(op', convertExpr env e1, convertExpr env e2, ty) | C.EBinop(C.Oassign, e1, e2, _) -> let e1' = convertLvalue env e1 in let e2' = convertExpr env e2 in if not (first_class_value env e1.etyp) then unsupported ("assignment to a l-value of type " ^ string_of_type e1.etyp); if is_volatile_access env e1 then Ecall(volatile_write_fun (typeof e1'), Econs(Eaddrof(e1', Tpointer(typeof e1')), Econs(e2', Enil)), Tvoid) (* typing issue here *) else Eassign(e1', e2', ty) | C.EBinop((C.Oadd_assign|C.Osub_assign|C.Omul_assign|C.Odiv_assign| C.Omod_assign|C.Oand_assign|C.Oor_assign|C.Oxor_assign| C.Oshl_assign|C.Oshr_assign) as op, e1, e2, tyres) -> let tyres = convertTyp env tyres in let op' = match op with | C.Oadd_assign -> Oadd | C.Osub_assign -> Osub | C.Omul_assign -> Omul | C.Odiv_assign -> Odiv | C.Omod_assign -> Omod | C.Oand_assign -> Oand | C.Oor_assign -> Oor | C.Oxor_assign -> Oxor | C.Oshl_assign -> Oshl | C.Oshr_assign -> Oshr | _ -> assert false in let e1' = convertLvalue env e1 in let e2' = convertExpr env e2 in check_assignop "assignment-operation" env e1; Eassignop(op', e1', e2', tyres, ty) | C.EBinop(C.Ocomma, e1, e2, _) -> Ecomma(convertExpr env e1, convertExpr env e2, ty) | C.EBinop(C.Ologand, e1, e2, _) -> coq_Eseqand (convertExpr env e1) (convertExpr env e2) ty | C.EBinop(C.Ologor, e1, e2, _) -> coq_Eseqor (convertExpr env e1) (convertExpr env e2) ty | C.EConditional(e1, e2, e3) -> Econdition(convertExpr env e1, convertExpr env e2, convertExpr env e3, ty) | C.ECast(ty1, e1) -> Ecast(convertExpr env e1, convertTyp env ty1) | C.ECall({edesc = C.EVar {name = "__builtin_annotation"}}, args) -> begin match args with | {edesc = C.EConst(CStr txt)} :: args1 -> if List.length args1 > 2 then error "too many arguments to __builtin_annotation"; let targs1 = convertTypList env (List.map (fun e -> e.etyp) args1) in let fn' = register_annotation_function txt targs1 ty in Ecall(fn', convertExprList env args1, ty) | _ -> error "ill-formed __builtin_annotation (first argument must be string literal)"; ezero end | C.ECall({edesc = C.EVar {name = ("__builtin_memcpy" |"__builtin_memcpy_al2" |"__builtin_memcpy_al4" |"__builtin_memcpy_al8" as name)}} as fn, args) -> make_builtin_memcpy name (convertExpr env fn) (convertExprList env args) | C.ECall(fn, args) -> match projFunType env fn.etyp with | None -> error "wrong type for function part of a call"; ezero | Some(res, false) -> (* Non-variadic function *) Ecall(convertExpr env fn, convertExprList env args, ty) | Some(res, true) -> (* Variadic function: generate a call to a stub function with the appropriate number and types of arguments. Works only if the function expression e is a global variable. *) let fun_name = match fn with | {edesc = C.EVar id} when !Clflags.option_fvararg_calls -> (*warning "emulating call to variadic function"; *) id.name | _ -> unsupported "call to variadic function"; "" in let targs = convertTypList env (List.map (fun e -> e.etyp) args) in let tres = convertTyp env res in let (stub_fun_name, stub_fun_typ) = register_stub_function fun_name tres targs in Ecall(Evalof(Evar(intern_string stub_fun_name, stub_fun_typ), stub_fun_typ), convertExprList env args, ty) and convertLvalue env e = let ty = convertTyp env e.etyp in match e.edesc with | C.EVar id -> Evar(intern_string id.name, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Oderef, e1) -> Ederef(convertExpr env e1, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Odot id, e1) -> Efield(convertLvalue env e1, intern_string id, ty) | C.EUnop(C.Oarrow id, e1) -> let e1' = convertExpr env e1 in let ty1 = match typeof e1' with | Tpointer t -> t | _ -> error ("wrong type for ->" ^ id ^ " access"); Tvoid in Efield(Ederef(e1', ty1), intern_string id, ty) | C.EBinop(C.Oindex, e1, e2, _) -> coq_Eindex (convertExpr env e1) (convertExpr env e2) ty | _ -> error "illegal l-value"; ezero and convertExprList env el = match el with | [] -> Enil | e1 :: el' -> Econs(convertExpr env e1, convertExprList env el') (* Separate the cases of a switch statement body *) type switchlabel = | Case of C.exp | Default type switchbody = | Label of switchlabel | Stmt of C.stmt let rec flattenSwitch = function | {sdesc = C.Sseq(s1, s2)} -> flattenSwitch s1 @ flattenSwitch s2 | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Scase e, s1)} -> Label(Case e) :: flattenSwitch s1 | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Sdefault, s1)} -> Label Default :: flattenSwitch s1 | s -> [Stmt s] let rec groupSwitch = function | [] -> (Cutil.sskip, []) | Label case :: rem -> let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in (Cutil.sskip, (case, fst) :: cases) | Stmt s :: rem -> let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in (Cutil.sseq s.sloc s fst, cases) (* Statement *) let rec convertStmt env s = updateLoc s.sloc; match s.sdesc with | C.Sskip -> Sskip | C.Sdo e -> Sdo(convertExpr env e) | C.Sseq(s1, s2) -> Ssequence(convertStmt env s1, convertStmt env s2) | C.Sif(e, s1, s2) -> Sifthenelse(convertExpr env e, convertStmt env s1, convertStmt env s2) | C.Swhile(e, s1) -> Swhile(convertExpr env e, convertStmt env s1) | C.Sdowhile(s1, e) -> Sdowhile(convertExpr env e, convertStmt env s1) | C.Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) -> Sfor(convertStmt env s1, convertExpr env e, convertStmt env s2, convertStmt env s3) | C.Sbreak -> Sbreak | C.Scontinue -> Scontinue | C.Sswitch(e, s1) -> let (init, cases) = groupSwitch (flattenSwitch s1) in if cases = [] then unsupported "ill-formed 'switch' statement"; if init.sdesc <> C.Sskip then warning "ignored code at beginning of 'switch'"; Sswitch(convertExpr env e, convertSwitch env cases) | C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, s1) -> Slabel(intern_string lbl, convertStmt env s1) | C.Slabeled(C.Scase _, _) -> unsupported "'case' outside of 'switch'"; Sskip | C.Slabeled(C.Sdefault, _) -> unsupported "'default' outside of 'switch'"; Sskip | C.Sgoto lbl -> Sgoto(intern_string lbl) | C.Sreturn None -> Sreturn None | C.Sreturn(Some e) -> Sreturn(Some(convertExpr env e)) | C.Sblock _ -> unsupported "nested blocks"; Sskip | C.Sdecl _ -> unsupported "inner declarations"; Sskip and convertSwitch env = function | [] -> LSdefault Sskip | [Default, s] -> LSdefault (convertStmt env s) | (Default, s) :: _ -> updateLoc s.sloc; unsupported "'default' case must occur last"; LSdefault Sskip | (Case e, s) :: rem -> updateLoc s.sloc; let v = match Ceval.integer_expr env e with | None -> unsupported "'case' label is not a compile-time integer"; 0L | Some v -> v in LScase(convertInt v, convertStmt env s, convertSwitch env rem) (** Function definitions *) let convertFundef env fd = if Cutil.is_composite_type env fd.fd_ret then unsupported "function returning a struct or union"; let ret = convertTyp env fd.fd_ret in let params = List.map (fun (id, ty) -> if Cutil.is_composite_type env ty then unsupported "function parameter of struct or union type"; Datatypes.Coq_pair(intern_string id.name, convertTyp env ty)) fd.fd_params in let vars = List.map (fun (sto, id, ty, init) -> if sto = Storage_extern || sto = Storage_static then unsupported "'static' or 'extern' local variable"; if init <> None then unsupported "initialized local variable"; Datatypes.Coq_pair(intern_string id.name, convertTyp env ty)) fd.fd_locals in let body' = convertStmt env fd.fd_body in let id' = intern_string fd.fd_name.name in Hashtbl.add decl_atom id' { a_storage = fd.fd_storage; a_env = env; a_type = Cutil.fundef_typ fd; a_fundef = Some fd }; Sections.define_function env id' fd.fd_ret; Datatypes.Coq_pair(id', Internal {fn_return = ret; fn_params = params; fn_vars = vars; fn_body = body'}) (** External function declaration *) let noninlined_builtin_functions = [ "__builtin_memcpy"; "__builtin_memcpy_al2"; "__builtin_memcpy_al4"; "__builtin_memcpy_al8" ] let convertFundecl env (sto, id, ty, optinit) = let (args, res) = match convertTyp env ty with | Tfunction(args, res) -> (args, res) | _ -> assert false in let id' = intern_string id.name in let ef = { ef_id = id'; ef_sig = signature_of_type args res; ef_inline = List.mem_assoc id.name builtins.functions && not (List.mem id.name noninlined_builtin_functions) } in Datatypes.Coq_pair(id', External(ef, args, res)) (** Initializers *) let string_of_errmsg msg = let string_of_err = function | CompcertErrors.MSG s -> camlstring_of_coqstring s | CompcertErrors.CTX i -> extern_atom i in String.concat "" (List.map string_of_err msg) let rec convertInit env init = match init with | C.Init_single e -> Init_single (convertExpr env e) | C.Init_array il -> Init_compound (convertInitList env il) | C.Init_struct(_, flds) -> Init_compound (convertInitList env (List.map snd flds)) | C.Init_union(_, fld, i) -> Init_compound (Init_cons(convertInit env i, Init_nil)) and convertInitList env il = match il with | [] -> Init_nil | i :: il' -> Init_cons(convertInit env i, convertInitList env il') let convertInitializer env ty i = match Initializers.transl_init (convertTyp env ty) (convertInit env i) with | CompcertErrors.OK init -> init | CompcertErrors.Error msg -> error (string_of_errmsg msg); [] (** Global variable *) let convertGlobvar env (sto, id, ty, optinit) = let id' = intern_string id.name in let ty' = convertTyp env ty in let init' = match optinit with | None -> if sto = C.Storage_extern then [] else [Init_space(Csyntax.sizeof ty')] | Some i -> convertInitializer env ty i in Hashtbl.add decl_atom id' { a_storage = sto; a_env = env; a_type = ty; a_fundef = None }; Sections.define_variable env id' ty; let a = Cutil.attributes_of_type env ty in let volatile = List.mem C.AVolatile a in let readonly = List.mem C.AConst a && not volatile in Datatypes.Coq_pair(id', {gvar_info = ty'; gvar_init = init'; gvar_readonly = readonly; gvar_volatile = volatile}) (** Convert a list of global declarations. Result is a pair [(funs, vars)] where [funs] are the function definitions (internal and external) and [vars] the variable declarations. *) let rec convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl = match gl with | [] -> (List.rev funs, List.rev vars) | g :: gl' -> updateLoc g.gloc; match g.gdesc with | C.Gdecl((sto, id, ty, optinit) as d) -> (* Prototyped functions become external declarations. Variadic functions are skipped. Other types become variable declarations. *) begin match Cutil.unroll env ty with | TFun(_, Some _, false, _) -> convertGlobdecls env (convertFundecl env d :: funs) vars gl' | TFun(_, None, false, _) -> error "function declaration without prototype"; convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl' | TFun(_, _, true, _) -> convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl' | _ -> convertGlobdecls env funs (convertGlobvar env d :: vars) gl' end | C.Gfundef fd -> convertGlobdecls env (convertFundef env fd :: funs) vars gl' | C.Gcompositedecl _ | C.Gcompositedef _ | C.Gtypedef _ | C.Genumdef _ -> (* typedefs are unrolled, structs are expanded inline, and enum tags are folded. So we just skip their declarations. *) convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl' | C.Gpragma s -> if not (!process_pragma_hook s) then warning ("'#pragma " ^ s ^ "' directive ignored"); convertGlobdecls env funs vars gl' (** Build environment of typedefs and structs *) let rec translEnv env = function | [] -> env | g :: gl -> let env' = match g.gdesc with | C.Gcompositedecl(su, id, attr) -> Env.add_composite env id (Cutil.composite_info_decl env su attr) | C.Gcompositedef(su, id, attr, fld) -> Env.add_composite env id (Cutil.composite_info_def env su attr fld) | C.Gtypedef(id, ty) -> Env.add_typedef env id ty | _ -> env in translEnv env' gl (** Eliminate forward declarations of globals that are defined later. *) module IdentSet = Set.Make(struct type t = C.ident let compare = compare end) let cleanupGlobals p = let rec clean defs accu = function | [] -> accu | g :: gl -> updateLoc g.gloc; match g.gdesc with | C.Gdecl(sto, id, ty, None) -> if IdentSet.mem id defs then clean defs accu gl else clean (IdentSet.add id defs) (g :: accu) gl | C.Gdecl(_, id, ty, _) -> if IdentSet.mem id defs then error ("multiple definitions of " ^ id.name); clean (IdentSet.add id defs) (g :: accu) gl | C.Gfundef fd -> if IdentSet.mem fd.fd_name defs then error ("multiple definitions of " ^ fd.fd_name.name); clean (IdentSet.add fd.fd_name defs) (g :: accu) gl | _ -> clean defs (g :: accu) gl in clean IdentSet.empty [] (List.rev p) (** Convert a [C.program] into a [Csyntax.program] *) let convertProgram p = numErrors := 0; stringNum := 0; Hashtbl.clear decl_atom; Hashtbl.clear stringTable; Hashtbl.clear special_externals_table; let p = Builtins.declarations() @ p in try let (funs1, vars1) = convertGlobdecls (translEnv Env.empty p) [] [] (cleanupGlobals p) in let funs2 = declare_special_externals funs1 in let vars2 = globals_for_strings vars1 in if !numErrors > 0 then None else Some { AST.prog_funct = funs2; AST.prog_vars = vars2; AST.prog_main = intern_string "main" } with Env.Error msg -> error (Env.error_message msg); None (** ** Extracting information about global variables from their atom *) let atom_is_static a = try match Hashtbl.find decl_atom a with | { a_storage = C.Storage_static } -> true (* We do not inline functions, but at least let's not make them globals *) | { a_fundef = Some { fd_inline = true } } -> true | _ -> false with Not_found -> false let atom_is_extern a = try let i = Hashtbl.find decl_atom a in i.a_storage = C.Storage_extern with Not_found -> false (* let atom_is_readonly a = try let i = Hashtbl.find decl_atom a in type_is_readonly i.a_env i.a_type with Not_found -> false let atom_sizeof a = try let i = Hashtbl.find decl_atom a in Cutil.sizeof i.a_env i.a_type with Not_found -> None *) let atom_alignof a = try let i = Hashtbl.find decl_atom a in match Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["aligned"; "__aligned__"] (Cutil.attributes_of_type i.a_env i.a_type) with | [[C.AInt n]] -> Some(Int64.to_int n) | _ -> Cutil.alignof i.a_env i.a_type with Not_found -> None