(** * Abstract syntax for the Clight language *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import AST. (** ** Abstract syntax *) (** Types *) Inductive signedness : Set := | Signed: signedness | Unsigned: signedness. Inductive intsize : Set := | I8: intsize | I16: intsize | I32: intsize. Inductive floatsize : Set := | F32: floatsize | F64: floatsize. Inductive type : Set := | Tvoid: type | Tint: intsize -> signedness -> type | Tfloat: floatsize -> type | Tpointer: type -> type | Tarray: type -> Z -> type | Tfunction: typelist -> type -> type | Tstruct: fieldlist -> type | Tunion: fieldlist -> type with typelist : Set := | Tnil: typelist | Tcons: type -> typelist -> typelist with fieldlist : Set := | Fnil: fieldlist | Fcons: ident -> type -> fieldlist -> fieldlist. (** Arithmetic and logical operators *) Inductive unary_operation : Set := | Onotbool : unary_operation | Onotint : unary_operation | Oneg : unary_operation. Inductive binary_operation : Set := | Oadd : binary_operation | Osub : binary_operation | Omul : binary_operation | Odiv : binary_operation | Omod : binary_operation | Oand : binary_operation | Oor : binary_operation | Oxor : binary_operation | Oshl : binary_operation | Oshr : binary_operation | Oeq: binary_operation | One: binary_operation | Olt: binary_operation | Ogt: binary_operation | Ole: binary_operation | Oge: binary_operation. (** Expressions *) Inductive expr : Set := | Expr: expr_descr -> type -> expr with expr_descr : Set := | Econst_int: int -> expr_descr | Econst_float: float -> expr_descr | Evar: ident -> expr_descr | Ederef: expr -> expr_descr | Eaddrof: expr -> expr_descr | Eunop: unary_operation -> expr -> expr_descr | Ebinop: binary_operation -> expr -> expr -> expr_descr | Ecast: type -> expr -> expr_descr | Eindex: expr -> expr -> expr_descr | Ecall: expr -> exprlist -> expr_descr | Eandbool: expr -> expr -> expr_descr | Eorbool: expr -> expr -> expr_descr | Esizeof: type -> expr_descr | Efield: expr -> ident -> expr_descr with exprlist : Set := | Enil: exprlist | Econs: expr -> exprlist -> exprlist. (** Extract the type part of a type-annotated Clight expression. *) Definition typeof (e: expr) : type := match e with Expr de te => te end. (** Statements *) Inductive statement : Set := | Sskip : statement | Sexpr : expr -> statement | Sassign : expr -> expr -> statement | Ssequence : statement -> statement -> statement | Sifthenelse : expr -> statement -> statement -> statement | Swhile : expr -> statement -> statement | Sdowhile : expr -> statement -> statement | Sfor: statement -> expr -> statement -> statement -> statement | Sbreak : statement | Scontinue : statement | Sreturn : option expr -> statement | Sswitch : expr -> labeled_statements -> statement with labeled_statements : Set := | LSdefault: statement -> labeled_statements | LScase: int -> statement -> labeled_statements -> labeled_statements. (** Function definition *) Record function : Set := mkfunction { fn_return: type; fn_params: list (ident * type); fn_vars: list (ident * type); fn_body: statement }. Inductive fundef : Set := | Internal: function -> fundef | External: ident -> typelist -> type -> fundef. (** Program *) Record program : Set := mkprogram { prog_funct: list (ident * fundef); prog_defs: list (ident * type * list init_data); prog_main: ident }. (** ** Operations over types *) (** The type of a function definition *) Fixpoint type_of_params (params: list (ident * type)) : typelist := match params with | nil => Tnil | (id, ty) :: rem => Tcons ty (type_of_params rem) end. Definition type_of_function (f: function) : type := Tfunction (type_of_params (fn_params f)) (fn_return f). Definition type_of_fundef (f: fundef) : type := match f with | Internal fd => type_of_function fd | External id args res => Tfunction args res end. (** Natural alignment of a type *) Fixpoint alignof (t: type) : Z := match t with | Tvoid => 1 | Tint I8 _ => 1 | Tint I16 _ => 2 | Tint I32 _ => 4 | Tfloat F32 => 4 | Tfloat F64 => 8 | Tpointer _ => 4 | Tarray t' n => alignof t' | Tfunction _ _ => 1 | Tstruct fld => alignof_fields fld | Tunion fld => alignof_fields fld end with alignof_fields (f: fieldlist) : Z := match f with | Fnil => 1 | Fcons id t f' => Zmax (alignof t) (alignof_fields f') end. Scheme type_ind2 := Induction for type Sort Prop with fieldlist_ind2 := Induction for fieldlist Sort Prop. Lemma alignof_fields_pos: forall f, alignof_fields f > 0. Proof. induction f; simpl. omega. generalize (Zmax2 (alignof t) (alignof_fields f)). omega. Qed. Lemma alignof_pos: forall t, alignof t > 0. Proof. induction t; simpl; auto; try omega. destruct i; omega. destruct f; omega. apply alignof_fields_pos. apply alignof_fields_pos. Qed. (** Size of a type (in bytes) *) Fixpoint sizeof (t: type) : Z := match t with | Tvoid => 1 | Tint I8 _ => 1 | Tint I16 _ => 2 | Tint I32 _ => 4 | Tfloat F32 => 4 | Tfloat F64 => 8 | Tpointer _ => 4 | Tarray t' n => sizeof t' * Zmax 1 n | Tfunction _ _ => 1 | Tstruct fld => align (Zmax 1 (sizeof_struct fld 0)) (alignof t) | Tunion fld => align (Zmax 1 (sizeof_union fld)) (alignof t) end with sizeof_struct (fld: fieldlist) (pos: Z) {struct fld} : Z := match fld with | Fnil => pos | Fcons id t fld' => sizeof_struct fld' (align pos (alignof t) + sizeof t) end with sizeof_union (fld: fieldlist) : Z := match fld with | Fnil => 0 | Fcons id t fld' => Zmax (sizeof t) (sizeof_union fld') end. Lemma sizeof_pos: forall t, sizeof t > 0. Proof. intro t0. apply (type_ind2 (fun t => sizeof t > 0) (fun f => sizeof_union f >= 0 /\ forall pos, pos >= 0 -> sizeof_struct f pos >= 0)); intros; simpl; auto; try omega. destruct i; omega. destruct f; omega. apply Zmult_gt_0_compat. auto. generalize (Zmax1 1 z); omega. destruct H. generalize (align_le (Zmax 1 (sizeof_struct f 0)) (alignof_fields f) (alignof_fields_pos f)). generalize (Zmax1 1 (sizeof_struct f 0)). omega. generalize (align_le (Zmax 1 (sizeof_union f)) (alignof_fields f) (alignof_fields_pos f)). generalize (Zmax1 1 (sizeof_union f)). omega. split. omega. auto. destruct H0. split; intros. generalize (Zmax2 (sizeof t) (sizeof_union f)). omega. apply H1. generalize (align_le pos (alignof t) (alignof_pos t)). omega. Qed. (** Byte offset for a field in a struct. *) Fixpoint field_offset_rec (id: ident) (fld: fieldlist) (pos: Z) {struct fld} : option Z := match fld with | Fnil => None | Fcons id' t fld' => if ident_eq id id' then Some (align pos (alignof t)) else field_offset_rec id fld' (align pos (alignof t) + sizeof t) end. Definition field_offset (id: ident) (fld: fieldlist) : option Z := field_offset_rec id fld 0. (* Describe how a variable of the given type must be accessed: - by value, i.e. by loading from the address of the variable with the given chunk - by reference, i.e. by just returning the address of the variable - not at all, e.g. the [void] type. *) Inductive mode: Set := | By_value: memory_chunk -> mode | By_reference: mode | By_nothing: mode. Definition access_mode (ty: type) : mode := match ty with | Tint I8 Signed => By_value Mint8signed | Tint I8 Unsigned => By_value Mint8unsigned | Tint I16 Signed => By_value Mint16signed | Tint I16 Unsigned => By_value Mint16unsigned | Tint I32 _ => By_value Mint32 | Tfloat F32 => By_value Mfloat32 | Tfloat F64 => By_value Mfloat64 | Tvoid => By_nothing | Tpointer _ => By_value Mint32 | Tarray _ _ => By_reference | Tfunction _ _ => By_reference | Tstruct fList => By_nothing | Tunion fList => By_nothing end. (** Conversion of a Clight program into an AST program *) Definition extract_global_var (id_ty_init: ident * type * list init_data) := match id_ty_init with (id, ty, init) => (id, init) end. Definition program_of_program (p: program) : AST.program fundef := AST.mkprogram p.(prog_funct) p.(prog_main) (List.map extract_global_var p.(prog_defs)). (** Classification of arithmetic operations and comparisons *) Inductive classify_add_cases : Set := | add_case_ii: classify_add_cases (* int , int *) | add_case_ff: classify_add_cases (* float , float *) | add_case_pi: type -> classify_add_cases (* ptr | array, int *) | add_default: classify_add_cases. (* other *) Definition classify_add (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1, ty2 with | Tint _ _, Tint _ _ => add_case_ii | Tfloat _, Tfloat _ => add_case_ff | Tpointer ty, Tint _ _ => add_case_pi ty | Tarray ty _, Tint _ _ => add_case_pi ty | _, _ => add_default end. Inductive classify_sub_cases : Set := | sub_case_ii: classify_sub_cases (* int , int *) | sub_case_ff: classify_sub_cases (* float , float *) | sub_case_pi: type -> classify_sub_cases (* ptr | array , int *) | sub_case_pp: type -> classify_sub_cases (* ptr | array , ptr | array *) | sub_default: classify_sub_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_sub (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1, ty2 with | Tint _ _ , Tint _ _ => sub_case_ii | Tfloat _ , Tfloat _ => sub_case_ff | Tpointer ty , Tint _ _ => sub_case_pi ty | Tarray ty _ , Tint _ _ => sub_case_pi ty | Tpointer ty , Tpointer _ => sub_case_pp ty | Tpointer ty , Tarray _ _=> sub_case_pp ty | Tarray ty _ , Tpointer _ => sub_case_pp ty | Tarray ty _ , Tarray _ _ => sub_case_pp ty | _ ,_ => sub_default end. Inductive classify_mul_cases : Set:= | mul_case_ii: classify_mul_cases (* int , int *) | mul_case_ff: classify_mul_cases (* float , float *) | mul_default: classify_mul_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_mul (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1,ty2 with | Tint _ _, Tint _ _ => mul_case_ii | Tfloat _ , Tfloat _ => mul_case_ff | _,_ => mul_default end. Inductive classify_div_cases : Set:= | div_case_I32unsi: classify_div_cases (* uns int32 , int *) | div_case_ii: classify_div_cases (* int , int *) | div_case_ff: classify_div_cases (* float , float *) | div_default: classify_div_cases. (* other *) Definition classify_div (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1,ty2 with | Tint I32 Unsigned, Tint _ _ => div_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint I32 Unsigned => div_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint _ _ => div_case_ii | Tfloat _ , Tfloat _ => div_case_ff | _ ,_ => div_default end. Inductive classify_mod_cases : Set:= | mod_case_I32unsi: classify_mod_cases (* uns I32 , int *) | mod_case_ii: classify_mod_cases (* int , int *) | mod_default: classify_mod_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_mod (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1,ty2 with | Tint I32 Unsigned , Tint _ _ => mod_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint I32 Unsigned => mod_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint _ _ => mod_case_ii | _ , _ => mod_default end . Inductive classify_shr_cases :Set:= | shr_case_I32unsi: classify_shr_cases (* uns I32 , int *) | shr_case_ii :classify_shr_cases (* int , int *) | shr_default : classify_shr_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_shr (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1,ty2 with | Tint I32 Unsigned , Tint _ _ => shr_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint _ _ => shr_case_ii | _ , _ => shr_default end. Inductive classify_cmp_cases : Set:= | cmp_case_I32unsi: classify_cmp_cases (* uns I32 , int *) | cmp_case_ii: classify_cmp_cases (* int , int*) | cmp_case_ff: classify_cmp_cases (* float , float *) | cmp_case_pi: classify_cmp_cases (* ptr | array , int *) | cmp_case_pp:classify_cmp_cases (* ptr | array , ptr | array *) | cmp_default: classify_cmp_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_cmp (ty1: type) (ty2: type) := match ty1,ty2 with | Tint I32 Unsigned , Tint _ _ => cmp_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint I32 Unsigned => cmp_case_I32unsi | Tint _ _ , Tint _ _ => cmp_case_ii | Tfloat _ , Tfloat _ => cmp_case_ff | Tpointer _ , Tint _ _ => cmp_case_pi | Tarray _ _ , Tint _ _ => cmp_case_pi | Tpointer _ , Tpointer _ => cmp_case_pp | Tpointer _ , Tarray _ _ => cmp_case_pp | Tarray _ _ ,Tpointer _ => cmp_case_pp | Tarray _ _ ,Tarray _ _ => cmp_case_pp | _ , _ => cmp_default end. Inductive classify_fun_cases : Set:= | fun_case_f: typelist -> type -> classify_fun_cases (* type fun | ptr fun*) | fun_default: classify_fun_cases . (* other *) Definition classify_fun (ty: type) := match ty with | Tfunction args res => fun_case_f args res | Tpointer (Tfunction args res) => fun_case_f args res | _ => fun_default end. (** Mapping between Clight types and Cminor types and external functions *) Definition typ_of_type (t: type) : AST.typ := match t with | Tfloat _ => AST.Tfloat | _ => AST.Tint end. Definition opttyp_of_type (t: type) : option AST.typ := match t with | Tvoid => None | Tfloat _ => Some AST.Tfloat | _ => Some AST.Tint end. Fixpoint typlist_of_typelist (tl: typelist) : list AST.typ := match tl with | Tnil => nil | Tcons hd tl => typ_of_type hd :: typlist_of_typelist tl end. Definition signature_of_type (args: typelist) (res: type) : signature := mksignature (typlist_of_typelist args) (opttyp_of_type res). Definition external_function (id: ident) (targs: typelist) (tres: type) : AST.external_function := mkextfun id (signature_of_type targs tres).