(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Pretty-printer for Clight *) open Format open Camlcoq open Datatypes open Values open AST open PrintAST open Ctypes open Cop open PrintCsyntax open Clight (* Naming temporaries *) let temp_name (id: ident) = "$" ^ Z.to_string (Z.Zpos id) (* Declarator (identifier + type) -- reuse from PrintCsyntax *) (* Precedences and associativity (H&S section 7.2) *) type associativity = LtoR | RtoL | NA let rec precedence = function | Evar _ -> (16, NA) | Etempvar _ -> (16, NA) | Ederef _ -> (15, RtoL) | Efield _ -> (16, LtoR) | Econst_int _ -> (16, NA) | Econst_float _ -> (16, NA) | Econst_single _ -> (16, NA) | Econst_long _ -> (16, NA) | Esizeof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Ealignof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Eunop _ -> (15, RtoL) | Eaddrof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Ecast _ -> (14, RtoL) | Ebinop((Omul|Odiv|Omod), _, _, _) -> (13, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oadd|Osub), _, _, _) -> (12, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oshl|Oshr), _, _, _) -> (11, LtoR) | Ebinop((Olt|Ogt|Ole|Oge), _, _, _) -> (10, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oeq|One), _, _, _) -> (9, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oand, _, _, _) -> (8, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oxor, _, _, _) -> (7, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oor, _, _, _) -> (6, LtoR) (* Expressions *) let rec expr p (prec, e) = let (prec', assoc) = precedence e in let (prec1, prec2) = if assoc = LtoR then (prec', prec' + 1) else (prec' + 1, prec') in if prec' < prec then fprintf p "@[(" else fprintf p "@["; begin match e with | Evar(id, _) -> fprintf p "%s" (extern_atom id) | Etempvar(id, _) -> fprintf p "%s" (temp_name id) | Ederef(a1, _) -> fprintf p "*%a" expr (prec', a1) | Efield(a1, f, _) -> fprintf p "%a.%s" expr (prec', a1) (extern_atom f) | Econst_int(n, Tint(I32, Unsigned, _)) -> fprintf p "%luU" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Econst_int(n, _) -> fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Econst_float(f, _) -> fprintf p "%.15F" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat f) | Econst_single(f, _) -> fprintf p "%.15Ff" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 f) | Econst_long(n, Tlong(Unsigned, _)) -> fprintf p "%LuLLU" (camlint64_of_coqint n) | Econst_long(n, _) -> fprintf p "%LdLL" (camlint64_of_coqint n) | Eunop(Oabsfloat, a1, _) -> fprintf p "__builtin_fabs(%a)" expr (2, a1) | Eunop(op, a1, _) -> fprintf p "%s%a" (name_unop op) expr (prec', a1) | Eaddrof(a1, _) -> fprintf p "&%a" expr (prec', a1) | Ebinop(op, a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a@ %s %a" expr (prec1, a1) (name_binop op) expr (prec2, a2) | Ecast(a1, ty) -> fprintf p "(%s) %a" (name_type ty) expr (prec', a1) | Esizeof(ty, _) -> fprintf p "sizeof(%s)" (name_type ty) | Ealignof(ty, _) -> fprintf p "__alignof__(%s)" (name_type ty) end; if prec' < prec then fprintf p ")@]" else fprintf p "@]" let print_expr p e = expr p (0, e) let rec print_expr_list p (first, rl) = match rl with | [] -> () | r :: rl -> if not first then fprintf p ",@ "; expr p (2, r); print_expr_list p (false, rl) (* Statements *) let rec print_stmt p s = match s with | Sskip -> fprintf p "/*skip*/;" | Sassign(e1, e2) -> fprintf p "@[%a =@ %a;@]" print_expr e1 print_expr e2 | Sset(id, e2) -> fprintf p "@[%s =@ %a;@]" (temp_name id) print_expr e2 | Scall(None, e1, el) -> fprintf p "@[%a@,(@[%a@]);@]" print_expr e1 print_expr_list (true, el) | Scall(Some id, e1, el) -> fprintf p "@[%s =@ %a@,(@[%a@]);@]" (temp_name id) print_expr e1 print_expr_list (true, el) | Sbuiltin(None, ef, tyargs, el) -> fprintf p "@[builtin %s@,(@[%a@]);@]" (name_of_external ef) print_expr_list (true, el) | Sbuiltin(Some id, ef, tyargs, el) -> fprintf p "@[%s =@ builtin %s@,(@[%a@]);@]" (temp_name id) (name_of_external ef) print_expr_list (true, el) | Ssequence(Sskip, s2) -> print_stmt p s2 | Ssequence(s1, Sskip) -> print_stmt p s1 | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "%a@ %a" print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, Sskip) -> fprintf p "@[if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_stmt s1 | Sifthenelse(e, Sskip, s2) -> fprintf p "@[if (! %a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" expr (15, e) print_stmt s2 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>} else {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2 | Sloop(s1, Sskip) -> fprintf p "@[while (1) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_stmt s1 | Sloop(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[for (@[;@ 1;@ %a) {@]@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_stmt_for s2 print_stmt s1 | Sbreak -> fprintf p "break;" | Scontinue -> fprintf p "continue;" | Sswitch(e, cases) -> fprintf p "@[switch (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_cases cases | Sreturn None -> fprintf p "return;" | Sreturn (Some e) -> fprintf p "return %a;" print_expr e | Slabel(lbl, s1) -> fprintf p "%s:@ %a" (extern_atom lbl) print_stmt s1 | Sgoto lbl -> fprintf p "goto %s;" (extern_atom lbl) and print_cases p cases = match cases with | LSnil -> () | LScons(lbl, Sskip, rem) -> fprintf p "%a:@ %a" print_case_label lbl print_cases rem | LScons(lbl, s, rem) -> fprintf p "@[%a:@ %a@]@ %a" print_case_label lbl print_stmt s print_cases rem and print_case_label p = function | None -> fprintf p "default" | Some lbl -> fprintf p "case %s" (Z.to_string lbl) and print_stmt_for p s = match s with | Sskip -> fprintf p "/*nothing*/" | Sassign(e1, e2) -> fprintf p "%a = %a" print_expr e1 print_expr e2 | Sset(id, e2) -> fprintf p "%s = %a" (temp_name id) print_expr e2 | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "%a, %a" print_stmt_for s1 print_stmt_for s2 | Scall(None, e1, el) -> fprintf p "@[%a@,(@[%a@])@]" print_expr e1 print_expr_list (true, el) | Scall(Some id, e1, el) -> fprintf p "@[%s =@ %a@,(@[%a@])@]" (temp_name id) print_expr e1 print_expr_list (true, el) | Sbuiltin(None, ef, tyargs, el) -> fprintf p "@[builtin %s@,(@[%a@]);@]" (name_of_external ef) print_expr_list (true, el) | Sbuiltin(Some id, ef, tyargs, el) -> fprintf p "@[%s =@ builtin %s@,(@[%a@]);@]" (temp_name id) (name_of_external ef) print_expr_list (true, el) | _ -> fprintf p "({ %a })" print_stmt s let print_function p id f = fprintf p "%s@ " (name_cdecl (name_function_parameters (extern_atom id) f.fn_params f.fn_callconv) f.fn_return); fprintf p "@[{@ "; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> fprintf p "%s;@ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)) f.fn_vars; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> fprintf p "register %s;@ " (name_cdecl (temp_name id) ty)) f.fn_temps; print_stmt p f.fn_body; fprintf p "@;<0 -2>}@]@ @ " let print_fundef p id fd = match fd with | External((EF_external _ | EF_runtime _), args, res, cconv) -> fprintf p "extern %s;@ @ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) (Tfunction(args, res, cconv))) | External(_, _, _, _) -> () | Internal f -> print_function p id f let print_globdef p (id, gd) = match gd with | Gfun f -> print_fundef p id f | Gvar v -> print_globvar p id v (* from PrintCsyntax *) let print_program p prog = fprintf p "@["; List.iter (declare_composite p) prog.prog_types; List.iter (define_composite p) prog.prog_types; List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs; fprintf p "@]@." let destination : string option ref = ref None let print_if prog = match !destination with | None -> () | Some f -> let oc = open_out f in print_program (formatter_of_out_channel oc) prog; close_out oc