(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Pretty-printer for Csyntax *) open Format open Camlcoq open Values open AST open !Ctypes open Cop open !Csyntax let name_unop = function | Onotbool -> "!" | Onotint -> "~" | Oneg -> "-" | Oabsfloat -> "__builtin_fabs" let name_binop = function | Oadd -> "+" | Osub -> "-" | Omul -> "*" | Odiv -> "/" | Omod -> "%" | Oand -> "&" | Oor -> "|" | Oxor -> "^" | Oshl -> "<<" | Oshr -> ">>" | Oeq -> "==" | Cop.One -> "!=" | Olt -> "<" | Ogt -> ">" | Ole -> "<=" | Oge -> ">=" let name_inttype sz sg = match sz, sg with | I8, Signed -> "signed char" | I8, Unsigned -> "unsigned char" | I16, Signed -> "short" | I16, Unsigned -> "unsigned short" | I32, Signed -> "int" | I32, Unsigned -> "unsigned int" | IBool, _ -> "_Bool" let name_floattype sz = match sz with | F32 -> "float" | F64 -> "double" let name_longtype sg = match sg with | Signed -> "long long" | Unsigned -> "unsigned long long" (* Declarator (identifier + type) *) let attributes a = let s1 = if a.attr_volatile then " volatile" else "" in match a.attr_alignas with | None -> s1 | Some l -> sprintf " _Alignas(%Ld)%s" (Int64.shift_left 1L (N.to_int l)) s1 let attributes_space a = let s = attributes a in if String.length s = 0 then s else s ^ " " let name_optid id = if id = "" then "" else " " ^ id let rec name_cdecl id ty = match ty with | Tvoid -> "void" ^ name_optid id | Tint(sz, sg, a) -> name_inttype sz sg ^ attributes a ^ name_optid id | Tfloat(sz, a) -> name_floattype sz ^ attributes a ^ name_optid id | Tlong(sg, a) -> name_longtype sg ^ attributes a ^ name_optid id | Tpointer(t, a) -> let id' = match t with | Tfunction _ | Tarray _ -> sprintf "(*%s%s)" (attributes_space a) id | _ -> sprintf "*%s%s" (attributes_space a) id in name_cdecl id' t | Tarray(t, n, a) -> name_cdecl (sprintf "%s[%ld]" id (camlint_of_coqint n)) t | Tfunction(args, res, cconv) -> let b = Buffer.create 20 in if id = "" then Buffer.add_string b "(*)" else Buffer.add_string b id; Buffer.add_char b '('; let rec add_args first = function | Tnil -> if first then Buffer.add_string b (if cconv.cc_vararg then "..." else "void") else if cconv.cc_vararg then Buffer.add_string b ", ..." else () | Tcons(t1, tl) -> if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", "; Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl "" t1); add_args false tl in if not cconv.cc_unproto then add_args true args; Buffer.add_char b ')'; name_cdecl (Buffer.contents b) res | Tstruct(name, a) -> "struct " ^ extern_atom name ^ attributes a ^ name_optid id | Tunion(name, a) -> "union " ^ extern_atom name ^ attributes a ^ name_optid id (* Type *) let name_type ty = name_cdecl "" ty (* Precedences and associativity (H&S section 7.2) *) type associativity = LtoR | RtoL | NA let rec precedence = function | Eloc _ -> (16, NA) | Evar _ -> (16, NA) | Ederef _ -> (15, RtoL) | Efield _ -> (16, LtoR) | Eval _ -> (16, NA) | Evalof(l, _) -> precedence l | Esizeof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Ealignof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Ecall _ | Ebuiltin _ -> (16, LtoR) | Epostincr _ -> (16, LtoR) | Eunop _ -> (15, RtoL) | Eaddrof _ -> (15, RtoL) | Ecast _ -> (14, RtoL) | Ebinop((Omul|Odiv|Omod), _, _, _) -> (13, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oadd|Osub), _, _, _) -> (12, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oshl|Oshr), _, _, _) -> (11, LtoR) | Ebinop((Olt|Ogt|Ole|Oge), _, _, _) -> (10, LtoR) | Ebinop((Oeq|Cop.One), _, _, _) -> (9, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oand, _, _, _) -> (8, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oxor, _, _, _) -> (7, LtoR) | Ebinop(Oor, _, _, _) -> (6, LtoR) | Eseqand _ -> (5, LtoR) | Eseqor _ -> (4, LtoR) | Econdition _ -> (3, RtoL) | Eassign _ -> (2, RtoL) | Eassignop _ -> (2, RtoL) | Ecomma _ -> (1, LtoR) | Eparen _ -> (14, RtoL) (* Expressions *) let print_pointer_hook : (formatter -> Values.block * Integers.Int.int -> unit) ref = ref (fun p (b, ofs) -> ()) let print_typed_value p v ty = match v, ty with | Vint n, Ctypes.Tint(I32, Unsigned, _) -> fprintf p "%luU" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Vint n, _ -> fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Vfloat f, _ -> fprintf p "%.15F" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat f) | Vsingle f, _ -> fprintf p "%.15Ff" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 f) | Vlong n, Tlong(Unsigned, _) -> fprintf p "%LuLLU" (camlint64_of_coqint n) | Vlong n, _ -> fprintf p "%LdLL" (camlint64_of_coqint n) | Vptr(b, ofs), _ -> fprintf p "" !print_pointer_hook (b, ofs) | Vundef, _ -> fprintf p "" let print_value p v = print_typed_value p v Tvoid let rec expr p (prec, e) = let (prec', assoc) = precedence e in let (prec1, prec2) = if assoc = LtoR then (prec', prec' + 1) else (prec' + 1, prec') in if prec' < prec then fprintf p "@[(" else fprintf p "@["; begin match e with | Eloc(b, ofs, _) -> fprintf p "" !print_pointer_hook (b, ofs) | Evar(id, _) -> fprintf p "%s" (extern_atom id) | Ederef(a1, _) -> fprintf p "*%a" expr (prec', a1) | Efield(a1, f, _) -> fprintf p "%a.%s" expr (prec', a1) (extern_atom f) | Evalof(l, _) -> expr p (prec, l) | Eval(v, ty) -> print_typed_value p v ty | Esizeof(ty, _) -> fprintf p "sizeof(%s)" (name_type ty) | Ealignof(ty, _) -> fprintf p "__alignof__(%s)" (name_type ty) | Eunop(Oabsfloat, a1, _) -> fprintf p "__builtin_fabs(%a)" expr (2, a1) | Eunop(op, a1, _) -> fprintf p "%s%a" (name_unop op) expr (prec', a1) | Eaddrof(a1, _) -> fprintf p "&%a" expr (prec', a1) | Epostincr(id, a1, _) -> fprintf p "%a%s" expr (prec', a1) (match id with Incr -> "++" | Decr -> "--") | Ebinop(op, a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a@ %s %a" expr (prec1, a1) (name_binop op) expr (prec2, a2) | Ecast(a1, ty) -> fprintf p "(%s) %a" (name_type ty) expr (prec', a1) | Eassign(res, Ebuiltin(EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, args, _), _) -> extended_asm p txt (Some res) args clob | Eassign(a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a =@ %a" expr (prec1, a1) expr (prec2, a2) | Eassignop(op, a1, a2, _, _) -> fprintf p "%a %s=@ %a" expr (prec1, a1) (name_binop op) expr (prec2, a2) | Eseqand(a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a@ && %a" expr (prec1, a1) expr (prec2, a2) | Eseqor(a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a@ || %a" expr (prec1, a1) expr (prec2, a2) | Econdition(a1, a2, a3, _) -> fprintf p "%a@ ? %a@ : %a" expr (4, a1) expr (4, a2) expr (4, a3) | Ecomma(a1, a2, _) -> fprintf p "%a,@ %a" expr (prec1, a1) expr (prec2, a2) | Ecall(a1, al, _) -> fprintf p "%a@[(%a)@]" expr (prec', a1) exprlist (true, al) | Ebuiltin(EF_memcpy(sz, al), _, args, _) -> fprintf p "__builtin_memcpy_aligned@[(%ld,@ %ld,@ %a)@]" (camlint_of_coqint sz) (camlint_of_coqint al) exprlist (true, args) | Ebuiltin(EF_annot(txt, _), _, args, _) -> fprintf p "__builtin_annot@[(%S%a)@]" (camlstring_of_coqstring txt) exprlist (false, args) | Ebuiltin(EF_annot_val(txt, _), _, args, _) -> fprintf p "__builtin_annot_intval@[(%S%a)@]" (camlstring_of_coqstring txt) exprlist (false, args) | Ebuiltin(EF_external(id, sg), _, args, _) -> fprintf p "%s@[(%a)@]" (camlstring_of_coqstring id) exprlist (true, args) | Ebuiltin(EF_runtime(id, sg), _, args, _) -> fprintf p "%s@[(%a)@]" (camlstring_of_coqstring id) exprlist (true, args) | Ebuiltin(EF_inline_asm(txt, sg, clob), _, args, _) -> extended_asm p txt None args clob | Ebuiltin(EF_debug(kind,txt,_),_,args,_) -> fprintf p "__builtin_debug@[(%d,%S%a)@]" (P.to_int kind) (extern_atom txt) exprlist (false,args) | Ebuiltin(_, _, args, _) -> fprintf p "@[(%a)@]" exprlist (true, args) | Eparen(a1, tycast, ty) -> fprintf p "(%s) %a" (name_type tycast) expr (prec', a1) end; if prec' < prec then fprintf p ")@]" else fprintf p "@]" and exprlist p (first, rl) = match rl with | Enil -> () | Econs(r, rl) -> if not first then fprintf p ",@ "; expr p (2, r); exprlist p (false, rl) and extended_asm p txt res args clob = fprintf p "asm volatile (@[%S" (camlstring_of_coqstring txt); fprintf p "@ :"; begin match res with | None -> () | Some e -> fprintf p " \"=r\"(%a)" expr (0, e) end; let rec inputs p (first, el) = match el with | Enil -> () | Econs(e1, el) -> if not first then fprintf p ",@ "; fprintf p "\"r\"(%a)" expr (0, e1); inputs p (false, el) in fprintf p "@ : @[%a@]" inputs (true, args); begin match clob with | [] -> () | c1 :: cl -> fprintf p "@ : @[%S" (camlstring_of_coqstring c1); List.iter (fun c -> fprintf p ",@ %S" (camlstring_of_coqstring c)) cl; fprintf p "@]" end; fprintf p ")@]" let print_expr p e = expr p (0, e) let print_exprlist p el = exprlist p (true, el) (* Statements *) let rec print_stmt p s = match s with | Sskip -> fprintf p "/*skip*/;" | Sdo e -> fprintf p "%a;" print_expr e | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "%a@ %a" print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, Sskip) -> fprintf p "@[if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_stmt s1 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>} else {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2 | Swhile(e, s) -> fprintf p "@[while (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_stmt s | Sdowhile(e, s) -> fprintf p "@[do {@ %a@;<0 -2>} while(%a);@]" print_stmt s print_expr e | Sfor(s_init, e, s_iter, s_body) -> fprintf p "@[for (@[%a;@ %a;@ %a) {@]@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_stmt_for s_init print_expr e print_stmt_for s_iter print_stmt s_body | Sbreak -> fprintf p "break;" | Scontinue -> fprintf p "continue;" | Sswitch(e, cases) -> fprintf p "@[switch (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]" print_expr e print_cases cases | Sreturn None -> fprintf p "return;" | Sreturn (Some e) -> fprintf p "return %a;" print_expr e | Slabel(lbl, s1) -> fprintf p "%s:@ %a" (extern_atom lbl) print_stmt s1 | Sgoto lbl -> fprintf p "goto %s;" (extern_atom lbl) and print_cases p cases = match cases with | LSnil -> () | LScons(lbl, Sskip, rem) -> fprintf p "%a:@ %a" print_case_label lbl print_cases rem | LScons(lbl, s, rem) -> fprintf p "@[%a:@ %a@]@ %a" print_case_label lbl print_stmt s print_cases rem and print_case_label p = function | None -> fprintf p "default" | Some lbl -> fprintf p "case %s" (Z.to_string lbl) and print_stmt_for p s = match s with | Sskip -> fprintf p "/*nothing*/" | Sdo e -> print_expr p e | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "%a, %a" print_stmt_for s1 print_stmt_for s2 | _ -> fprintf p "({ %a })" print_stmt s let name_function_parameters fun_name params cconv = let b = Buffer.create 20 in Buffer.add_string b fun_name; Buffer.add_char b '('; begin match params with | [] -> Buffer.add_string b (if cconv.cc_vararg then "..." else "void") | _ -> let rec add_params first = function | [] -> if cconv.cc_vararg then Buffer.add_string b ",..." | (id, ty) :: rem -> if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", "; Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty); add_params false rem in add_params true params end; Buffer.add_char b ')'; Buffer.contents b let print_function p id f = fprintf p "%s@ " (name_cdecl (name_function_parameters (extern_atom id) f.fn_params f.fn_callconv) f.fn_return); fprintf p "@[{@ "; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> fprintf p "%s;@ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)) f.fn_vars; print_stmt p f.fn_body; fprintf p "@;<0 -2>}@]@ @ " let print_fundef p id fd = match fd with | Ctypes.External((EF_external _ | EF_runtime _), args, res, cconv) -> fprintf p "extern %s;@ @ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) (Tfunction(args, res, cconv))) | Ctypes.External(_, _, _, _) -> () | Ctypes.Internal f -> print_function p id f let print_fundecl p id fd = match fd with | Ctypes.Internal f -> let linkage = if C2C.atom_is_static id then "static" else "extern" in fprintf p "%s %s;@ @ " linkage (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) (Csyntax.type_of_function f)) | _ -> () let string_of_init id = let b = Buffer.create (List.length id) in let add_init = function | Init_int8 n -> let c = Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint n) in if c >= 32 && c <= 126 && c <> Char.code '\"' && c <> Char.code '\\' then Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr c) else Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "\\%03o" c) | _ -> assert false in List.iter add_init id; Buffer.contents b let chop_last_nul id = match List.rev id with | Init_int8 Z.Z0 :: tl -> List.rev tl | _ -> id let print_init p = function | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_int64 n -> fprintf p "%LdLL" (camlint64_of_coqint n) | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "%.15F" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n) | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "%.15F" (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n) | Init_space n -> fprintf p "/* skip %ld */@ " (camlint_of_coqint n) | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) -> let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in if ofs = 0l then fprintf p "&%s" (extern_atom symb) else fprintf p "(void *)((char *)&%s + %ld)" (extern_atom symb) ofs let print_composite_init p il = fprintf p "{@ "; List.iter (fun i -> print_init p i; match i with Init_space _ -> () | _ -> fprintf p ",@ ") il; fprintf p "}" let re_string_literal = Str.regexp "__stringlit_[0-9]+" let print_globvar p id v = let name1 = extern_atom id in let name2 = if v.gvar_readonly then "const " ^ name1 else name1 in match v.gvar_init with | [] -> fprintf p "extern %s;@ @ " (name_cdecl name2 v.gvar_info) | [Init_space _] -> fprintf p "%s;@ @ " (name_cdecl name2 v.gvar_info) | _ -> fprintf p "@[%s = " (name_cdecl name2 v.gvar_info); begin match v.gvar_info, v.gvar_init with | (Tint _ | Tlong _ | Tfloat _ | Tpointer _ | Tfunction _), [i1] -> print_init p i1 | _, il -> if Str.string_match re_string_literal (extern_atom id) 0 && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) il then fprintf p "\"%s\"" (string_of_init (chop_last_nul il)) else print_composite_init p il end; fprintf p ";@]@ @ " let print_globvardecl p id v = let name = extern_atom id in let name = if v.gvar_readonly then "const "^name else name in let linkage = if C2C.atom_is_static id then "static" else "extern" in fprintf p "%s %s;@ @ " linkage (name_cdecl name v.gvar_info) let print_globdecl p (id,gd) = match gd with | Gfun f -> print_fundecl p id f | Gvar v -> print_globvardecl p id v let print_globdef p (id, gd) = match gd with | Gfun f -> print_fundef p id f | Gvar v -> print_globvar p id v let struct_or_union = function Struct -> "struct" | Union -> "union" let declare_composite p (Composite(id, su, m, a)) = fprintf p "%s %s;@ " (struct_or_union su) (extern_atom id) let define_composite p (Composite(id, su, m, a)) = fprintf p "@[%s %s%s {" (struct_or_union su) (extern_atom id) (attributes a); List.iter (fun (fid, fty) -> fprintf p "@ %s;" (name_cdecl (extern_atom fid) fty)) m; fprintf p "@;<0 -2>};@]@ @ " let print_program p prog = fprintf p "@["; List.iter (declare_composite p) prog.prog_types; List.iter (define_composite p) prog.prog_types; List.iter (print_globdecl p) prog.prog_defs; List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs; fprintf p "@]@." let destination : string option ref = ref None let print_if prog = match !destination with | None -> () | Some f -> let oc = open_out f in print_program (formatter_of_out_channel oc) prog; close_out oc