(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Correctness proof for expression simplification. *) Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers. Require Import AST Linking. Require Import Values Memory Events Globalenvs Smallstep. Require Import Ctypes Cop Csyntax Csem Cstrategy Clight. Require Import SimplExpr SimplExprspec. (** ** Relational specification of the translation. *) Definition match_prog (p: Csyntax.program) (tp: Clight.program) := match_program (fun ctx f tf => tr_fundef f tf) eq p tp /\ prog_types tp = prog_types p. Lemma transf_program_match: forall p tp, transl_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp. Proof. unfold transl_program; intros. monadInv H. split; auto. unfold program_of_program; simpl. destruct x; simpl. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual. eexact EQ. intros. apply transl_fundef_spec; auto. Qed. (** ** Semantic preservation *) Section PRESERVATION. Variable prog: Csyntax.program. Variable tprog: Clight.program. Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog. Let ge := Csem.globalenv prog. Let tge := Clight.globalenv tprog. (** Invariance properties. *) Lemma comp_env_preserved: Clight.genv_cenv tge = Csem.genv_cenv ge. Proof. simpl. destruct TRANSL. generalize (prog_comp_env_eq tprog) (prog_comp_env_eq prog). congruence. Qed. Lemma symbols_preserved: forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s. Proof (Genv.find_symbol_match (proj1 TRANSL)). Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv ge tge. Proof (Genv.senv_match (proj1 TRANSL)). Lemma function_ptr_translated: forall b f, Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ tr_fundef f tf. Proof. intros. edestruct (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match (proj1 TRANSL)) as (ctx & tf & A & B & C); eauto. Qed. Lemma functions_translated: forall v f, Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ tr_fundef f tf. Proof. intros. edestruct (Genv.find_funct_match (proj1 TRANSL)) as (ctx & tf & A & B & C); eauto. Qed. Lemma type_of_fundef_preserved: forall f tf, tr_fundef f tf -> type_of_fundef tf = Csyntax.type_of_fundef f. Proof. intros. inv H. inv H0; simpl. unfold type_of_function, Csyntax.type_of_function. congruence. auto. Qed. Lemma function_return_preserved: forall f tf, tr_function f tf -> fn_return tf = Csyntax.fn_return f. Proof. intros. inv H; auto. Qed. (** Translation of simple expressions. *) Lemma tr_simple_nil: (forall le dst r sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst r sl a tmps -> dst = For_val \/ dst = For_effects -> simple r = true -> sl = nil) /\(forall le rl sl al tmps, tr_exprlist le rl sl al tmps -> simplelist rl = true -> sl = nil). Proof. assert (A: forall dst a, dst = For_val \/ dst = For_effects -> final dst a = nil). intros. destruct H; subst dst; auto. apply tr_expr_exprlist; intros; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto. rewrite H0; auto. simpl; auto. rewrite H0; auto. simpl; auto. destruct H1; congruence. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H6). inv H1. rewrite H0; eauto. simpl; auto. unfold chunk_for_volatile_type in H9. destruct (type_is_volatile (Csyntax.typeof e1)); simpl in H8; congruence. rewrite H0; auto. simpl; auto. rewrite H0; auto. simpl; auto. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H7). rewrite H0; auto. rewrite H2; auto. simpl; auto. rewrite H0; auto. simpl; auto. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H6). rewrite H0; auto. Qed. Lemma tr_simple_expr_nil: forall le dst r sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst r sl a tmps -> dst = For_val \/ dst = For_effects -> simple r = true -> sl = nil. Proof (proj1 tr_simple_nil). Lemma tr_simple_exprlist_nil: forall le rl sl al tmps, tr_exprlist le rl sl al tmps -> simplelist rl = true -> sl = nil. Proof (proj2 tr_simple_nil). (** Translation of [deref_loc] and [assign_loc] operations. *) Remark deref_loc_translated: forall ty m b ofs t v, Csem.deref_loc ge ty m b ofs t v -> match chunk_for_volatile_type ty with | None => t = E0 /\ Clight.deref_loc ty m b ofs v | Some chunk => volatile_load tge chunk m b ofs t v end. Proof. intros. unfold chunk_for_volatile_type. inv H. (* By_value, not volatile *) rewrite H1. split; auto. eapply deref_loc_value; eauto. (* By_value, volatile *) rewrite H0; rewrite H1. eapply volatile_load_preserved with (ge1 := ge); auto. apply senv_preserved. (* By reference *) rewrite H0. destruct (type_is_volatile ty); split; auto; eapply deref_loc_reference; eauto. (* By copy *) rewrite H0. destruct (type_is_volatile ty); split; auto; eapply deref_loc_copy; eauto. Qed. Remark assign_loc_translated: forall ty m b ofs v t m', Csem.assign_loc ge ty m b ofs v t m' -> match chunk_for_volatile_type ty with | None => t = E0 /\ Clight.assign_loc tge ty m b ofs v m' | Some chunk => volatile_store tge chunk m b ofs v t m' end. Proof. intros. unfold chunk_for_volatile_type. inv H. (* By_value, not volatile *) rewrite H1. split; auto. eapply assign_loc_value; eauto. (* By_value, volatile *) rewrite H0; rewrite H1. eapply volatile_store_preserved with (ge1 := ge); auto. apply senv_preserved. (* By copy *) rewrite H0. rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. destruct (type_is_volatile ty); split; auto; eapply assign_loc_copy; eauto. Qed. (** Evaluation of simple expressions and of their translation *) Lemma tr_simple: forall e m, (forall r v, eval_simple_rvalue ge e m r v -> forall le dst sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst r sl a tmps -> match dst with | For_val => sl = nil /\ Csyntax.typeof r = typeof a /\ eval_expr tge e le m a v | For_effects => sl = nil | For_set sd => exists b, sl = do_set sd b /\ Csyntax.typeof r = typeof b /\ eval_expr tge e le m b v end) /\ (forall l b ofs, eval_simple_lvalue ge e m l b ofs -> forall le sl a tmps, tr_expr le For_val l sl a tmps -> sl = nil /\ Csyntax.typeof l = typeof a /\ eval_lvalue tge e le m a b ofs). Proof. Opaque makeif. intros e m. apply (eval_simple_rvalue_lvalue_ind ge e m); intros until tmps; intros TR; inv TR. (* value *) auto. auto. exists a0; auto. (* rvalof *) inv H7; try congruence. exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1; simpl. assert (eval_expr tge e le m a v). eapply eval_Elvalue. eauto. rewrite <- B. exploit deref_loc_translated; eauto. unfold chunk_for_volatile_type; rewrite H2. tauto. destruct dst; auto. econstructor. split. simpl; eauto. auto. (* addrof *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1; simpl. assert (eval_expr tge e le m (Eaddrof a1 ty) (Vptr b ofs)). econstructor; eauto. destruct dst; auto. simpl; econstructor; eauto. (* unop *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1; simpl. assert (eval_expr tge e le m (Eunop op a1 ty) v). econstructor; eauto. congruence. destruct dst; auto. simpl; econstructor; eauto. (* binop *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. exploit H2; eauto. intros [D [E F]]. subst sl1 sl2; simpl. assert (eval_expr tge e le m (Ebinop op a1 a2 ty) v). econstructor; eauto. rewrite comp_env_preserved; congruence. destruct dst; auto. simpl; econstructor; eauto. (* cast *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1; simpl. assert (eval_expr tge e le m (Ecast a1 ty) v). econstructor; eauto. congruence. destruct dst; auto. simpl; econstructor; eauto. (* sizeof *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved. destruct dst. split; auto. split; auto. constructor. auto. exists (Esizeof ty1 ty). split. auto. split. auto. constructor. (* alignof *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved. destruct dst. split; auto. split; auto. constructor. auto. exists (Ealignof ty1 ty). split. auto. split. auto. constructor. (* var local *) split; auto. split; auto. apply eval_Evar_local; auto. (* var global *) split; auto. split; auto. apply eval_Evar_global; auto. rewrite symbols_preserved; auto. (* deref *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1. split; auto. split; auto. constructor; auto. (* field struct *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1. split; auto. split; auto. rewrite B in H1. eapply eval_Efield_struct; eauto. (* field union *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. exploit H0; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst sl1. split; auto. split; auto. rewrite B in H1. eapply eval_Efield_union; eauto. Qed. Lemma tr_simple_rvalue: forall e m r v, eval_simple_rvalue ge e m r v -> forall le dst sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst r sl a tmps -> match dst with | For_val => sl = nil /\ Csyntax.typeof r = typeof a /\ eval_expr tge e le m a v | For_effects => sl = nil | For_set sd => exists b, sl = do_set sd b /\ Csyntax.typeof r = typeof b /\ eval_expr tge e le m b v end. Proof. intros e m. exact (proj1 (tr_simple e m)). Qed. Lemma tr_simple_lvalue: forall e m l b ofs, eval_simple_lvalue ge e m l b ofs -> forall le sl a tmps, tr_expr le For_val l sl a tmps -> sl = nil /\ Csyntax.typeof l = typeof a /\ eval_lvalue tge e le m a b ofs. Proof. intros e m. exact (proj2 (tr_simple e m)). Qed. Lemma tr_simple_exprlist: forall le rl sl al tmps, tr_exprlist le rl sl al tmps -> forall e m tyl vl, eval_simple_list ge e m rl tyl vl -> sl = nil /\ eval_exprlist tge e le m al tyl vl. Proof. induction 1; intros. inv H. split. auto. constructor. inv H4. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. exploit IHtr_exprlist; eauto. intros [D E]. split. subst; auto. econstructor; eauto. congruence. Qed. (** Commutation between the translation of expressions and left contexts. *) Lemma typeof_context: forall k1 k2 C, leftcontext k1 k2 C -> forall e1 e2, Csyntax.typeof e1 = Csyntax.typeof e2 -> Csyntax.typeof (C e1) = Csyntax.typeof (C e2). Proof. induction 1; intros; auto. Qed. Scheme leftcontext_ind2 := Minimality for leftcontext Sort Prop with leftcontextlist_ind2 := Minimality for leftcontextlist Sort Prop. Combined Scheme leftcontext_leftcontextlist_ind from leftcontext_ind2, leftcontextlist_ind2. Lemma tr_expr_leftcontext_rec: ( forall from to C, leftcontext from to C -> forall le e dst sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst (C e) sl a tmps -> exists dst', exists sl1, exists sl2, exists a', exists tmp', tr_expr le dst' e sl1 a' tmp' /\ sl = sl1 ++ sl2 /\ incl tmp' tmps /\ (forall le' e' sl3, tr_expr le' dst' e' sl3 a' tmp' -> (forall id, ~In id tmp' -> le'!id = le!id) -> Csyntax.typeof e' = Csyntax.typeof e -> tr_expr le' dst (C e') (sl3 ++ sl2) a tmps) ) /\ ( forall from C, leftcontextlist from C -> forall le e sl a tmps, tr_exprlist le (C e) sl a tmps -> exists dst', exists sl1, exists sl2, exists a', exists tmp', tr_expr le dst' e sl1 a' tmp' /\ sl = sl1 ++ sl2 /\ incl tmp' tmps /\ (forall le' e' sl3, tr_expr le' dst' e' sl3 a' tmp' -> (forall id, ~In id tmp' -> le'!id = le!id) -> Csyntax.typeof e' = Csyntax.typeof e -> tr_exprlist le' (C e') (sl3 ++ sl2) a tmps) ). Proof. Ltac TR := econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; split; [eauto | split; [idtac | split]]. Ltac NOTIN := match goal with | [ H1: In ?x ?l, H2: list_disjoint ?l _ |- ~In ?x _ ] => red; intro; elim (H2 x x); auto; fail | [ H1: In ?x ?l, H2: list_disjoint _ ?l |- ~In ?x _ ] => red; intro; elim (H2 x x); auto; fail end. Ltac UNCHANGED := match goal with | [ H: (forall (id: ident), ~In id _ -> ?le' ! id = ?le ! id) |- (forall (id: ident), In id _ -> ?le' ! id = ?le ! id) ] => intros; apply H; NOTIN end. (*generalize compat_dest_change; intro CDC.*) apply leftcontext_leftcontextlist_ind; intros. (* base *) TR. rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto. (* deref *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. (* field *) inv H1. exploit H0. eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. (* rvalof *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; eauto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass; econstructor; eauto. exploit typeof_context; eauto. congruence. (* addrof *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. (* unop *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. (* binop left *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. (* binop right *) inv H2. assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3 ++ sl2') with (nil ++ sl3 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor; eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. (* cast *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1; rewrite app_ass; eauto. auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. (* seqand *) inv H1. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* seqor *) inv H1. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* condition *) inv H1. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. eapply tr_condition_effects. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. eapply tr_condition_set. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* assign left *) inv H1. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. eapply typeof_context; eauto. auto. (* assign right *) inv H2. (* for effects *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3 ++ sl2') with (nil ++ (sl3 ++ sl2')). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3 ++ sl2') with (nil ++ (sl3 ++ sl2')). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. eapply typeof_context; eauto. (* assignop left *) inv H1. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. symmetry; eapply typeof_context; eauto. eauto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. eauto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. eapply typeof_context; eauto. (* assignop right *) inv H2. (* for effects *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl0 ++ sl2') with (nil ++ sl0 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. eauto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl0 ++ sl2') with (nil ++ sl0 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. eauto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* postincr *) inv H1. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. symmetry; eapply typeof_context; eauto. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor; eauto. eapply typeof_context; eauto. (* call left *) inv H1. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_exprlist_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. auto. apply S; auto. eapply tr_exprlist_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* call right *) inv H2. (* for effects *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. (*destruct dst'; constructor||contradiction.*) red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3++sl2') with (nil ++ sl3 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. auto. auto. (* for val *) assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. (*destruct dst'; constructor||contradiction.*) red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3++sl2') with (nil ++ sl3 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. auto. auto. auto. (* builtin *) inv H1. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3++sl2') with (nil ++ sl3 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. auto. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. change (sl3++sl2') with (nil ++ sl3 ++ sl2'). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. auto. apply S; auto. auto. auto. (* comma *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q; rewrite app_ass; eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. (* paren *) inv H1. (* for val *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. eauto. red; auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. (* for effects *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. eauto. auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. (* for set *) exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. rewrite Q. eauto. auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. (* cons left *) inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl1. rewrite app_ass. eauto. red; auto. intros. rewrite <- app_ass. econstructor. apply S; auto. eapply tr_exprlist_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. auto. auto. auto. (* cons right *) inv H2. assert (sl1 = nil) by (eapply tr_simple_expr_nil; eauto). subst sl1; simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1' [sl2' [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. TR. subst sl2. eauto. red; auto. intros. change sl3 with (nil ++ sl3). rewrite app_ass. econstructor. eapply tr_expr_invariant; eauto. UNCHANGED. apply S; auto. auto. auto. auto. Qed. Theorem tr_expr_leftcontext: forall C le r dst sl a tmps, leftcontext RV RV C -> tr_expr le dst (C r) sl a tmps -> exists dst', exists sl1, exists sl2, exists a', exists tmp', tr_expr le dst' r sl1 a' tmp' /\ sl = sl1 ++ sl2 /\ incl tmp' tmps /\ (forall le' r' sl3, tr_expr le' dst' r' sl3 a' tmp' -> (forall id, ~In id tmp' -> le'!id = le!id) -> Csyntax.typeof r' = Csyntax.typeof r -> tr_expr le' dst (C r') (sl3 ++ sl2) a tmps). Proof. intros. eapply (proj1 tr_expr_leftcontext_rec); eauto. Qed. Theorem tr_top_leftcontext: forall e le m dst rtop sl a tmps, tr_top tge e le m dst rtop sl a tmps -> forall r C, rtop = C r -> leftcontext RV RV C -> exists dst', exists sl1, exists sl2, exists a', exists tmp', tr_top tge e le m dst' r sl1 a' tmp' /\ sl = sl1 ++ sl2 /\ incl tmp' tmps /\ (forall le' m' r' sl3, tr_expr le' dst' r' sl3 a' tmp' -> (forall id, ~In id tmp' -> le'!id = le!id) -> Csyntax.typeof r' = Csyntax.typeof r -> tr_top tge e le' m' dst (C r') (sl3 ++ sl2) a tmps). Proof. induction 1; intros. (* val for val *) inv H2; inv H1. exists For_val; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor. split. apply tr_top_val_val; eauto. split. instantiate (1 := nil); auto. split. apply incl_refl. intros. rewrite <- app_nil_end. constructor; auto. (* base *) subst r. exploit tr_expr_leftcontext; eauto. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. exists dst'; exists sl1; exists sl2; exists a'; exists tmp'. split. apply tr_top_base; auto. split. auto. split. auto. intros. apply tr_top_base. apply S; auto. Qed. (** Semantics of smart constructors *) Lemma eval_simpl_expr_sound: forall e le m a v, eval_expr tge e le m a v -> match eval_simpl_expr a with Some v' => v' = v | None => True end. Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto. destruct (eval_simpl_expr a); auto. subst. rewrite H0. auto. inv H; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma static_bool_val_sound: forall v t m b, bool_val v t Mem.empty = Some b -> bool_val v t m = Some b. Proof. intros until b; unfold bool_val. destruct (classify_bool t); destruct v; auto. intros E. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer, Mem.valid_pointer, proj_sumbool in E. rewrite ! pred_dec_false in E by (apply Mem.perm_empty). discriminate. Qed. Lemma step_makeif: forall f a s1 s2 k e le m v1 b, eval_expr tge e le m a v1 -> bool_val v1 (typeof a) m = Some b -> star step1 tge (State f (makeif a s1 s2) k e le m) E0 (State f (if b then s1 else s2) k e le m). Proof. intros. functional induction (makeif a s1 s2). - exploit eval_simpl_expr_sound; eauto. rewrite e0. intro EQ; subst v. assert (bool_val v1 (typeof a) m = Some true) by (apply static_bool_val_sound; auto). replace b with true by congruence. constructor. - exploit eval_simpl_expr_sound; eauto. rewrite e0. intro EQ; subst v. assert (bool_val v1 (typeof a) m = Some false) by (apply static_bool_val_sound; auto). replace b with false by congruence. constructor. - apply star_one. eapply step_ifthenelse; eauto. - apply star_one. eapply step_ifthenelse; eauto. Qed. Lemma step_make_set: forall id a ty m b ofs t v e le f k, Csem.deref_loc ge ty m b ofs t v -> eval_lvalue tge e le m a b ofs -> typeof a = ty -> step1 tge (State f (make_set id a) k e le m) t (State f Sskip k e (PTree.set id v le) m). Proof. intros. exploit deref_loc_translated; eauto. rewrite <- H1. unfold make_set. destruct (chunk_for_volatile_type (typeof a)) as [chunk|]. (* volatile case *) intros. change (PTree.set id v le) with (set_opttemp (Some id) v le). econstructor. econstructor. constructor. eauto. simpl. unfold sem_cast. simpl. eauto. constructor. simpl. econstructor; eauto. (* nonvolatile case *) intros [A B]. subst t. constructor. eapply eval_Elvalue; eauto. Qed. Lemma step_make_assign: forall a1 a2 ty m b ofs t v m' v2 e le f k, Csem.assign_loc ge ty m b ofs v t m' -> eval_lvalue tge e le m a1 b ofs -> eval_expr tge e le m a2 v2 -> sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) ty = Some v -> typeof a1 = ty -> step1 tge (State f (make_assign a1 a2) k e le m) t (State f Sskip k e le m'). Proof. intros. exploit assign_loc_translated; eauto. rewrite <- H3. unfold make_assign. destruct (chunk_for_volatile_type (typeof a1)) as [chunk|]. (* volatile case *) intros. change le with (set_opttemp None Vundef le) at 2. econstructor. econstructor. constructor. eauto. simpl. unfold sem_cast. simpl. eauto. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. constructor. simpl. econstructor; eauto. (* nonvolatile case *) intros [A B]. subst t. econstructor; eauto. congruence. Qed. Fixpoint Kseqlist (sl: list statement) (k: cont) := match sl with | nil => k | s :: l => Kseq s (Kseqlist l k) end. Remark Kseqlist_app: forall sl1 sl2 k, Kseqlist (sl1 ++ sl2) k = Kseqlist sl1 (Kseqlist sl2 k). Proof. induction sl1; simpl; congruence. Qed. Lemma push_seq: forall f sl k e le m, star step1 tge (State f (makeseq sl) k e le m) E0 (State f Sskip (Kseqlist sl k) e le m). Proof. intros. unfold makeseq. generalize Sskip. revert sl k. induction sl; simpl; intros. apply star_refl. eapply star_right. apply IHsl. constructor. traceEq. Qed. Lemma step_tr_rvalof: forall ty m b ofs t v e le a sl a' tmp f k, Csem.deref_loc ge ty m b ofs t v -> eval_lvalue tge e le m a b ofs -> tr_rvalof ty a sl a' tmp -> typeof a = ty -> exists le', star step1 tge (State f Sskip (Kseqlist sl k) e le m) t (State f Sskip k e le' m) /\ eval_expr tge e le' m a' v /\ typeof a' = typeof a /\ forall x, ~In x tmp -> le'!x = le!x. Proof. intros. inv H1. (* not volatile *) exploit deref_loc_translated; eauto. unfold chunk_for_volatile_type; rewrite H3. intros [A B]. subst t. exists le; split. apply star_refl. split. eapply eval_Elvalue; eauto. auto. (* volatile *) intros. exists (PTree.set t0 v le); split. simpl. eapply star_two. econstructor. eapply step_make_set; eauto. traceEq. split. constructor. apply PTree.gss. split. auto. intros. apply PTree.gso. congruence. Qed. (** Matching between continuations *) Inductive match_cont : Csem.cont -> cont -> Prop := | match_Kstop: match_cont Csem.Kstop Kstop | match_Kseq: forall s k ts tk, tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kseq s k) (Kseq ts tk) | match_Kwhile2: forall r s k s' ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kwhile2 r s k) (Kloop1 (Ssequence s' ts) Sskip tk) | match_Kdowhile1: forall r s k s' ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kdowhile1 r s k) (Kloop1 ts s' tk) | match_Kfor3: forall r s3 s k ts3 s' ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s3 ts3 -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kfor3 r s3 s k) (Kloop1 (Ssequence s' ts) ts3 tk) | match_Kfor4: forall r s3 s k ts3 s' ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s3 ts3 -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kfor4 r s3 s k) (Kloop2 (Ssequence s' ts) ts3 tk) | match_Kswitch2: forall k tk, match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kswitch2 k) (Kswitch tk) | match_Kcall: forall f e C ty k optid tf le sl tk a dest tmps, tr_function f tf -> leftcontext RV RV C -> (forall v m, tr_top tge e (set_opttemp optid v le) m dest (C (Csyntax.Eval v ty)) sl a tmps) -> match_cont_exp dest a k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kcall f e C ty k) (Kcall optid tf e le (Kseqlist sl tk)) (* | match_Kcall_some: forall f e C ty k dst tf le sl tk a dest tmps, transl_function f = Errors.OK tf -> leftcontext RV RV C -> (forall v m, tr_top tge e (PTree.set dst v le) m dest (C (C.Eval v ty)) sl a tmps) -> match_cont_exp dest a k tk -> match_cont (Csem.Kcall f e C ty k) (Kcall (Some dst) tf e le (Kseqlist sl tk)) *) with match_cont_exp : destination -> expr -> Csem.cont -> cont -> Prop := | match_Kdo: forall k a tk, match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_effects a (Csem.Kdo k) tk | match_Kifthenelse_1: forall a s1 s2 k ts1 ts2 tk, tr_stmt s1 ts1 -> tr_stmt s2 ts2 -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kifthenelse s1 s2 k) (Kseq (Sifthenelse a ts1 ts2) tk) | match_Kwhile1: forall r s k s' a ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kwhile1 r s k) (Kseq (makeif a Sskip Sbreak) (Kseq ts (Kloop1 (Ssequence s' ts) Sskip tk))) | match_Kdowhile2: forall r s k s' a ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kdowhile2 r s k) (Kseq (makeif a Sskip Sbreak) (Kloop2 ts s' tk)) | match_Kfor2: forall r s3 s k s' a ts3 ts tk, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s' -> tr_stmt s3 ts3 -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kfor2 r s3 s k) (Kseq (makeif a Sskip Sbreak) (Kseq ts (Kloop1 (Ssequence s' ts) ts3 tk))) | match_Kswitch1: forall ls k a tls tk, tr_lblstmts ls tls -> match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kswitch1 ls k) (Kseq (Sswitch a tls) tk) | match_Kreturn: forall k a tk, match_cont k tk -> match_cont_exp For_val a (Csem.Kreturn k) (Kseq (Sreturn (Some a)) tk). Lemma match_cont_call: forall k tk, match_cont k tk -> match_cont (Csem.call_cont k) (call_cont tk). Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto. constructor. econstructor; eauto. Qed. (** Matching between states *) Inductive match_states: Csem.state -> state -> Prop := | match_exprstates: forall f r k e m tf sl tk le dest a tmps, tr_function f tf -> tr_top tge e le m dest r sl a tmps -> match_cont_exp dest a k tk -> match_states (Csem.ExprState f r k e m) (State tf Sskip (Kseqlist sl tk) e le m) | match_regularstates: forall f s k e m tf ts tk le, tr_function f tf -> tr_stmt s ts -> match_cont k tk -> match_states (Csem.State f s k e m) (State tf ts tk e le m) | match_callstates: forall fd args k m tfd tk, tr_fundef fd tfd -> match_cont k tk -> match_states (Csem.Callstate fd args k m) (Callstate tfd args tk m) | match_returnstates: forall res k m tk, match_cont k tk -> match_states (Csem.Returnstate res k m) (Returnstate res tk m) | match_stuckstate: forall S, match_states Csem.Stuckstate S. (** Additional results on translation of statements *) Lemma tr_select_switch: forall n ls tls, tr_lblstmts ls tls -> tr_lblstmts (Csem.select_switch n ls) (select_switch n tls). Proof. assert (DFL: forall ls tls, tr_lblstmts ls tls -> tr_lblstmts (Csem.select_switch_default ls) (select_switch_default tls)). { induction 1; simpl. constructor. destruct c; auto. constructor; auto. } assert (CASE: forall n ls tls, tr_lblstmts ls tls -> match Csem.select_switch_case n ls with | None => select_switch_case n tls = None | Some ls' => exists tls', select_switch_case n tls = Some tls' /\ tr_lblstmts ls' tls' end). { induction 1; simpl; intros. auto. destruct c; auto. destruct (zeq z n); auto. econstructor; split; eauto. constructor; auto. } intros. unfold Csem.select_switch, select_switch. specialize (CASE n ls tls H). destruct (Csem.select_switch_case n ls) as [ls'|]. destruct CASE as [tls' [P Q]]. rewrite P. auto. rewrite CASE. apply DFL; auto. Qed. Lemma tr_seq_of_labeled_statement: forall ls tls, tr_lblstmts ls tls -> tr_stmt (Csem.seq_of_labeled_statement ls) (seq_of_labeled_statement tls). Proof. induction 1; simpl; constructor; auto. Qed. (** Commutation between translation and the "find label" operation. *) Section FIND_LABEL. Variable lbl: label. Definition nolabel (s: statement) : Prop := forall k, find_label lbl s k = None. Fixpoint nolabel_list (sl: list statement) : Prop := match sl with | nil => True | s1 :: sl' => nolabel s1 /\ nolabel_list sl' end. Lemma nolabel_list_app: forall sl2 sl1, nolabel_list sl1 -> nolabel_list sl2 -> nolabel_list (sl1 ++ sl2). Proof. induction sl1; simpl; intros. auto. tauto. Qed. Lemma makeseq_nolabel: forall sl, nolabel_list sl -> nolabel (makeseq sl). Proof. assert (forall sl s, nolabel s -> nolabel_list sl -> nolabel (makeseq_rec s sl)). induction sl; simpl; intros. auto. destruct H0. apply IHsl; auto. red. intros; simpl. rewrite H. apply H0. intros. unfold makeseq. apply H; auto. red. auto. Qed. Lemma makeif_nolabel: forall a s1 s2, nolabel s1 -> nolabel s2 -> nolabel (makeif a s1 s2). Proof. intros. functional induction (makeif a s1 s2); auto. red; simpl; intros. rewrite H; auto. red; simpl; intros. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma make_set_nolabel: forall t a, nolabel (make_set t a). Proof. unfold make_set; intros; red; intros. destruct (chunk_for_volatile_type (typeof a)); auto. Qed. Lemma make_assign_nolabel: forall l r, nolabel (make_assign l r). Proof. unfold make_assign; intros; red; intros. destruct (chunk_for_volatile_type (typeof l)); auto. Qed. Lemma tr_rvalof_nolabel: forall ty a sl a' tmp, tr_rvalof ty a sl a' tmp -> nolabel_list sl. Proof. destruct 1; simpl; intuition. apply make_set_nolabel. Qed. Lemma nolabel_do_set: forall sd a, nolabel_list (do_set sd a). Proof. induction sd; intros; simpl; split; auto; red; auto. Qed. Lemma nolabel_final: forall dst a, nolabel_list (final dst a). Proof. destruct dst; simpl; intros. auto. auto. apply nolabel_do_set. Qed. Ltac NoLabelTac := match goal with | [ |- nolabel_list nil ] => exact I | [ |- nolabel_list (final _ _) ] => apply nolabel_final (*; NoLabelTac*) | [ |- nolabel_list (_ :: _) ] => simpl; split; NoLabelTac | [ |- nolabel_list (_ ++ _) ] => apply nolabel_list_app; NoLabelTac | [ H: _ -> nolabel_list ?x |- nolabel_list ?x ] => apply H; NoLabelTac | [ |- nolabel (makeseq _) ] => apply makeseq_nolabel; NoLabelTac | [ |- nolabel (makeif _ _ _) ] => apply makeif_nolabel; NoLabelTac | [ |- nolabel (make_set _ _) ] => apply make_set_nolabel | [ |- nolabel (make_assign _ _) ] => apply make_assign_nolabel | [ |- nolabel _ ] => red; intros; simpl; auto | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split; NoLabelTac | _ => auto end. Lemma tr_find_label_expr: (forall le dst r sl a tmps, tr_expr le dst r sl a tmps -> nolabel_list sl) /\(forall le rl sl al tmps, tr_exprlist le rl sl al tmps -> nolabel_list sl). Proof. apply tr_expr_exprlist; intros; NoLabelTac. apply nolabel_do_set. eapply tr_rvalof_nolabel; eauto. apply nolabel_do_set. apply nolabel_do_set. eapply tr_rvalof_nolabel; eauto. eapply tr_rvalof_nolabel; eauto. eapply tr_rvalof_nolabel; eauto. Qed. Lemma tr_find_label_top: forall e le m dst r sl a tmps, tr_top tge e le m dst r sl a tmps -> nolabel_list sl. Proof. induction 1; intros; NoLabelTac. eapply (proj1 tr_find_label_expr); eauto. Qed. Lemma tr_find_label_expression: forall r s a, tr_expression r s a -> forall k, find_label lbl s k = None. Proof. intros. inv H. assert (nolabel (makeseq sl)). apply makeseq_nolabel. eapply tr_find_label_top with (e := empty_env) (le := PTree.empty val) (m := Mem.empty). eauto. apply H. Qed. Lemma tr_find_label_expr_stmt: forall r s, tr_expr_stmt r s -> forall k, find_label lbl s k = None. Proof. intros. inv H. assert (nolabel (makeseq sl)). apply makeseq_nolabel. eapply tr_find_label_top with (e := empty_env) (le := PTree.empty val) (m := Mem.empty). eauto. apply H. Qed. Lemma tr_find_label_if: forall r s, tr_if r Sskip Sbreak s -> forall k, find_label lbl s k = None. Proof. intros. inv H. assert (nolabel (makeseq (sl ++ makeif a Sskip Sbreak :: nil))). apply makeseq_nolabel. apply nolabel_list_app. eapply tr_find_label_top with (e := empty_env) (le := PTree.empty val) (m := Mem.empty). eauto. simpl; split; auto. apply makeif_nolabel. red; simpl; auto. red; simpl; auto. apply H. Qed. Lemma tr_find_label: forall s k ts tk (TR: tr_stmt s ts) (MC: match_cont k tk), match Csem.find_label lbl s k with | None => find_label lbl ts tk = None | Some (s', k') => exists ts', exists tk', find_label lbl ts tk = Some (ts', tk') /\ tr_stmt s' ts' /\ match_cont k' tk' end with tr_find_label_ls: forall s k ts tk (TR: tr_lblstmts s ts) (MC: match_cont k tk), match Csem.find_label_ls lbl s k with | None => find_label_ls lbl ts tk = None | Some (s', k') => exists ts', exists tk', find_label_ls lbl ts tk = Some (ts', tk') /\ tr_stmt s' ts' /\ match_cont k' tk' end. Proof. induction s; intros; inversion TR; subst; clear TR; simpl. auto. eapply tr_find_label_expr_stmt; eauto. (* seq *) exploit (IHs1 (Csem.Kseq s2 k)); eauto. constructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s1 (Csem.Kseq s2 k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; auto. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. eapply IHs2; eauto. (* if *) rename s' into sr. rewrite (tr_find_label_expression _ _ _ H2). exploit (IHs1 k); eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s1 k) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. eapply IHs2; eauto. (* while *) rename s' into sr. rewrite (tr_find_label_if _ _ H1); auto. exploit (IHs (Kwhile2 e s k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s (Kwhile2 e s k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. auto. (* dowhile *) rename s' into sr. rewrite (tr_find_label_if _ _ H1); auto. exploit (IHs (Kdowhile1 e s k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s (Kdowhile1 e s k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. auto. (* for skip *) rename s' into sr. rewrite (tr_find_label_if _ _ H4); auto. exploit (IHs3 (Csem.Kfor3 e s2 s3 k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s3 (Csem.Kfor3 e s2 s3 k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. exploit (IHs2 (Csem.Kfor4 e s2 s3 k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* for not skip *) rename s' into sr. rewrite (tr_find_label_if _ _ H3); auto. exploit (IHs1 (Csem.Kseq (Csyntax.Sfor Csyntax.Sskip e s2 s3) k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s1 (Csem.Kseq (Csyntax.Sfor Csyntax.Sskip e s2 s3) k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ; rewrite EQ. exploit (IHs3 (Csem.Kfor3 e s2 s3 k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s3 (Csem.Kfor3 e s2 s3 k)) as [[s'' k''] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; intuition. intro EQ'. rewrite EQ'. exploit (IHs2 (Csem.Kfor4 e s2 s3 k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* break, continue, return 0 *) auto. auto. auto. (* return 1 *) rewrite (tr_find_label_expression _ _ _ H0). auto. (* switch *) rewrite (tr_find_label_expression _ _ _ H1). apply tr_find_label_ls. auto. constructor; auto. (* labeled stmt *) destruct (ident_eq lbl l). exists ts0; exists tk; auto. apply IHs; auto. (* goto *) auto. induction s; intros; inversion TR; subst; clear TR; simpl. (* nil *) auto. (* case *) exploit (tr_find_label s (Csem.Kseq (Csem.seq_of_labeled_statement s0) k)); eauto. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_seq_of_labeled_statement; eauto. destruct (Csem.find_label lbl s (Csem.Kseq (Csem.seq_of_labeled_statement s0) k)) as [[s' k'] | ]. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B C]]]]. rewrite A. exists ts'; exists tk'; auto. intro EQ. rewrite EQ. eapply IHs; eauto. Qed. End FIND_LABEL. (** Anti-stuttering measure *) (** There are some stuttering steps in the translation: - The execution of [Sdo a] where [a] is side-effect free, which is three transitions in the source: << Sdo a, k ---> a, Kdo k ---> rval v, Kdo k ---> Sskip, k >> but the translation, which is [Sskip], makes no transitions. - The reduction [Ecomma (Eval v) r2 --> r2]. - The reduction [Eparen (Eval v) --> Eval v] in a [For_effects] context. The following measure decreases for these stuttering steps. *) Fixpoint esize (a: Csyntax.expr) : nat := match a with | Csyntax.Eloc _ _ _ => 1%nat | Csyntax.Evar _ _ => 1%nat | Csyntax.Ederef r1 _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Efield l1 _ _ => S(esize l1) | Csyntax.Eval _ _ => O | Csyntax.Evalof l1 _ => S(esize l1) | Csyntax.Eaddrof l1 _ => S(esize l1) | Csyntax.Eunop _ r1 _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Ebinop _ r1 r2 _ => S(esize r1 + esize r2)%nat | Csyntax.Ecast r1 _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Eseqand r1 _ _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Eseqor r1 _ _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Econdition r1 _ _ _ => S(esize r1) | Csyntax.Esizeof _ _ => 1%nat | Csyntax.Ealignof _ _ => 1%nat | Csyntax.Eassign l1 r2 _ => S(esize l1 + esize r2)%nat | Csyntax.Eassignop _ l1 r2 _ _ => S(esize l1 + esize r2)%nat | Csyntax.Epostincr _ l1 _ => S(esize l1) | Csyntax.Ecomma r1 r2 _ => S(esize r1 + esize r2)%nat | Csyntax.Ecall r1 rl2 _ => S(esize r1 + esizelist rl2)%nat | Csyntax.Ebuiltin ef _ rl _ => S(esizelist rl)%nat | Csyntax.Eparen r1 _ _ => S(esize r1) end with esizelist (el: Csyntax.exprlist) : nat := match el with | Csyntax.Enil => O | Csyntax.Econs r1 rl2 => (esize r1 + esizelist rl2)%nat end. Definition measure (st: Csem.state) : nat := match st with | Csem.ExprState _ r _ _ _ => (esize r + 1)%nat | Csem.State _ Csyntax.Sskip _ _ _ => 0%nat | Csem.State _ (Csyntax.Sdo r) _ _ _ => (esize r + 2)%nat | Csem.State _ (Csyntax.Sifthenelse r _ _) _ _ _ => (esize r + 2)%nat | _ => 0%nat end. Lemma leftcontext_size: forall from to C, leftcontext from to C -> forall e1 e2, (esize e1 < esize e2)%nat -> (esize (C e1) < esize (C e2))%nat with leftcontextlist_size: forall from C, leftcontextlist from C -> forall e1 e2, (esize e1 < esize e2)%nat -> (esizelist (C e1) < esizelist (C e2))%nat. Proof. induction 1; intros; simpl; auto with arith. exploit leftcontextlist_size; eauto. auto with arith. exploit leftcontextlist_size; eauto. auto with arith. induction 1; intros; simpl; auto with arith. exploit leftcontext_size; eauto. auto with arith. Qed. (** Forward simulation for expressions. *) Lemma tr_val_gen: forall le dst v ty a tmp, typeof a = ty -> (forall tge e le' m, (forall id, In id tmp -> le'!id = le!id) -> eval_expr tge e le' m a v) -> tr_expr le dst (Csyntax.Eval v ty) (final dst a) a tmp. Proof. intros. destruct dst; simpl; econstructor; auto. Qed. Lemma estep_simulation: forall S1 t S2, Cstrategy.estep ge S1 t S2 -> forall S1' (MS: match_states S1 S1'), exists S2', (plus step1 tge S1' t S2' \/ (star step1 tge S1' t S2' /\ measure S2 < measure S1)%nat) /\ match_states S2 S2'. Proof. induction 1; intros; inv MS. (* expr *) assert (tr_expr le dest r sl a tmps). inv H9. contradiction. auto. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. destruct dest. (* for val *) intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. subst sl. econstructor; split. right; split. apply star_refl. destruct r; simpl; (contradiction || omega). econstructor; eauto. instantiate (1 := tmps). apply tr_top_val_val; auto. (* for effects *) intros SL1. subst sl. econstructor; split. right; split. apply star_refl. destruct r; simpl; (contradiction || omega). econstructor; eauto. instantiate (1 := tmps). apply tr_top_base. constructor. (* for set *) inv H10. (* rval volatile *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H11. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. inv H7; try congruence. exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_two. constructor. eapply step_make_set; eauto. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. change (final dst' (Etempvar t0 (Csyntax.typeof l)) ++ sl2) with (nil ++ (final dst' (Etempvar t0 (Csyntax.typeof l)) ++ sl2)). apply S. apply tr_val_gen. auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H5; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. apply PTree.gso. red; intros; subst; elim H5; auto. auto. (* seqand true *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for val *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_val with (a1 := a2); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_effects with (a1 := a2); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_set with (a1 := a2) (t := sd_temp sd); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* seqand false *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for val *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply star_one. constructor. constructor. reflexivity. reflexivity. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. econstructor; eauto. intros. constructor. rewrite H2. apply PTree.gss. auto. intros. apply PTree.gso. congruence. auto. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. reflexivity. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. intros. constructor. auto. auto. (* seqor true *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for val *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply star_one. constructor. constructor. reflexivity. reflexivity. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. econstructor; eauto. intros. constructor. rewrite H2. apply PTree.gss. auto. intros. apply PTree.gso. congruence. auto. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. reflexivity. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. intros. constructor. auto. auto. (* seqand false *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for val *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_val with (a1 := a2); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_effects with (a1 := a2); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. apply tr_paren_set with (a1 := a2) (t := sd_temp sd); auto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. (* condition *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. destruct b. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. auto. auto. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. reflexivity. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. eapply match_exprstates; eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp3; eauto. auto. auto. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. destruct b. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. econstructor. eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. econstructor. eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp3; eauto. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL [TY EV]]. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. destruct b. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := true) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. econstructor. eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp2; eauto. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (b := false) (v1 := v); auto. congruence. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite <- Kseqlist_app. econstructor. eauto. apply S. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_expr_monotone with tmp3; eauto. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. (* assign *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H12. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H4. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. rewrite <- TY2; eauto. traceEq. econstructor. auto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. auto. auto. auto. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le' := PTree.set t0 v le). eauto. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_left. constructor. eauto. eapply star_left. constructor. apply star_one. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. constructor. apply PTree.gss. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq. econstructor. auto. apply S. apply tr_val_gen. auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. constructor. rewrite H4; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. auto. auto. (* assignop *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H15. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H6. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := le'). eauto. intros. apply INV. NOTIN. intros [? [? EV1']]. exploit tr_simple_rvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := le'). eauto. intros. apply INV. NOTIN. simpl. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply star_plus_trans. rewrite app_ass. rewrite Kseqlist_app. eexact EXEC. eapply plus_two. simpl. econstructor. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. econstructor. eexact EV3. eexact EV2. rewrite TY3; rewrite <- TY1; rewrite <- TY2; rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. reflexivity. traceEq. econstructor. auto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. auto. auto. auto. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := le'). eauto. intros. apply INV. NOTIN. intros [? [? EV1']]. exploit tr_simple_rvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := le'). eauto. intros. apply INV. NOTIN. simpl. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := PTree.set t v3 le'). eauto. intros. rewrite PTree.gso. apply INV. NOTIN. intuition congruence. intros [? [? EV1'']]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. rewrite app_ass. rewrite Kseqlist_app. eapply star_plus_trans. eexact EXEC. simpl. eapply plus_four. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eexact EV3. eexact EV2. rewrite TY3; rewrite <- TY1; rewrite <- TY2; rewrite comp_env_preserved; eauto. econstructor. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. constructor. apply PTree.gss. reflexivity. traceEq. econstructor. auto. apply S. apply tr_val_gen. auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. constructor. rewrite H10; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. rewrite PTree.gso. apply INV. red; intros; elim H10; auto. intuition congruence. auto. auto. (* assignop stuck *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H12. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H4. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. right; split. rewrite app_ass. rewrite Kseqlist_app. eexact EXEC. simpl. omega. constructor. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. right; split. rewrite app_ass. rewrite Kseqlist_app. eexact EXEC. simpl. omega. constructor. (* postincr *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H14. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H5. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le := le) (le' := le'). eauto. intros. apply INV. NOTIN. intros [? [? EV1']]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. rewrite app_ass; rewrite Kseqlist_app. eapply star_plus_trans. eexact EXEC. eapply plus_two. simpl. constructor. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. unfold transl_incrdecr. destruct id; simpl in H2. econstructor. eauto. constructor. rewrite TY3; rewrite <- TY1; rewrite comp_env_preserved. simpl; eauto. econstructor. eauto. constructor. rewrite TY3; rewrite <- TY1; rewrite comp_env_preserved. simpl; eauto. destruct id; auto. reflexivity. traceEq. econstructor. auto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. auto. auto. auto. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit tr_simple_lvalue. eauto. eapply tr_expr_invariant with (le' := PTree.set t v1 le). eauto. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. intros [SL2 [TY2 EV2]]. subst; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_four. constructor. eapply step_make_set; eauto. constructor. eapply step_make_assign; eauto. unfold transl_incrdecr. destruct id; simpl in H2. econstructor. constructor. apply PTree.gss. constructor. rewrite comp_env_preserved; simpl; eauto. econstructor. constructor. apply PTree.gss. constructor. rewrite comp_env_preserved; simpl; eauto. destruct id; auto. traceEq. econstructor. auto. apply S. apply tr_val_gen. auto. intros. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H5; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. auto. auto. (* postincr stuck *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H11. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H3. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit step_tr_rvalof; eauto. intros [le' [EXEC [EV3 [TY3 INV]]]]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. right; split. rewrite app_ass; rewrite Kseqlist_app. eexact EXEC. simpl; omega. constructor. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_lvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_two. constructor. eapply step_make_set; eauto. traceEq. constructor. (* comma *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H1. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. simpl; intro SL1. subst sl0; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. right; split. apply star_refl. simpl. apply plus_lt_compat_r. apply (leftcontext_size _ _ _ H). simpl. omega. econstructor; eauto. apply S. eapply tr_expr_monotone; eauto. auto. auto. (* paren *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [b [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]]. subst sl1; simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- TY1; eauto. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. change sl2 with (final For_val (Etempvar t (Csyntax.typeof r)) ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H2; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. auto. (* for effects *) econstructor; split. right; split. apply star_refl. simpl. apply plus_lt_compat_r. apply (leftcontext_size _ _ _ H). simpl. omega. econstructor; eauto. exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. simpl. intros A. subst sl1. apply S. constructor; auto. auto. auto. (* for set *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. simpl. intros [b [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]]. subst sl1. simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- TY1; eauto. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. apply S. constructor; auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H2. apply PTree.gss. auto. intros. apply PTree.gso. congruence. auto. (* call *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H12. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H5. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit tr_simple_exprlist; eauto. intros [SL2 EV2]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tfd [J K]]. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- TY1; eauto. exploit type_of_fundef_preserved; eauto. congruence. traceEq. constructor; auto. econstructor; eauto. intros. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. auto. auto. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_rvalue; eauto. intros [SL1 [TY1 EV1]]. exploit tr_simple_exprlist; eauto. intros [SL2 EV2]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tfd [J K]]. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- TY1; eauto. exploit type_of_fundef_preserved; eauto. congruence. traceEq. constructor; auto. econstructor; eauto. intros. apply S. destruct dst'; constructor. auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H5; auto. apply PTree.gss. auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H5; auto. apply PTree.gss. intros. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. auto. (* builtin *) exploit tr_top_leftcontext; eauto. clear H9. intros [dst' [sl1 [sl2 [a' [tmp' [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]]. inv P. inv H2. (* for effects *) exploit tr_simple_exprlist; eauto. intros [SL EV]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. constructor. simpl; auto. auto. (* for value *) exploit tr_simple_exprlist; eauto. intros [SL EV]. subst. simpl Kseqlist. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply star_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. change sl2 with (nil ++ sl2). apply S. apply tr_val_gen. auto. intros. constructor. rewrite H2; auto. simpl. apply PTree.gss. intros; simpl. apply PTree.gso. intuition congruence. auto. Qed. (** Forward simulation for statements. *) Lemma tr_top_val_for_val_inv: forall e le m v ty sl a tmps, tr_top tge e le m For_val (Csyntax.Eval v ty) sl a tmps -> sl = nil /\ typeof a = ty /\ eval_expr tge e le m a v. Proof. intros. inv H. auto. inv H0. auto. Qed. Lemma alloc_variables_preserved: forall e m params e' m', Csem.alloc_variables ge e m params e' m' -> alloc_variables tge e m params e' m'. Proof. induction 1; econstructor; eauto. rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. Qed. Lemma bind_parameters_preserved: forall e m params args m', Csem.bind_parameters ge e m params args m' -> bind_parameters tge e m params args m'. Proof. induction 1; econstructor; eauto. inv H0. - eapply assign_loc_value; eauto. - inv H4. eapply assign_loc_value; eauto. - rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. eapply assign_loc_copy; eauto. Qed. Lemma blocks_of_env_preserved: forall e, blocks_of_env tge e = Csem.blocks_of_env ge e. Proof. intros; unfold blocks_of_env, Csem.blocks_of_env. unfold block_of_binding, Csem.block_of_binding. rewrite comp_env_preserved. auto. Qed. Lemma sstep_simulation: forall S1 t S2, Csem.sstep ge S1 t S2 -> forall S1' (MS: match_states S1 S1'), exists S2', (plus step1 tge S1' t S2' \/ (star step1 tge S1' t S2' /\ measure S2 < measure S1)%nat) /\ match_states S2 S2'. Proof. induction 1; intros; inv MS. (* do 1 *) inv H6. inv H0. econstructor; split. right; split. apply push_seq. simpl. omega. econstructor; eauto. constructor. auto. (* do 2 *) inv H7. inv H6. inv H. econstructor; split. right; split. apply star_refl. simpl. omega. econstructor; eauto. constructor. (* seq *) inv H6. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. constructor. econstructor; eauto. constructor; auto. (* skip seq *) inv H6; inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one; constructor. econstructor; eauto. (* continue seq *) inv H6; inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one; constructor. econstructor; eauto. constructor. (* break seq *) inv H6; inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one; constructor. econstructor; eauto. constructor. (* ifthenelse *) inv H6. inv H2. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. apply push_seq. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* ifthenelse *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_two. constructor. apply step_ifthenelse with (v1 := v) (b := b); auto. traceEq. destruct b; econstructor; eauto. (* while *) inv H6. inv H1. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_left. constructor. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite Kseqlist_app. econstructor; eauto. simpl. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* while false *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := false); auto. eapply star_two. constructor. apply step_break_loop1. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor. (* while true *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_right. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := true); auto. constructor. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. (* skip-or-continue while *) assert (ts = Sskip \/ ts = Scontinue). destruct H; subst s0; inv H7; auto. inv H8. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_two. apply step_skip_or_continue_loop1; auto. apply step_skip_loop2. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. (* break while *) inv H6. inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_break_loop1. constructor; auto. constructor. (* dowhile *) inv H6. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_loop. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. (* skip_or_continue dowhile *) assert (ts = Sskip \/ ts = Scontinue). destruct H; subst s0; inv H7; auto. inv H8. inv H4. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. apply step_skip_or_continue_loop1. auto. apply push_seq. traceEq. rewrite Kseqlist_app. econstructor; eauto. simpl. econstructor; auto. econstructor; eauto. (* dowhile false *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_right. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := false); auto. constructor. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor. (* dowhile true *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_right. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := true); auto. constructor. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. (* break dowhile *) inv H6. inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_break_loop1. constructor; auto. constructor. (* for start *) inv H7. congruence. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. constructor. econstructor; eauto. constructor; auto. econstructor; eauto. (* for *) inv H6; try congruence. inv H2. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_left. apply step_loop. eapply star_left. constructor. apply push_seq. reflexivity. traceEq. rewrite Kseqlist_app. econstructor; eauto. simpl. constructor; auto. econstructor; eauto. (* for false *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_trans. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := false); auto. eapply star_two. constructor. apply step_break_loop1. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor. (* for true *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. simpl. eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_right. apply step_makeif with (v1 := v) (b := true); auto. constructor. reflexivity. traceEq. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. (* skip_or_continue for3 *) assert (ts = Sskip \/ ts = Scontinue). destruct H; subst x; inv H7; auto. inv H8. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_skip_or_continue_loop1. auto. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; auto. (* break for3 *) inv H6. inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_break_loop1. econstructor; eauto. constructor. (* skip for4 *) inv H6. inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. constructor. econstructor; eauto. constructor; auto. (* return none *) inv H7. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. rewrite blocks_of_env_preserved; eauto. constructor. apply match_cont_call; auto. (* return some 1 *) inv H6. inv H0. econstructor; split. left; eapply plus_left. constructor. apply push_seq. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. constructor. auto. (* return some 2 *) inv H9. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left. eapply plus_two. constructor. econstructor. eauto. erewrite function_return_preserved; eauto. rewrite blocks_of_env_preserved; eauto. eauto. traceEq. constructor. apply match_cont_call; auto. (* skip return *) inv H8. assert (is_call_cont tk). inv H9; simpl in *; auto. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. apply step_skip_call; eauto. rewrite blocks_of_env_preserved; eauto. constructor. auto. (* switch *) inv H6. inv H1. econstructor; split. left; eapply plus_left. constructor. apply push_seq. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. constructor; auto. (* expr switch *) inv H8. exploit tr_top_val_for_val_inv; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst. econstructor; split. left; eapply plus_two. constructor. econstructor; eauto. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_seq_of_labeled_statement. apply tr_select_switch. auto. constructor; auto. (* skip-or-break switch *) assert (ts = Sskip \/ ts = Sbreak). destruct H; subst x; inv H7; auto. inv H8. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. apply step_skip_break_switch. auto. constructor; auto. constructor. (* continue switch *) inv H6. inv H7. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. apply step_continue_switch. constructor; auto. constructor. (* label *) inv H6. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. constructor. constructor; auto. (* goto *) inv H7. inversion H6; subst. exploit tr_find_label. eauto. apply match_cont_call. eauto. instantiate (1 := lbl). rewrite H. intros [ts' [tk' [P [Q R]]]]. econstructor; split. left. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* internal function *) inv H7. inversion H3; subst. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. eapply step_internal_function. econstructor. rewrite H6; rewrite H7; auto. rewrite H6; rewrite H7. eapply alloc_variables_preserved; eauto. rewrite H6. eapply bind_parameters_preserved; eauto. eauto. constructor; auto. (* external function *) inv H5. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. constructor; auto. (* return *) inv H3. econstructor; split. left; apply plus_one. constructor. econstructor; eauto. Qed. (** Semantic preservation *) Theorem simulation: forall S1 t S2, Cstrategy.step ge S1 t S2 -> forall S1' (MS: match_states S1 S1'), exists S2', (plus step1 tge S1' t S2' \/ (star step1 tge S1' t S2' /\ measure S2 < measure S1)%nat) /\ match_states S2 S2'. Proof. intros S1 t S2 STEP. destruct STEP. apply estep_simulation; auto. apply sstep_simulation; auto. Qed. Lemma transl_initial_states: forall S, Csem.initial_state prog S -> exists S', Clight.initial_state tprog S' /\ match_states S S'. Proof. intros. inv H. exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]]. econstructor; split. econstructor. eapply (Genv.init_mem_match (proj1 TRANSL)); eauto. replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto. destruct TRANSL. destruct H as (A & B & C). simpl in B. auto. eexact FIND. rewrite <- H3. apply type_of_fundef_preserved. auto. constructor. auto. constructor. Qed. Lemma transl_final_states: forall S S' r, match_states S S' -> Csem.final_state S r -> Clight.final_state S' r. Proof. intros. inv H0. inv H. inv H4. constructor. Qed. Theorem transl_program_correct: forward_simulation (Cstrategy.semantics prog) (Clight.semantics1 tprog). Proof. eapply forward_simulation_star_wf with (order := ltof _ measure). eapply senv_preserved. eexact transl_initial_states. eexact transl_final_states. apply well_founded_ltof. exact simulation. Qed. End PRESERVATION. (** ** Commutation with linking *) Instance TransfSimplExprLink : TransfLink match_prog. Proof. red; intros. eapply Ctypes.link_match_program; eauto. - intros. Local Transparent Linker_fundef. simpl in *; unfold link_fundef in *. inv H3; inv H4; try discriminate. destruct ef; inv H2. exists (Internal tf); split; auto. constructor; auto. destruct ef; inv H2. exists (Internal tf); split; auto. constructor; auto. destruct (external_function_eq ef ef0 && typelist_eq targs targs0 && type_eq tres tres0 && calling_convention_eq cconv cconv0); inv H2. exists (External ef targs tres cconv); split; auto. constructor. Qed.