(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Semantic preservation for the SimplLocals pass. *) Require Import FSets. Require Import Coqlib Errors Ordered Maps Integers Floats. Require Import AST Linking. Require Import Values Memory Globalenvs Events Smallstep. Require Import Ctypes Cop Clight SimplLocals. Module VSF := FSetFacts.Facts(VSet). Module VSP := FSetProperties.Properties(VSet). Definition match_prog (p tp: program) : Prop := match_program (fun ctx f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp /\ prog_types tp = prog_types p. Lemma match_transf_program: forall p tp, transf_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp. Proof. unfold transf_program; intros. monadInv H. split; auto. apply match_transform_partial_program. rewrite EQ. destruct x; auto. Qed. Section PRESERVATION. Variable prog: program. Variable tprog: program. Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog. Let ge := globalenv prog. Let tge := globalenv tprog. Lemma comp_env_preserved: genv_cenv tge = genv_cenv ge. Proof. unfold tge, ge. destruct prog, tprog; simpl. destruct TRANSF as [_ EQ]. simpl in EQ. congruence. Qed. Lemma symbols_preserved: forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s. Proof (Genv.find_symbol_match (proj1 TRANSF)). Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv ge tge. Proof (Genv.senv_match (proj1 TRANSF)). Lemma functions_translated: forall (v: val) (f: fundef), Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf. Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial (proj1 TRANSF)). Lemma function_ptr_translated: forall (b: block) (f: fundef), Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf. Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial (proj1 TRANSF)). Lemma type_of_fundef_preserved: forall fd tfd, transf_fundef fd = OK tfd -> type_of_fundef tfd = type_of_fundef fd. Proof. intros. destruct fd; monadInv H; auto. monadInv EQ. simpl; unfold type_of_function; simpl. auto. Qed. (** Matching between environments before and after *) Inductive match_var (f: meminj) (cenv: compilenv) (e: env) (m: mem) (te: env) (tle: temp_env) (id: ident) : Prop := | match_var_lifted: forall b ty chunk v tv (ENV: e!id = Some(b, ty)) (TENV: te!id = None) (LIFTED: VSet.mem id cenv = true) (MAPPED: f b = None) (MODE: access_mode ty = By_value chunk) (LOAD: Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v) (TLENV: tle!(id) = Some tv) (VINJ: Val.inject f v tv), match_var f cenv e m te tle id | match_var_not_lifted: forall b ty b' (ENV: e!id = Some(b, ty)) (TENV: te!id = Some(b', ty)) (LIFTED: VSet.mem id cenv = false) (MAPPED: f b = Some(b', 0)), match_var f cenv e m te tle id | match_var_not_local: forall (ENV: e!id = None) (TENV: te!id = None) (LIFTED: VSet.mem id cenv = false), match_var f cenv e m te tle id. Record match_envs (f: meminj) (cenv: compilenv) (e: env) (le: temp_env) (m: mem) (lo hi: block) (te: env) (tle: temp_env) (tlo thi: block) : Prop := mk_match_envs { me_vars: forall id, match_var f cenv e m te tle id; me_temps: forall id v, le!id = Some v -> (exists tv, tle!id = Some tv /\ Val.inject f v tv) /\ (VSet.mem id cenv = true -> v = Vundef); me_inj: forall id1 b1 ty1 id2 b2 ty2, e!id1 = Some(b1, ty1) -> e!id2 = Some(b2, ty2) -> id1 <> id2 -> b1 <> b2; me_range: forall id b ty, e!id = Some(b, ty) -> Ple lo b /\ Plt b hi; me_trange: forall id b ty, te!id = Some(b, ty) -> Ple tlo b /\ Plt b thi; me_mapped: forall id b' ty, te!id = Some(b', ty) -> exists b, f b = Some(b', 0) /\ e!id = Some(b, ty); me_flat: forall id b' ty b delta, te!id = Some(b', ty) -> f b = Some(b', delta) -> e!id = Some(b, ty) /\ delta = 0; me_incr: Ple lo hi; me_tincr: Ple tlo thi }. (** Invariance by change of memory and injection *) Lemma match_envs_invariant: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi f' m', match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> (forall b chunk v, f b = None -> Ple lo b /\ Plt b hi -> Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v -> Mem.load chunk m' b 0 = Some v) -> inject_incr f f' -> (forall b, Ple lo b /\ Plt b hi -> f' b = f b) -> (forall b b' delta, f' b = Some(b', delta) -> Ple tlo b' /\ Plt b' thi -> f' b = f b) -> match_envs f' cenv e le m' lo hi te tle tlo thi. Proof. intros until m'; intros ME LD INCR INV1 INV2. destruct ME; constructor; eauto. (* vars *) intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intros MV; inv MV. eapply match_var_lifted; eauto. rewrite <- MAPPED; eauto. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. (* temps *) intros. exploit me_temps0; eauto. intros [[v' [A B]] C]. split; auto. exists v'; eauto. (* mapped *) intros. exploit me_mapped0; eauto. intros [b [A B]]. exists b; split; auto. (* flat *) intros. eapply me_flat0; eauto. rewrite <- H0. symmetry. eapply INV2; eauto. Qed. (** Invariance by external call *) Lemma match_envs_extcall: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi tm f' m', match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> Mem.unchanged_on (loc_unmapped f) m m' -> inject_incr f f' -> inject_separated f f' m tm -> Ple hi (Mem.nextblock m) -> Ple thi (Mem.nextblock tm) -> match_envs f' cenv e le m' lo hi te tle tlo thi. Proof. intros. eapply match_envs_invariant; eauto. intros. eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto. red in H2. intros. destruct (f b) as [[b' delta]|] eqn:?. eapply H1; eauto. destruct (f' b) as [[b' delta]|] eqn:?; auto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block. intros [A B]. xomegaContradiction. intros. destruct (f b) as [[b'' delta']|] eqn:?. eauto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block. intros [A B]. xomegaContradiction. Qed. (** Properties of values obtained by casting to a given type. *) Inductive val_casted: val -> type -> Prop := | val_casted_int: forall sz si attr n, cast_int_int sz si n = n -> val_casted (Vint n) (Tint sz si attr) | val_casted_float: forall attr n, val_casted (Vfloat n) (Tfloat F64 attr) | val_casted_single: forall attr n, val_casted (Vsingle n) (Tfloat F32 attr) | val_casted_long: forall si attr n, val_casted (Vlong n) (Tlong si attr) | val_casted_ptr_ptr: forall b ofs ty attr, val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tpointer ty attr) | val_casted_int_ptr: forall n ty attr, val_casted (Vint n) (Tpointer ty attr) | val_casted_ptr_int: forall b ofs si attr, val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tint I32 si attr) | val_casted_struct: forall id attr b ofs, val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tstruct id attr) | val_casted_union: forall id attr b ofs, val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tunion id attr) | val_casted_void: forall v, val_casted v Tvoid. Remark cast_int_int_idem: forall sz sg i, cast_int_int sz sg (cast_int_int sz sg i) = cast_int_int sz sg i. Proof. intros. destruct sz; simpl; auto. destruct sg; [apply Int.sign_ext_idem|apply Int.zero_ext_idem]; compute; intuition congruence. destruct sg; [apply Int.sign_ext_idem|apply Int.zero_ext_idem]; compute; intuition congruence. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto. Qed. Lemma cast_val_is_casted: forall v ty ty' v', sem_cast v ty ty' = Some v' -> val_casted v' ty'. Proof. unfold sem_cast; intros. destruct ty'; simpl in *. (* void *) constructor. (* int *) destruct i; destruct ty; simpl in H; try (destruct f); try discriminate; destruct v; inv H. constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I8 s). constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I8 s). destruct (cast_single_int s f); inv H1. constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I8 s). destruct (cast_float_int s f); inv H1. constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I8 s). constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I16 s). constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I16 s). destruct (cast_single_int s f); inv H1. constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I16 s). destruct (cast_float_int s f); inv H1. constructor. apply (cast_int_int_idem I16 s). constructor. auto. constructor. constructor. auto. destruct (cast_single_int s f); inv H1. constructor. auto. destruct (cast_float_int s f); inv H1. constructor; auto. constructor; auto. constructor. constructor; auto. constructor. constructor; auto. constructor. constructor. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Int64.eq i Int64.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Float32.cmp Ceq f Float32.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto. constructor. simpl. destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto. (* long *) destruct ty; try (destruct f); try discriminate. destruct v; inv H. constructor. destruct v; inv H. constructor. destruct v; try discriminate. destruct (cast_single_long s f); inv H. constructor. destruct v; try discriminate. destruct (cast_float_long s f); inv H. constructor. destruct v; inv H. constructor. destruct v; inv H. constructor. destruct v; inv H. constructor. (* float *) destruct f; destruct ty; simpl in H; try (destruct f); try discriminate; destruct v; inv H; constructor. (* pointer *) destruct ty; simpl in H; try discriminate; destruct v; inv H; try constructor. (* impossible cases *) discriminate. discriminate. (* structs *) destruct ty; try discriminate; destruct v; try discriminate. destruct (ident_eq i0 i); inv H; constructor. (* unions *) destruct ty; try discriminate; destruct v; try discriminate. destruct (ident_eq i0 i); inv H; constructor. Qed. Lemma val_casted_load_result: forall v ty chunk, val_casted v ty -> access_mode ty = By_value chunk -> Val.load_result chunk v = v. Proof. intros. inversion H; clear H; subst v ty; simpl in H0. destruct sz. destruct si; inversion H0; clear H0; subst chunk; simpl in *; congruence. destruct si; inversion H0; clear H0; subst chunk; simpl in *; congruence. clear H1. inv H0. auto. inversion H0; clear H0; subst chunk. simpl in *. destruct (Int.eq n Int.zero); subst n; reflexivity. inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. discriminate. discriminate. discriminate. Qed. Lemma cast_val_casted: forall v ty, val_casted v ty -> sem_cast v ty ty = Some v. Proof. intros. inversion H; clear H; subst v ty; unfold sem_cast; simpl; auto. destruct sz; congruence. unfold proj_sumbool; repeat rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. unfold proj_sumbool; repeat rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. Qed. Lemma val_casted_inject: forall f v v' ty, Val.inject f v v' -> val_casted v ty -> val_casted v' ty. Proof. intros. inv H; auto. inv H0; constructor. inv H0; constructor. Qed. Lemma forall2_val_casted_inject: forall f vl vl', Val.inject_list f vl vl' -> forall tyl, list_forall2 val_casted vl tyl -> list_forall2 val_casted vl' tyl. Proof. induction 1; intros tyl F; inv F; constructor; eauto. eapply val_casted_inject; eauto. Qed. Inductive val_casted_list: list val -> typelist -> Prop := | vcl_nil: val_casted_list nil Tnil | vcl_cons: forall v1 vl ty1 tyl, val_casted v1 ty1 -> val_casted_list vl tyl -> val_casted_list (v1 :: vl) (Tcons ty1 tyl). Lemma val_casted_list_params: forall params vl, val_casted_list vl (type_of_params params) -> list_forall2 val_casted vl (map snd params). Proof. induction params; simpl; intros. inv H. constructor. destruct a as [id ty]. inv H. constructor; auto. Qed. (** Correctness of [make_cast] *) Lemma make_cast_correct: forall e le m a v1 tto v2, eval_expr tge e le m a v1 -> sem_cast v1 (typeof a) tto = Some v2 -> eval_expr tge e le m (make_cast a tto) v2. Proof. intros. assert (DFL: eval_expr tge e le m (Ecast a tto) v2). econstructor; eauto. unfold sem_cast, make_cast in *. destruct (classify_cast (typeof a) tto); auto. destruct v1; inv H0; auto. destruct sz2; auto. destruct v1; inv H0; auto. destruct v1; inv H0; auto. destruct v1; inv H0; auto. destruct v1; inv H0; auto. destruct v1; try discriminate. destruct (ident_eq id1 id2); inv H0; auto. destruct v1; try discriminate. destruct (ident_eq id1 id2); inv H0; auto. inv H0; auto. Qed. (** Debug annotations. *) Lemma cast_typeconv: forall v ty, val_casted v ty -> sem_cast v ty (typeconv ty) = Some v. Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto. - destruct sz; auto. - unfold sem_cast. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. - unfold sem_cast. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. Qed. Lemma step_Sdebug_temp: forall f id ty k e le m v, le!id = Some v -> val_casted v ty -> step2 tge (State f (Sdebug_temp id ty) k e le m) E0 (State f Sskip k e le m). Proof. intros. unfold Sdebug_temp. eapply step_builtin with (optid := None). econstructor. constructor. eauto. simpl. eapply cast_typeconv; eauto. constructor. simpl. constructor. Qed. Lemma step_Sdebug_var: forall f id ty k e le m b, e!id = Some(b, ty) -> step2 tge (State f (Sdebug_var id ty) k e le m) E0 (State f Sskip k e le m). Proof. intros. unfold Sdebug_var. eapply step_builtin with (optid := None). econstructor. constructor. constructor. eauto. simpl. reflexivity. constructor. simpl. constructor. Qed. Lemma step_Sset_debug: forall f id ty a k e le m v v', eval_expr tge e le m a v -> sem_cast v (typeof a) ty = Some v' -> plus step2 tge (State f (Sset_debug id ty a) k e le m) E0 (State f Sskip k e (PTree.set id v' le) m). Proof. intros; unfold Sset_debug. assert (forall k, step2 tge (State f (Sset id (make_cast a ty)) k e le m) E0 (State f Sskip k e (PTree.set id v' le) m)). { intros. apply step_set. eapply make_cast_correct; eauto. } destruct (Compopts.debug tt). - eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_left. apply H1. eapply star_left. constructor. apply star_one. apply step_Sdebug_temp with (v := v'). apply PTree.gss. eapply cast_val_is_casted; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. - apply plus_one. apply H1. Qed. Lemma step_add_debug_vars: forall f s e le m vars k, (forall id ty, In (id, ty) vars -> exists b, e!id = Some (b, ty)) -> star step2 tge (State f (add_debug_vars vars s) k e le m) E0 (State f s k e le m). Proof. unfold add_debug_vars. destruct (Compopts.debug tt). - induction vars; simpl; intros. + apply star_refl. + destruct a as [id ty]. exploit H; eauto. intros (b & TE). simpl. eapply star_left. constructor. eapply star_left. eapply step_Sdebug_var; eauto. eapply star_left. constructor. apply IHvars; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. - intros. apply star_refl. Qed. Remark bind_parameter_temps_inv: forall id params args le le', bind_parameter_temps params args le = Some le' -> ~In id (var_names params) -> le'!id = le!id. Proof. induction params; simpl; intros. destruct args; inv H. auto. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. destruct args; try discriminate. transitivity ((PTree.set id1 v le)!id). eapply IHparams; eauto. apply PTree.gso. intuition. Qed. Lemma step_add_debug_params: forall f s k e le m params vl le1, list_norepet (var_names params) -> list_forall2 val_casted vl (map snd params) -> bind_parameter_temps params vl le1 = Some le -> star step2 tge (State f (add_debug_params params s) k e le m) E0 (State f s k e le m). Proof. unfold add_debug_params. destruct (Compopts.debug tt). - induction params as [ | [id ty] params ]; simpl; intros until le1; intros NR CAST BIND; inv CAST; inv NR. + apply star_refl. + assert (le!id = Some a1). { erewrite bind_parameter_temps_inv by eauto. apply PTree.gss. } eapply star_left. constructor. eapply star_left. eapply step_Sdebug_temp; eauto. eapply star_left. constructor. eapply IHparams; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity. - intros; apply star_refl. Qed. (** Preservation by assignment to lifted variable. *) Lemma match_envs_assign_lifted: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi b ty v m' id tv, match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> e!id = Some(b, ty) -> val_casted v ty -> Val.inject f v tv -> assign_loc ge ty m b Int.zero v m' -> VSet.mem id cenv = true -> match_envs f cenv e le m' lo hi te (PTree.set id tv tle) tlo thi. Proof. intros. destruct H. generalize (me_vars0 id); intros MV; inv MV; try congruence. rewrite ENV in H0; inv H0. inv H3; try congruence. unfold Mem.storev in H0. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero in H0. constructor; eauto; intros. (* vars *) destruct (peq id0 id). subst id0. eapply match_var_lifted with (v := v); eauto. exploit Mem.load_store_same; eauto. erewrite val_casted_load_result; eauto. apply PTree.gss. generalize (me_vars0 id0); intros MV; inv MV. eapply match_var_lifted; eauto. rewrite <- LOAD0. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. (* temps *) exploit me_temps0; eauto. intros [[tv1 [A B]] C]. split; auto. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). subst id0. exists tv; split; auto. rewrite C; auto. exists tv1; auto. Qed. (** Preservation by assignment to a temporary *) Lemma match_envs_set_temp: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi id v tv x, match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> Val.inject f v tv -> check_temp cenv id = OK x -> match_envs f cenv e (PTree.set id v le) m lo hi te (PTree.set id tv tle) tlo thi. Proof. intros. unfold check_temp in H1. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv) eqn:?; monadInv H1. destruct H. constructor; eauto; intros. (* vars *) generalize (me_vars0 id0); intros MV; inv MV. eapply match_var_lifted; eauto. rewrite PTree.gso. eauto. congruence. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. (* temps *) rewrite PTree.gsspec in *. destruct (peq id0 id). inv H. split. exists tv; auto. intros; congruence. eapply me_temps0; eauto. Qed. Lemma match_envs_set_opttemp: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi optid v tv x, match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> Val.inject f v tv -> check_opttemp cenv optid = OK x -> match_envs f cenv e (set_opttemp optid v le) m lo hi te (set_opttemp optid tv tle) tlo thi. Proof. intros. unfold set_opttemp. destruct optid; simpl in H1. eapply match_envs_set_temp; eauto. auto. Qed. (** Extensionality with respect to temporaries *) Lemma match_envs_temps_exten: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi tle', match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> (forall id, tle'!id = tle!id) -> match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle' tlo thi. Proof. intros. destruct H. constructor; auto; intros. (* vars *) generalize (me_vars0 id); intros MV; inv MV. eapply match_var_lifted; eauto. rewrite H0; auto. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. (* temps *) rewrite H0. eauto. Qed. (** Invariance by assignment to an irrelevant temporary *) Lemma match_envs_change_temp: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi id v, match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> le!id = None -> VSet.mem id cenv = false -> match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te (PTree.set id v tle) tlo thi. Proof. intros. destruct H. constructor; auto; intros. (* vars *) generalize (me_vars0 id0); intros MV; inv MV. eapply match_var_lifted; eauto. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. (* temps *) rewrite PTree.gso. eauto. congruence. Qed. (** Properties of [cenv_for]. *) Definition cenv_for_gen (atk: VSet.t) (vars: list (ident * type)) : compilenv := List.fold_right (add_local_variable atk) VSet.empty vars. Remark add_local_variable_charact: forall id ty atk cenv id1, VSet.In id1 (add_local_variable atk (id, ty) cenv) <-> VSet.In id1 cenv \/ exists chunk, access_mode ty = By_value chunk /\ id = id1 /\ VSet.mem id atk = false. Proof. intros. unfold add_local_variable. split; intros. destruct (access_mode ty) eqn:?; auto. destruct (VSet.mem id atk) eqn:?; auto. rewrite VSF.add_iff in H. destruct H; auto. right; exists m; auto. destruct H as [A | [chunk [A [B C]]]]. destruct (access_mode ty); auto. destruct (VSet.mem id atk); auto. rewrite VSF.add_iff; auto. rewrite A. rewrite <- B. rewrite C. apply VSet.add_1; auto. Qed. Lemma cenv_for_gen_domain: forall atk id vars, VSet.In id (cenv_for_gen atk vars) -> In id (var_names vars). Proof. induction vars; simpl; intros. rewrite VSF.empty_iff in H. auto. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. rewrite add_local_variable_charact in H. destruct H as [A | [chunk [A [B C]]]]; auto. Qed. Lemma cenv_for_gen_by_value: forall atk id ty vars, In (id, ty) vars -> list_norepet (var_names vars) -> VSet.In id (cenv_for_gen atk vars) -> exists chunk, access_mode ty = By_value chunk. Proof. induction vars; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. simpl in H0. inv H0. rewrite add_local_variable_charact in H1. destruct H; destruct H1 as [A | [chunk [A [B C]]]]. inv H. elim H4. eapply cenv_for_gen_domain; eauto. inv H. exists chunk; auto. eauto. subst id1. elim H4. change id with (fst (id, ty)). apply in_map; auto. Qed. Lemma cenv_for_gen_compat: forall atk id vars, VSet.In id (cenv_for_gen atk vars) -> VSet.mem id atk = false. Proof. induction vars; simpl; intros. rewrite VSF.empty_iff in H. contradiction. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. rewrite add_local_variable_charact in H. destruct H as [A | [chunk [A [B C]]]]. auto. congruence. Qed. (** Compatibility between a compilation environment and an address-taken set. *) Definition compat_cenv (atk: VSet.t) (cenv: compilenv) : Prop := forall id, VSet.In id atk -> VSet.In id cenv -> False. Lemma compat_cenv_for: forall f, compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt f.(fn_body)) (cenv_for f). Proof. intros; red; intros. assert (VSet.mem id (addr_taken_stmt (fn_body f)) = false). eapply cenv_for_gen_compat. eexact H0. rewrite VSF.mem_iff in H. congruence. Qed. Lemma compat_cenv_union_l: forall atk1 atk2 cenv, compat_cenv (VSet.union atk1 atk2) cenv -> compat_cenv atk1 cenv. Proof. intros; red; intros. eapply H; eauto. apply VSet.union_2; auto. Qed. Lemma compat_cenv_union_r: forall atk1 atk2 cenv, compat_cenv (VSet.union atk1 atk2) cenv -> compat_cenv atk2 cenv. Proof. intros; red; intros. eapply H; eauto. apply VSet.union_3; auto. Qed. Lemma compat_cenv_empty: forall cenv, compat_cenv VSet.empty cenv. Proof. intros; red; intros. eapply VSet.empty_1; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve compat_cenv_union_l compat_cenv_union_r compat_cenv_empty: compat. (** Allocation and initialization of parameters *) Lemma alloc_variables_nextblock: forall ge e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> Ple (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m'). Proof. induction 1. apply Ple_refl. eapply Ple_trans; eauto. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. intros EQ; rewrite EQ. apply Ple_succ. Qed. Lemma alloc_variables_range: forall ge id b ty e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> e'!id = Some(b, ty) -> e!id = Some(b, ty) \/ Ple (Mem.nextblock m) b /\ Plt b (Mem.nextblock m'). Proof. induction 1; intros. auto. exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto. rewrite PTree.gsspec. intros [A|A]. destruct (peq id id0). inv A. right. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. generalize (alloc_variables_nextblock _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). intros A B C. subst b. split. apply Ple_refl. eapply Plt_le_trans; eauto. rewrite B. apply Plt_succ. auto. right. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. intros B. rewrite B in A. xomega. Qed. Lemma alloc_variables_injective: forall ge id1 b1 ty1 id2 b2 ty2 e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> (e!id1 = Some(b1, ty1) -> e!id2 = Some(b2, ty2) -> id1 <> id2 -> b1 <> b2) -> (forall id b ty, e!id = Some(b, ty) -> Plt b (Mem.nextblock m)) -> (e'!id1 = Some(b1, ty1) -> e'!id2 = Some(b2, ty2) -> id1 <> id2 -> b1 <> b2). Proof. induction 1; intros. eauto. eapply IHalloc_variables; eauto. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec; intros. destruct (peq id1 id); destruct (peq id2 id). congruence. inv H6. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold block; xomega. inv H7. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold block; xomega. eauto. intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H6. destruct (peq id0 id). inv H6. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. unfold block; xomega. exploit H2; eauto. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. unfold block; xomega. Qed. Lemma match_alloc_variables: forall cenv e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> forall j tm te, list_norepet (var_names vars) -> Mem.inject j m tm -> exists j', exists te', exists tm', alloc_variables tge te tm (remove_lifted cenv vars) te' tm' /\ Mem.inject j' m' tm' /\ inject_incr j j' /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m b -> j' b = j b) /\ (forall b b' delta, j' b = Some(b', delta) -> Mem.valid_block tm b' -> j' b = j b) /\ (forall b b' delta, j' b = Some(b', delta) -> ~Mem.valid_block tm b' -> exists id, exists ty, e'!id = Some(b, ty) /\ te'!id = Some(b', ty) /\ delta = 0) /\ (forall id ty, In (id, ty) vars -> exists b, e'!id = Some(b, ty) /\ if VSet.mem id cenv then te'!id = te!id /\ j' b = None else exists tb, te'!id = Some(tb, ty) /\ j' b = Some(tb, 0)) /\ (forall id, ~In id (var_names vars) -> e'!id = e!id /\ te'!id = te!id). Proof. induction 1; intros. (* base case *) exists j; exists te; exists tm. simpl. split. constructor. split. auto. split. auto. split. auto. split. auto. split. intros. elim H2. eapply Mem.mi_mappedblocks; eauto. split. tauto. auto. (* inductive case *) simpl in H1. inv H1. simpl. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv) eqn:?. simpl. (* variable is lifted out of memory *) exploit Mem.alloc_left_unmapped_inject; eauto. intros [j1 [A [B [C D]]]]. exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto. instantiate (1 := te). intros [j' [te' [tm' [J [K [L [M [N [Q [O P]]]]]]]]]]. exists j'; exists te'; exists tm'. split. auto. split. auto. split. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. split. intros. transitivity (j1 b). apply M. eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc; eauto. apply D. apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m; auto. eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc; eauto. split. intros. transitivity (j1 b). eapply N; eauto. destruct (eq_block b b1); auto. subst. assert (j' b1 = j1 b1). apply M. eapply Mem.valid_new_block; eauto. congruence. split. exact Q. split. intros. destruct (ident_eq id0 id). (* same var *) subst id0. assert (ty0 = ty). destruct H1. congruence. elim H5. unfold var_names. change id with (fst (id, ty0)). apply in_map; auto. subst ty0. exploit P; eauto. intros [X Y]. rewrite Heqb. rewrite X. rewrite Y. exists b1. split. apply PTree.gss. split. auto. rewrite M. auto. eapply Mem.valid_new_block; eauto. (* other vars *) eapply O; eauto. destruct H1. congruence. auto. intros. exploit (P id0). tauto. intros [X Y]. rewrite X; rewrite Y. split; auto. apply PTree.gso. intuition. (* variable is not lifted out of memory *) exploit Mem.alloc_parallel_inject. eauto. eauto. apply Zle_refl. apply Zle_refl. intros [j1 [tm1 [tb1 [A [B [C [D E]]]]]]]. exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto. instantiate (1 := PTree.set id (tb1, ty) te). intros [j' [te' [tm' [J [K [L [M [N [Q [O P]]]]]]]]]]. exists j'; exists te'; exists tm'. split. simpl. econstructor; eauto. rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. split. auto. split. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. split. intros. transitivity (j1 b). apply M. eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc; eauto. apply E. apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m; auto. eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc; eauto. split. intros. transitivity (j1 b). eapply N; eauto. eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc; eauto. destruct (eq_block b b1); auto. subst. assert (j' b1 = j1 b1). apply M. eapply Mem.valid_new_block; eauto. rewrite H4 in H1. rewrite D in H1. inv H1. eelim Mem.fresh_block_alloc; eauto. split. intros. destruct (eq_block b' tb1). subst b'. rewrite (N _ _ _ H1) in H1. destruct (eq_block b b1). subst b. rewrite D in H1; inv H1. exploit (P id); auto. intros [X Y]. exists id; exists ty. rewrite X; rewrite Y. repeat rewrite PTree.gss. auto. rewrite E in H1; auto. elim H3. eapply Mem.mi_mappedblocks; eauto. eapply Mem.valid_new_block; eauto. eapply Q; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block in *. exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc. eexact A. exploit Mem.alloc_result. eexact A. unfold block; xomega. split. intros. destruct (ident_eq id0 id). (* same var *) subst id0. assert (ty0 = ty). destruct H1. congruence. elim H5. unfold var_names. change id with (fst (id, ty0)). apply in_map; auto. subst ty0. exploit P; eauto. intros [X Y]. rewrite Heqb. rewrite X. rewrite Y. exists b1. split. apply PTree.gss. exists tb1; split. apply PTree.gss. rewrite M. auto. eapply Mem.valid_new_block; eauto. (* other vars *) exploit (O id0 ty0). destruct H1. congruence. auto. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. intros. exploit (P id0). tauto. intros [X Y]. rewrite X; rewrite Y. split; apply PTree.gso; intuition. Qed. Lemma alloc_variables_load: forall e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> forall chunk b ofs v, Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Some v. Proof. induction 1; intros. auto. apply IHalloc_variables. eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto. Qed. Lemma sizeof_by_value: forall ty chunk, access_mode ty = By_value chunk -> size_chunk chunk <= sizeof ge ty. Proof. unfold access_mode; intros. assert (size_chunk chunk = sizeof ge ty). { destruct ty; try destruct i; try destruct s; try destruct f; inv H; auto. } omega. Qed. Definition env_initial_value (e: env) (m: mem) := forall id b ty chunk, e!id = Some(b, ty) -> access_mode ty = By_value chunk -> Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some Vundef. Lemma alloc_variables_initial_value: forall e m vars e' m', alloc_variables ge e m vars e' m' -> env_initial_value e m -> env_initial_value e' m'. Proof. induction 1; intros. auto. apply IHalloc_variables. red; intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq id0 id). inv H2. eapply Mem.load_alloc_same'; eauto. omega. rewrite Zplus_0_l. eapply sizeof_by_value; eauto. apply Zdivide_0. eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto. Qed. Lemma create_undef_temps_charact: forall id ty vars, In (id, ty) vars -> (create_undef_temps vars)!id = Some Vundef. Proof. induction vars; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct H. subst a. apply PTree.gss. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id id1); auto. Qed. Lemma create_undef_temps_inv: forall vars id v, (create_undef_temps vars)!id = Some v -> v = Vundef /\ In id (var_names vars). Proof. induction vars; simpl; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H; congruence. destruct a as [id1 ty1]. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq id id1). inv H. auto. exploit IHvars; eauto. tauto. Qed. Lemma create_undef_temps_exten: forall id l1 l2, (In id (var_names l1) <-> In id (var_names l2)) -> (create_undef_temps l1)!id = (create_undef_temps l2)!id. Proof. assert (forall id l1 l2, (In id (var_names l1) -> In id (var_names l2)) -> (create_undef_temps l1)!id = None \/ (create_undef_temps l1)!id = (create_undef_temps l2)!id). intros. destruct ((create_undef_temps l1)!id) as [v1|] eqn:?; auto. exploit create_undef_temps_inv; eauto. intros [A B]. subst v1. exploit list_in_map_inv. unfold var_names in H. apply H. eexact B. intros [[id1 ty1] [P Q]]. simpl in P; subst id1. right; symmetry; eapply create_undef_temps_charact; eauto. intros. exploit (H id l1 l2). tauto. exploit (H id l2 l1). tauto. intuition congruence. Qed. Remark var_names_app: forall vars1 vars2, var_names (vars1 ++ vars2) = var_names vars1 ++ var_names vars2. Proof. intros. apply map_app. Qed. Remark filter_app: forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) l1 l2, List.filter f (l1 ++ l2) = List.filter f l1 ++ List.filter f l2. Proof. induction l1; simpl; intros. auto. destruct (f a). simpl. decEq; auto. auto. Qed. Remark filter_charact: forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) x l, In x (List.filter f l) <-> In x l /\ f x = true. Proof. induction l; simpl. tauto. destruct (f a) eqn:?. simpl. rewrite IHl. intuition congruence. intuition congruence. Qed. Remark filter_norepet: forall (A: Type) (f: A -> bool) l, list_norepet l -> list_norepet (List.filter f l). Proof. induction 1; simpl. constructor. destruct (f hd); auto. constructor; auto. rewrite filter_charact. tauto. Qed. Remark filter_map: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (pa: A -> bool) (pb: B -> bool), (forall a, pb (f a) = pa a) -> forall l, List.map f (List.filter pa l) = List.filter pb (List.map f l). Proof. induction l; simpl. auto. rewrite H. destruct (pa a); simpl; congruence. Qed. Lemma create_undef_temps_lifted: forall id f, ~ In id (var_names (fn_params f)) -> (create_undef_temps (add_lifted (cenv_for f) (fn_vars f) (fn_temps f))) ! id = (create_undef_temps (add_lifted (cenv_for f) (fn_params f ++ fn_vars f) (fn_temps f))) ! id. Proof. intros. apply create_undef_temps_exten. unfold add_lifted. rewrite filter_app. unfold var_names in *. repeat rewrite map_app. repeat rewrite in_app. intuition. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id1 ty1] [P Q]]. simpl in P. subst id. rewrite filter_charact in Q. destruct Q. elim H. change id1 with (fst (id1, ty1)). apply List.in_map. auto. Qed. Lemma vars_and_temps_properties: forall cenv params vars temps, list_norepet (var_names params ++ var_names vars) -> list_disjoint (var_names params) (var_names temps) -> list_norepet (var_names params) /\ list_norepet (var_names (remove_lifted cenv (params ++ vars))) /\ list_disjoint (var_names params) (var_names (add_lifted cenv vars temps)). Proof. intros. rewrite list_norepet_app in H. destruct H as [A [B C]]. split. auto. split. unfold remove_lifted. unfold var_names. erewrite filter_map. instantiate (1 := fun a => negb (VSet.mem a cenv)). 2: auto. apply filter_norepet. rewrite map_app. apply list_norepet_append; assumption. unfold add_lifted. rewrite var_names_app. unfold var_names at 2. erewrite filter_map. instantiate (1 := fun a => VSet.mem a cenv). 2: auto. change (map fst vars) with (var_names vars). red; intros. rewrite in_app in H1. destruct H1. rewrite filter_charact in H1. destruct H1. apply C; auto. apply H0; auto. Qed. Theorem match_envs_alloc_variables: forall cenv m vars e m' temps j tm, alloc_variables ge empty_env m vars e m' -> list_norepet (var_names vars) -> Mem.inject j m tm -> (forall id ty, In (id, ty) vars -> VSet.mem id cenv = true -> exists chunk, access_mode ty = By_value chunk) -> (forall id, VSet.mem id cenv = true -> In id (var_names vars)) -> exists j', exists te, exists tm', alloc_variables tge empty_env tm (remove_lifted cenv vars) te tm' /\ match_envs j' cenv e (create_undef_temps temps) m' (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m') te (create_undef_temps (add_lifted cenv vars temps)) (Mem.nextblock tm) (Mem.nextblock tm') /\ Mem.inject j' m' tm' /\ inject_incr j j' /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m b -> j' b = j b) /\ (forall b b' delta, j' b = Some(b', delta) -> Mem.valid_block tm b' -> j' b = j b) /\ (forall id ty, In (id, ty) vars -> VSet.mem id cenv = false -> exists b, te!id = Some(b, ty)). Proof. intros. exploit (match_alloc_variables cenv); eauto. instantiate (1 := empty_env). intros [j' [te [tm' [A [B [C [D [E [K [F G]]]]]]]]]]. exists j'; exists te; exists tm'. split. auto. split; auto. constructor; intros. (* vars *) destruct (In_dec ident_eq id (var_names vars)). unfold var_names in i. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id' ty] [EQ IN]]; simpl in EQ; subst id'. exploit F; eauto. intros [b [P R]]. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv) eqn:?. (* local var, lifted *) destruct R as [U V]. exploit H2; eauto. intros [chunk X]. eapply match_var_lifted with (v := Vundef) (tv := Vundef); eauto. rewrite U; apply PTree.gempty. eapply alloc_variables_initial_value; eauto. red. unfold empty_env; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H4; congruence. apply create_undef_temps_charact with ty. unfold add_lifted. apply in_or_app. left. rewrite filter_In. auto. (* local var, not lifted *) destruct R as [tb [U V]]. eapply match_var_not_lifted; eauto. (* non-local var *) exploit G; eauto. unfold empty_env. rewrite PTree.gempty. intros [U V]. eapply match_var_not_local; eauto. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv) eqn:?; auto. elim n; eauto. (* temps *) exploit create_undef_temps_inv; eauto. intros [P Q]. subst v. unfold var_names in Q. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id1 ty] [EQ IN]]; simpl in EQ; subst id1. split; auto. exists Vundef; split; auto. apply create_undef_temps_charact with ty. unfold add_lifted. apply in_or_app; auto. (* injective *) eapply alloc_variables_injective. eexact H. rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence. intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H7. congruence. eauto. eauto. auto. (* range *) exploit alloc_variables_range. eexact H. eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty. intuition congruence. (* trange *) exploit alloc_variables_range. eexact A. eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty. intuition congruence. (* mapped *) destruct (In_dec ident_eq id (var_names vars)). unfold var_names in i. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id' ty'] [EQ IN]]; simpl in EQ; subst id'. exploit F; eauto. intros [b [P Q]]. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv). rewrite PTree.gempty in Q. destruct Q; congruence. destruct Q as [tb [U V]]. exists b; split; congruence. exploit G; eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty. intuition congruence. (* flat *) exploit alloc_variables_range. eexact A. eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty. intros [P|P]. congruence. exploit K; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block. xomega. intros [id0 [ty0 [U [V W]]]]. split; auto. destruct (ident_eq id id0). congruence. assert (b' <> b'). eapply alloc_variables_injective with (e' := te) (id1 := id) (id2 := id0); eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty; congruence. intros until ty1; rewrite PTree.gempty; congruence. congruence. (* incr *) eapply alloc_variables_nextblock; eauto. eapply alloc_variables_nextblock; eauto. (* other properties *) intuition auto. edestruct F as (b & X & Y); eauto. rewrite H5 in Y. destruct Y as (tb & U & V). exists tb; auto. Qed. Lemma assign_loc_inject: forall f ty m loc ofs v m' tm loc' ofs' v', assign_loc ge ty m loc ofs v m' -> Val.inject f (Vptr loc ofs) (Vptr loc' ofs') -> Val.inject f v v' -> Mem.inject f m tm -> exists tm', assign_loc tge ty tm loc' ofs' v' tm' /\ Mem.inject f m' tm' /\ (forall b chunk v, f b = None -> Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v -> Mem.load chunk m' b 0 = Some v). Proof. intros. inv H. - (* by value *) exploit Mem.storev_mapped_inject; eauto. intros [tm' [A B]]. exists tm'; split. eapply assign_loc_value; eauto. split. auto. intros. rewrite <- H5. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. left. inv H0. congruence. - (* by copy *) inv H0. inv H1. rename b' into bsrc. rename ofs'0 into osrc. rename loc into bdst. rename ofs into odst. rename loc' into bdst'. rename b2 into bsrc'. rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. destruct (zeq (sizeof tge ty) 0). + (* special case size = 0 *) assert (bytes = nil). { exploit (Mem.loadbytes_empty m bsrc (Int.unsigned osrc) (sizeof tge ty)). omega. congruence. } subst. destruct (Mem.range_perm_storebytes tm bdst' (Int.unsigned (Int.add odst (Int.repr delta))) nil) as [tm' SB]. simpl. red; intros; omegaContradiction. exists tm'. split. eapply assign_loc_copy; eauto. intros; omegaContradiction. intros; omegaContradiction. rewrite e; right; omega. apply Mem.loadbytes_empty. omega. split. eapply Mem.storebytes_empty_inject; eauto. intros. rewrite <- H0. eapply Mem.load_storebytes_other; eauto. left. congruence. + (* general case size > 0 *) exploit Mem.loadbytes_length; eauto. intros LEN. assert (SZPOS: sizeof tge ty > 0). { generalize (sizeof_pos tge ty); omega. } assert (RPSRC: Mem.range_perm m bsrc (Int.unsigned osrc) (Int.unsigned osrc + sizeof tge ty) Cur Nonempty). eapply Mem.range_perm_implies. eapply Mem.loadbytes_range_perm; eauto. auto with mem. assert (RPDST: Mem.range_perm m bdst (Int.unsigned odst) (Int.unsigned odst + sizeof tge ty) Cur Nonempty). replace (sizeof tge ty) with (Z_of_nat (length bytes)). eapply Mem.range_perm_implies. eapply Mem.storebytes_range_perm; eauto. auto with mem. rewrite LEN. apply nat_of_Z_eq. omega. assert (PSRC: Mem.perm m bsrc (Int.unsigned osrc) Cur Nonempty). apply RPSRC. omega. assert (PDST: Mem.perm m bdst (Int.unsigned odst) Cur Nonempty). apply RPDST. omega. exploit Mem.address_inject. eauto. eexact PSRC. eauto. intros EQ1. exploit Mem.address_inject. eauto. eexact PDST. eauto. intros EQ2. exploit Mem.loadbytes_inject; eauto. intros [bytes2 [A B]]. exploit Mem.storebytes_mapped_inject; eauto. intros [tm' [C D]]. exists tm'. split. eapply assign_loc_copy; try rewrite EQ1; try rewrite EQ2; eauto. intros; eapply Mem.aligned_area_inject with (m := m); eauto. apply alignof_blockcopy_1248. apply sizeof_alignof_blockcopy_compat. intros; eapply Mem.aligned_area_inject with (m := m); eauto. apply alignof_blockcopy_1248. apply sizeof_alignof_blockcopy_compat. eapply Mem.disjoint_or_equal_inject with (m := m); eauto. apply Mem.range_perm_max with Cur; auto. apply Mem.range_perm_max with Cur; auto. split. auto. intros. rewrite <- H0. eapply Mem.load_storebytes_other; eauto. left. congruence. Qed. Lemma assign_loc_nextblock: forall ge ty m b ofs v m', assign_loc ge ty m b ofs v m' -> Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m. Proof. induction 1. simpl in H0. eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto. eapply Mem.nextblock_storebytes; eauto. Qed. Theorem store_params_correct: forall j f k cenv le lo hi te tlo thi e m params args m', bind_parameters ge e m params args m' -> forall s tm tle1 tle2 targs, list_norepet (var_names params) -> list_forall2 val_casted args (map snd params) -> Val.inject_list j args targs -> match_envs j cenv e le m lo hi te tle1 tlo thi -> Mem.inject j m tm -> (forall id, ~In id (var_names params) -> tle2!id = tle1!id) -> (forall id, In id (var_names params) -> le!id = None) -> exists tle, exists tm', star step2 tge (State f (store_params cenv params s) k te tle tm) E0 (State f s k te tle tm') /\ bind_parameter_temps params targs tle2 = Some tle /\ Mem.inject j m' tm' /\ match_envs j cenv e le m' lo hi te tle tlo thi /\ Mem.nextblock tm' = Mem.nextblock tm. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros until targs; intros NOREPET CASTED VINJ MENV MINJ TLE LE. (* base case *) inv VINJ. exists tle2; exists tm; split. apply star_refl. split. auto. split. auto. split. apply match_envs_temps_exten with tle1; auto. auto. (* inductive case *) inv NOREPET. inv CASTED. inv VINJ. exploit me_vars; eauto. instantiate (1 := id); intros MV. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv) eqn:?. (* lifted to temp *) eapply IHbind_parameters with (tle1 := PTree.set id v' tle1); eauto. eapply match_envs_assign_lifted; eauto. inv MV; try congruence. rewrite ENV in H; inv H. inv H0; try congruence. unfold Mem.storev in H2. eapply Mem.store_unmapped_inject; eauto. intros. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). auto. apply TLE. intuition. (* still in memory *) inv MV; try congruence. rewrite ENV in H; inv H. exploit assign_loc_inject; eauto. intros [tm1 [A [B C]]]. exploit IHbind_parameters. eauto. eauto. eauto. instantiate (1 := PTree.set id v' tle1). apply match_envs_change_temp. eapply match_envs_invariant; eauto. apply LE; auto. auto. eauto. instantiate (1 := PTree.set id v' tle2). intros. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). auto. apply TLE. intuition. intros. apply LE. auto. instantiate (1 := s). intros [tle [tm' [U [V [X [Y Z]]]]]]. exists tle; exists tm'; split. eapply star_trans. eapply star_left. econstructor. eapply star_left. econstructor. eapply eval_Evar_local. eauto. eapply eval_Etempvar. erewrite bind_parameter_temps_inv; eauto. apply PTree.gss. simpl. instantiate (1 := v'). apply cast_val_casted. eapply val_casted_inject with (v := v1); eauto. simpl. eexact A. apply star_one. constructor. reflexivity. reflexivity. eexact U. traceEq. rewrite (assign_loc_nextblock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A) in Z. auto. Qed. Lemma bind_parameters_nextblock: forall ge e m params args m', bind_parameters ge e m params args m' -> Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m. Proof. induction 1. auto. rewrite IHbind_parameters. eapply assign_loc_nextblock; eauto. Qed. Lemma bind_parameters_load: forall ge e chunk b ofs, (forall id b' ty, e!id = Some(b', ty) -> b <> b') -> forall m params args m', bind_parameters ge e m params args m' -> Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Mem.load chunk m b ofs. Proof. induction 2. auto. rewrite IHbind_parameters. assert (b <> b0) by eauto. inv H1. simpl in H5. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. eapply Mem.load_storebytes_other; eauto. Qed. (** Freeing of local variables *) Lemma free_blocks_of_env_perm_1: forall ce m e m' id b ty ofs k p, Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env ce e) = Some m' -> e!id = Some(b, ty) -> Mem.perm m' b ofs k p -> 0 <= ofs < sizeof ce ty -> False. Proof. intros. exploit Mem.perm_free_list; eauto. intros [A B]. apply B with 0 (sizeof ce ty); auto. unfold blocks_of_env. change (b, 0, sizeof ce ty) with (block_of_binding ce (id, (b, ty))). apply in_map. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. Qed. Lemma free_list_perm': forall b lo hi l m m', Mem.free_list m l = Some m' -> In (b, lo, hi) l -> Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur Freeable. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct a as [[b1 lo1] hi1]. destruct (Mem.free m b1 lo1 hi1) as [m1|] eqn:?; try discriminate. destruct H0. inv H0. eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto. red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto. eapply IHl; eauto. Qed. Lemma free_blocks_of_env_perm_2: forall ce m e m' id b ty, Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env ce e) = Some m' -> e!id = Some(b, ty) -> Mem.range_perm m b 0 (sizeof ce ty) Cur Freeable. Proof. intros. eapply free_list_perm'; eauto. unfold blocks_of_env. change (b, 0, sizeof ce ty) with (block_of_binding ce (id, (b, ty))). apply in_map. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. Qed. Fixpoint freelist_no_overlap (l: list (block * Z * Z)) : Prop := match l with | nil => True | (b, lo, hi) :: l' => freelist_no_overlap l' /\ (forall b' lo' hi', In (b', lo', hi') l' -> b' <> b \/ hi' <= lo \/ hi <= lo') end. Lemma can_free_list: forall l m, (forall b lo hi, In (b, lo, hi) l -> Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur Freeable) -> freelist_no_overlap l -> exists m', Mem.free_list m l = Some m'. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. - exists m; auto. - destruct a as [[b lo] hi]. destruct H0. destruct (Mem.range_perm_free m b lo hi) as [m1 A]; auto. rewrite A. apply IHl; auto. intros. red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. exploit H1; eauto. intros [B|B]. auto. right; omega. eapply H; eauto. Qed. Lemma blocks_of_env_no_overlap: forall (ge: genv) j cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi tm, match_envs j cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> Mem.inject j m tm -> (forall id b ty, e!id = Some(b, ty) -> Mem.range_perm m b 0 (sizeof ge ty) Cur Freeable) -> forall l, list_norepet (List.map fst l) -> (forall id bty, In (id, bty) l -> te!id = Some bty) -> freelist_no_overlap (List.map (block_of_binding ge) l). Proof. intros until tm; intros ME MINJ PERMS. induction l; simpl; intros. - auto. - destruct a as [id [b ty]]. simpl in *. inv H. split. + apply IHl; auto. + intros. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id' [b'' ty']] [A B]]. simpl in A. inv A. rename b'' into b'. assert (TE: te!id = Some(b, ty)) by eauto. assert (TE': te!id' = Some(b', ty')) by eauto. exploit me_mapped. eauto. eexact TE. intros [b0 [INJ E]]. exploit me_mapped. eauto. eexact TE'. intros [b0' [INJ' E']]. destruct (zle (sizeof ge0 ty) 0); auto. destruct (zle (sizeof ge0 ty') 0); auto. assert (b0 <> b0'). { eapply me_inj; eauto. red; intros; subst; elim H3. change id' with (fst (id', (b', ty'))). apply List.in_map; auto. } assert (Mem.perm m b0 0 Max Nonempty). { apply Mem.perm_cur_max. apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable. eapply PERMS; eauto. omega. auto with mem. } assert (Mem.perm m b0' 0 Max Nonempty). { apply Mem.perm_cur_max. apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable. eapply PERMS; eauto. omega. auto with mem. } exploit Mem.mi_no_overlap; eauto. intros [A|A]. auto. omegaContradiction. Qed. Lemma free_list_right_inject: forall j m1 l m2 m2', Mem.inject j m1 m2 -> Mem.free_list m2 l = Some m2' -> (forall b1 b2 delta lo hi ofs k p, j b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> In (b2, lo, hi) l -> Mem.perm m1 b1 ofs k p -> lo <= ofs + delta < hi -> False) -> Mem.inject j m1 m2'. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. congruence. destruct a as [[b lo] hi]. destruct (Mem.free m2 b lo hi) as [m21|] eqn:?; try discriminate. eapply IHl with (m2 := m21); eauto. eapply Mem.free_right_inject; eauto. Qed. Lemma blocks_of_env_translated: forall e, blocks_of_env tge e = blocks_of_env ge e. Proof. intros. unfold blocks_of_env, block_of_binding. rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. Qed. Theorem match_envs_free_blocks: forall j cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi m' tm, match_envs j cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> Mem.inject j m tm -> Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env ge e) = Some m' -> exists tm', Mem.free_list tm (blocks_of_env tge te) = Some tm' /\ Mem.inject j m' tm'. Proof. intros. Local Opaque ge tge. assert (X: exists tm', Mem.free_list tm (blocks_of_env tge te) = Some tm'). { rewrite blocks_of_env_translated. apply can_free_list. - (* permissions *) intros. unfold blocks_of_env in H2. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b' ty]] [EQ IN]]. unfold block_of_binding in EQ; inv EQ. exploit me_mapped; eauto. eapply PTree.elements_complete; eauto. intros [b [A B]]. change 0 with (0 + 0). replace (sizeof ge ty) with (sizeof ge ty + 0) by omega. eapply Mem.range_perm_inject; eauto. eapply free_blocks_of_env_perm_2; eauto. - (* no overlap *) unfold blocks_of_env; eapply blocks_of_env_no_overlap; eauto. intros. eapply free_blocks_of_env_perm_2; eauto. apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet. intros. apply PTree.elements_complete; auto. } destruct X as [tm' FREE]. exists tm'; split; auto. eapply free_list_right_inject; eauto. eapply Mem.free_list_left_inject; eauto. intros. unfold blocks_of_env in H3. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b' ty]] [EQ IN]]. unfold block_of_binding in EQ. inv EQ. exploit me_flat; eauto. apply PTree.elements_complete; eauto. intros [P Q]. subst delta. eapply free_blocks_of_env_perm_1 with (m := m); eauto. rewrite <- comp_env_preserved. omega. Qed. (** Matching global environments *) Inductive match_globalenvs (f: meminj) (bound: block): Prop := | mk_match_globalenvs (DOMAIN: forall b, Plt b bound -> f b = Some(b, 0)) (IMAGE: forall b1 b2 delta, f b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> Plt b2 bound -> b1 = b2) (SYMBOLS: forall id b, Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b -> Plt b bound) (FUNCTIONS: forall b fd, Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some fd -> Plt b bound) (VARINFOS: forall b gv, Genv.find_var_info ge b = Some gv -> Plt b bound). Lemma match_globalenvs_preserves_globals: forall f, (exists bound, match_globalenvs f bound) -> meminj_preserves_globals ge f. Proof. intros. destruct H as [bound MG]. inv MG. split; intros. eauto. split; intros. eauto. symmetry. eapply IMAGE; eauto. Qed. (** Evaluation of expressions *) Section EVAL_EXPR. Variables e te: env. Variables le tle: temp_env. Variables m tm: mem. Variable f: meminj. Variable cenv: compilenv. Variables lo hi tlo thi: block. Hypothesis MATCH: match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi. Hypothesis MEMINJ: Mem.inject f m tm. Hypothesis GLOB: exists bound, match_globalenvs f bound. Lemma typeof_simpl_expr: forall a, typeof (simpl_expr cenv a) = typeof a. Proof. destruct a; simpl; auto. destruct (VSet.mem i cenv); auto. Qed. Lemma deref_loc_inject: forall ty loc ofs v loc' ofs', deref_loc ty m loc ofs v -> Val.inject f (Vptr loc ofs) (Vptr loc' ofs') -> exists tv, deref_loc ty tm loc' ofs' tv /\ Val.inject f v tv. Proof. intros. inv H. (* by value *) exploit Mem.loadv_inject; eauto. intros [tv [A B]]. exists tv; split; auto. eapply deref_loc_value; eauto. (* by reference *) exists (Vptr loc' ofs'); split; auto. eapply deref_loc_reference; eauto. (* by copy *) exists (Vptr loc' ofs'); split; auto. eapply deref_loc_copy; eauto. Qed. Lemma eval_simpl_expr: forall a v, eval_expr ge e le m a v -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_expr a) cenv -> exists tv, eval_expr tge te tle tm (simpl_expr cenv a) tv /\ Val.inject f v tv with eval_simpl_lvalue: forall a b ofs, eval_lvalue ge e le m a b ofs -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_expr a) cenv -> match a with Evar id ty => VSet.mem id cenv = false | _ => True end -> exists b', exists ofs', eval_lvalue tge te tle tm (simpl_expr cenv a) b' ofs' /\ Val.inject f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs'). Proof. destruct 1; simpl; intros. (* const *) exists (Vint i); split; auto. constructor. exists (Vfloat f0); split; auto. constructor. exists (Vsingle f0); split; auto. constructor. exists (Vlong i); split; auto. constructor. (* tempvar *) exploit me_temps; eauto. intros [[tv [A B]] C]. exists tv; split; auto. constructor; auto. (* addrof *) exploit eval_simpl_lvalue; eauto. destruct a; auto with compat. destruct a; auto. destruct (VSet.mem i cenv) eqn:?; auto. elim (H0 i). apply VSet.singleton_2. auto. apply VSet.mem_2. auto. intros [b' [ofs' [A B]]]. exists (Vptr b' ofs'); split; auto. constructor; auto. (* unop *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto. intros [tv1 [A B]]. exploit sem_unary_operation_inject; eauto. intros [tv [C D]]. exists tv; split; auto. econstructor; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; auto. (* binop *) exploit eval_simpl_expr. eexact H. eauto with compat. intros [tv1 [A B]]. exploit eval_simpl_expr. eexact H0. eauto with compat. intros [tv2 [C D]]. exploit sem_binary_operation_inject; eauto. intros [tv [E F]]. exists tv; split; auto. econstructor; eauto. repeat rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. (* cast *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto. intros [tv1 [A B]]. exploit sem_cast_inject; eauto. intros [tv2 [C D]]. exists tv2; split; auto. econstructor. eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; auto. (* sizeof *) econstructor; split. constructor. rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. (* alignof *) econstructor; split. constructor. rewrite comp_env_preserved; auto. (* rval *) assert (EITHER: (exists id, exists ty, a = Evar id ty /\ VSet.mem id cenv = true) \/ (match a with Evar id _ => VSet.mem id cenv = false | _ => True end)). destruct a; auto. destruct (VSet.mem i cenv) eqn:?; auto. left; exists i; exists t; auto. destruct EITHER as [ [id [ty [EQ OPT]]] | NONOPT ]. (* a variable pulled out of memory *) subst a. simpl. rewrite OPT. exploit me_vars; eauto. instantiate (1 := id). intros MV. inv H; inv MV; try congruence. rewrite ENV in H6; inv H6. inv H0; try congruence. assert (chunk0 = chunk). simpl in H. congruence. subst chunk0. assert (v0 = v). unfold Mem.loadv in H2. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero in H2. congruence. subst v0. exists tv; split; auto. constructor; auto. simpl in H; congruence. simpl in H; congruence. (* any other l-value *) exploit eval_simpl_lvalue; eauto. intros [loc' [ofs' [A B]]]. exploit deref_loc_inject; eauto. intros [tv [C D]]. exists tv; split; auto. econstructor. eexact A. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; auto. (* lvalues *) destruct 1; simpl; intros. (* local var *) rewrite H1. exploit me_vars; eauto. instantiate (1 := id). intros MV. inv MV; try congruence. rewrite ENV in H; inv H. exists b'; exists Int.zero; split. apply eval_Evar_local; auto. econstructor; eauto. (* global var *) rewrite H2. exploit me_vars; eauto. instantiate (1 := id). intros MV. inv MV; try congruence. exists l; exists Int.zero; split. apply eval_Evar_global. auto. rewrite <- H0. apply symbols_preserved. destruct GLOB as [bound GLOB1]. inv GLOB1. econstructor; eauto. (* deref *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto. intros [tv [A B]]. inversion B. subst. econstructor; econstructor; split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. (* field struct *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto. intros [tv [A B]]. inversion B. subst. econstructor; econstructor; split. eapply eval_Efield_struct; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; eauto. econstructor; eauto. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_commut. (* field union *) rewrite <- comp_env_preserved in *. exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto. intros [tv [A B]]. inversion B. subst. econstructor; econstructor; split. eapply eval_Efield_union; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; eauto. auto. Qed. Lemma eval_simpl_exprlist: forall al tyl vl, eval_exprlist ge e le m al tyl vl -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_exprlist al) cenv -> val_casted_list vl tyl /\ exists tvl, eval_exprlist tge te tle tm (simpl_exprlist cenv al) tyl tvl /\ Val.inject_list f vl tvl. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros. split. constructor. econstructor; split. constructor. auto. exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv1 [A B]]. exploit sem_cast_inject; eauto. intros [tv2 [C D]]. exploit IHeval_exprlist; eauto with compat. intros [E [tvl [F G]]]. split. constructor; auto. eapply cast_val_is_casted; eauto. exists (tv2 :: tvl); split. econstructor; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; auto. econstructor; eauto. Qed. End EVAL_EXPR. (** Matching continuations *) Inductive match_cont (f: meminj): compilenv -> cont -> cont -> mem -> block -> block -> Prop := | match_Kstop: forall cenv m bound tbound hi, match_globalenvs f hi -> Ple hi bound -> Ple hi tbound -> match_cont f cenv Kstop Kstop m bound tbound | match_Kseq: forall cenv s k ts tk m bound tbound, simpl_stmt cenv s = OK ts -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt s) cenv -> match_cont f cenv (Kseq s k) (Kseq ts tk) m bound tbound | match_Kloop1: forall cenv s1 s2 k ts1 ts2 tk m bound tbound, simpl_stmt cenv s1 = OK ts1 -> simpl_stmt cenv s2 = OK ts2 -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> compat_cenv (VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2)) cenv -> match_cont f cenv (Kloop1 s1 s2 k) (Kloop1 ts1 ts2 tk) m bound tbound | match_Kloop2: forall cenv s1 s2 k ts1 ts2 tk m bound tbound, simpl_stmt cenv s1 = OK ts1 -> simpl_stmt cenv s2 = OK ts2 -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> compat_cenv (VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2)) cenv -> match_cont f cenv (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) (Kloop2 ts1 ts2 tk) m bound tbound | match_Kswitch: forall cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> match_cont f cenv (Kswitch k) (Kswitch tk) m bound tbound | match_Kcall: forall cenv optid fn e le k tfn te tle tk m hi thi lo tlo bound tbound x, transf_function fn = OK tfn -> match_envs f (cenv_for fn) e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> match_cont f (cenv_for fn) k tk m lo tlo -> check_opttemp (cenv_for fn) optid = OK x -> Ple hi bound -> Ple thi tbound -> match_cont f cenv (Kcall optid fn e le k) (Kcall optid tfn te tle tk) m bound tbound. (** Invariance property by change of memory and injection *) Lemma match_cont_invariant: forall f' m' f cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> (forall b chunk v, f b = None -> Plt b bound -> Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v -> Mem.load chunk m' b 0 = Some v) -> inject_incr f f' -> (forall b, Plt b bound -> f' b = f b) -> (forall b b' delta, f' b = Some(b', delta) -> Plt b' tbound -> f' b = f b) -> match_cont f' cenv k tk m' bound tbound. Proof. induction 1; intros LOAD INCR INJ1 INJ2; econstructor; eauto. (* globalenvs *) inv H. constructor; intros; eauto. assert (f b1 = Some (b2, delta)). rewrite <- H; symmetry; eapply INJ2; eauto. xomega. eapply IMAGE; eauto. (* call *) eapply match_envs_invariant; eauto. intros. apply LOAD; auto. xomega. intros. apply INJ1; auto; xomega. intros. eapply INJ2; eauto; xomega. eapply IHmatch_cont; eauto. intros; apply LOAD; auto. inv H0; xomega. intros; apply INJ1. inv H0; xomega. intros; eapply INJ2; eauto. inv H0; xomega. Qed. (** Invariance by assignment to location "above" *) Lemma match_cont_assign_loc: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound ty loc ofs v m', match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> assign_loc ge ty m loc ofs v m' -> Ple bound loc -> match_cont f cenv k tk m' bound tbound. Proof. intros. eapply match_cont_invariant; eauto. intros. rewrite <- H4. inv H0. (* scalar *) simpl in H6. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. left. unfold block; xomega. (* block copy *) eapply Mem.load_storebytes_other; eauto. left. unfold block; xomega. Qed. (** Invariance by external calls *) Lemma match_cont_extcall: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound tm f' m', match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> Mem.unchanged_on (loc_unmapped f) m m' -> inject_incr f f' -> inject_separated f f' m tm -> Ple bound (Mem.nextblock m) -> Ple tbound (Mem.nextblock tm) -> match_cont f' cenv k tk m' bound tbound. Proof. intros. eapply match_cont_invariant; eauto. intros. eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto. red in H2. intros. destruct (f b) as [[b' delta] | ] eqn:?. auto. destruct (f' b) as [[b' delta] | ] eqn:?; auto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block. intros [A B]. xomegaContradiction. red in H2. intros. destruct (f b) as [[b'' delta''] | ] eqn:?. auto. exploit H2; eauto. unfold Mem.valid_block. intros [A B]. xomegaContradiction. Qed. (** Invariance by change of bounds *) Lemma match_cont_incr_bounds: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> forall bound' tbound', Ple bound bound' -> Ple tbound tbound' -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound' tbound'. Proof. induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto; xomega. Qed. (** [match_cont] and call continuations. *) Lemma match_cont_change_cenv: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound cenv', match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> is_call_cont k -> match_cont f cenv' k tk m bound tbound. Proof. intros. inv H; simpl in H0; try contradiction; econstructor; eauto. Qed. Lemma match_cont_is_call_cont: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> is_call_cont k -> is_call_cont tk. Proof. intros. inv H; auto. Qed. Lemma match_cont_call_cont: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> forall cenv', match_cont f cenv' (call_cont k) (call_cont tk) m bound tbound. Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto; intros; econstructor; eauto. Qed. (** [match_cont] and freeing of environment blocks *) Remark free_list_nextblock: forall l m m', Mem.free_list m l = Some m' -> Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. congruence. destruct a. destruct p. destruct (Mem.free m b z0 z) as [m1|] eqn:?; try discriminate. transitivity (Mem.nextblock m1). eauto. eapply Mem.nextblock_free; eauto. Qed. Remark free_list_load: forall chunk b' l m m', Mem.free_list m l = Some m' -> (forall b lo hi, In (b, lo, hi) l -> Plt b' b) -> Mem.load chunk m' b' 0 = Mem.load chunk m b' 0. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. inv H; auto. destruct a. destruct p. destruct (Mem.free m b z0 z) as [m1|] eqn:?; try discriminate. transitivity (Mem.load chunk m1 b' 0). eauto. eapply Mem.load_free. eauto. left. assert (Plt b' b) by eauto. unfold block; xomega. Qed. Lemma match_cont_free_env: forall f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tm tlo thi k tk m' tm', match_envs f cenv e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi -> match_cont f cenv k tk m lo tlo -> Ple hi (Mem.nextblock m) -> Ple thi (Mem.nextblock tm) -> Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env ge e) = Some m' -> Mem.free_list tm (blocks_of_env tge te) = Some tm' -> match_cont f cenv k tk m' (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm'). Proof. intros. apply match_cont_incr_bounds with lo tlo. eapply match_cont_invariant; eauto. intros. rewrite <- H7. eapply free_list_load; eauto. unfold blocks_of_env; intros. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b1 ty]] [P Q]]. simpl in P. inv P. exploit me_range; eauto. eapply PTree.elements_complete; eauto. xomega. rewrite (free_list_nextblock _ _ _ H3). inv H; xomega. rewrite (free_list_nextblock _ _ _ H4). inv H; xomega. Qed. (** Matching of global environments *) Lemma match_cont_globalenv: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> exists bound, match_globalenvs f bound. Proof. induction 1; auto. exists hi; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve match_cont_globalenv: compat. Lemma match_cont_find_funct: forall f cenv k tk m bound tbound vf fd tvf, match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some fd -> Val.inject f vf tvf -> exists tfd, Genv.find_funct tge tvf = Some tfd /\ transf_fundef fd = OK tfd. Proof. intros. exploit match_cont_globalenv; eauto. intros [bound1 MG]. destruct MG. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. destruct (Int.eq_dec ofs1 Int.zero); try discriminate. subst ofs1. assert (f b1 = Some(b1, 0)). apply DOMAIN. eapply FUNCTIONS; eauto. rewrite H1 in H2; inv H2. rewrite Int.add_zero. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_true. apply function_ptr_translated; auto. Qed. (** Relating execution states *) Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop := | match_regular_states: forall f s k e le m tf ts tk te tle tm j lo hi tlo thi (TRF: transf_function f = OK tf) (TRS: simpl_stmt (cenv_for f) s = OK ts) (MENV: match_envs j (cenv_for f) e le m lo hi te tle tlo thi) (MCONT: match_cont j (cenv_for f) k tk m lo tlo) (MINJ: Mem.inject j m tm) (COMPAT: compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt s) (cenv_for f)) (BOUND: Ple hi (Mem.nextblock m)) (TBOUND: Ple thi (Mem.nextblock tm)), match_states (State f s k e le m) (State tf ts tk te tle tm) | match_call_state: forall fd vargs k m tfd tvargs tk tm j targs tres cconv (TRFD: transf_fundef fd = OK tfd) (MCONT: forall cenv, match_cont j cenv k tk m (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm)) (MINJ: Mem.inject j m tm) (AINJ: Val.inject_list j vargs tvargs) (FUNTY: type_of_fundef fd = Tfunction targs tres cconv) (ANORM: val_casted_list vargs targs), match_states (Callstate fd vargs k m) (Callstate tfd tvargs tk tm) | match_return_state: forall v k m tv tk tm j (MCONT: forall cenv, match_cont j cenv k tk m (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm)) (MINJ: Mem.inject j m tm) (RINJ: Val.inject j v tv), match_states (Returnstate v k m) (Returnstate tv tk tm). (** The simulation diagrams *) Remark is_liftable_var_charact: forall cenv a, match is_liftable_var cenv a with | Some id => exists ty, a = Evar id ty /\ VSet.mem id cenv = true | None => match a with Evar id ty => VSet.mem id cenv = false | _ => True end end. Proof. intros. destruct a; simpl; auto. destruct (VSet.mem i cenv) eqn:?. exists t; auto. auto. Qed. Remark simpl_select_switch: forall cenv n ls tls, simpl_lblstmt cenv ls = OK tls -> simpl_lblstmt cenv (select_switch n ls) = OK (select_switch n tls). Proof. intros cenv n. assert (DFL: forall ls tls, simpl_lblstmt cenv ls = OK tls -> simpl_lblstmt cenv (select_switch_default ls) = OK (select_switch_default tls)). { induction ls; simpl; intros; monadInv H. auto. simpl. destruct o. eauto. simpl; rewrite EQ, EQ1. auto. } assert (CASE: forall ls tls, simpl_lblstmt cenv ls = OK tls -> match select_switch_case n ls with | None => select_switch_case n tls = None | Some ls' => exists tls', select_switch_case n tls = Some tls' /\ simpl_lblstmt cenv ls' = OK tls' end). { induction ls; simpl; intros; monadInv H; simpl. auto. destruct o. destruct (zeq z n). econstructor; split; eauto. simpl; rewrite EQ, EQ1; auto. apply IHls. auto. apply IHls. auto. } intros; unfold select_switch. specialize (CASE _ _ H). destruct (select_switch_case n ls) as [ls'|]. destruct CASE as [tls' [P Q]]. rewrite P, Q. auto. rewrite CASE. apply DFL; auto. Qed. Remark simpl_seq_of_labeled_statement: forall cenv ls tls, simpl_lblstmt cenv ls = OK tls -> simpl_stmt cenv (seq_of_labeled_statement ls) = OK (seq_of_labeled_statement tls). Proof. induction ls; simpl; intros; monadInv H; simpl. auto. rewrite EQ; simpl. erewrite IHls; eauto. simpl. auto. Qed. Remark compat_cenv_select_switch: forall cenv n ls, compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt ls) cenv -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt (select_switch n ls)) cenv. Proof. intros cenv n. assert (DFL: forall ls, compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt ls) cenv -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt (select_switch_default ls)) cenv). { induction ls; simpl; intros. eauto with compat. destruct o; simpl; eauto with compat. } assert (CASE: forall ls ls', compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt ls) cenv -> select_switch_case n ls = Some ls' -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt ls') cenv). { induction ls; simpl; intros. discriminate. destruct o. destruct (zeq z n). inv H0. auto. eauto with compat. eauto with compat. } intros. specialize (CASE ls). unfold select_switch. destruct (select_switch_case n ls) as [ls'|]; eauto. Qed. Remark addr_taken_seq_of_labeled_statement: forall ls, addr_taken_stmt (seq_of_labeled_statement ls) = addr_taken_lblstmt ls. Proof. induction ls; simpl; congruence. Qed. Section FIND_LABEL. Variable f: meminj. Variable cenv: compilenv. Variable m: mem. Variables bound tbound: block. Variable lbl: ident. Lemma simpl_find_label: forall s k ts tk, simpl_stmt cenv s = OK ts -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt s) cenv -> match find_label lbl s k with | None => find_label lbl ts tk = None | Some(s', k') => exists ts', exists tk', find_label lbl ts tk = Some(ts', tk') /\ compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt s') cenv /\ simpl_stmt cenv s' = OK ts' /\ match_cont f cenv k' tk' m bound tbound end with simpl_find_label_ls: forall ls k tls tk, simpl_lblstmt cenv ls = OK tls -> match_cont f cenv k tk m bound tbound -> compat_cenv (addr_taken_lblstmt ls) cenv -> match find_label_ls lbl ls k with | None => find_label_ls lbl tls tk = None | Some(s', k') => exists ts', exists tk', find_label_ls lbl tls tk = Some(ts', tk') /\ compat_cenv (addr_taken_stmt s') cenv /\ simpl_stmt cenv s' = OK ts' /\ match_cont f cenv k' tk' m bound tbound end. Proof. induction s; simpl; intros until tk; intros TS MC COMPAT; auto. (* skip *) monadInv TS; auto. (* var *) destruct (is_liftable_var cenv e); monadInv TS; auto. unfold Sset_debug. destruct (Compopts.debug tt); auto. (* set *) monadInv TS; auto. (* call *) monadInv TS; auto. (* builtin *) monadInv TS; auto. (* seq *) monadInv TS. exploit (IHs1 (Kseq s2 k) x (Kseq x0 tk)); eauto with compat. constructor; eauto with compat. destruct (find_label lbl s1 (Kseq s2 k)) as [[s' k']|]. intros [ts' [tk' [P [Q [R S]]]]]. exists ts'; exists tk'. simpl. rewrite P. auto. intros E. simpl. rewrite E. eapply IHs2; eauto with compat. (* ifthenelse *) monadInv TS. exploit (IHs1 k x tk); eauto with compat. destruct (find_label lbl s1 k) as [[s' k']|]. intros [ts' [tk' [P [Q [R S]]]]]. exists ts'; exists tk'. simpl. rewrite P. auto. intros E. simpl. rewrite E. eapply IHs2; eauto with compat. (* loop *) monadInv TS. exploit (IHs1 (Kloop1 s1 s2 k) x (Kloop1 x x0 tk)); eauto with compat. constructor; eauto with compat. destruct (find_label lbl s1 (Kloop1 s1 s2 k)) as [[s' k']|]. intros [ts' [tk' [P [Q [R S]]]]]. exists ts'; exists tk'. simpl; rewrite P. auto. intros E. simpl; rewrite E. eapply IHs2; eauto with compat. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* break *) monadInv TS; auto. (* continue *) monadInv TS; auto. (* return *) monadInv TS; auto. (* switch *) monadInv TS. simpl. eapply simpl_find_label_ls; eauto with compat. constructor; auto. (* label *) monadInv TS. simpl. destruct (ident_eq lbl l). exists x; exists tk; auto. eapply IHs; eauto. (* goto *) monadInv TS; auto. induction ls; simpl; intros. (* nil *) monadInv H. auto. (* cons *) monadInv H. exploit (simpl_find_label s (Kseq (seq_of_labeled_statement ls) k)). eauto. constructor. eapply simpl_seq_of_labeled_statement; eauto. eauto. rewrite addr_taken_seq_of_labeled_statement. eauto with compat. eauto with compat. destruct (find_label lbl s (Kseq (seq_of_labeled_statement ls) k)) as [[s' k']|]. intros [ts' [tk' [P [Q [R S]]]]]. exists ts'; exists tk'; split. simpl; rewrite P. auto. auto. intros E. simpl; rewrite E. eapply IHls; eauto with compat. Qed. Lemma find_label_store_params: forall s k params, find_label lbl (store_params cenv params s) k = find_label lbl s k. Proof. induction params; simpl. auto. destruct a as [id ty]. destruct (VSet.mem id cenv); auto. Qed. Lemma find_label_add_debug_vars: forall s k vars, find_label lbl (add_debug_vars vars s) k = find_label lbl s k. Proof. unfold add_debug_vars. destruct (Compopts.debug tt); auto. induction vars; simpl; auto. destruct a as [id ty]; simpl. auto. Qed. Lemma find_label_add_debug_params: forall s k vars, find_label lbl (add_debug_params vars s) k = find_label lbl s k. Proof. unfold add_debug_params. destruct (Compopts.debug tt); auto. induction vars; simpl; auto. destruct a as [id ty]; simpl. auto. Qed. End FIND_LABEL. Lemma step_simulation: forall S1 t S2, step1 ge S1 t S2 -> forall S1' (MS: match_states S1 S1'), exists S2', plus step2 tge S1' t S2' /\ match_states S2 S2'. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros; inv MS; simpl in *; try (monadInv TRS). (* assign *) generalize (is_liftable_var_charact (cenv_for f) a1); destruct (is_liftable_var (cenv_for f) a1) as [id|]; monadInv TRS. (* liftable *) intros [ty [P Q]]; subst a1; simpl in *. exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv2 [A B]]. exploit sem_cast_inject; eauto. intros [tv [C D]]. exploit me_vars; eauto. instantiate (1 := id). intros MV. inv H. (* local variable *) econstructor; split. eapply step_Sset_debug. eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. eauto. econstructor; eauto with compat. eapply match_envs_assign_lifted; eauto. eapply cast_val_is_casted; eauto. eapply match_cont_assign_loc; eauto. exploit me_range; eauto. xomega. inv MV; try congruence. inv H2; try congruence. unfold Mem.storev in H3. eapply Mem.store_unmapped_inject; eauto. congruence. erewrite assign_loc_nextblock; eauto. (* global variable *) inv MV; congruence. (* not liftable *) intros P. exploit eval_simpl_lvalue; eauto with compat. intros [tb [tofs [E F]]]. exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv2 [A B]]. exploit sem_cast_inject; eauto. intros [tv [C D]]. exploit assign_loc_inject; eauto. intros [tm' [X [Y Z]]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. eexact E. eexact A. repeat rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. eexact C. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr; auto. eexact X. econstructor; eauto with compat. eapply match_envs_invariant; eauto. eapply match_cont_invariant; eauto. erewrite assign_loc_nextblock; eauto. erewrite assign_loc_nextblock; eauto. (* set temporary *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv [A B]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. eauto. econstructor; eauto with compat. eapply match_envs_set_temp; eauto. (* call *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tvf [A B]]. exploit eval_simpl_exprlist; eauto with compat. intros [CASTED [tvargs [C D]]]. exploit match_cont_find_funct; eauto. intros [tfd [P Q]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_call with (fd := tfd). rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. erewrite type_of_fundef_preserved; eauto. econstructor; eauto. intros. econstructor; eauto. (* builtin *) exploit eval_simpl_exprlist; eauto with compat. intros [CASTED [tvargs [C D]]]. exploit external_call_mem_inject; eauto. apply match_globalenvs_preserves_globals; eauto with compat. intros [j' [tvres [tm' [P [Q [R [S [T [U V]]]]]]]]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. econstructor; eauto with compat. eapply match_envs_set_opttemp; eauto. eapply match_envs_extcall; eauto. eapply match_cont_extcall; eauto. inv MENV; xomega. inv MENV; xomega. eapply Ple_trans; eauto. eapply external_call_nextblock; eauto. eapply Ple_trans; eauto. eapply external_call_nextblock; eauto. (* sequence *) econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto with compat. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* skip sequence *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. (* continue sequence *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. (* break sequence *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. (* ifthenelse *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv [A B]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. apply step_ifthenelse with (v1 := tv) (b := b). auto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. eapply bool_val_inject; eauto. destruct b; econstructor; eauto with compat. (* loop *) econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto with compat. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* skip-or-continue loop *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. destruct H; subst x; simpl in *; intuition congruence. econstructor; eauto with compat. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* break loop1 *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_break_loop1. econstructor; eauto. (* skip loop2 *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_skip_loop2. econstructor; eauto with compat. simpl; rewrite H2; rewrite H4; auto. (* break loop2 *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_break_loop2. econstructor; eauto. (* return none *) exploit match_envs_free_blocks; eauto. intros [tm' [P Q]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. intros. eapply match_cont_call_cont. eapply match_cont_free_env; eauto. (* return some *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv [A B]]. exploit sem_cast_inject; eauto. intros [tv' [C D]]. exploit match_envs_free_blocks; eauto. intros [tm' [P Q]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. monadInv TRF; simpl. eauto. econstructor; eauto. intros. eapply match_cont_call_cont. eapply match_cont_free_env; eauto. (* skip call *) exploit match_envs_free_blocks; eauto. intros [tm' [P Q]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply match_cont_is_call_cont; eauto. monadInv TRF; auto. econstructor; eauto. intros. apply match_cont_change_cenv with (cenv_for f); auto. eapply match_cont_free_env; eauto. (* switch *) exploit eval_simpl_expr; eauto with compat. intros [tv [A B]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. rewrite typeof_simpl_expr. instantiate (1 := n). unfold sem_switch_arg in *; destruct (classify_switch (typeof a)); try discriminate; inv B; inv H0; auto. econstructor; eauto. erewrite simpl_seq_of_labeled_statement. reflexivity. eapply simpl_select_switch; eauto. econstructor; eauto. rewrite addr_taken_seq_of_labeled_statement. apply compat_cenv_select_switch. eauto with compat. (* skip-break switch *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_skip_break_switch. destruct H; subst x; simpl in *; intuition congruence. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* continue switch *) inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. eapply step_continue_switch. econstructor; eauto with compat. (* label *) econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. (* goto *) generalize TRF; intros TRF'. monadInv TRF'. exploit (simpl_find_label j (cenv_for f) m lo tlo lbl (fn_body f) (call_cont k) x (call_cont tk)). eauto. eapply match_cont_call_cont. eauto. apply compat_cenv_for. rewrite H. intros [ts' [tk' [A [B [C D]]]]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. simpl. rewrite find_label_add_debug_params. rewrite find_label_store_params. rewrite find_label_add_debug_vars. eexact A. econstructor; eauto. (* internal function *) monadInv TRFD. inv H. generalize EQ; intro EQ'; monadInv EQ'. assert (list_norepet (var_names (fn_params f ++ fn_vars f))). unfold var_names. rewrite map_app. auto. exploit match_envs_alloc_variables; eauto. instantiate (1 := cenv_for_gen (addr_taken_stmt f.(fn_body)) (fn_params f ++ fn_vars f)). intros. eapply cenv_for_gen_by_value; eauto. rewrite VSF.mem_iff. eexact H4. intros. eapply cenv_for_gen_domain. rewrite VSF.mem_iff. eexact H3. intros [j' [te [tm0 [A [B [C [D [E [F G]]]]]]]]]. assert (K: list_forall2 val_casted vargs (map snd (fn_params f))). { apply val_casted_list_params. unfold type_of_function in FUNTY. congruence. } exploit store_params_correct. eauto. eapply list_norepet_append_left; eauto. eexact K. apply val_inject_list_incr with j'; eauto. eexact B. eexact C. intros. apply (create_undef_temps_lifted id f). auto. intros. destruct (create_undef_temps (fn_temps f))!id as [v|] eqn:?; auto. exploit create_undef_temps_inv; eauto. intros [P Q]. elim (l id id); auto. intros [tel [tm1 [P [Q [R [S T]]]]]]. change (cenv_for_gen (addr_taken_stmt (fn_body f)) (fn_params f ++ fn_vars f)) with (cenv_for f) in *. generalize (vars_and_temps_properties (cenv_for f) (fn_params f) (fn_vars f) (fn_temps f)). intros [X [Y Z]]. auto. auto. econstructor; split. eapply plus_left. econstructor. econstructor. exact Y. exact X. exact Z. simpl. eexact A. simpl. eexact Q. simpl. eapply star_trans. eapply step_add_debug_params. auto. eapply forall2_val_casted_inject; eauto. eexact Q. eapply star_trans. eexact P. eapply step_add_debug_vars. unfold remove_lifted; intros. rewrite List.filter_In in H3. destruct H3. apply negb_true_iff in H4. eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity. traceEq. econstructor; eauto. eapply match_cont_invariant; eauto. intros. transitivity (Mem.load chunk m0 b 0). eapply bind_parameters_load; eauto. intros. exploit alloc_variables_range. eexact H1. eauto. unfold empty_env. rewrite PTree.gempty. intros [?|?]. congruence. red; intros; subst b'. xomega. eapply alloc_variables_load; eauto. apply compat_cenv_for. rewrite (bind_parameters_nextblock _ _ _ _ _ _ H2). xomega. rewrite T; xomega. (* external function *) monadInv TRFD. inv FUNTY. exploit external_call_mem_inject; eauto. apply match_globalenvs_preserves_globals. eapply match_cont_globalenv. eexact (MCONT VSet.empty). intros [j' [tvres [tm' [P [Q [R [S [T [U V]]]]]]]]]. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved. econstructor; eauto. intros. apply match_cont_incr_bounds with (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm). eapply match_cont_extcall; eauto. xomega. xomega. eapply external_call_nextblock; eauto. eapply external_call_nextblock; eauto. (* return *) specialize (MCONT (cenv_for f)). inv MCONT. econstructor; split. apply plus_one. econstructor. econstructor; eauto with compat. eapply match_envs_set_opttemp; eauto. Qed. Lemma initial_states_simulation: forall S, initial_state prog S -> exists R, initial_state tprog R /\ match_states S R. Proof. intros. inv H. exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]]. econstructor; split. econstructor. eapply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial (proj1 TRANSF)). eauto. replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). instantiate (1 := b). rewrite <- H1. apply symbols_preserved. generalize (match_program_main (proj1 TRANSF)). simpl; auto. eauto. rewrite <- H3; apply type_of_fundef_preserved; auto. econstructor; eauto. intros. instantiate (1 := Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m0)). econstructor. instantiate (1 := Mem.nextblock m0). constructor; intros. unfold Mem.flat_inj. apply pred_dec_true; auto. unfold Mem.flat_inj in H. destruct (plt b1 (Mem.nextblock m0)); inv H. auto. eapply Genv.find_symbol_not_fresh; eauto. eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_not_fresh; eauto. eapply Genv.find_var_info_not_fresh; eauto. xomega. xomega. eapply Genv.initmem_inject; eauto. constructor. Qed. Lemma final_states_simulation: forall S R r, match_states S R -> final_state S r -> final_state R r. Proof. intros. inv H0. inv H. specialize (MCONT VSet.empty). inv MCONT. inv RINJ. constructor. Qed. Theorem transf_program_correct: forward_simulation (semantics1 prog) (semantics2 tprog). Proof. eapply forward_simulation_plus. apply senv_preserved. eexact initial_states_simulation. eexact final_states_simulation. eexact step_simulation. Qed. End PRESERVATION. (** ** Commutation with linking *) Instance TransfSimplLocalsLink : TransfLink match_prog. Proof. red; intros. eapply Ctypes.link_match_program; eauto. - intros. Local Transparent Linker_fundef. simpl in *; unfold link_fundef in *. destruct f1; monadInv H3; destruct f2; monadInv H4; try discriminate. destruct e; inv H2. exists (Internal x); split; auto. simpl; rewrite EQ; auto. destruct e; inv H2. exists (Internal x); split; auto. simpl; rewrite EQ; auto. destruct (external_function_eq e e0 && typelist_eq t t1 && type_eq t0 t2 && calling_convention_eq c c0); inv H2. econstructor; split; eauto. Qed.