open Check open ELF_parsers open ELF_types open Frameworks open Library let fuzz_debug = ref false let string_of_byte = Printf.sprintf "0x%02x" let full_range_of_byte elfmap byte = let byte = int_int32 byte in List.find (fun (a, b, _, _) -> a <= byte && byte <= b) elfmap let range_of_byte elfmap byte = let (_, _, _, r) = full_range_of_byte elfmap byte in r (** [fuzz_check] will print what happened on stderr, and report errors (that is, when the check went fine) to stdout. *) let fuzz_check elfmap bs byte old sdumps = let is_error = function ERROR(_) -> true | _ -> false in let (str, _, _) = bs in let fuzz_description = string_of_int32 (int_int32 byte) ^ " <- " ^ string_of_byte (Char.code str.[byte]) ^ " (was " ^ string_of_byte (Char.code old) ^ ") - " ^ string_of_byte_chunk_desc (range_of_byte elfmap byte) in if !fuzz_debug then print_endline fuzz_description; try (* The point here is to go all the way through the checks, and see whether the checker returns an ERROR or raises an exception. If not, then we might be missing a bug! *) let elf = read_elf_bs bs in let efw = check_elf_nodump elf sdumps in if List.exists is_error efw.log then (* finding an ERROR is the expected behavior *) begin if !fuzz_debug then print_endline ( string_of_log_entry false (List.find is_error efw.log) ) end else (* not finding an ERROR is bad thus reported *) print_endline (fuzz_description ^ " DID NOT CAUSE AN ERROR!") with | Assert_failure(s, l, c) -> if !fuzz_debug then Printf.printf "fuzz_check failed an assertion at %s (%d, %d)\n" s l c | Match_failure(s, l, c) -> if !fuzz_debug then Printf.printf "fuzz_check raised a match failure at %s (%d, %d)\n" s l c | Not_found -> if !fuzz_debug then Printf.printf "fuzz_check raised a not found exception\n" | Invalid_argument(s) -> if !fuzz_debug then Printf.printf "fuzz_check raised an invalid argument: %s\n" s | ELF_parsers.Unknown_endianness -> if !fuzz_debug then Printf.printf "fuzz_check raised an unknown endianness exception\n" (** Tries to prevent some easy-to-catch false positives. Some known false positives are however hard to predict. For instance, when the virtual address of a stub is replaced by the virtual address of another exact same stub. *) let ok_fuzz elfmap str byte fuzz = let (a, b, _, r) = full_range_of_byte elfmap byte in let a = int32_int a in let b = int32_int b in let old = Char.code str.[byte] in let fuz = Char.code fuzz in match r with | ELF_header -> not (List.mem byte [ 0x18; 0x19; 0x1a; 0x1b; (* e_entry *) 0x1c; 0x1d; 0x1e; 0x1f; (* e_phoff *) 0x24; 0x25; 0x26; 0x27; (* e_flags *) 0x2c; 0x2d (* e_phnum *) ] ) | ELF_progtab -> false | ELF_shtab -> false | ELF_section_strtab -> false | ELF_symbol_strtab -> false | Symtab_data(_) -> (* False positive: switching from/to STT_NOTYPE *) not (byte = a + 12 && ((old land 0xf = 0) || (fuz land 0xf = 0)) ) | Symtab_function(_) -> true | Data_symbol(_) -> (* False positive: 0. becomes -0. *) not ( (byte + 7 <= b) && (fuz = 0x80) (* sign bit *) && String.sub str byte 8 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" ) | Function_symbol(_) -> let opcode = Char.code str.[byte - 3] in (* False positive: rlwinm with bitmask 0 31 = bitmask n (n - 1) *) not (0x54 <= opcode && opcode <= 0x57 && old = 0x3E && (fuz = 0x40 || fuz = 0x82 || fuz = 0xc4)) | Zero_symbol -> false | Stub(_) -> true | Jumptable -> true | Float_literal(_) -> (* False positive: 0. becomes -0. *) not ( (byte = a) && (fuz = 0x80) (* sign bit *) && String.sub str byte 8 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" ) (* padding is allowed to be non-null, but won't be recognized as padding, but as unknown, which is not an ERROR *) | Padding -> false | Unknown(_) -> false let fuzz_byte str byte_ndx = let rand = Char.chr ( 255) in (* [0 - 254] *) if rand = str.[byte_ndx] (* if we picked a byte equal to the current *) then Char.chr 255 (* then replace with byte 255 *) else rand (* else replace with the byte we picked *) let rec find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str byterange = let byte = byterange in let fuzz = fuzz_byte str byte in if ok_fuzz elfmap str byte fuzz then (byte, fuzz) else find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str byterange let get_elfmap elffilename = let ic = open_in (elffilename ^ ".elfmap") in let elfmap = input_value ic in close_in ic; elfmap (** Randomly fuzz bytes forever *) let fuzz_loop elffilename sdumps = let elfmap = get_elfmap elffilename in let (str, ofs, len) = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file elffilename in let rec fuzz_loop_aux () = let (byte, fuzz) = find_byte_to_fuzz elfmap str (len/8) in let str' = String.copy str in str'.[byte] <- fuzz; fuzz_check elfmap (str', ofs, len) byte str.[byte] sdumps; fuzz_loop_aux () in fuzz_loop_aux () let rec fuzz_every_byte_once_aux elfmap bs sdumps (current: int): unit = let (str, ofs, len) = bs in if current = len / 8 (* len is in bits *) then () else ( let fuzz = fuzz_byte str current in if ok_fuzz elfmap str current fuzz then ( let str' = String.copy str in str'.[current] <- fuzz; fuzz_check elfmap (str', ofs, len) current str.[current] sdumps ); fuzz_every_byte_once_aux elfmap bs sdumps (current + 1) ) (** Fuzz each byte of the file once with a random new value *) let fuzz_every_byte_once elffilename sdumps = let elfmap = get_elfmap elffilename in let bs = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file elffilename in fuzz_every_byte_once_aux elfmap bs sdumps 0 (** Fuzz each byte of the file, then loop *) let fuzz_every_byte_loop elffilename sdumps = let elfmap = get_elfmap elffilename in let bs = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file elffilename in let rec fuzz_every_byte_loop_aux () = fuzz_every_byte_once_aux elfmap bs sdumps 0; fuzz_every_byte_loop_aux () in fuzz_every_byte_loop_aux ()