Class type Cil.cilVisitor

class type cilVisitor = object .. end
A visitor interface for traversing CIL trees. Create instantiations of this type by specializing the class Cil.nopCilVisitor. Each of the specialized visiting functions can also call the queueInstr to specify that some instructions should be inserted before the current instruction or statement. Use syntax like self#queueInstr to call a method associated with the current object.

method vvdec : varinfo -> varinfo visitAction
Invoked for each variable declaration. The subtrees to be traversed are those corresponding to the type and attributes of the variable. Note that variable declarations are all the GVar, GVarDecl, GFun, all the varinfo in formals of function types, and the formals and locals for function definitions. This means that the list of formals in a function definition will be traversed twice, once as part of the function type and second as part of the formals in a function definition.
method vvrbl : varinfo -> varinfo visitAction
Invoked on each variable use. Here only the SkipChildren and ChangeTo actions make sense since there are no subtrees. Note that the type and attributes of the variable are not traversed for a variable use
method vexpr : exp -> exp visitAction
Invoked on each expression occurrence. The subtrees are the subexpressions, the types (for a Cast or SizeOf expression) or the variable use.
method vlval : lval -> lval visitAction
Invoked on each lvalue occurrence
method voffs : offset -> offset visitAction
Invoked on each offset occurrence that is *not* as part of an initializer list specification, i.e. in an lval or recursively inside an offset.
method vinitoffs : offset -> offset visitAction
Invoked on each offset appearing in the list of a CompoundInit initializer.
method vinst : instr -> instr list visitAction
Invoked on each instruction occurrence. The ChangeTo action can replace this instruction with a list of instructions
method vstmt : stmt -> stmt visitAction
Control-flow statement. The default DoChildren action does not create a new statement when the components change. Instead it updates the contents of the original statement. This is done to preserve the sharing with Goto and Case statements that point to the original statement. If you use the ChangeTo action then you should take care of preserving that sharing yourself.
method vblock : block -> block visitAction
method vfunc : fundec -> fundec visitAction
Function definition. Replaced in place.
method vglob : global -> global list visitAction
Global (vars, types, etc.)
method vinit : init -> init visitAction
Initializers for globals
method vtype : typ -> typ visitAction
Use of some type. Note that for structure/union and enumeration types the definition of the composite type is not visited. Use vglob to visit it.
method vattr : attribute -> attribute list visitAction
Attribute. Each attribute can be replaced by a list
method vattrparam : attrparam -> attrparam visitAction
Attribute parameters.
method queueInstr : instr list -> unit
Add here instructions while visiting to queue them to preceede the current statement or instruction being processed. Use this method only when you are visiting an expression that is inside a function body, or a statement, because otherwise there will no place for the visitor to place your instructions.
method unqueueInstr : unit -> instr list
Gets the queue of instructions and resets the queue. This is done automatically for you when you visit statments.