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2  Installation

You will need OCaml release 3.08 or higher to build CIL. CIL has been tested on Linux and on Windows (where it can behave at either Microsoft Visual C or gcc).

If you want to use CIL on Windows then you must get a complete installation of cygwin and the source-code OCaml distribution and compile it yourself using the cygwin tools (as opposed to getting the Win32 native-code version of OCaml). If you have not done this before then take a look here. (Don't need to worry about cvs and ssh unless you will need to use the master CVS repository for CIL.)
  1. Download the CIL distribution (latest version is distrib/cil-1.3.5.tar.gz). See the Section 20 for recent changes to the CIL distribution.
  2. Unzip and untar the source distribution. This will create a directory called cil whose structure is explained below.
    tar xvfz cil-1.3.5.tar.gz
  3. Enter the cil directory and run the configure script and then GNU make to build the distribution. If you are on Windows, at least the configure step must be run from within bash.
        cd cil
        make quicktest
  4. You should now find cilly.asm.exe in a subdirectory of obj. The name of the subdirectory is either x86_WIN32 if you are using cygwin on Windows or x86_LINUX if you are using Linux (although you should be using instead the Perl wrapper bin/cilly). Note that we do not have an install make target and you should use Cil from the development directory.
  5. If you decide to use CIL, please send us a note. This will help recharge our batteries after more than a year of development. And of course, do send us your bug reports as well.
The configure script tries to find appropriate defaults for your system. You can control its actions by passing the following arguments: CIL requires an underlying C compiler and preprocessor. CIL depends on the underlying compiler and machine for the sizes and alignment of types.The installation procedure for CIL queries the underlying compiler for architecture and compiler dependent configuration parameters, such as the size of a pointer or the particular alignment rules for structure fields. (This means, of course, that you should re-run ./configure when you move CIL to another machine.)

We have tested CIL on the following compilers: Others have successfully used CIL with Mac OS X (on both PowerPC and x86), Solaris, and *BSD. If you make any changes to the build system in order to run CIL on your platform, please send us a patch.

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