(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *) (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) open Cil module E = Errormsg (* * Weimer: an AST Slicer for use in Daniel's Delta Debugging Algorithm. *) let debug = ref false (* * This type encapsulates a mapping form program locations to names * in our naming convention. *) type enumeration_info = { statements : (stmt, string) Hashtbl.t ; instructions : (instr, string) Hashtbl.t ; } (********************************************************************** * Enumerate 1 * * Given a cil file, enumerate all of the statement names in it using * our naming scheme. **********************************************************************) let enumerate out (f : Cil.file) = let st_ht = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let in_ht = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let emit base i ht elt = let str = Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" base !i in Printf.fprintf out "%s\n" str ; Hashtbl.add ht elt str ; incr i in let emit_call base i str2 ht elt = let str = Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" base !i in Printf.fprintf out "%s - %s\n" str str2 ; Hashtbl.add ht elt str ; incr i in let descend base i = let res = (Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" base !i),(ref 0) in res in let rec doBlock b base i = doStmtList b.bstmts base i and doStmtList sl base i = List.iter (fun s -> match s.skind with | Instr(il) -> doIL il base i | Return(_,_) | Goto(_,_) | Continue(_) | Break(_) -> emit base i st_ht s | If(e,b1,b2,_) -> emit base i st_ht s ; decr i ; Printf.fprintf out "(\n" ; let base',i' = descend base i in doBlock b1 base' i' ; Printf.fprintf out ") (\n" ; let base'',i'' = descend base i in doBlock b2 base'' i'' ; Printf.fprintf out ")\n" ; incr i | Switch(_,b,_,_) (* | Loop(b,_,_,_) *) | While(_,b,_) | DoWhile(_,b,_) | For(_,_,_,b,_) | Block(b) -> emit base i st_ht s ; decr i ; let base',i' = descend base i in Printf.fprintf out "(\n" ; doBlock b base' i' ; Printf.fprintf out ")\n" ; incr i | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ -> E.s (E.unimp "astslicer:enumerate") ) sl and doIL il base i = List.iter (fun ins -> match ins with | Set _ | Asm _ -> emit base i in_ht ins | Call(_,(Lval(Var(vi),NoOffset)),_,_) -> emit_call base i vi.vname in_ht ins | Call(_,f,_,_) -> emit_call base i "*" in_ht ins ) il in let doGlobal g = match g with | GFun(fd,_) -> Printf.fprintf out "%s (\n" fd.svar.vname ; let cur = ref 0 in doBlock fd.sbody fd.svar.vname cur ; Printf.fprintf out ")\n" ; () | _ -> () in List.iter doGlobal f.globals ; { statements = st_ht ; instructions = in_ht ; } (********************************************************************** * Enumerate 2 * * Given a cil file and some enumeration information, do a log-calls-like * transformation on it that prints out our names as you reach them. **********************************************************************) (* * This is the visitor that handles annotations *) let print_it pfun name = ((Call(None,Lval(Var(pfun),NoOffset), [mkString (name ^ "\n")],locUnknown))) class enumVisitor pfun st_ht in_ht = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vinst i = if Hashtbl.mem in_ht i then begin let name = Hashtbl.find in_ht i in let newinst = print_it pfun name in ChangeTo([newinst ; i]) end else DoChildren method vstmt s = if Hashtbl.mem st_ht s then begin let name = Hashtbl.find st_ht s in let newinst = print_it pfun name in let newstmt = mkStmtOneInstr newinst in let newblock = mkBlock [newstmt ; s] in let replace_with = mkStmt (Block(newblock)) in ChangeDoChildrenPost(s,(fun i -> replace_with)) end else DoChildren method vfunc f = let newinst = print_it pfun f.svar.vname in let newstmt = mkStmtOneInstr newinst in let new_f = { f with sbody = { f.sbody with bstmts = newstmt :: f.sbody.bstmts }} in ChangeDoChildrenPost(new_f,(fun i -> i)) end let annotate (f : Cil.file) ei = begin (* Create a prototype for the logging function *) let printfFun = let fdec = emptyFunction "printf" in let argf = makeLocalVar fdec "format" charConstPtrType in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(intType, Some [ ("format", charConstPtrType, [])], true, []); fdec in let visitor = (new enumVisitor printfFun.svar ei.statements ei.instructions) in visitCilFileSameGlobals visitor f; f end (********************************************************************** * STAGE 2 * * Perform a transitive-closure-like operation on the parts of the program * that the user wants to keep. We use a CIL visitor to walk around * and a number of hash tables to keep track of the things we want to keep. **********************************************************************) (* * Hashtables: * ws - wanted stmts * wi - wanted instructions * wt - wanted typeinfo * wc - wanted compinfo * we - wanted enuminfo * wv - wanted varinfo *) let mode = ref false (* was our parented wanted? *) let finished = ref true (* set to false if we update something *) (* In the given hashtable, mark the given element was "wanted" *) let update ht elt = if Hashtbl.mem ht elt && (Hashtbl.find ht elt = true) then () else begin Hashtbl.add ht elt true ; finished := false end (* Handle a particular stage of the AST tree walk. Use "mode" (i.e., * whether our parent was wanted) and the hashtable (which tells us whether * the user had any special instructions for this element) to determine * what do to. *) let handle ht elt rep = if !mode then begin if Hashtbl.mem ht elt && (Hashtbl.find ht elt = false) then begin (* our parent is Wanted but we were told to ignore this subtree, * so we won't be wanted. *) mode := false ; ChangeDoChildrenPost(rep,(fun elt -> mode := true ; elt)) end else begin (* we were not told to ignore this subtree, and our parent is * Wanted, so we will be Wanted too! *) update ht elt ; DoChildren end end else if Hashtbl.mem ht elt && (Hashtbl.find ht elt = true) then begin (* our parent was not wanted but we were wanted, so turn the * mode on for now *) mode := true ; ChangeDoChildrenPost(rep,(fun elt -> mode := false ; elt)) end else DoChildren let handle_no_default ht elt rep old_mode = if Hashtbl.mem ht elt && (Hashtbl.find ht elt = true) then begin (* our parent was not wanted but we were wanted, so turn the * mode on for now *) mode := true ; ChangeDoChildrenPost(rep,(fun elt -> mode := old_mode ; elt)) end else begin mode := false ; ChangeDoChildrenPost(rep,(fun elt -> mode := old_mode ; elt)) end (* * This is the visitor that handles elements (marks them as wanted) *) class transVisitor ws wi wt wc we wv = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vvdec vi = handle_no_default wv vi vi !mode method vvrbl vi = handle wv vi vi method vinst i = handle wi i [i] method vstmt s = handle ws s s method vfunc f = handle wv f.svar f method vglob g = begin match g with | GType(ti,_) -> handle wt ti [g] | GCompTag(ci,_) | GCompTagDecl(ci,_) -> handle wc ci [g] | GEnumTag(ei,_) | GEnumTagDecl(ei,_) -> handle we ei [g] | GVarDecl(vi,_) | GVar(vi,_,_) -> handle wv vi [g] | GFun(f,_) -> handle wv f.svar [g] | _ -> DoChildren end method vtype t = begin match t with | TNamed(ti,_) -> handle wt ti t | TComp(ci,_) -> handle wc ci t | TEnum(ei,_) -> handle we ei t | _ -> DoChildren end end (********************************************************************** * STAGE 3 * * Eliminate all of the elements from the program that are not marked * "keep". **********************************************************************) (* * This is the visitor that throws away elements *) let handle ht elt keep drop = if (Hashtbl.mem ht elt) && (Hashtbl.find ht elt = true) then (* DoChildren *) ChangeDoChildrenPost(keep,(fun a -> a)) else ChangeTo(drop) class dropVisitor ws wi wt wc we wv = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vinst i = handle wi i [i] [] method vstmt s = handle ws s s (mkStmt (Instr([]))) method vglob g = begin match g with | GType(ti,_) -> handle wt ti [g] [] | GCompTag(ci,_) | GCompTagDecl(ci,_) -> handle wc ci [g] [] | GEnumTag(ei,_) | GEnumTagDecl(ei,_) -> handle we ei [g] [] | GVarDecl(vi,_) | GVar(vi,_,_) -> handle wv vi [g] [] | GFun(f,l) -> let new_locals = List.filter (fun vi -> Hashtbl.mem wv vi && (Hashtbl.find wv vi = true)) f.slocals in let new_fundec = { f with slocals = new_locals} in handle wv f.svar [(GFun(new_fundec,l))] [] | _ -> DoChildren end end (********************************************************************** * STAGE 1 * * Mark up the file with user-given information about what to keep and * what to drop. **********************************************************************) type mark = Wanted | Unwanted | Unspecified (* Given a cil file and a list of strings, mark all of the given ASTSlicer * points as wanted or unwanted. *) let mark_file (f : Cil.file) (names : (string, mark) Hashtbl.t) = let ws = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let wi = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let wt = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let wc = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let we = Hashtbl.create 32767 in let wv = Hashtbl.create 32767 in if !debug then Printf.printf "Applying user marks to file ...\n" ; let descend base i = let res = (Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" base !i),(ref 0) in res in let check base i (default : mark) = let str = Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" base !i in if !debug then Printf.printf "Looking for [%s]\n" str ; try Hashtbl.find names str with _ -> default in let mark ht stmt wanted = match wanted with Unwanted -> Hashtbl.replace ht stmt false | Wanted -> Hashtbl.replace ht stmt true | Unspecified -> () in let rec doBlock b base i default = doStmtList b.bstmts base i default and doStmtList sl base i default = List.iter (fun s -> match s.skind with | Instr(il) -> doIL il base i default | Return(_,_) | Goto(_,_) | Continue(_) | Break(_) -> mark ws s (check base i default) ; incr i | If(e,b1,b2,_) -> let inside = check base i default in mark ws s inside ; let base',i' = descend base i in doBlock b1 base' i' inside ; let base'',i'' = descend base i in doBlock b2 base'' i'' inside ; incr i | Switch(_,b,_,_) (* | Loop(b,_,_,_) *) | While(_,b,_) | DoWhile(_,b,_) | For(_,_,_,b,_) | Block(b) -> let inside = check base i default in mark ws s inside ; let base',i' = descend base i in doBlock b base' i' inside ; incr i | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ -> E.s (E.unimp "astslicer: mark") ) sl and doIL il base i default = List.iter (fun ins -> mark wi ins (check base i default) ; incr i) il in let doGlobal g = match g with | GFun(fd,_) -> let cur = ref 0 in if Hashtbl.mem names fd.svar.vname then begin if Hashtbl.find names fd.svar.vname = Wanted then begin Hashtbl.replace wv fd.svar true ; doBlock fd.sbody fd.svar.vname cur (Wanted); end else begin Hashtbl.replace wv fd.svar false ; doBlock fd.sbody fd.svar.vname cur (Unspecified); end end else begin doBlock fd.sbody fd.svar.vname cur (Unspecified); end | _ -> () in List.iter doGlobal f.globals ; if !debug then begin Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> ignore (Pretty.printf "want-s %b %a\n" v d_stmt k)) ws ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> ignore (Pretty.printf "want-i %b %a\n" v d_instr k)) wi ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> ignore (Pretty.printf "want-v %b %s\n" v k.vname)) wv ; end ; (* * Now repeatedly mark all other things that must be kept. *) let visitor = (new transVisitor ws wi wt wc we wv) in finished := false ; if !debug then (Printf.printf "\nPerforming Transitive Closure\n\n" ); while not !finished do finished := true ; visitCilFileSameGlobals visitor f done ; if !debug then begin Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-s %a\n" d_stmt k)) ws ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-i %a\n" d_instr k)) wi ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-t %s\n" k.tname)) wt ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-c %s\n" k.cname)) wc ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-e %s\n" k.ename)) we ; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> if v then ignore (Pretty.printf "want-v %s\n" k.vname)) wv ; end ; (* * Now drop everything we didn't need. *) if !debug then (Printf.printf "Dropping Unwanted Elements\n" ); let visitor = (new dropVisitor ws wi wt wc we wv) in visitCilFile visitor f