(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *) (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * Simon Goldsmith * S.P Rahul, Aman Bhargava * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* Authors: Aman Bhargava, S. P. Rahul *) (* sfg: this stuff was stolen from optim.ml - the code to print the cfg as a dot graph is mine *) open Pretty open Cil module E=Errormsg (* entry points: cfgFun, printCfgChannel, printCfgFilename *) (* known issues: * -sucessors of if somehow end up with two edges each *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Notes regarding CFG computation: 1) Initially only succs and preds are computed. sid's are filled in later, in whatever order is suitable (e.g. for forward problems, reverse depth-first postorder). 2) If a stmt (return, break or continue) has no successors, then function return must follow. No predecessors means it is the start of the function 3) We use the fact that initially all the succs and preds are assigned [] *) (* Fill in the CFG info for the stmts in a block next = succ of the last stmt in this block break = succ of any Break in this block cont = succ of any Continue in this block None means the succ is the function return. It does not mean the break/cont is invalid. We assume the validity has already been checked. *) (* At the end of CFG computation, - numNodes = total number of CFG nodes - length(nodeList) = numNodes *) let numNodes = ref 0 (* number of nodes in the CFG *) let nodeList : stmt list ref = ref [] (* All the nodes in a flat list *) (* ab: Added to change dfs from quadratic to linear *) let start_id = ref 0 (* for unique ids across many functions *) (* entry point *) (** Compute a control flow graph for fd. Stmts in fd have preds and succs filled in *) let rec cfgFun (fd : fundec): int = begin numNodes := !start_id; nodeList := []; cfgBlock fd.sbody None None None; !numNodes - !start_id end and cfgStmts (ss: stmt list) (next:stmt option) (break:stmt option) (cont:stmt option) = match ss with [] -> (); | [s] -> cfgStmt s next break cont | hd::tl -> cfgStmt hd (Some (List.hd tl)) break cont; cfgStmts tl next break cont and cfgBlock (blk: block) (next:stmt option) (break:stmt option) (cont:stmt option) = cfgStmts blk.bstmts next break cont (* Fill in the CFG info for a stmt Meaning of next, break, cont should be clear from earlier comment *) and cfgStmt (s: stmt) (next:stmt option) (break:stmt option) (cont:stmt option) = incr numNodes; s.sid <- !numNodes; nodeList := s :: !nodeList; (* Future traversals can be made in linear time. e.g. *) if s.succs <> [] then E.s (bug "CFG must be cleared before being computed!"); let addSucc (n: stmt) = if not (List.memq n s.succs) then s.succs <- n::s.succs; if not (List.memq s n.preds) then n.preds <- s::n.preds in let addOptionSucc (n: stmt option) = match n with None -> () | Some n' -> addSucc n' in let addBlockSucc (b: block) = match b.bstmts with [] -> addOptionSucc next | hd::_ -> addSucc hd in match s.skind with Instr _ -> addOptionSucc next | Return _ -> () | Goto (p,_) -> addSucc !p | Break _ -> addOptionSucc break | Continue _ -> addOptionSucc cont | If (_, blk1, blk2, _) -> (* The succs of If is [true branch;false branch] *) addBlockSucc blk2; addBlockSucc blk1; cfgBlock blk1 next break cont; cfgBlock blk2 next break cont | Block b -> addBlockSucc b; cfgBlock b next break cont | Switch(_,blk,l,_) -> List.iter addSucc (List.rev l); (* Add successors in order *) (* sfg: if there's no default, need to connect s->next *) if not (List.exists (fun stmt -> List.exists (function Default _ -> true | _ -> false) stmt.labels) l) then addOptionSucc next; cfgBlock blk next next cont (* | Loop(blk,_,_,_) -> *) | While(_,blk,_) | DoWhile(_,blk,_) | For(_,_,_,blk,_) -> addBlockSucc blk; cfgBlock blk (Some s) next (Some s) (* Since all loops have terminating condition true, we don't put any direct successor to stmt following the loop *) | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ -> E.s (E.unimp "try/except/finally") (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (**************************************************************) (* do something for all stmts in a fundec *) let rec forallStmts (todo) (fd : fundec) = begin fasBlock todo fd.sbody; end and fasBlock (todo) (b : block) = List.iter (fasStmt todo) b.bstmts and fasStmt (todo) (s : stmt) = begin ignore(todo s); match s.skind with | Block b -> fasBlock todo b | If (_, tb, fb, _) -> (fasBlock todo tb; fasBlock todo fb) | Switch (_, b, _, _) -> fasBlock todo b (* | Loop (b, _, _, _) -> fasBlock todo b *) | While (_, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b | DoWhile (_, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b | For (_, _, _, b, _) -> fasBlock todo b | (Return _ | Break _ | Continue _ | Goto _ | Instr _) -> () | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ -> E.s (E.unimp "try/except/finally") end ;; (**************************************************************) (* printing the control flow graph - you have to compute it first *) let d_cfgnodename () (s : stmt) = dprintf "%d" s.sid let d_cfgnodelabel () (s : stmt) = let label = begin match s.skind with | If (e, _, _, _) -> "if" (*sprint ~width:999 (dprintf "if %a" d_exp e)*) (* | Loop _ -> "loop" *) | While _ -> "while" | DoWhile _ -> "dowhile" | For _ -> "for" | Break _ -> "break" | Continue _ -> "continue" | Goto _ -> "goto" | Instr _ -> "instr" | Switch _ -> "switch" | Block _ -> "block" | Return _ -> "return" | TryExcept _ -> "try-except" | TryFinally _ -> "try-finally" end in dprintf "%d: %s" s.sid label let d_cfgedge (src) () (dest) = dprintf "%a -> %a" d_cfgnodename src d_cfgnodename dest let d_cfgnode () (s : stmt) = dprintf "%a [label=\"%a\"]\n\t%a" d_cfgnodename s d_cfgnodelabel s (d_list "\n\t" (d_cfgedge s)) s.succs (**********************************************************************) (* entry points *) (** print control flow graph (in dot form) for fundec to channel *) let printCfgChannel (chan : out_channel) (fd : fundec) = let pnode (s:stmt) = fprintf chan "%a\n" d_cfgnode s in begin ignore (fprintf chan "digraph CFG_%s {\n" fd.svar.vname); forallStmts pnode fd; ignore(fprintf chan "}\n"); end (** Print control flow graph (in dot form) for fundec to file *) let printCfgFilename (filename : string) (fd : fundec) = let chan = open_out filename in begin printCfgChannel chan fd; close_out chan; end ;; (**********************************************************************) let clearCFGinfo (fd : fundec) = let clear s = s.sid <- -1; s.succs <- []; s.preds <- []; in forallStmts clear fd let clearFileCFG (f : file) = iterGlobals f (fun g -> match g with GFun(fd,_) -> clearCFGinfo fd | _ -> ()) let computeFileCFG (f : file) = iterGlobals f (fun g -> match g with GFun(fd,_) -> numNodes := cfgFun fd; start_id := !start_id + !numNodes | _ -> ())