(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *) module IH = Inthash module E = Errormsg open Cil open Pretty (** A framework for data flow analysis for CIL code. Before using this framework, you must initialize the Control-flow Graph for your program, e.g using {!Cfg.computeFileCFG} *) type 't action = Default (** The default action *) | Done of 't (** Do not do the default action. Use this result *) | Post of ('t -> 't) (** The default action, followed by the given * transformer *) type 't stmtaction = SDefault (** The default action *) | SDone (** Do not visit this statement or its successors *) | SUse of 't (** Visit the instructions and successors of this statement as usual, but use the specified state instead of the one that was passed to doStmt *) (* For if statements *) type 't guardaction = GDefault (** The default state *) | GUse of 't (** Use this data for the branch *) | GUnreachable (** The branch will never be taken. *) (****************************************************************** ********** ********** FORWARDS ********** ********************************************************************) module type ForwardsTransfer = sig val name: string (** For debugging purposes, the name of the analysis *) val debug: bool ref (** Whether to turn on debugging *) type t (** The type of the data we compute for each block start. May be * imperative. *) val copy: t -> t (** Make a deep copy of the data *) val stmtStartData: t Inthash.t (** For each statement id, the data at the start. Not found in the hash * table means nothing is known about the state at this point. At the end * of the analysis this means that the block is not reachable. *) val pretty: unit -> t -> Pretty.doc (** Pretty-print the state *) val computeFirstPredecessor: Cil.stmt -> t -> t (** Give the first value for a predecessors, compute the value to be set * for the block *) val combinePredecessors: Cil.stmt -> old:t -> t -> t option (** Take some old data for the start of a statement, and some new data for * the same point. Return None if the combination is identical to the old * data. Otherwise, compute the combination, and return it. *) val doInstr: Cil.instr -> t -> t action (** The (forwards) transfer function for an instruction. The * {!Cil.currentLoc} is set before calling this. The default action is to * continue with the state unchanged. *) val doStmt: Cil.stmt -> t -> t stmtaction (** The (forwards) transfer function for a statement. The {!Cil.currentLoc} * is set before calling this. The default action is to do the instructions * in this statement, if applicable, and continue with the successors. *) val doGuard: Cil.exp -> t -> t guardaction (** Generate the successor to an If statement assuming the given expression * is nonzero. Analyses that don't need guard information can return * GDefault; this is equivalent to returning GUse of the input. * A return value of GUnreachable indicates that this half of the branch * will not be taken and should not be explored. This will be called * twice per If, once for "then" and once for "else". *) val filterStmt: Cil.stmt -> bool (** Whether to put this statement in the worklist. This is called when a * block would normally be put in the worklist. *) end module ForwardsDataFlow = functor (T : ForwardsTransfer) -> struct (** Keep a worklist of statements to process. It is best to keep a queue, * because this way it is more likely that we are going to process all * predecessors of a statement before the statement itself. *) let worklist: Cil.stmt Queue.t = Queue.create () (** We call this function when we have encountered a statement, with some * state. *) let reachedStatement (s: stmt) (d: T.t) : unit = (** see if we know about it already *) E.pushContext (fun _ -> dprintf "Reached statement %d with %a" s.sid T.pretty d); let newdata: T.t option = try let old = IH.find T.stmtStartData s.sid in match T.combinePredecessors s ~old:old d with None -> (* We are done here *) if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): reached stmt %d with %a\n implies the old state %a\n" T.name s.sid T.pretty d T.pretty old); None | Some d' -> begin (* We have changed the data *) if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): weaken data for block %d: %a\n" T.name s.sid T.pretty d'); Some d' end with Not_found -> (* was bottom before *) let d' = T.computeFirstPredecessor s d in if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): set data for block %d: %a\n" T.name s.sid T.pretty d'); Some d' in E.popContext (); match newdata with None -> () | Some d' -> IH.replace T.stmtStartData s.sid d'; if T.filterStmt s && not (Queue.fold (fun exists s' -> exists || s'.sid = s.sid) false worklist) then Queue.add s worklist (** Get the two successors of an If statement *) let ifSuccs (s:stmt) : stmt * stmt = let fstStmt blk = match blk.bstmts with [] -> Cil.dummyStmt | fst::_ -> fst in match s.skind with If(e, b1, b2, _) -> let thenSucc = fstStmt b1 in let elseSucc = fstStmt b2 in let oneFallthrough () = let fallthrough = List.filter (fun s' -> thenSucc != s' && elseSucc != s') s.succs in match fallthrough with [] -> E.s (bug "Bad CFG: missing fallthrough for If.") | [s'] -> s' | _ -> E.s (bug "Bad CFG: multiple fallthrough for If.") in (* If thenSucc or elseSucc is Cil.dummyStmt, it's an empty block. So the successor is the statement after the if *) let stmtOrFallthrough s' = if s' == Cil.dummyStmt then oneFallthrough () else s' in (stmtOrFallthrough thenSucc, stmtOrFallthrough elseSucc) | _-> E.s (bug "ifSuccs on a non-If Statement.") (** Process a statement *) let processStmt (s: stmt) : unit = currentLoc := get_stmtLoc s.skind; if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s).stmt %d at %t\n" T.name s.sid d_thisloc); (* It must be the case that the block has some data *) let init: T.t = try T.copy (IH.find T.stmtStartData s.sid) with Not_found -> E.s (E.bug "FF(%s): processing block without data" T.name) in (** See what the custom says *) match T.doStmt s init with SDone -> () | (SDefault | SUse _) as act -> begin let curr = match act with SDefault -> init | SUse d -> d | SDone -> E.s (bug "SDone") in (* Do the instructions in order *) let handleInstruction (s: T.t) (i: instr) : T.t = currentLoc := get_instrLoc i; (* Now handle the instruction itself *) let s' = let action = T.doInstr i s in match action with | Done s' -> s' | Default -> s (* do nothing *) | Post f -> f s in s' in let after: T.t = match s.skind with Instr il -> (* Handle instructions starting with the first one *) List.fold_left handleInstruction curr il | Goto _ | Break _ | Continue _ | If _ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ | Switch _ | (*Loop _*) While _ | DoWhile _ | For _ | Return _ | Block _ -> curr in currentLoc := get_stmtLoc s.skind; (* Handle If guards *) let succsToReach = match s.skind with If (e, _, _, _) -> begin let not_e = UnOp(LNot, e, intType) in let thenGuard = T.doGuard e after in let elseGuard = T.doGuard not_e after in if thenGuard = GDefault && elseGuard = GDefault then (* this is the common case *) s.succs else begin let doBranch succ guard = match guard with GDefault -> reachedStatement succ after | GUse d -> reachedStatement succ d | GUnreachable -> if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): Not exploring branch to %d\n" T.name succ.sid); () in let thenSucc, elseSucc = ifSuccs s in doBranch thenSucc thenGuard; doBranch elseSucc elseGuard; [] end end | _ -> s.succs in (* Reach the successors *) List.iter (fun s' -> reachedStatement s' after) succsToReach; end (** Compute the data flow. Must have the CFG initialized *) let compute (sources: stmt list) = Queue.clear worklist; List.iter (fun s -> Queue.add s worklist) sources; (** All initial stmts must have non-bottom data *) List.iter (fun s -> if not (IH.mem T.stmtStartData s.sid) then E.s (E.error "FF(%s): initial stmt %d does not have data" T.name s.sid)) sources; if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "\nFF(%s): processing\n" T.name); let rec fixedpoint () = if !T.debug && not (Queue.is_empty worklist) then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): worklist= %a\n" T.name (docList (fun s -> num s.sid)) (List.rev (Queue.fold (fun acc s -> s :: acc) [] worklist))); try let s = Queue.take worklist in processStmt s; fixedpoint (); with Queue.Empty -> if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s): done\n\n" T.name) in fixedpoint () end (****************************************************************** ********** ********** BACKWARDS ********** ********************************************************************) module type BackwardsTransfer = sig val name: string (* For debugging purposes, the name of the analysis *) val debug: bool ref (** Whether to turn on debugging *) type t (** The type of the data we compute for each block start. In many * presentations of backwards data flow analysis we maintain the * data at the block end. This is not easy to do with JVML because * a block has many exceptional ends. So we maintain the data for * the statement start. *) val pretty: unit -> t -> Pretty.doc (** Pretty-print the state *) val stmtStartData: t Inthash.t (** For each block id, the data at the start. This data structure must be * initialized with the initial data for each block *) val combineStmtStartData: Cil.stmt -> old:t -> t -> t option (** When the analysis reaches the start of a block, combine the old data * with the one we have just computed. Return None if the combination is * the same as the old data, otherwise return the combination. In the * latter case, the predecessors of the statement are put on the working * list. *) val combineSuccessors: t -> t -> t (** Take the data from two successors and combine it *) val doStmt: Cil.stmt -> t action (** The (backwards) transfer function for a branch. The {!Cil.currentLoc} is * set before calling this. If it returns None, then we have some default * handling. Otherwise, the returned data is the data before the branch * (not considering the exception handlers) *) val doInstr: Cil.instr -> t -> t action (** The (backwards) transfer function for an instruction. The * {!Cil.currentLoc} is set before calling this. If it returns None, then we * have some default handling. Otherwise, the returned data is the data * before the branch (not considering the exception handlers) *) val filterStmt: Cil.stmt -> Cil.stmt -> bool (** Whether to put this predecessor block in the worklist. We give the * predecessor and the block whose predecessor we are (and whose data has * changed) *) end module BackwardsDataFlow = functor (T : BackwardsTransfer) -> struct let getStmtStartData (s: stmt) : T.t = try IH.find T.stmtStartData s.sid with Not_found -> E.s (E.bug "BF(%s): stmtStartData is not initialized for %d" T.name s.sid) (** Process a statement and return true if the set of live return * addresses on its entry has changed. *) let processStmt (s: stmt) : bool = if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "FF(%s).stmt %d\n" T.name s.sid); (* Find the state before the branch *) currentLoc := get_stmtLoc s.skind; let d: T.t = match T.doStmt s with Done d -> d | (Default | Post _) as action -> begin (* Do the default one. Combine the successors *) let res = match s.succs with [] -> E.s (E.bug "You must doStmt for the statements with no successors") | fst :: rest -> List.fold_left (fun acc succ -> T.combineSuccessors acc (getStmtStartData succ)) (getStmtStartData fst) rest in (* Now do the instructions *) let res' = match s.skind with Instr il -> (* Now scan the instructions in reverse order. This may * Stack_overflow on very long blocks ! *) let handleInstruction (i: instr) (s: T.t) : T.t = currentLoc := get_instrLoc i; (* First handle the instruction itself *) let action = T.doInstr i s in match action with | Done s' -> s' | Default -> s (* do nothing *) | Post f -> f s in (* Handle instructions starting with the last one *) List.fold_right handleInstruction il res | _ -> res in match action with Post f -> f res' | _ -> res' end in (* See if the state has changed. The only changes are that it may grow.*) let s0 = getStmtStartData s in match T.combineStmtStartData s ~old:s0 d with None -> (* The old data is good enough *) false | Some d' -> (* We have changed the data *) if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "BF(%s): set data for block %d: %a\n" T.name s.sid T.pretty d'); IH.replace T.stmtStartData s.sid d'; true (** Compute the data flow. Must have the CFG initialized *) let compute (sinks: stmt list) = let worklist: Cil.stmt Queue.t = Queue.create () in List.iter (fun s -> Queue.add s worklist) sinks; if !T.debug && not (Queue.is_empty worklist) then ignore (E.log "\nBF(%s): processing\n" T.name); let rec fixedpoint () = if !T.debug && not (Queue.is_empty worklist) then ignore (E.log "BF(%s): worklist= %a\n" T.name (docList (fun s -> num s.sid)) (List.rev (Queue.fold (fun acc s -> s :: acc) [] worklist))); try let s = Queue.take worklist in let changes = processStmt s in if changes then begin (* We must add all predecessors of block b, only if not already * in and if the filter accepts them. *) List.iter (fun p -> if not (Queue.fold (fun exists s' -> exists || p.sid = s'.sid) false worklist) && T.filterStmt p s then Queue.add p worklist) s.preds; end; fixedpoint (); with Queue.Empty -> if !T.debug then ignore (E.log "BF(%s): done\n\n" T.name) in fixedpoint (); end