(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* * Heapify: a program transform that looks over functions, finds those * that have local (stack) variables that contain arrays, puts all such * local variables into a single heap allocated structure, changes all * accesses to such variables into accesses to fields of that structure * and frees the structure on return. *) open Cil (* utilities that should be in Cil.ml *) (* sfg: this function appears to never be called *) let mkSimpleField ci fn ft fl = { fcomp = ci ; fname = fn ; ftype = ft ; fbitfield = None ; fattr = []; floc = fl } (* actual Heapify begins *) let heapifyNonArrays = ref false (* Does this local var contain an array? *) let rec containsArray (t:typ) : bool = (* does this type contain an array? *) match unrollType t with TArray _ -> true | TComp(ci, _) -> (* look at the types of the fields *) List.exists (fun fi -> containsArray fi.ftype) ci.cfields | _ -> (* Ignore other types, including TInt and TPtr. We don't care whether there are arrays in the base types of pointers; only about whether this local variable itself needs to be moved to the heap. *) false class heapifyModifyVisitor big_struct big_struct_fields varlist free (currentFunction: fundec) = object(self) inherit nopCilVisitor (* visit lvalues and statements *) method vlval l = match l with (* should we change this one? *) Var(vi),vi_offset when List.mem_assoc vi varlist -> (* check list *) let i = List.assoc vi varlist in (* find field offset *) let big_struct_field = List.nth big_struct_fields i in let new_lval = Mem(Lval(big_struct, NoOffset)), Field(big_struct_field,vi_offset) in (* rewrite the lvalue *) ChangeDoChildrenPost(new_lval, (fun l -> l)) | _ -> DoChildren (* ignore other lvalues *) method vstmt s = match s.skind with (* also rewrite the return *) Return(None,loc) -> let free_instr = Call(None,free,[Lval(big_struct,NoOffset)],loc) in self#queueInstr [free_instr]; (* insert free_instr before the return *) DoChildren | Return(Some exp ,loc) -> (* exp may depend on big_struct, so evaluate it before calling free. * This becomes: tmp = exp; free(big_struct); return tmp; *) let exp_new = visitCilExpr (self :> cilVisitor) exp in let ret_tmp = makeTempVar currentFunction (typeOf exp_new) in let eval_ret_instr = Set(var ret_tmp, exp_new, loc) in let free_instr = Call(None,free,[Lval(big_struct,NoOffset)],loc) in (* insert the instructions before the return *) self#queueInstr [eval_ret_instr; free_instr]; s.skind <- (Return(Some(Lval(var ret_tmp)), loc)); DoChildren | _ -> DoChildren (* ignore other statements *) end class heapifyAnalyzeVisitor f alloc free = object inherit nopCilVisitor (* only look at function bodies *) method vglob gl = match gl with GFun(fundec,funloc) -> let counter = ref 0 in (* the number of local vars containing arrays *) let varlist = ref [] in (* a list of (var,id) pairs, in reverse order *) List.iter (fun vi -> (* find all local vars with arrays. If the user requests it, we also look for non-array vars whose address is taken. *) if (containsArray vi.vtype) || (vi.vaddrof && !heapifyNonArrays) then begin varlist := (vi,!counter) :: !varlist ; (* add it to the list *) incr counter (* put the next such var in the next slot *) end ) fundec.slocals ; if (!varlist <> []) then begin (* some local vars contain arrays *) let name = (fundec.svar.vname ^ "_heapify") in let ci = mkCompInfo true name (* make a big structure *) (fun _ -> List.rev_map (* reverse the list to fix the order *) (* each local var becomes a field *) (fun (vi,i) -> vi.vname,vi.vtype,None,[],vi.vdecl) !varlist) [] in let vi = makeLocalVar fundec name (TPtr(TComp(ci,[]),[])) in let modify = new heapifyModifyVisitor (Var(vi)) ci.cfields !varlist free fundec in (* rewrite accesses to local vars *) fundec.sbody <- visitCilBlock modify fundec.sbody ; let alloc_stmt = mkStmt (* allocate the big struct on the heap *) (Instr [Call(Some(Var(vi),NoOffset), alloc, [SizeOf(TComp(ci,[]))],funloc)]) in fundec.sbody.bstmts <- alloc_stmt :: fundec.sbody.bstmts ; fundec.slocals <- List.filter (fun vi -> (* remove local vars *) not (List.mem_assoc vi !varlist)) fundec.slocals ; let typedec = (GCompTag(ci,funloc)) in (* declare the big struct *) ChangeTo([typedec ; GFun(fundec,funloc)]) (* done! *) end else DoChildren (* ignore everything else *) | _ -> DoChildren end let heapify (f : file) (alloc : exp) (free : exp) = visitCilFile (new heapifyAnalyzeVisitor f alloc free) f; f (* heapify code ends here *) let default_heapify (f : file) = let alloc_fun = emptyFunction "malloc" in let free_fun = emptyFunction "free" in let alloc_exp = (Lval((Var(alloc_fun.svar)),NoOffset)) in let free_exp = (Lval((Var(free_fun.svar)),NoOffset)) in ignore (heapify f alloc_exp free_exp) (* StackGuard clone *) class sgModifyVisitor restore_ra_stmt = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vstmt s = match s.skind with (* also rewrite the return *) Return(_,loc) -> let new_block = mkBlock [restore_ra_stmt ; s] in ChangeTo(mkStmt (Block(new_block))) | _ -> DoChildren (* ignore other statements *) end class sgAnalyzeVisitor f push pop get_ra set_ra = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vfunc fundec = let needs_guarding = List.fold_left (fun acc vi -> acc || containsArray vi.vtype) false fundec.slocals in if needs_guarding then begin let ra_tmp = makeLocalVar fundec "return_address" voidPtrType in let ra_exp = Lval(Var(ra_tmp),NoOffset) in let save_ra_stmt = mkStmt (* save the current return address *) (Instr [Call(Some(Var(ra_tmp),NoOffset), get_ra, [], locUnknown) ; Call(None, push, [ra_exp], locUnknown)]) in let restore_ra_stmt = mkStmt (* restore the old return address *) (Instr [Call(Some(Var(ra_tmp),NoOffset), pop, [], locUnknown) ; Call(None, set_ra, [ra_exp], locUnknown)]) in let modify = new sgModifyVisitor restore_ra_stmt in fundec.sbody <- visitCilBlock modify fundec.sbody ; fundec.sbody.bstmts <- save_ra_stmt :: fundec.sbody.bstmts ; ChangeTo(fundec) (* done! *) end else DoChildren end let stackguard (f : file) (push : exp) (pop : exp) (get_ra : exp) (set_ra : exp) = visitCilFileSameGlobals (new sgAnalyzeVisitor f push pop get_ra set_ra) f; f (* stackguard code ends *) let default_stackguard (f : file) = let expify fundec = Lval(Var(fundec.svar),NoOffset) in let push = expify (emptyFunction "stackguard_push") in let pop = expify (emptyFunction "stackguard_pop") in let get_ra = expify (emptyFunction "stackguard_get_ra") in let set_ra = expify (emptyFunction "stackguard_set_ra") in let global_decl = "extern void * stackguard_get_ra(); extern void stackguard_set_ra(void *new_ra); /* You must provide an implementation for functions that get and set the * return address. Such code is unfortunately architecture specific. */ struct stackguard_stack { void * data; struct stackguard_stack * next; } * stackguard_stack; void stackguard_push(void *ra) { void * old = stackguard_stack; stackguard_stack = (struct stackguard_stack *) malloc(sizeof(stackguard_stack)); stackguard_stack->data = ra; stackguard_stack->next = old; } void * stackguard_pop() { void * ret = stackguard_stack->data; void * next = stackguard_stack->next; free(stackguard_stack); stackguard_stack->next = next; return ret; }" in f.globals <- GText(global_decl) :: f.globals ; ignore (stackguard f push pop get_ra set_ra ) let feature1 : featureDescr = { fd_name = "stackGuard"; fd_enabled = Cilutil.doStackGuard; fd_description = "instrument function calls and returns to maintain a separate stack for return addresses" ; fd_extraopt = []; fd_doit = (function (f: file) -> default_stackguard f); fd_post_check = true; } let feature2 : featureDescr = { fd_name = "heapify"; fd_enabled = Cilutil.doHeapify; fd_description = "move stack-allocated arrays to the heap" ; fd_extraopt = [ "--heapifyAll", Arg.Set heapifyNonArrays, "When using heapify, move all local vars whose address is taken, not just arrays."; ]; fd_doit = (function (f: file) -> default_heapify f); fd_post_check = true; }