(** See copyright notice at the end of this file *) (** Add printf before each function call *) open Pretty open Cil open Trace module E = Errormsg module H = Hashtbl let i = ref 0 let name = ref "" (* Switches *) let printFunctionName = ref "printf" let addProto = ref false let printf: varinfo option ref = ref None let makePrintfFunction () : varinfo = match !printf with Some v -> v | None -> begin let v = makeGlobalVar !printFunctionName (TFun(voidType, Some [("format", charPtrType, [])], true, [])) in printf := Some v; addProto := true; v end let mkPrint (format: string) (args: exp list) : instr = let p: varinfo = makePrintfFunction () in Call(None, Lval(var p), (mkString format) :: args, !currentLoc) let d_string (fmt : ('a,unit,doc,string) format4) : 'a = let f (d: doc) : string = Pretty.sprint 200 d in Pretty.gprintf f fmt let currentFunc: string ref = ref "" class logCallsVisitorClass = object inherit nopCilVisitor (* Watch for a declaration for our printer *) method vinst i = begin match i with | Call(lo,e,al,l) -> let pre = mkPrint (d_string "call %a\n" d_exp e) [] in let post = mkPrint (d_string "return from %a\n" d_exp e) [] in (* let str1 = prefix ^ (Pretty.sprint 800 ( Pretty.dprintf "Calling %a(%a)\n" d_exp e (docList ~sep:(chr ',' ++ break ) (fun arg -> try match unrollType (typeOf arg) with TInt _ | TEnum _ -> dprintf "%a = %%d" d_exp arg | TFloat _ -> dprintf "%a = %%g" d_exp arg | TVoid _ -> text "void" | TComp _ -> text "comp" | _ -> dprintf "%a = %%p" d_exp arg with _ -> dprintf "%a = %%p" d_exp arg)) al)) in let log_args = List.filter (fun arg -> match unrollType (typeOf arg) with TVoid _ | TComp _ -> false | _ -> true) al in let str2 = prefix ^ (Pretty.sprint 800 ( Pretty.dprintf "Returned from %a\n" d_exp e)) in let newinst str args = ((Call (None, Lval(var printfFun.svar), ( [ (* one ; *) mkString str ] @ args), locUnknown)) : instr )in let ilist = ([ (newinst str1 log_args) ; i ; (newinst str2 []) ] : instr list) in *) ChangeTo [ pre; i; post ] | _ -> DoChildren end method vstmt (s : stmt) = begin match s.skind with Return _ -> let pre = mkPrint (d_string "exit %s\n" !currentFunc) [] in ChangeTo (mkStmt (Block (mkBlock [ mkStmtOneInstr pre; s ]))) | _ -> DoChildren (* (Some(e),l) -> let str = prefix ^ Pretty.sprint 800 ( Pretty.dprintf "Return(%%p) from %s\n" funstr ) in let newinst = ((Call (None, Lval(var printfFun.svar), ( [ (* one ; *) mkString str ; e ]), locUnknown)) : instr )in let new_stmt = mkStmtOneInstr newinst in let slist = [ new_stmt ; s ] in (ChangeTo(mkStmt(Block(mkBlock slist)))) | Return(None,l) -> let str = prefix ^ (Pretty.sprint 800 ( Pretty.dprintf "Return void from %s\n" funstr)) in let newinst = ((Call (None, Lval(var printfFun.svar), ( [ (* one ; *) mkString str ]), locUnknown)) : instr )in let new_stmt = mkStmtOneInstr newinst in let slist = [ new_stmt ; s ] in (ChangeTo(mkStmt(Block(mkBlock slist)))) | _ -> DoChildren *) end end let logCallsVisitor = new logCallsVisitorClass let logCalls (f: file) : unit = let doGlobal = function | GVarDecl (v, _) when v.vname = !printFunctionName -> if !printf = None then printf := Some v | GFun (fdec, loc) -> currentFunc := fdec.svar.vname; (* do the body *) ignore (visitCilFunction logCallsVisitor fdec); (* Now add the entry instruction *) let pre = mkPrint (d_string "enter %s\n" !currentFunc) [] in fdec.sbody <- mkBlock [ mkStmtOneInstr pre; mkStmt (Block fdec.sbody) ] (* (* debugging 'anagram', it's really nice to be able to see the strings *) (* inside fat pointers, even if it's a bit of a hassle and a hack here *) let isFatCharPtr (cinfo:compinfo) = cinfo.cname="wildp_char" || cinfo.cname="fseqp_char" || cinfo.cname="seqp_char" in (* Collect expressions that denote the actual arguments *) let actargs = (* make lvals out of args which pass test below *) (List.map (fun vi -> match unrollType vi.vtype with | TComp(cinfo, _) when isFatCharPtr(cinfo) -> (* access the _p field for these *) (* luckily it's called "_p" in all three fat pointer variants *) Lval(Var(vi), Field(getCompField cinfo "_p", NoOffset)) | _ -> Lval(var vi)) (* decide which args to pass *) (List.filter (fun vi -> match unrollType vi.vtype with | TPtr(TInt(k, _), _) when isCharType(k) -> !printPtrs || !printStrings | TComp(cinfo, _) when isFatCharPtr(cinfo) -> !printStrings | TVoid _ | TComp _ -> false | TPtr _ | TArray _ | TFun _ -> !printPtrs | _ -> true) fdec.sformals) ) in (* make a format string for printing them *) (* sm: expanded width to 200 because I want one per line *) let formatstr = prefix ^ (Pretty.sprint 200 (dprintf "entering %s(%a)\n" fdec.svar.vname (docList ~sep:(chr ',' ++ break) (fun vi -> match unrollType vi.vtype with | TInt _ | TEnum _ -> dprintf "%s = %%d" vi.vname | TFloat _ -> dprintf "%s = %%g" vi.vname | TVoid _ -> dprintf "%s = (void)" vi.vname | TComp(cinfo, _) -> ( if !printStrings && isFatCharPtr(cinfo) then dprintf "%s = \"%%s\"" vi.vname else dprintf "%s = (comp)" vi.vname ) | TPtr(TInt(k, _), _) when isCharType(k) -> ( if (!printStrings) then dprintf "%s = \"%%s\"" vi.vname else if (!printPtrs) then dprintf "%s = %%p" vi.vname else dprintf "%s = (str)" vi.vname ) | TPtr _ | TArray _ | TFun _ -> ( if (!printPtrs) then dprintf "%s = %%p" vi.vname else dprintf "%s = (ptr)" vi.vname ) | _ -> dprintf "%s = (?type?)" vi.vname)) fdec.sformals)) in i := 0 ; name := fdec.svar.vname ; if !allInsts then ( let thisVisitor = new verboseLogVisitor printfFun !name prefix in fdec.sbody <- visitCilBlock thisVisitor fdec.sbody ); fdec.sbody.bstmts <- mkStmt (Instr [Call (None, Lval(var printfFun.svar), ( (* one :: *) mkString formatstr :: actargs), loc)]) :: fdec.sbody.bstmts *) | _ -> () in Stats.time "logCalls" (iterGlobals f) doGlobal; if !addProto then begin let p = makePrintfFunction () in E.log "Adding prototype for call logging function %s\n" p.vname; f.globals <- GVarDecl (p, locUnknown) :: f.globals end let feature : featureDescr = { fd_name = "logcalls"; fd_enabled = Cilutil.logCalls; fd_description = "generation of code to log function calls"; fd_extraopt = [ ("--logcallprintf", Arg.String (fun s -> printFunctionName := s), "the name of the printf function to use"); ("--logcalladdproto", Arg.Unit (fun s -> addProto := true), "whether to add the prototype for the printf function") ]; fd_doit = logCalls; fd_post_check = true } (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *)