(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *) (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* Make sure that there is exactly one Return statement in the whole body. * Replace all the other returns with Goto. This is convenient if you later * want to insert some finalizer code, since you have a precise place where * to put it *) open Cil open Pretty module E = Errormsg let dummyVisitor = new nopCilVisitor let oneret (f: Cil.fundec) : unit = let fname = f.svar.vname in (* Get the return type *) let retTyp = match f.svar.vtype with TFun(rt, _, _, _) -> rt | _ -> E.s (E.bug "Function %s does not have a function type\n" f.svar.vname) in (* Does it return anything ? *) let hasRet = match unrollType retTyp with TVoid _ -> false | _ -> true in (* Memoize the return result variable. Use only if hasRet *) let lastloc = ref locUnknown in let retVar : varinfo option ref = ref None in let getRetVar (x: unit) : varinfo = match !retVar with Some rv -> rv | None -> begin let rv = makeLocalVar f "__retres" retTyp in (* don't collide *) retVar := Some rv; rv end in (* Remember if we have introduced goto's *) let haveGoto = ref false in (* Memoize the return statement *) let retStmt : stmt ref = ref dummyStmt in let getRetStmt (x: unit) : stmt = if !retStmt == dummyStmt then begin (* Must create a statement *) let rv = if hasRet then Some (Lval(Var (getRetVar ()), NoOffset)) else None in let sr = mkStmt (Return (rv, !lastloc)) in retStmt := sr; sr end else !retStmt in (* Now scan all the statements. Know if you are the main body of the * function and be prepared to add new statements at the end *) let rec scanStmts (mainbody: bool) = function | [] when mainbody -> (* We are at the end of the function. Now it is * time to add the return statement *) let rs = getRetStmt () in if !haveGoto then rs.labels <- (Label("return_label", !lastloc, false)) :: rs.labels; [rs] | [] -> [] | ({skind=Return (retval, l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; (* ignore (E.log "Fixing return(%a) at %a\n" insert (match retval with None -> text "None" | Some e -> d_exp () e) d_loc l); *) if hasRet && retval = None then E.s (error "Found return without value in function %s\n" fname); if not hasRet && retval <> None then E.s (error "Found return in subroutine %s\n" fname); (* Keep this statement because it might have labels. But change it to * an instruction that sets the return value (if any). *) s.skind <- begin match retval with Some rval -> Instr [Set((Var (getRetVar ()), NoOffset), rval, l)] | None -> Instr [] end; (* See if this is the last statement in function *) if mainbody && rests == [] then s :: scanStmts mainbody rests else begin (* Add a Goto *) let sgref = ref (getRetStmt ()) in let sg = mkStmt (Goto (sgref, l)) in haveGoto := true; s :: sg :: (scanStmts mainbody rests) end | ({skind=If(eb,t,e,l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- If(eb, scanBlock false t, scanBlock false e, l); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests (* | ({skind=Loop(b,l,lb1,lb2)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- Loop(scanBlock false b, l,lb1,lb2); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests *) | ({skind=While(e,b,l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- While(e, scanBlock false b, l); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests | ({skind=DoWhile(e,b,l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- DoWhile(e, scanBlock false b, l); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests | ({skind=For(bInit,e,bIter,b,l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- For(scanBlock false bInit, e, scanBlock false bIter, scanBlock false b, l); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests | ({skind=Switch(e, b, cases, l)} as s) :: rests -> currentLoc := l; s.skind <- Switch(e, scanBlock false b, cases, l); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests | ({skind=Block b} as s) :: rests -> s.skind <- Block (scanBlock false b); s :: scanStmts mainbody rests | ({skind=(Goto _ | Instr _ | Continue _ | Break _ | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _)} as s) :: rests -> s :: scanStmts mainbody rests and scanBlock (mainbody: bool) (b: block) = { bstmts = scanStmts mainbody b.bstmts; battrs = b.battrs; } in ignore (visitCilBlock dummyVisitor f.sbody) ; (* sets CurrentLoc *) lastloc := !currentLoc ; (* last location in the function *) f.sbody <- scanBlock true f.sbody let feature : featureDescr = { fd_name = "oneRet"; fd_enabled = Cilutil.doOneRet; fd_description = "make each function have at most one 'return'" ; fd_extraopt = []; fd_doit = (function (f: file) -> Cil.iterGlobals f (fun glob -> match glob with Cil.GFun(fd,_) -> oneret fd; | _ -> ())); fd_post_check = true; }