(* * * Copyright (c) 2005, * George C. Necula * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (** This is a module that inserts runtime checks for memory reads/writes and * allocations *) open Pretty open Cil module E = Errormsg module H = Hashtbl let doSfi = ref false let doSfiReads = ref false let doSfiWrites = ref true (* A number of functions to be skipped *) let skipFunctions : (string, unit) H.t = H.create 13 let mustSfiFunction (f: fundec) : bool = not (H.mem skipFunctions f.svar.vname) (** Some functions are known to be allocators *) type dataLocation = InResult (* Interesting data is in the return value *) | InArg of int (* in the nth argument. Starts from 1. *) | InArgTimesArg of int * int (* (for size) data is the product of two * arguments *) | PointedToByArg of int (* pointed to by nth argument *) (** Compute the data based on the location and the actual argument list *) let extractData (dl: dataLocation) (args: exp list) (res: lval option) : exp = let getArg (n: int) = try List.nth args (n - 1) (* Args are based at 1 *) with _ -> E.s (E.bug "Cannot extract argument %d at %a" n d_loc !currentLoc) in match dl with InResult -> begin match res with None -> E.s (E.bug "Cannot extract InResult data (at %a)" d_loc !currentLoc) | Some r -> Lval r end | InArg n -> getArg n | InArgTimesArg (n1, n2) -> let a1 = getArg n1 in let a2 = getArg n2 in BinOp(Mult, mkCast ~e:a1 ~newt:longType, mkCast ~e:a2 ~newt:longType, longType) | PointedToByArg n -> let a = getArg n in Lval (mkMem a NoOffset) (* for each allocator, where is the length and where is the result *) let allocators: (string, (dataLocation * dataLocation)) H.t = H.create 13 let _ = H.add allocators "malloc" (InArg 1, InResult); H.add allocators "calloc" (InArgTimesArg (1, 2), InResult); H.add allocators "realloc" (InArg 2, InResult) (* for each deallocator, where is the data being deallocated *) let deallocators: (string, dataLocation) H.t = H.create 13 let _= H.add deallocators "free" (InArg 1); H.add deallocators "realloc" (InArg 1) (* Returns true if the given lvalue offset ends in a bitfield access. *) let rec is_bitfield lo = match lo with | NoOffset -> false | Field(fi,NoOffset) -> not (fi.fbitfield = None) | Field(_,lo) -> is_bitfield lo | Index(_,lo) -> is_bitfield lo (* Return an expression that evaluates to the address of the given lvalue. * For most lvalues, this is merely AddrOf(lv). However, for bitfields * we do some offset gymnastics. *) let addr_of_lv (lv: lval) = let lh, lo = lv in if is_bitfield lo then begin (* we figure out what the address would be without the final bitfield * access, and then we add in the offset of the bitfield from the * beginning of its enclosing comp *) let rec split_offset_and_bitfield lo = match lo with | NoOffset -> failwith "logwrites: impossible" | Field(fi,NoOffset) -> (NoOffset,fi) | Field(e,lo) -> let a,b = split_offset_and_bitfield lo in ((Field(e,a)),b) | Index(e,lo) -> let a,b = split_offset_and_bitfield lo in ((Index(e,a)),b) in let new_lv_offset, bf = split_offset_and_bitfield lo in let new_lv = (lh, new_lv_offset) in let enclosing_type = TComp(bf.fcomp, []) in let bits_offset, bits_width = bitsOffset enclosing_type (Field(bf,NoOffset)) in let bytes_offset = bits_offset / 8 in let lvPtr = mkCast ~e:(mkAddrOf (new_lv)) ~newt:(charPtrType) in (BinOp(PlusPI, lvPtr, (integer bytes_offset), ulongType)) end else (mkAddrOf (lh,lo)) let mustLogLval (forwrite: bool) (lv: lval) : bool = match lv with Var v, off -> (* Inside a variable. We assume the array offsets are fine *) false | Mem e, off -> if forwrite && not !doSfiWrites then false else if not forwrite && not !doSfiReads then false (* If this is an lval of function type, we do not log it *) else if isFunctionType (typeOfLval lv) then false else true (* Create prototypes for the logging functions *) let mkProto (name: string) (args: (string * typ * attributes) list) = let fdec = emptyFunction name in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(voidType, Some args, false, []); fdec let logReads = mkProto "logRead" [ ("addr", voidPtrType, []); ("what", charPtrType, []); ("file", charPtrType, []); ("line", intType, []) ] let callLogRead (lv: lval) = let what = Pretty.sprint 80 (d_lval () lv) in Call(None, Lval(Var(logReads.svar),NoOffset), [ addr_of_lv lv; mkString what; mkString !currentLoc.file; integer !currentLoc.line], !currentLoc ) let logWrites = mkProto "logWrite" [ ("addr", voidPtrType, []); ("what", charPtrType, []); ("file", charPtrType, []); ("line", intType, []) ] let callLogWrite (lv: lval) = let what = Pretty.sprint 80 (d_lval () lv) in Call(None, Lval(Var(logWrites.svar), NoOffset), [ addr_of_lv lv; mkString what; mkString !currentLoc.file; integer !currentLoc.line], !currentLoc ) let logStackFrame = mkProto "logStackFrame" [ ("func", charPtrType, []) ] let callLogStack (fname: string) = Call(None, Lval(Var(logStackFrame.svar), NoOffset), [ mkString fname; ], !currentLoc ) let logAlloc = mkProto "logAlloc" [ ("addr", voidPtrType, []); ("size", intType, []); ("file", charPtrType, []); ("line", intType, []) ] let callLogAlloc (szloc: dataLocation) (resLoc: dataLocation) (args: exp list) (res: lval option) = let sz = extractData szloc args res in let res = extractData resLoc args res in Call(None, Lval(Var(logAlloc.svar), NoOffset), [ res; sz; mkString !currentLoc.file; integer !currentLoc.line ], !currentLoc ) let logFree = mkProto "logFree" [ ("addr", voidPtrType, []); ("file", charPtrType, []); ("line", intType, []) ] let callLogFree (dataloc: dataLocation) (args: exp list) (res: lval option) = let data = extractData dataloc args res in Call(None, Lval(Var(logFree.svar), NoOffset), [ data; mkString !currentLoc.file; integer !currentLoc.line ], !currentLoc ) class sfiVisitorClass : Cil.cilVisitor = object (self) inherit nopCilVisitor method vexpr (e: exp) : exp visitAction = match e with Lval lv when mustLogLval false lv -> (* A read *) self#queueInstr [ callLogRead lv ]; DoChildren | _ -> DoChildren method vinst (i: instr) : instr list visitAction = match i with Set(lv, e, l) when mustLogLval true lv -> self#queueInstr [ callLogWrite lv ]; DoChildren | Call(lvo, f, args, l) -> (* Instrument the write *) (match lvo with Some lv when mustLogLval true lv -> self#queueInstr [ callLogWrite lv ] | _ -> ()); (* Do the expressions in the call, and then see if we need to * instrument the function call *) ChangeDoChildrenPost ([i], (fun il -> currentLoc := l; match f with Lval (Var fv, NoOffset) -> begin (* Is it an allocator? *) try let szloc, resloc = H.find allocators fv.vname in il @ [callLogAlloc szloc resloc args lvo] with Not_found -> begin (* Is it a deallocator? *) try let resloc = H.find deallocators fv.vname in il @ [ callLogFree resloc args lvo ] with Not_found -> il end end | _ -> il)) | _ -> DoChildren method vfunc (fdec: fundec) = (* Instead a stack log at the start of a function *) ChangeDoChildrenPost (fdec, fun fdec -> fdec.sbody <- mkBlock [ mkStmtOneInstr (callLogStack fdec.svar.vname); mkStmt (Block fdec.sbody) ]; fdec) end let doit (f: file) = let sfiVisitor = new sfiVisitorClass in let compileLoc (l: location) = function ACons("inres", []) -> InResult | ACons("inarg", [AInt n]) -> InArg n | ACons("inargxarg", [AInt n1; AInt n2]) -> InArgTimesArg (n1, n2) | ACons("pointedby", [AInt n]) -> PointedToByArg n | _ -> E.warn "Invalid location at %a" d_loc l; InResult in iterGlobals f (fun glob -> match glob with GFun(fdec, _) when mustSfiFunction fdec -> ignore (visitCilFunction sfiVisitor fdec) | GPragma(Attr("sfiignore", al), l) -> List.iter (function AStr fn -> H.add skipFunctions fn () | _ -> E.warn "Invalid argument in \"sfiignore\" pragma at %a" d_loc l) al | GPragma(Attr("sfialloc", al), l) -> begin match al with AStr fname :: locsz :: locres :: [] -> H.add allocators fname (compileLoc l locsz, compileLoc l locres) | _ -> E.warn "Invalid sfialloc pragma at %a" d_loc l end | GPragma(Attr("sfifree", al), l) -> begin match al with AStr fname :: locwhat :: [] -> H.add deallocators fname (compileLoc l locwhat) | _ -> E.warn "Invalid sfifree pragma at %a" d_loc l end | _ -> ()); (* Now add the prototypes for the instrumentation functions *) f.globals <- GVarDecl (logReads.svar, locUnknown) :: GVarDecl (logWrites.svar, locUnknown) :: GVarDecl (logStackFrame.svar, locUnknown) :: GVarDecl (logAlloc.svar, locUnknown) :: GVarDecl (logFree.svar, locUnknown) :: f.globals let feature : featureDescr = { fd_name = "sfi"; fd_enabled = doSfi; fd_description = "instrument memory operations"; fd_extraopt = [ "--sfireads", Arg.Set doSfiReads, "SFI for reads"; "--sfiwrites", Arg.Set doSfiWrites, "SFI for writes"; ]; fd_doit = doit; fd_post_check = true; }