module B=Bitmap module E = Errormsg open Cil open Pretty let debug = false (* Globalsread, Globalswritten should be closed under call graph *) module StringOrder = struct type t = string let compare s1 s2 = if s1 = s2 then 0 else if s1 < s2 then -1 else 1 end module StringSet = Set.Make (StringOrder) module IntOrder = struct type t = int let compare i1 i2 = if i1 = i2 then 0 else if i1 < i2 then -1 else 1 end module IntSet = Set.Make (IntOrder) type cfgInfo = { name: string; (* The function name *) start : int; size : int; blocks: cfgBlock array; (** Dominating blocks must come first *) successors: int list array; (* block indices *) predecessors: int list array; mutable nrRegs: int; mutable regToVarinfo: varinfo array; (** Map register IDs to varinfo *) } (** A block corresponds to a statement *) and cfgBlock = { bstmt: Cil.stmt; (* We abstract the statement as a list of def/use instructions *) instrlist: instruction list; mutable livevars: (reg * int) list; (** For each variable ID that is live at the start of the block, the * block whose definition reaches this point. If that block is the same * as the current one, then the variable is a phi variable *) mutable reachable: bool; } and instruction = (reg list * reg list) (* lhs variables, variables on rhs. *) and reg = int type idomInfo = int array (* immediate dominator *) and dfInfo = (int list) array (* dominance frontier *) and oneSccInfo = { nodes: int list; headers: int list; backEdges: (int*int) list; } and sccInfo = oneSccInfo list (* Muchnick's Domin_Fast, 7.16 *) let compute_idom (flowgraph: cfgInfo): idomInfo = let start = flowgraph.start in let size = flowgraph.size in let successors = flowgraph.successors in let predecessors = flowgraph.predecessors in let n0 = size in (* a new node (not in the flowgraph) *) let idom = Array.make size (-1) in (* Make an array of immediate dominators *) let nnodes = size + 1 in let nodeSet = B.init nnodes (fun i -> true) in let ndfs = Array.create nnodes 0 in (* mapping from depth-first * number to nodes. DForder * starts at 1, with 0 used as * an invalid entry *) let parent = Array.create nnodes 0 in (* the parent in depth-first * spanning tree *) (* A semidominator of w is the node v with the minimal DForder such * that there is a path from v to w containing only nodes with the * DForder larger than w. *) let sdno = Array.create nnodes 0 in (* depth-first number of * semidominator *) (* The set of nodes whose * semidominator is ndfs(i) *) let bucket = Array.init nnodes (fun _ -> B.cloneEmpty nodeSet) in (* The functions link and eval maintain a forest within the * depth-first spanning tree. Ancestor is n0 is the node is a root in * the forest. Label(v) is the node in the ancestor chain with the * smallest depth-first number of its semidominator. Child and Size * are used to keep the trees in the forest balanced *) let ancestor = Array.create nnodes 0 in let label = Array.create nnodes 0 in let child = Array.create nnodes 0 in let size = Array.create nnodes 0 in let n = ref 0 in (* depth-first scan and numbering. * Initialize data structures. *) ancestor.(n0) <- n0; label.(n0) <- n0; let rec depthFirstSearchDom v = incr n; sdno.(v) <- !n; ndfs.(!n) <- v; label.(v) <- v; ancestor.(v) <- n0; (* All nodes are roots initially *) child.(v) <- n0; size.(v) <- 1; List.iter (fun w -> if sdno.(w) = 0 then begin parent.(w) <- v; depthFirstSearchDom w end) successors.(v); in (* Determine the ancestor of v whose semidominator has the the minimal * DFnumber. In the process, compress the paths in the forest. *) let eval v = let rec compress v = if ancestor.(ancestor.(v)) <> n0 then begin compress ancestor.(v); if sdno.(label.(ancestor.(v))) < sdno.(label.(v)) then label.(v) <- label.(ancestor.(v)); ancestor.(v) <- ancestor.(ancestor.(v)) end in if ancestor.(v) = n0 then label.(v) else begin compress v; if sdno.(label.(ancestor.(v))) >= sdno.(label.(v)) then label.(v) else label.(ancestor.(v)) end in let link v w = let s = ref w in while sdno.(label.(w)) < sdno.(label.(child.(!s))) do if size.(!s) + size.(child.(child.(!s))) >= 2* size.(child.(!s)) then (ancestor.(child.(!s)) <- !s; child.(!s) <- child.(child.(!s))) else (size.(child.(!s)) <- size.(!s); ancestor.(!s) <- child.(!s); s := child.(!s)); done; label.(!s) <- label.(w); size.(v) <- size.(v) + size.(w); if size.(v) < 2 * size.(w) then begin let tmp = !s in s := child.(v); child.(v) <- tmp; end; while !s <> n0 do ancestor.(!s) <- v; s := child.(!s); done; in (* Start now *) depthFirstSearchDom start; for i = !n downto 2 do let w = ndfs.(i) in List.iter (fun v -> let u = eval v in if sdno.(u) < sdno.(w) then sdno.(w) <- sdno.(u);) predecessors.(w); B.set bucket.(ndfs.(sdno.(w))) w true; link parent.(w) w; while not (B.empty bucket.(parent.(w))) do let v = match B.toList bucket.(parent.(w)) with x :: _ -> x | [] -> ignore(print_string "Error in dominfast");0 in B.set bucket.(parent.(w)) v false; let u = eval v in idom.(v) <- if sdno.(u) < sdno.(v) then u else parent.(w); done; done; for i=2 to !n do let w = ndfs.(i) in if idom.(w) <> ndfs.(sdno.(w)) then begin let newDom = idom.(idom.(w)) in idom.(w) <- newDom; end done; idom let dominance_frontier (flowgraph: cfgInfo) : dfInfo = let idom = compute_idom flowgraph in let size = flowgraph.size in let children = Array.create size [] in for i = 0 to size - 1 do if (idom.(i) != -1) then children.(idom.(i)) <- i :: children.(idom.(i)); done; let size = flowgraph.size in let start = flowgraph.start in let successors = flowgraph.successors in let df = Array.create size [] in (* Compute the dominance frontier *) let bottom = Array.make size true in (* bottom of the dominator tree *) for i = 0 to size - 1 do if (i != start) && idom.(i) <> -1 then bottom.(idom.(i)) <- false; done; let processed = Array.make size false in (* to record the nodes added to work_list *) let workList = ref ([]) in (* to iterate in a bottom-up traversal of the dominator tree *) for i = 0 to size - 1 do if (bottom.(i)) then workList := i :: !workList; done; while (!workList != []) do let x = List.hd !workList in let update y = if idom.(y) <> x then df.(x) <- y::df.(x) in (* compute local component *) (* We use whichPred instead of whichSucc because ultimately this info is * needed by control dependence dag which is constructed from REVERSE * dominance frontier *) List.iter (fun succ -> update succ) successors.(x); (* add on up component *) List.iter (fun z -> List.iter (fun y -> update y) df.(z)) children.(x); processed.(x) <- true; workList := !workList; if (x != start) then begin let i = idom.(x) in if i <> -1 && (List.for_all (fun child -> processed.(child)) children.(i)) then workList := i :: !workList; end; done; df (* Computes for each register, the set of nodes that need a phi definition * for the register *) let add_phi_functions_info (flowgraph: cfgInfo) : unit = let df = dominance_frontier flowgraph in let size = flowgraph.size in let nrRegs = flowgraph.nrRegs in let defs = Array.init size (fun i -> B.init nrRegs (fun j -> false)) in for i = 0 to size-1 do List.iter (fun (lhs,rhs) -> List.iter (fun (r: reg) -> B.set defs.(i) r true) lhs; ) flowgraph.blocks.(i).instrlist done; let iterCount = ref 0 in let hasAlready = Array.create size 0 in let work = Array.create size 0 in let w = ref ([]) in let dfPlus = Array.init nrRegs ( fun i -> let defIn = B.make size in for j = 0 to size - 1 do if B.get defs.(j) i then B.set defIn j true done; let res = ref [] in incr iterCount; B.iter (fun x -> work.(x) <- !iterCount; w := x :: !w;) defIn; while (!w != []) do let x = List.hd !w in w := !w; List.iter (fun y -> if (hasAlready.(y) < !iterCount) then begin res := y :: !res; hasAlready.(y) <- !iterCount; if (work.(y) < !iterCount) then begin work.(y) <- !iterCount; w := y :: !w; end; end; ) df.(x) done; (* res := List.filter (fun blkId -> B.get liveIn.(blkId) i) !res; *) !res ) in let result = Array.create size ([]) in for i = 0 to nrRegs - 1 do List.iter (fun node -> result.(node) <- i::result.(node);) dfPlus.(i) done; (* result contains for each node, the list of variables that need phi * definition *) for i = 0 to size-1 do flowgraph.blocks.(i).livevars <- (fun r -> (r, i)) result.(i); done (* add dominating definitions info *) let add_dom_def_info (f: cfgInfo): unit = let blocks = f.blocks in let start = f.start in let size = f.size in let nrRegs = f.nrRegs in let idom = compute_idom f in let children = Array.create size [] in for i = 0 to size - 1 do if (idom.(i) != -1) then children.(idom.(i)) <- i :: children.(idom.(i)); done; if debug then begin ignore (E.log "Immediate dominators\n"); for i = 0 to size - 1 do ignore (E.log " block %d: idom=%d, children=%a\n" i idom.(i) (docList num) children.(i)); done end; (* For each variable, maintain a stack of blocks that define it. When you * process a block, the top of the stack is the closest dominator that * defines the variable *) let s = Array.make nrRegs ([start]) in (* Search top-down in the idom tree *) let rec search (x: int): unit = (* x is a graph node *) (* Push the current block for the phi variables *) List.iter (fun ((r: reg), dr) -> if x = dr then s.(r) <- x::s.(r)) blocks.(x).livevars; (* Clear livevars *) blocks.(x).livevars <- []; (* Compute livevars *) for i = 0 to nrRegs-1 do match s.(i) with | [] -> assert false | fst :: _ -> blocks.(x).livevars <- (i, fst) :: blocks.(x).livevars done; (* Update s for the children *) List.iter (fun (lhs,rhs) -> List.iter (fun (lreg: reg) -> s.(lreg) <- x::s.(lreg) ) lhs; ) blocks.(x).instrlist; (* Go and do the children *) List.iter search children.(x); (* Then we pop x, whenever it is on top of a stack *) Array.iteri (fun i istack -> let rec dropX = function [] -> [] | x' :: rest when x = x' -> dropX rest | l -> l in s.(i) <- dropX istack) s; in search(start) let prune_cfg (f: cfgInfo): cfgInfo = let size = f.size in if size = 0 then f else let reachable = Array.make size false in let worklist = ref([f.start]) in while (!worklist != []) do let h = List.hd !worklist in worklist := !worklist; reachable.(h) <- true; List.iter (fun s -> if (reachable.(s) = false) then worklist := s::!worklist; ) f.successors.(h); done; (* let dummyblock = { bstmt = mkEmptyStmt (); instrlist = []; livevars = [] } in *) let successors = Array.init size (fun i -> List.filter (fun s -> reachable.(s)) f.successors.(i)) in let predecessors = Array.init size (fun i -> List.filter (fun s -> reachable.(s)) f.predecessors.(i)) in Array.iteri (fun i b -> b.reachable <- reachable.(i)) f.blocks; let result: cfgInfo = { name =; start = f.start; size = f.size; successors = successors; predecessors = predecessors; blocks = f.blocks; nrRegs = f.nrRegs; regToVarinfo = f.regToVarinfo; } in result let add_ssa_info (f: cfgInfo): unit = let f = prune_cfg f in let d_reg () (r: int) = dprintf "%s(%d)" f.regToVarinfo.(r).vname r in if debug then begin ignore (E.log "Doing SSA for %s. Initial data:\n"; Array.iteri (fun i b -> ignore (E.log " block %d:\n succs=@[%a@]\n preds=@[%a@]\n instr=@[%a@]\n" i (docList num) f.successors.(i) (docList num) f.predecessors.(i) (docList ~sep:line (fun (lhs, rhs) -> dprintf "%a := @[%a@]" (docList (d_reg ())) lhs (docList (d_reg ())) rhs)) b.instrlist)) f.blocks; end; add_phi_functions_info f; add_dom_def_info f; if debug then begin ignore (E.log "After SSA\n"); Array.iter (fun b -> ignore (E.log " block %d livevars: @[%a@]\n" b.bstmt.sid (docList (fun (i, fst) -> dprintf "%a def at %d" d_reg i fst)) b.livevars)) f.blocks; end let set2list s = let result = ref([]) in IntSet.iter (fun element -> result := element::!result) s; !result let preorderDAG (nrNodes: int) (successors: (int list) array): int list = let processed = Array.make nrNodes false in let revResult = ref ([]) in let predecessorsSet = Array.make nrNodes (IntSet.empty) in for i = 0 to nrNodes -1 do List.iter (fun s -> predecessorsSet.(s) <- IntSet.add i predecessorsSet.(s)) successors.(i); done; let predecessors = Array.init nrNodes (fun i -> set2list predecessorsSet.(i)) in let workList = ref([]) in for i = 0 to nrNodes - 1 do if (predecessors.(i) = []) then workList := i::!workList; done; while (!workList != []) do let x = List.hd !workList in workList := !workList; revResult := x::!revResult; processed.(x) <- true; List.iter (fun s -> if (List.for_all (fun p -> processed.(p)) predecessors.(s)) then workList := s::!workList; ) successors.(x); done; List.rev !revResult (* Muchnick Fig 7.12 *) (* takes an SCC description as an input and returns prepares the appropriate SCC *) let preorder (nrNodes: int) (successors: (int list) array) (r: int): oneSccInfo = if debug then begin ignore (E.log "Inside preorder \n"); for i = 0 to nrNodes - 1 do ignore (E.log "succ(%d) = %a" i (docList (fun i -> num i)) successors.(i)); done; end; let i = ref(0) in let j = ref(0) in let pre = Array.make nrNodes (-1) in let post = Array.make nrNodes (-1) in let visit = Array.make nrNodes (false) in let backEdges = ref ([]) in let headers = ref(IntSet.empty) in let rec depth_first_search_pp (x:int) = visit.(x) <- true; pre.(x) <- !j; incr j; List.iter (fun (y:int) -> if (not visit.(y)) then (depth_first_search_pp y) else if (post.(y) = -1) then begin backEdges := (x,y)::!backEdges; headers := IntSet.add y !headers; end; ) successors.(x); post.(x) <- !i; incr i; in depth_first_search_pp r; let nodes = Array.make nrNodes (-1) in for y = 0 to nrNodes - 1 do if (pre.(y) != -1) then nodes.(pre.(y)) <- y; done; let nodeList = List.filter (fun i -> (i != -1)) (Array.to_list nodes) in let result = { headers = set2list !headers; backEdges = !backEdges; nodes = nodeList; } in result exception Finished let strong_components (f: cfgInfo) (debug: bool) = let size = f.size in let parent = Array.make size (-1) in let color = Array.make size (-1) in let finish = Array.make size (-1) in let root = Array.make size (-1) in (* returns a list of SCC. Each SCC is a tuple of SCC root and SCC nodes *) let dfs (successors: (int list) array) (order: int array) = let time = ref(-1) in let rec dfs_visit u = color.(u) <- 1; incr time; (* d.(u) <- time; *) List.iter (fun v -> if color.(v) = 0 then (parent.(v) <- u; dfs_visit v) ) successors.(u); color.(u) <- 2; incr time; finish.(u) <- !time in for u = 0 to size - 1 do color.(u) <- 0; (* white = 0, gray = 1, black = 2 *) parent.(u) <- -1; (* nil = -1 *) root.(u) <- 0; (* Is u a root? *) done; time := 0; Array.iter (fun u -> if (color.(u) = 0) then begin root.(u) <- 1; dfs_visit u; end; ) order; in let simpleOrder = Array.init size (fun i -> i) in dfs f.successors simpleOrder; Array.sort (fun i j -> if (finish.(i) > finish.(j)) then -1 else 1) simpleOrder; dfs f.predecessors simpleOrder; (* SCCs have been computed. (The trees represented by non-null parent edges * represent the SCCS. We call the black nodes as the roots). Now put the * result in the ouput format *) let allScc = ref([]) in for u = 0 to size - 1 do if root.(u) = 1 then begin let sccNodes = ref(IntSet.empty) in let workList = ref([u]) in while (!workList != []) do let h=List.hd !workList in workList := !workList; sccNodes := IntSet.add h !sccNodes; List.iter (fun s -> if parent.(s)=h then workList := s::!workList;) f.predecessors.(h); done; allScc := (u,!sccNodes)::!allScc; if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "Got an SCC with root %d and nodes %a" u (docList num) (set2list !sccNodes)); end; end; done; !allScc let stronglyConnectedComponents (f: cfgInfo) (debug: bool): sccInfo = let size = f.size in if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "size = %d\n" size); for i = 0 to size - 1 do ignore (E.log "Successors(%d): %a\n" i (docList (fun n -> num n)) f.successors.(i)); done; end; let allScc = strong_components f debug in let all_sccArray = Array.of_list allScc in if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "Computed SCCs\n"); for i = 0 to (Array.length all_sccArray) - 1 do ignore(E.log "SCC #%d: " i); let (_,sccNodes) = all_sccArray.(i) in IntSet.iter (fun i -> ignore(E.log "%d, " i)) sccNodes; ignore(E.log "\n"); done; end; (* Construct sccId: Node -> Scc Id *) let sccId = Array.make size (-1) in Array.iteri (fun i (r,sccNodes) -> IntSet.iter (fun n -> sccId.(n) <- i) sccNodes; ) all_sccArray; if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "\nComputed SCC IDs: "); for i = 0 to size - 1 do ignore (E.log "SCCID(%d) = %d " i sccId.(i)); done; end; (* Construct sccCFG *) let nrScc = Array.length all_sccArray in let successors = Array.make nrScc [] in for x = 0 to nrScc - 1 do successors.(x) <- let s = ref(IntSet.empty) in IntSet.iter (fun y -> List.iter (fun z -> let sy = sccId.(y) in let sz = sccId.(z) in if (not(sy = sz)) then begin s := IntSet.add sz !s; end ) f.successors.(y) ) (snd all_sccArray.(x)); set2list !s done; if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "\nComputed SCC CFG, which should be a DAG:"); ignore (E.log "nrSccs = %d " nrScc); for i = 0 to nrScc - 1 do ignore (E.log "successors(%d) = [%a] " i (docList (fun j -> num j)) successors.(i)); done; end; (* Order SCCs. The graph is a DAG here *) let sccorder = preorderDAG nrScc successors in if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "\nComputed SCC Preorder: "); ignore (E.log "Nodes in Preorder = [%a]" (docList (fun i -> num i)) sccorder); end; (* Order nodes of each SCC. The graph is a SCC here.*) let scclist = (fun i -> let successors = Array.create size [] in for j = 0 to size - 1 do successors.(j) <- List.filter (fun x -> IntSet.mem x (snd all_sccArray.(i))) f.successors.(j); done; preorder f.size successors (fst all_sccArray.(i)) ) sccorder in if (debug) then begin ignore (E.log "Computed Preorder for Nodes of each SCC\n"); List.iter (fun scc -> ignore (E.log "BackEdges = %a \n" (docList (fun (src,dest) -> dprintf "(%d,%d)" src dest)) scc.backEdges);) scclist; end; scclist