/* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. */ /*(* Parser for constructing CIL from format strings *) (* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) */ %{ open Cil open Pretty module E = Errormsg let parse_error msg : 'a = (* sm: c++-mode highlight hack: -> ' <- *) E.hadErrors := true; E.parse_error msg let getArg (argname: string) (args: (string * formatArg) list) = try snd (List.find (fun (n, a) -> n = argname) args) with _ -> E.s (error "Pattern string %s does not have argument with name %s\n" !Lexerhack.currentPattern argname) let wrongArgType (which: string) (expected: string) (found: formatArg) = E.s (bug "Expecting %s argument (%s) and found %a\n" expected which d_formatarg found) let doUnop (uo: unop) subexp = ((fun args -> let e = (fst subexp) args in UnOp(uo, e, typeOf e)), (fun e -> match e with UnOp(uo', e', _) when uo = uo' -> (snd subexp) e' | _ -> None)) let buildPlus e1 e2 : exp = let t1 = typeOf e1 in if isPointerType t1 then BinOp(PlusPI, e1, e2, t1) else BinOp(PlusA, e1, e2, t1) let buildMinus e1 e2 : exp = let t1 = typeOf e1 in let t2 = typeOf e2 in if isPointerType t1 then if isPointerType t2 then BinOp(MinusPP, e1, e2, intType) else BinOp(MinusPI, e1, e2, t1) else BinOp(MinusA, e1, e2, t1) let doBinop bop e1t e2t = ((fun args -> let e1 = (fst e1t) args in let e2 = (fst e2t) args in let t1 = typeOf e1 in BinOp(bop, e1, e2, t1)), (fun e -> match e with BinOp(bop', e1, e2, _) when bop' = bop -> begin match (snd e1t) e1, (snd e2t) e2 with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) (* Check the equivalence of two format lists *) let rec checkSameFormat (fl1: formatArg list) (fl2: formatArg list) = match fl1, fl2 with [], [] -> true | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> begin let rec checkOffsetEq o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with NoOffset, NoOffset -> true | Field(f1, o1'), Field(f2, o2') -> f1.fname = f2.fname && checkOffsetEq o1' o2' | Index(e1, o1'), Index(e2, o2') -> checkOffsetEq o1' o2' && checkExpEq e1 e2 | _, _ -> false and checkExpEq e1 e2 = match e1, e2 with Const(CInt64(n1, _, _)), Const(CInt64(n2, _, _)) -> n1 = n2 | Lval l1, Lval l2 -> checkLvalEq l1 l2 | UnOp(uo1, e1, _), UnOp(uo2, e2, _) -> uo1 = uo2 && checkExpEq e1 e2 | BinOp(bo1, e11, e12, _), BinOp(bo2, e21, e22, _) -> bo1 = bo2 && checkExpEq e11 e21 && checkExpEq e21 e22 | AddrOf l1, AddrOf l2 -> checkLvalEq l1 l2 | StartOf l1, StartOf l2 -> checkLvalEq l1 l2 | SizeOf t1, SizeOf t2 -> typeSig t1 = typeSig t2 | _, _ -> ignore (E.warn "checkSameFormat for Fe"); false and checkLvalEq l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with (Var v1, o1), (Var v2, o2) -> v1 == v2 && checkOffsetEq o1 o2 | (Mem e1, o1), (Mem e2, o2) -> checkOffsetEq o1 o2 && checkExpEq e1 e2 | _, _ -> false in let hdeq = match h1, h2 with Fv v1, Fv v2 -> v1 == v2 | Fd n1, Fd n2 -> n1 = n2 | Fe e1, Fe e2 -> checkExpEq e1 e2 | Fi i1, Fi i2 -> ignore (E.warn "checkSameFormat for Fi"); false | Ft t1, Ft t2 -> typeSig t1 = typeSig t2 | Fl l1, Fl l2 -> checkLvalEq l1 l2 | Fo o1, Fo o2 -> checkOffsetEq o1 o2 | Fc c1, Fc c2 -> c1 == c2 | _, _ -> false in hdeq || checkSameFormat t1 t2 end | _, _ -> false let matchBinopEq (bopeq: binop -> bool) lvt et = (fun i -> match i with Set (lv, BinOp(bop', Lval (lv'), e', _), l) when bopeq bop' -> begin match lvt lv, lvt lv', et e' with Some m1, Some m1', Some m2 -> (* Must check that m1 and m2 are the same *) if checkSameFormat m1 m1' then Some (m1 @ m2) else None | _, _, _ -> None end | _ -> None) let doBinopEq bop lvt et = ((fun loc args -> let l = (fst lvt) args in Set(l, BinOp(bop, (Lval l), (fst et) args, typeOfLval l), loc)), matchBinopEq (fun bop' -> bop = bop') (snd lvt) (snd et)) let getField (bt: typ) (fname: string) : fieldinfo = match unrollType bt with TComp(ci, _) -> begin try List.find (fun f -> fname = f.fname) ci.cfields with Not_found -> E.s (bug "Cannot find field %s in %s\n" fname (compFullName ci)) end | t -> E.s (bug "Trying to access field %s in non-struct\n" fname) let matchIntType (ik: ikind) (t:typ) : formatArg list option = match unrollType t with TInt(ik', _) when ik = ik' -> Some [] | _ -> None let matchFloatType (fk: fkind) (t:typ) : formatArg list option = match unrollType t with TFloat(fk', _) when fk = fk' -> Some [] | _ -> None let doAttr (id: string) (aargs: (((string * formatArg) list -> attrparam list) * (attrparam list -> formatArg list option)) option) = let t = match aargs with Some t -> t | None -> (fun _ -> []), (function [] -> Some [] | _ -> None) in ((fun args -> Attr (id, (fst t) args)), (fun attrs -> (* Find the attributes with the same ID *) List.fold_left (fun acc a -> match acc, a with Some _, _ -> acc (* We found one already *) | None, Attr(id', args) when id = id' -> (* Now match the arguments *) (snd t) args | None, _ -> acc) None attrs)) type falist = formatArg list type maybeInit = NoInit | InitExp of exp | InitCall of lval * exp list %} %token IDENT %token CST_CHAR %token CST_INT %token CST_FLOAT %token CST_STRING %token CST_WSTRING %token NAMED_TYPE %token EOF %token CHAR INT DOUBLE FLOAT VOID INT64 INT32 %token ENUM STRUCT TYPEDEF UNION %token SIGNED UNSIGNED LONG SHORT %token VOLATILE EXTERN STATIC CONST RESTRICT AUTO REGISTER %token ARG_e ARG_eo ARG_E ARG_u ARG_b ARG_t ARG_d ARG_lo ARG_l ARG_i %token ARG_o ARG_va ARG_f ARG_F ARG_A ARG_v ARG_k ARG_c ARG_d %token ARG_s ARG_p ARG_P ARG_I ARG_S ARG_g %token SIZEOF ALIGNOF %token EQ %token ARROW DOT %token EQ_EQ EXCLAM_EQ INF SUP INF_EQ SUP_EQ %token MINUS_EQ PLUS_EQ STAR_EQ %token PLUS MINUS STAR SLASH PERCENT %token TILDE AND PIPE CIRC %token EXCLAM AND_AND PIPE_PIPE %token INF_INF SUP_SUP %token PLUS_PLUS MINUS_MINUS %token RPAREN LPAREN RBRACE LBRACE LBRACKET RBRACKET %token COLON SEMICOLON COMMA ELLIPSIS QUEST %token BREAK CONTINUE GOTO RETURN %token SWITCH CASE DEFAULT %token WHILE DO FOR %token IF THEN ELSE %token PLUS_EQ MINUS_EQ STAR_EQ SLASH_EQ PERCENT_EQ %token AND_EQ PIPE_EQ CIRC_EQ INF_INF_EQ SUP_SUP_EQ %token ATTRIBUTE INLINE ASM TYPEOF FUNCTION__ PRETTY_FUNCTION__ LABEL__ %token BUILTIN_VA_ARG BUILTIN_VA_LIST %token BLOCKATTRIBUTE %token DECLSPEC %token MSASM MSATTR %token PRAGMA /* operator precedence */ %nonassoc IF %nonassoc ELSE %left COMMA /*(* Set the following precedences higer than COMMA *)*/ %nonassoc ARG_e ARG_d ARG_lo ARG_l ARG_i ARG_v ARG_I ARG_g %right EQ PLUS_EQ MINUS_EQ STAR_EQ SLASH_EQ PERCENT_EQ AND_EQ PIPE_EQ CIRC_EQ INF_INF_EQ SUP_SUP_EQ %right COLON %left PIPE_PIPE %left AND_AND %left ARG_b %left PIPE %left CIRC %left AND %left EQ_EQ EXCLAM_EQ %left INF SUP INF_EQ SUP_EQ %left INF_INF SUP_SUP %left PLUS MINUS %left STAR SLASH PERCENT CONST RESTRICT VOLATILE %right ARG_u EXCLAM TILDE PLUS_PLUS MINUS_MINUS CAST RPAREN ADDROF SIZEOF ALIGNOF %left LBRACKET %left DOT ARROW LPAREN LBRACE %nonassoc IDENT QUEST CST_INT %start initialize expression typename offset lval instr stmt stmt_list %type initialize %type <((string -> Cil.typ -> Cil.varinfo) -> Cil.location -> (string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.stmt)> stmt %type <((string -> Cil.typ -> Cil.varinfo) -> Cil.location -> (string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.stmt list)> stmt_list %type <((string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.exp) * (Cil.exp -> Cil.formatArg list option)> expression %type <((string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.exp) * (Cil.exp -> Cil.formatArg list option)> constant %type <((string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.lval) * (Cil.lval -> Cil.formatArg list option)> lval %type <((string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.typ) * (Cil.typ -> Cil.formatArg list option)> typename %type <(Cil.attributes -> (string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.typ) * (Cil.typ -> Cil.formatArg list option)> type_spec %type <((string * Cil.formatArg) list -> (string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes) list option * bool) * ((string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes) list option * bool -> Cil.formatArg list option)> parameters %type <(Cil.location -> (string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.instr) * (Cil.instr -> Cil.formatArg list option)> instr %type <(Cil.typ -> (string * Cil.formatArg) list -> Cil.offset) * (Cil.offset -> Cil.formatArg list option)> offset %% initialize: /* empty */ { } ; /* (*** Expressions ***) */ expression: | ARG_e { (* Count arguments eagerly *) let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fe e -> e | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "expression" a), (fun e -> Some [ Fe e ])) } | constant { $1 } | lval %prec IDENT { ((fun args -> Lval ((fst $1) args)), (fun e -> match e with Lval l -> (snd $1) l | _ -> None)) } | SIZEOF expression { ((fun args -> SizeOfE ((fst $2) args)), fun e -> match e with SizeOfE e' -> (snd $2) e' | _ -> None) } | SIZEOF LPAREN typename RPAREN { ((fun args -> SizeOf ((fst $3) args)), (fun e -> match e with SizeOf t -> (snd $3) t | _ -> None)) } | ALIGNOF expression { ((fun args -> AlignOfE ((fst $2) args)), (fun e -> match e with AlignOfE e' -> (snd $2) e' | _ -> None)) } | ALIGNOF LPAREN typename RPAREN { ((fun args -> AlignOf ((fst $3) args)), (fun e -> match e with AlignOf t' -> (snd $3) t' | _ -> None)) } | PLUS expression { $2 } | MINUS expression { doUnop Neg $2 } | EXCLAM expression { doUnop LNot $2 } | TILDE expression { doUnop BNot $2 } | argu expression %prec ARG_u { ((fun args -> let e = (fst $2) args in UnOp((fst $1) args, e, typeOf e)), (fun e -> match e with UnOp(uo, e', _) -> begin match (snd $1) uo, (snd $2) e' with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | AND expression %prec ADDROF { ((fun args -> match (fst $2) args with Lval l -> mkAddrOf l | _ -> E.s (bug "AddrOf applied to a non lval")), (fun e -> match e with AddrOf l -> (snd $2) (Lval l) | e -> (snd $2) (Lval (mkMem e NoOffset)))) } | LPAREN expression RPAREN { $2 } | expression PLUS expression { ((fun args -> buildPlus ((fst $1) args) ((fst $3) args)), (fun e -> match e with BinOp((PlusPI|PlusA), e1, e2, _) -> begin match (snd $1) e1, (snd $3) e2 with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | expression MINUS expression { ((fun args -> buildMinus ((fst $1) args) ((fst $3) args)), (fun e -> match e with BinOp((MinusPP|MinusPI|MinusA), e1, e2, _) -> begin match (snd $1) e1, (snd $3) e2 with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | expression argb expression %prec ARG_b { ((fun args -> let e1 = (fst $1) args in let bop = (fst $2) args in let e2 = (fst $3) args in let t1 = typeOf e1 in BinOp(bop, e1, e2, t1)), (fun e -> match e with BinOp(bop, e1, e2, _) -> begin match (snd $1) e1,(snd $2) bop,(snd $3) e2 with Some m1, Some m2, Some m3 -> Some (m1 @ m2 @ m3) | _, _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | expression STAR expression { doBinop Mult $1 $3 } | expression SLASH expression { doBinop Div $1 $3 } | expression PERCENT expression { doBinop Mod $1 $3 } | expression INF_INF expression { doBinop Shiftlt $1 $3 } | expression SUP_SUP expression { doBinop Shiftrt $1 $3 } | expression AND expression { doBinop BAnd $1 $3 } | expression PIPE expression { doBinop BOr $1 $3 } | expression CIRC expression { doBinop BXor $1 $3 } | expression EQ_EQ expression { doBinop Eq $1 $3 } | expression EXCLAM_EQ expression { doBinop Ne $1 $3 } | expression INF expression { doBinop Lt $1 $3 } | expression SUP expression { doBinop Gt $1 $3 } | expression INF_EQ expression { doBinop Le $1 $3 } | expression SUP_EQ expression { doBinop Ge $1 $3 } | LPAREN typename RPAREN expression { ((fun args -> let t = (fst $2) args in let e = (fst $4) args in mkCast e t), (fun e -> let t', e' = match e with CastE (t', e') -> t', e' | _ -> typeOf e, e in match (snd $2) t', (snd $4 e') with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None)) } ; /*(* Separate the ARG_ to ensure that the counting of arguments is right *)*/ argu : | ARG_u { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fu uo -> uo | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "unnop" a), fun uo -> Some [ Fu uo ]) } ; argb : | ARG_b { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fb bo -> bo | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "binop" a), fun bo -> Some [ Fb bo ]) } ; constant: | ARG_d { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fd n -> integer n | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "integer" a), fun e -> match e with Const(CInt64(n, _, _)) -> Some [ Fd (Int64.to_int n) ] | _ -> None) } | ARG_g { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fg s -> Const(CStr s) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "string" a), fun e -> match e with Const(CStr s) -> Some [ Fg s ] | _ -> None) } | CST_INT { let n = parseInt $1 in ((fun args -> n), (fun e -> match e, n with Const(CInt64(e', _, _)), Const(CInt64(n', _, _)) when e' = n' -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } ; /*(***************** LVALUES *******************)*/ lval: | ARG_l { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fl l -> l | Fv v -> Var v, NoOffset | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "lval" a), fun l -> Some [ Fl l ]) } | argv offset %prec ARG_v { ((fun args -> let v = (fst $1) args in (Var v, (fst $2) v.vtype args)), (fun l -> match l with Var vi, off -> begin match (snd $1) vi, (snd $2) off with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | STAR expression { ((fun args -> mkMem ((fst $2) args) NoOffset), (fun l -> match l with Mem e, NoOffset -> (snd $2) e | _, _ -> None)) } | expression ARROW IDENT offset { ((fun args -> let e = (fst $1) args in let baset = match unrollTypeDeep (typeOf e) with TPtr (t, _) -> t | _ -> E.s (bug "Expecting a pointer for field %s\n" $3) in let fi = getField baset $3 in mkMem e (Field(fi, (fst $4) fi.ftype args))), (fun l -> match l with Mem e, Field(fi, off) when fi.fname = $3 -> begin match (snd $1) e, (snd $4) off with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _, _ -> None)) } | LPAREN STAR expression RPAREN offset { ((fun args -> let e = (fst $3) args in let baset = match unrollTypeDeep (typeOf e) with TPtr (t, _) -> t | _ -> E.s (bug "Expecting a pointer\n") in mkMem e ((fst $5) baset args)), (fun l -> match l with Mem e, off -> begin match (snd $3) e, (snd $5 off) with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _, _ -> None)) } ; argv : | ARG_v { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fv v -> v | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "varinfo" a), fun v -> Some [ Fv v ]) } | IDENT { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fv v -> v | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "varinfo" a), (fun v -> E.s (bug "identifiers (%s) are not supported for deconstruction" currentArg))) } ; /*(********** OFFSETS *************)*/ offset: | ARG_o { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun t args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fo o -> o | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "offset" a), (fun off -> Some [ Fo off ])) } | /* empty */ { ((fun t args -> NoOffset), (fun off -> match off with NoOffset -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | DOT IDENT offset { ((fun t args -> let fi = getField t $2 in Field (fi, (fst $3) fi.ftype args)), (fun off -> match off with Field (fi, off') when fi.fname = $2 -> (snd $3) off' | _ -> None)) } | LBRACKET expression RBRACKET offset { ((fun t args -> let bt = match unrollType t with TArray(bt, _, _) -> bt | _ -> E.s (error "Formatcil: expecting an array for index") in let e = (fst $2) args in Index(e, (fst $4) bt args)), (fun off -> match off with Index (e, off') -> begin match (snd $2) e, (snd $4) off with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } ; /*(************ TYPES **************)*/ typename: one_formal { ((fun args -> let (_, ft, _) = (fst $1) args in ft), (fun t -> (snd $1) ("", t, []))) } ; one_formal: /*(* Do not allow attributes for the name *)*/ | type_spec attributes decl { ((fun args -> let tal = (fst $2) args in let ts = (fst $1) tal args in let (fn, ft, _) = (fst $3) ts args in (fn, ft, [])), (fun (fn, ft, fa) -> match (snd $3) (fn, ft) with Some (restt, m3) -> begin match (snd $1) restt, (snd $2) (typeAttrs restt)with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2 @ m3) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | ARG_f { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Ff (fn, ft, fa) -> (fn, ft, fa) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "formal" a), (fun (fn, ft, fa) -> Some [ Ff (fn, ft, fa) ])) } ; type_spec: | ARG_t { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun al args -> match getArg currentArg args with Ft t -> typeAddAttributes al t | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "type" a), (fun t -> Some [ Ft t ])) } | VOID { ((fun al args -> TVoid al), (fun t -> match unrollType t with TVoid _ -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | ARG_k { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun al args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fk ik -> TInt(ik, al) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "ikind" a), (fun t -> match unrollType t with TInt(ik, _) -> Some [ Fk ik ] | _ -> None)) } | CHAR { ((fun al args -> TInt(IChar, al)), (matchIntType IChar)) } | UNSIGNED CHAR { ((fun al args -> TInt(IUChar, al)), matchIntType IUChar) } | SHORT { ((fun al args -> TInt(IShort, al)), matchIntType IShort) } | UNSIGNED SHORT { ((fun al args -> TInt(IUShort, al)), matchIntType IUShort) } | INT { ((fun al args -> TInt(IInt, al)), matchIntType IInt) } | UNSIGNED INT { ((fun al args -> TInt(IUInt, al)), matchIntType IUInt) } | LONG { ((fun al args -> TInt(ILong, al)), matchIntType ILong) } | UNSIGNED LONG { ((fun al args -> TInt(IULong, al)), matchIntType IULong) } | LONG LONG { ((fun al args -> TInt(ILongLong, al)), matchIntType ILongLong) } | UNSIGNED LONG LONG { ((fun al args -> TInt(IULongLong, al)), matchIntType IULongLong) } | FLOAT { ((fun al args -> TFloat(FFloat, al)), matchFloatType FFloat) } | DOUBLE { ((fun al args -> TFloat(FDouble, al)), matchFloatType FDouble) } | STRUCT ARG_c { let currentArg = $2 in ((fun al args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fc ci -> TComp(ci, al) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "compinfo" a), (fun t -> match unrollType t with TComp(ci, _) -> Some [ Fc ci ] | _ -> None)) } | UNION ARG_c { let currentArg = $2 in ((fun al args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fc ci -> TComp(ci, al) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "compinfo" a), (fun t -> match unrollType t with TComp(ci, _) -> Some [ Fc ci ] | _ -> None)) } | TYPEOF LPAREN expression RPAREN { ((fun al args -> typeAddAttributes al (typeOf ((fst $3) args))), (fun t -> E.s (bug "Cannot match typeof(e)\n"))) } ; decl: | STAR attributes decl { ((fun ts args -> let al = (fst $2) args in (fst $3) (TPtr(ts, al)) args), (fun (fn, ft) -> match (snd $3) (fn, ft) with Some (TPtr(bt, al), m2) -> begin match (snd $2) al with Some m1 -> Some (bt, m1 @ m2) | _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | direct_decl { $1 } ; direct_decl: | /* empty */ { ((fun ts args -> ("", ts, [])), (* Match any name in this case *) (fun (fn, ft) -> Some (unrollType ft, []))) } | IDENT { ((fun ts args -> ($1, ts, [])), (fun (fn, ft) -> if fn = "" || fn = $1 then Some (unrollType ft, []) else None)) } | LPAREN attributes decl RPAREN { ((fun ts args -> let al = (fst $2) args in (fst $3) (typeAddAttributes al ts) args), (fun (fn, ft) -> begin match (snd $3) (fn, ft) with Some (restt, m2) -> begin match (snd $2) (typeAttrs restt) with Some m1 -> Some (restt, m1 @ m2) | _ -> None end | _ -> None end)) } | direct_decl LBRACKET exp_opt RBRACKET { ((fun ts args -> (fst $1) (TArray(ts, (fst $3) args, [])) args), (fun (fn, ft) -> match (snd $1) (fn, ft) with Some (TArray(bt, lo, _), m1) -> begin match (snd $3) lo with Some m2 -> Some (unrollType bt, m1 @ m2) | _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } /*(* We use parentheses around the function to avoid conflicts *)*/ | LPAREN attributes decl RPAREN LPAREN parameters RPAREN { ((fun ts args -> let al = (fst $2) args in let pars, isva = (fst $6) args in (fst $3) (TFun(ts, pars, isva, al)) args), (fun (fn, ft) -> match (snd $3) (fn, ft) with Some (TFun(rt, args, isva, al), m1) -> begin match (snd $2) al, (snd $6) (args, isva) with Some m2, Some m6 -> Some (unrollType rt, m1 @ m2 @ m6) | _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } ; parameters: | /* empty */ { ((fun args -> (None, false)), (* Match any formals *) (fun (pars, isva) -> match pars, isva with (_, false) -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | parameters_ne { ((fun args -> let (pars : (string * typ * attributes) list), (isva : bool) = (fst $1) args in (Some pars), isva), (function ((Some pars), isva) -> (snd $1) (pars, isva) | _ -> None)) } ; parameters_ne: | ELLIPSIS { ((fun args -> ([], true)), (function ([], true) -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | ARG_va { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fva isva -> ([], isva) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "vararg" a), (function ([], isva) -> Some [ Fva isva ] | _ -> None)) } | ARG_F { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with FF fl -> ( fl, false) | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "formals" a), (function (pars, false) -> Some [ FF pars ] | _ -> None)) } | one_formal { ((fun args -> ([(fst $1) args], false)), (function ([ f ], false) -> (snd $1) f | _ -> None)) } | one_formal COMMA parameters_ne { ((fun args -> let this = (fst $1) args in let (rest, isva) = (fst $3) args in (this :: rest, isva)), (function ((f::rest, isva)) -> begin match (snd $1) f, (snd $3) (rest, isva) with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } ; exp_opt: /* empty */ { ((fun args -> None), (* Match anything if the pattern does not have a len *) (fun _ -> Some [])) } | expression { ((fun args -> Some ((fst $1) args)), (fun lo -> match lo with Some e -> (snd $1) e | _ -> None)) } | ARG_eo { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Feo lo -> lo | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "exp_opt" a), fun lo -> Some [ Feo lo ]) } ; attributes: /*(* Ignore other attributes *)*/ /* empty */ { ((fun args -> []), (fun attrs -> Some [])) } | ARG_A { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with FA al -> al | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "attributes" a), (fun al -> Some [ FA al ])) } | attribute attributes { ((fun args -> addAttribute ((fst $1) args) ((fst $2) args)), (* Pass all the attributes down *) (fun attrs -> match (snd $1) attrs, (snd $2) attrs with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None)) } ; attribute: | CONST { doAttr "const" None } | RESTRICT { doAttr "restrict" None } | VOLATILE { doAttr "volatile" None } | ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN attr RPAREN RPAREN { $4 } ; attr: | IDENT { doAttr $1 None } | IDENT LPAREN attr_args_ne RPAREN { doAttr $1 (Some $3) } ; attr_args_ne: attr_arg { ((fun args -> [ (fst $1) args ]), (fun aargs -> match aargs with [ arg ] -> (snd $1) arg | _ -> None)) } | attr_arg COMMA attr_args_ne { ((fun args -> let this = (fst $1) args in this :: ((fst $3) args)), (fun aargs -> match aargs with h :: rest -> begin match (snd $1) h, (snd $3) rest with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | ARG_P { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with FP al -> al | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "attrparams" a), (fun al -> Some [ FP al ])) } ; attr_arg: | IDENT { ((fun args -> ACons($1, [])), (fun aarg -> match aarg with ACons(id, []) when id = $1 -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | IDENT LPAREN attr_args_ne RPAREN { ((fun args -> ACons($1, (fst $3) args)), (fun aarg -> match aarg with ACons(id, args) when id = $1 -> (snd $3) args | _ -> None)) } | ARG_p { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fp p -> p | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "attrparam" a), (fun ap -> Some [ Fp ap])) } ; /* (********** INSTRUCTIONS ***********) */ instr: | ARG_i SEMICOLON { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun loc args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fi i -> i | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "instr" a), (fun i -> Some [ Fi i])) } | lval EQ expression SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> Set((fst $1) args, (fst $3) args, loc)), (fun i -> match i with Set (lv, e, l) -> begin match (snd $1) lv, (snd $3) e with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | lval PLUS_EQ expression SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> let l = (fst $1) args in Set(l, buildPlus (Lval l) ((fst $3) args), loc)), matchBinopEq (fun bop -> bop = PlusPI || bop = PlusA) (snd $1) (snd $3)) } | lval MINUS_EQ expression SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> let l = (fst $1) args in Set(l, buildMinus (Lval l) ((fst $3) args), loc)), matchBinopEq (fun bop -> bop = MinusA || bop = MinusPP || bop = MinusPI) (snd $1) (snd $3)) } | lval STAR_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq Mult $1 $3 } | lval SLASH_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq Div $1 $3 } | lval PERCENT_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq Mod $1 $3 } | lval AND_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq BAnd $1 $3 } | lval PIPE_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq BOr $1 $3 } | lval CIRC_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq BXor $1 $3 } | lval INF_INF_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq Shiftlt $1 $3 } | lval SUP_SUP_EQ expression SEMICOLON { doBinopEq Shiftrt $1 $3 } /* (* Would be nice to be able to condense the next three rules but we get * into conflicts *)*/ | lval EQ lval LPAREN arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> Call(Some ((fst $1) args), Lval ((fst $3) args), (fst $5) args, loc)), (fun i -> match i with Call(Some l, Lval f, args, loc) -> begin match (snd $1) l, (snd $3) f, (snd $5) args with Some m1, Some m2, Some m3 -> Some (m1 @ m2 @ m3) | _, _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | lval LPAREN arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> Call(None, Lval ((fst $1) args), (fst $3) args, loc)), (fun i -> match i with Call(None, Lval f, args, loc) -> begin match (snd $1) f, (snd $3) args with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } | arglo lval LPAREN arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON { ((fun loc args -> Call((fst $1) args, Lval ((fst $2) args), (fst $4) args, loc)), (fun i -> match i with Call(lo, Lval f, args, loc) -> begin match (snd $1) lo, (snd $2) f, (snd $4) args with Some m1, Some m2, Some m3 -> Some (m1 @ m2 @ m3) | _, _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } ; /* (* Separate this out to ensure that the counting or arguments is right *)*/ arglo: ARG_lo { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> let res = match getArg currentArg args with Flo x -> x | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "lval option" a in res), (fun lo -> Some [ Flo lo ])) } ; arguments: /* empty */ { ((fun args -> []), (fun actuals -> match actuals with [] -> Some [] | _ -> None)) } | arguments_ne { $1 } ; arguments_ne: expression { ((fun args -> [ (fst $1) args ]), (fun actuals -> match actuals with [ h ] -> (snd $1) h | _ -> None)) } | ARG_E { let currentArg = $1 in ((fun args -> match getArg currentArg args with FE el -> el | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "arguments" a), (fun actuals -> Some [ FE actuals ])) } | expression COMMA arguments_ne { ((fun args -> ((fst $1) args) :: ((fst $3) args)), (fun actuals -> match actuals with h :: rest -> begin match (snd $1) h, (snd $3) rest with Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (m1 @ m2) | _, _ -> None end | _ -> None)) } ; /*(******** STATEMENTS *********)*/ stmt: IF LPAREN expression RPAREN stmt %prec IF { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (If((fst $3) args, mkBlock [ $5 mkTemp loc args ], mkBlock [], loc))) } | IF LPAREN expression RPAREN stmt ELSE stmt { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (If((fst $3) args, mkBlock [ $5 mkTemp loc args ], mkBlock [ $7 mkTemp loc args], loc))) } | RETURN exp_opt SEMICOLON { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (Return((fst $2) args, loc))) } | BREAK SEMICOLON { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (Break loc)) } | CONTINUE SEMICOLON { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (Continue loc)) } | LBRACE stmt_list RBRACE { (fun mkTemp loc args -> let stmts = $2 mkTemp loc args in mkStmt (Block (mkBlock (stmts)))) } | WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN stmt { (fun mkTemp loc args -> let e = (fst $3) args in let e = if isPointerType(typeOf e) then mkCast e !upointType else e in (* mkStmt (Loop (mkBlock [ mkStmt (If(e, mkBlock [], mkBlock [ mkStmt (Break loc) ], loc)); $5 mkTemp loc args ], loc, None, None)) *) mkStmt (While (e, mkBlock [ $5 mkTemp loc args ], loc))) } | instr_list { (fun mkTemp loc args -> mkStmt (Instr ($1 loc args))) } | ARG_s { let currentArg = $1 in (fun mkTemp loc args -> match getArg currentArg args with Fs s -> s | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "stmt" a) } ; stmt_list: /* empty */ { (fun mkTemp loc args -> []) } | ARG_S { let currentArg = $1 in (fun mkTemp loc args -> match getArg currentArg args with | FS sl -> sl | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "stmts" a) } | stmt stmt_list { (fun mkTemp loc args -> let this = $1 mkTemp loc args in this :: ($2 mkTemp loc args)) } /* (* We can also have a declaration *) */ | type_spec attributes decl maybe_init SEMICOLON stmt_list { (fun mkTemp loc args -> let tal = (fst $2) args in let ts = (fst $1) tal args in let (n, t, _) = (fst $3) ts args in let init = $4 args in (* Before we proceed we must create the variable *) let v = mkTemp n t in (* Now we parse the rest *) let rest = $6 mkTemp loc ((n, Fv v) :: args) in (* Now we add the initialization instruction to the * front *) match init with NoInit -> rest | InitExp e -> mkStmtOneInstr (Set((Var v, NoOffset), e, loc)) :: rest | InitCall (f, args) -> mkStmtOneInstr (Call(Some (Var v, NoOffset), Lval f, args, loc)) :: rest ) } ; instr_list: /*(* Set this rule to very low precedence to ensure that we shift as many instructions as possible *)*/ instr %prec COMMA { (fun loc args -> [ ((fst $1) loc args) ]) } | ARG_I { let currentArg = $1 in (fun loc args -> match getArg currentArg args with | FI il -> il | a -> wrongArgType currentArg "instrs" a) } | instr instr_list { (fun loc args -> let this = (fst $1) loc args in this :: ($2 loc args)) } ; maybe_init: | { (fun args -> NoInit) } | EQ expression { (fun args -> InitExp ((fst $2) args)) } | EQ lval LPAREN arguments RPAREN { (fun args -> InitCall((fst $2) args, (fst $4) args)) } ; %%