(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (** This file was originally part of Hugues Casee's frontc 2.0, and has been * extensively changed since. ** ** 1.0 3.22.99 Hugues Cassé First version. ** 2.0 George Necula 12/12/00: Many extensions **) (* ** Types *) type cabsloc = { lineno : int; filename: string; byteno: int; } let cabslu = {lineno = -10; filename = "cabs loc unknown"; byteno = -10;} (* clexer puts comments here *) let commentsGA = GrowArray.make 100 (GrowArray.Elem(cabslu,"",false)) type typeSpecifier = (* Merge all specifiers into one type *) Tvoid (* Type specifier ISO 6.7.2 *) | Tchar | Tshort | Tint | Tlong | Tint64 | Tfloat | Tdouble | Tsigned | Tunsigned | Tnamed of string (* each of the following three kinds of specifiers contains a field * or item list iff it corresponds to a definition (as opposed to * a forward declaration or simple reference to the type); they * also have a list of __attribute__s that appeared between the * keyword and the type name (definitions only) *) | Tstruct of string * field_group list option * attribute list | Tunion of string * field_group list option * attribute list | Tenum of string * enum_item list option * attribute list | TtypeofE of expression (* GCC __typeof__ *) | TtypeofT of specifier * decl_type (* GCC __typeof__ *) and storage = NO_STORAGE | AUTO | STATIC | EXTERN | REGISTER and funspec = INLINE | VIRTUAL | EXPLICIT and cvspec = CV_CONST | CV_VOLATILE | CV_RESTRICT (* Type specifier elements. These appear at the start of a declaration *) (* Everywhere they appear in this file, they appear as a 'spec_elem list', *) (* which is not interpreted by cabs -- rather, this "word soup" is passed *) (* on to the compiler. Thus, we can represent e.g. 'int long float x' even *) (* though the compiler will of course choke. *) and spec_elem = SpecTypedef | SpecCV of cvspec (* const/volatile *) | SpecAttr of attribute (* __attribute__ *) | SpecStorage of storage | SpecInline | SpecType of typeSpecifier | SpecPattern of string (* specifier pattern variable *) (* decided to go ahead and replace 'spec_elem list' with specifier *) and specifier = spec_elem list (* Declarator type. They modify the base type given in the specifier. Keep * them in the order as they are printed (this means that the top level * constructor for ARRAY and PTR is the inner-level in the meaning of the * declared type) *) and decl_type = | JUSTBASE (* Prints the declared name *) | PARENTYPE of attribute list * decl_type * attribute list (* Prints "(attrs1 decl attrs2)". * attrs2 are attributes of the * declared identifier and it is as * if they appeared at the very end * of the declarator. attrs1 can * contain attributes for the * identifier or attributes for the * enclosing type. *) | ARRAY of decl_type * attribute list * expression (* Prints "decl [ attrs exp ]". * decl is never a PTR. *) | PTR of attribute list * decl_type (* Prints "* attrs decl" *) | PROTO of decl_type * single_name list * bool (* Prints "decl (args[, ...])". * decl is never a PTR.*) (* The base type and the storage are common to all names. Each name might * contain type or storage modifiers *) (* e.g.: int x, y; *) and name_group = specifier * name list (* The optional expression is the bitfield *) and field_group = specifier * (name * expression option) list (* like name_group, except the declared variables are allowed to have initializers *) (* e.g.: int x=1, y=2; *) and init_name_group = specifier * init_name list (* The decl_type is in the order in which they are printed. Only the name of * the declared identifier is pulled out. The attributes are those that are * printed after the declarator *) (* e.g: in "int *x", "*x" is the declarator; "x" will be pulled out as *) (* the string, and decl_type will be PTR([], JUSTBASE) *) and name = string * decl_type * attribute list * cabsloc (* A variable declarator ("name") with an initializer *) and init_name = name * init_expression (* Single names are for declarations that cannot come in groups, like * function parameters and functions *) and single_name = specifier * name and enum_item = string * expression * cabsloc (* ** Declaration definition (at toplevel) *) and definition = FUNDEF of single_name * block * cabsloc * cabsloc | DECDEF of init_name_group * cabsloc (* global variable(s), or function prototype *) | TYPEDEF of name_group * cabsloc | ONLYTYPEDEF of specifier * cabsloc | GLOBASM of string * cabsloc | PRAGMA of expression * cabsloc | LINKAGE of string * cabsloc * definition list (* extern "C" { ... } *) (* toplevel form transformer, from the first definition to the *) (* second group of definitions *) | TRANSFORMER of definition * definition list * cabsloc (* expression transformer: source and destination *) | EXPRTRANSFORMER of expression * expression * cabsloc (* the string is a file name, and then the list of toplevel forms *) and file = string * definition list (* ** statements *) (* A block contains a list of local label declarations ( GCC's ({ __label__ * l1, l2; ... }) ) , a list of definitions and a list of statements *) and block = { blabels: string list; battrs: attribute list; bstmts: statement list } (* GCC asm directives have lots of extra information to guide the optimizer *) and asm_details = { aoutputs: (string * expression) list; (* constraints and expressions for outputs *) ainputs: (string * expression) list; (* constraints and expressions for inputs *) aclobbers: string list (* clobbered registers *) } and statement = NOP of cabsloc | COMPUTATION of expression * cabsloc | BLOCK of block * cabsloc | SEQUENCE of statement * statement * cabsloc | IF of expression * statement * statement * cabsloc | WHILE of expression * statement * cabsloc | DOWHILE of expression * statement * cabsloc | FOR of for_clause * expression * expression * statement * cabsloc | BREAK of cabsloc | CONTINUE of cabsloc | RETURN of expression * cabsloc | SWITCH of expression * statement * cabsloc | CASE of expression * statement * cabsloc | CASERANGE of expression * expression * statement * cabsloc | DEFAULT of statement * cabsloc | LABEL of string * statement * cabsloc | GOTO of string * cabsloc | COMPGOTO of expression * cabsloc (* GCC's "goto *exp" *) | DEFINITION of definition (*definition or declaration of a variable or type*) | ASM of attribute list * (* typically only volatile and const *) string list * (* template *) asm_details option * (* extra details to guide GCC's optimizer *) cabsloc (** MS SEH *) | TRY_EXCEPT of block * expression * block * cabsloc | TRY_FINALLY of block * block * cabsloc and for_clause = FC_EXP of expression | FC_DECL of definition (* ** Expressions *) and binary_operator = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD | AND | OR | BAND | BOR | XOR | SHL | SHR | EQ | NE | LT | GT | LE | GE | ASSIGN | ADD_ASSIGN | SUB_ASSIGN | MUL_ASSIGN | DIV_ASSIGN | MOD_ASSIGN | BAND_ASSIGN | BOR_ASSIGN | XOR_ASSIGN | SHL_ASSIGN | SHR_ASSIGN and unary_operator = MINUS | PLUS | NOT | BNOT | MEMOF | ADDROF | PREINCR | PREDECR | POSINCR | POSDECR and expression = NOTHING | UNARY of unary_operator * expression | LABELADDR of string (* GCC's && Label *) | BINARY of binary_operator * expression * expression | QUESTION of expression * expression * expression (* A CAST can actually be a constructor expression *) | CAST of (specifier * decl_type) * init_expression (* There is a special form of CALL in which the function called is __builtin_va_arg and the second argument is sizeof(T). This should be printed as just T *) | CALL of expression * expression list | COMMA of expression list | CONSTANT of constant | VARIABLE of string | EXPR_SIZEOF of expression | TYPE_SIZEOF of specifier * decl_type | EXPR_ALIGNOF of expression | TYPE_ALIGNOF of specifier * decl_type | INDEX of expression * expression | MEMBEROF of expression * string | MEMBEROFPTR of expression * string | GNU_BODY of block | EXPR_PATTERN of string (* pattern variable, and name *) and constant = | CONST_INT of string (* the textual representation *) | CONST_FLOAT of string (* the textual representaton *) | CONST_CHAR of int64 list | CONST_WCHAR of int64 list | CONST_STRING of string | CONST_WSTRING of int64 list (* ww: wstrings are stored as an int64 list at this point because * we might need to feed the wide characters piece-wise into an * array initializer (e.g., wchar_t foo[] = L"E\xabcd";). If that * doesn't happen we will convert it to an (escaped) string before * passing it to Cil. *) and init_expression = | NO_INIT | SINGLE_INIT of expression | COMPOUND_INIT of (initwhat * init_expression) list and initwhat = NEXT_INIT | INFIELD_INIT of string * initwhat | ATINDEX_INIT of expression * initwhat | ATINDEXRANGE_INIT of expression * expression (* Each attribute has a name and some * optional arguments *) and attribute = string * expression list (*********** HELPER FUNCTIONS **********) let missingFieldDecl = ("___missing_field_name", JUSTBASE, [], cabslu) let rec isStatic = function [] -> false | (SpecStorage STATIC) :: _ -> true | _ :: rest -> isStatic rest let rec isExtern = function [] -> false | (SpecStorage EXTERN) :: _ -> true | _ :: rest -> isExtern rest let rec isInline = function [] -> false | SpecInline :: _ -> true | _ :: rest -> isInline rest let rec isTypedef = function [] -> false | SpecTypedef :: _ -> true | _ :: rest -> isTypedef rest let get_definitionloc (d : definition) : cabsloc = match d with | FUNDEF(_, _, l, _) -> l | DECDEF(_, l) -> l | TYPEDEF(_, l) -> l | ONLYTYPEDEF(_, l) -> l | GLOBASM(_, l) -> l | PRAGMA(_, l) -> l | TRANSFORMER(_, _, l) -> l | EXPRTRANSFORMER(_, _, l) -> l | LINKAGE (_, l, _) -> l let get_statementloc (s : statement) : cabsloc = begin match s with | NOP(loc) -> loc | COMPUTATION(_,loc) -> loc | BLOCK(_,loc) -> loc | SEQUENCE(_,_,loc) -> loc | IF(_,_,_,loc) -> loc | WHILE(_,_,loc) -> loc | DOWHILE(_,_,loc) -> loc | FOR(_,_,_,_,loc) -> loc | BREAK(loc) -> loc | CONTINUE(loc) -> loc | RETURN(_,loc) -> loc | SWITCH(_,_,loc) -> loc | CASE(_,_,loc) -> loc | CASERANGE(_,_,_,loc) -> loc | DEFAULT(_,loc) -> loc | LABEL(_,_,loc) -> loc | GOTO(_,loc) -> loc | COMPGOTO (_, loc) -> loc | DEFINITION d -> get_definitionloc d | ASM(_,_,_,loc) -> loc | TRY_EXCEPT(_, _, _, loc) -> loc | TRY_FINALLY(_, _, loc) -> loc end let explodeStringToInts (s: string) : int64 list = let rec allChars i acc = if i < 0 then acc else allChars (i - 1) (Int64.of_int (Char.code (String.get s i)) :: acc) in allChars (-1 + String.length s) [] let valueOfDigit chr = let int_value = match chr with '0'..'9' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code '0') | 'a'..'z' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code 'a') + 10 | 'A'..'Z' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code 'A') + 10 | _ -> Errormsg.s (Errormsg.bug "not a digit") in Int64.of_int int_value open Pretty let d_cabsloc () cl = text cl.filename ++ text ":" ++ num cl.lineno