(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* cabsvisit.ml *) (* tree visitor and rewriter for cabs *) open Cabs open Trace open Pretty module E = Errormsg (* basic interface for a visitor object *) (* Different visiting actions. 'a will be instantiated with exp, instr, etc. *) type 'a visitAction = SkipChildren (* Do not visit the children. Return * the node as it is *) | ChangeTo of 'a (* Replace the expression with the * given one *) | DoChildren (* Continue with the children of this * node. Rebuild the node on return * if any of the children changes * (use == test) *) | ChangeDoChildrenPost of 'a * ('a -> 'a) (* First consider that the entire * exp is replaced by the first * paramenter. Then continue with * the children. On return rebuild * the node if any of the children * has changed and then apply the * function on the node *) type nameKind = NVar (* Variable or function prototype name *) | NFun (* A function definition name *) | NField (* The name of a field *) | NType (* The name of a type *) (* All visit methods are called in preorder! (but you can use * ChangeDoChildrenPost to change the order) *) class type cabsVisitor = object method vexpr: expression -> expression visitAction (* expressions *) method vinitexpr: init_expression -> init_expression visitAction method vstmt: statement -> statement list visitAction method vblock: block -> block visitAction method vvar: string -> string (* use of a variable * names *) method vdef: definition -> definition list visitAction method vtypespec: typeSpecifier -> typeSpecifier visitAction method vdecltype: decl_type -> decl_type visitAction (* For each declaration we call vname *) method vname: nameKind -> specifier -> name -> name visitAction method vspec: specifier -> specifier visitAction (* specifier *) method vattr: attribute -> attribute list visitAction method vEnterScope: unit -> unit method vExitScope: unit -> unit end let visitorLocation = ref { filename = ""; lineno = -1; byteno = -1;} (* a default visitor which does nothing to the tree *) class nopCabsVisitor : cabsVisitor = object method vexpr (e:expression) = DoChildren method vinitexpr (e:init_expression) = DoChildren method vstmt (s: statement) = visitorLocation := get_statementloc s; DoChildren method vblock (b: block) = DoChildren method vvar (s: string) = s method vdef (d: definition) = visitorLocation := get_definitionloc d; DoChildren method vtypespec (ts: typeSpecifier) = DoChildren method vdecltype (dt: decl_type) = DoChildren method vname k (s:specifier) (n: name) = DoChildren method vspec (s:specifier) = DoChildren method vattr (a: attribute) = DoChildren method vEnterScope () = () method vExitScope () = () end (* Map but try not to copy the list unless necessary *) let rec mapNoCopy (f: 'a -> 'a) = function [] -> [] | (i :: resti) as li -> let i' = f i in let resti' = mapNoCopy f resti in if i' != i || resti' != resti then i' :: resti' else li let rec mapNoCopyList (f: 'a -> 'a list) = function [] -> [] | (i :: resti) as li -> let il' = f i in let resti' = mapNoCopyList f resti in match il' with [i'] when i' == i && resti' == resti -> li | _ -> il' @ resti' let doVisit (vis: cabsVisitor) (startvisit: 'a -> 'a visitAction) (children: cabsVisitor -> 'a -> 'a) (node: 'a) : 'a = let action = startvisit node in match action with SkipChildren -> node | ChangeTo node' -> node' | _ -> let nodepre = match action with ChangeDoChildrenPost (node', _) -> node' | _ -> node in let nodepost = children vis nodepre in match action with ChangeDoChildrenPost (_, f) -> f nodepost | _ -> nodepost (* A visitor for lists *) let doVisitList (vis: cabsVisitor) (startvisit: 'a -> 'a list visitAction) (children: cabsVisitor -> 'a -> 'a) (node: 'a) : 'a list = let action = startvisit node in match action with SkipChildren -> [node] | ChangeTo nodes' -> nodes' | _ -> let nodespre = match action with ChangeDoChildrenPost (nodespre, _) -> nodespre | _ -> [node] in let nodespost = mapNoCopy (children vis) nodespre in match action with ChangeDoChildrenPost (_, f) -> f nodespost | _ -> nodespost let rec visitCabsTypeSpecifier (vis: cabsVisitor) (ts: typeSpecifier) = doVisit vis vis#vtypespec childrenTypeSpecifier ts and childrenTypeSpecifier vis ts = let childrenFieldGroup ((s, nel) as input) = let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let doOneField ((n, eo) as input) = let n' = visitCabsName vis NField s' n in let eo' = match eo with None -> None | Some e -> let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in if e' != e then Some e' else eo in if n' != n || eo' != eo then (n', eo') else input in let nel' = mapNoCopy doOneField nel in if s' != s || nel' != nel then (s', nel') else input in match ts with Tstruct (n, Some fg, extraAttrs) -> (*(trace "sm" (dprintf "visiting struct %s\n" n));*) let fg' = mapNoCopy childrenFieldGroup fg in if fg' != fg then Tstruct( n, Some fg', extraAttrs) else ts | Tunion (n, Some fg, extraAttrs) -> let fg' = mapNoCopy childrenFieldGroup fg in if fg' != fg then Tunion( n, Some fg', extraAttrs) else ts | Tenum (n, Some ei, extraAttrs) -> let doOneEnumItem ((s, e, loc) as ei) = let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in if e' != e then (s, e', loc) else ei in vis#vEnterScope (); let ei' = mapNoCopy doOneEnumItem ei in vis#vExitScope(); if ei' != ei then Tenum( n, Some ei', extraAttrs) else ts | TtypeofE e -> let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in if e' != e then TtypeofE e' else ts | TtypeofT (s, dt) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let dt' = visitCabsDeclType vis false dt in if s != s' || dt != dt' then TtypeofT (s', dt') else ts | ts -> ts and childrenSpecElem (vis: cabsVisitor) (se: spec_elem) : spec_elem = match se with SpecTypedef | SpecInline | SpecStorage _ | SpecPattern _ -> se | SpecCV _ -> se (* cop out *) | SpecAttr a -> begin let al' = visitCabsAttribute vis a in match al' with [a''] when a'' == a -> se | [a''] -> SpecAttr a'' | _ -> E.s (E.unimp "childrenSpecElem: visitCabsAttribute returned a list") end | SpecType ts -> let ts' = visitCabsTypeSpecifier vis ts in if ts' != ts then SpecType ts' else se and visitCabsSpecifier (vis: cabsVisitor) (s: specifier) : specifier = doVisit vis vis#vspec childrenSpec s and childrenSpec vis s = mapNoCopy (childrenSpecElem vis) s and visitCabsDeclType vis (isfundef: bool) (dt: decl_type) : decl_type = doVisit vis vis#vdecltype (childrenDeclType isfundef) dt and childrenDeclType isfundef vis dt = match dt with JUSTBASE -> dt | PARENTYPE (prea, dt1, posta) -> let prea' = mapNoCopyList (visitCabsAttribute vis) prea in let dt1' = visitCabsDeclType vis isfundef dt1 in let posta'= mapNoCopyList (visitCabsAttribute vis) posta in if prea' != prea || dt1' != dt1 || posta' != posta then PARENTYPE (prea', dt1', posta') else dt | ARRAY (dt1, al, e) -> let dt1' = visitCabsDeclType vis isfundef dt1 in let al' = mapNoCopy (childrenAttribute vis) al in let e'= visitCabsExpression vis e in if dt1' != dt1 || al' != al || e' != e then ARRAY(dt1', al', e') else dt | PTR (al, dt1) -> let al' = mapNoCopy (childrenAttribute vis) al in let dt1' = visitCabsDeclType vis isfundef dt1 in if al' != al || dt1' != dt1 then PTR(al', dt1') else dt | PROTO (dt1, snl, b) -> (* Do not propagate isfundef further *) let dt1' = visitCabsDeclType vis false dt1 in let _ = vis#vEnterScope () in let snl' = mapNoCopy (childrenSingleName vis NVar) snl in (* Exit the scope only if not in a function definition *) let _ = if not isfundef then vis#vExitScope () in if dt1' != dt1 || snl' != snl then PROTO(dt1', snl', b) else dt and childrenNameGroup vis (kind: nameKind) ((s, nl) as input) = let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let nl' = mapNoCopy (visitCabsName vis kind s') nl in if s' != s || nl' != nl then (s', nl') else input and childrenInitNameGroup vis ((s, inl) as input) = let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let inl' = mapNoCopy (childrenInitName vis s') inl in if s' != s || inl' != inl then (s', inl') else input and visitCabsName vis (k: nameKind) (s: specifier) (n: name) : name = doVisit vis (vis#vname k s) (childrenName s k) n and childrenName (s: specifier) (k: nameKind) vis (n: name) : name = let (sn, dt, al, loc) = n in let dt' = visitCabsDeclType vis (k = NFun) dt in let al' = mapNoCopy (childrenAttribute vis) al in if dt' != dt || al' != al then (sn, dt', al', loc) else n and childrenInitName vis (s: specifier) (inn: init_name) : init_name = let (n, ie) = inn in let n' = visitCabsName vis NVar s n in let ie' = visitCabsInitExpression vis ie in if n' != n || ie' != ie then (n', ie') else inn and childrenSingleName vis (k: nameKind) (sn: single_name) : single_name = let s, n = sn in let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let n' = visitCabsName vis k s' n in if s' != s || n' != n then (s', n') else sn and visitCabsDefinition vis (d: definition) : definition list = doVisitList vis vis#vdef childrenDefinition d and childrenDefinition vis d = match d with FUNDEF (sn, b, l, lend) -> let sn' = childrenSingleName vis NFun sn in let b' = visitCabsBlock vis b in (* End the scope that was started by childrenFunctionName *) vis#vExitScope (); if sn' != sn || b' != b then FUNDEF (sn', b', l, lend) else d | DECDEF ((s, inl), l) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let inl' = mapNoCopy (childrenInitName vis s') inl in if s' != s || inl' != inl then DECDEF ((s', inl'), l) else d | TYPEDEF (ng, l) -> let ng' = childrenNameGroup vis NType ng in if ng' != ng then TYPEDEF (ng', l) else d | ONLYTYPEDEF (s, l) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in if s' != s then ONLYTYPEDEF (s', l) else d | GLOBASM _ -> d | PRAGMA (e, l) -> let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in if e' != e then PRAGMA (e', l) else d | LINKAGE (n, l, dl) -> let dl' = mapNoCopyList (visitCabsDefinition vis) dl in if dl' != dl then LINKAGE (n, l, dl') else d | TRANSFORMER _ -> d | EXPRTRANSFORMER _ -> d and visitCabsBlock vis (b: block) : block = doVisit vis vis#vblock childrenBlock b and childrenBlock vis (b: block) : block = let _ = vis#vEnterScope () in let battrs' = mapNoCopyList (visitCabsAttribute vis) b.battrs in let bstmts' = mapNoCopyList (visitCabsStatement vis) b.bstmts in let _ = vis#vExitScope () in if battrs' != b.battrs || bstmts' != b.bstmts then { blabels = b.blabels; battrs = battrs'; bstmts = bstmts' } else b and visitCabsStatement vis (s: statement) : statement list = doVisitList vis vis#vstmt childrenStatement s and childrenStatement vis s = let ve e = visitCabsExpression vis e in let vs l s = match visitCabsStatement vis s with [s'] -> s' | sl -> BLOCK ({blabels = []; battrs = []; bstmts = sl }, l) in match s with NOP _ -> s | COMPUTATION (e, l) -> let e' = ve e in if e' != e then COMPUTATION (e', l) else s | BLOCK (b, l) -> let b' = visitCabsBlock vis b in if b' != b then BLOCK (b', l) else s | SEQUENCE (s1, s2, l) -> let s1' = vs l s1 in let s2' = vs l s2 in if s1' != s1 || s2' != s2 then SEQUENCE (s1', s2', l) else s | IF (e, s1, s2, l) -> let e' = ve e in let s1' = vs l s1 in let s2' = vs l s2 in if e' != e || s1' != s1 || s2' != s2 then IF (e', s1', s2', l) else s | WHILE (e, s1, l) -> let e' = ve e in let s1' = vs l s1 in if e' != e || s1' != s1 then WHILE (e', s1', l) else s | DOWHILE (e, s1, l) -> let e' = ve e in let s1' = vs l s1 in if e' != e || s1' != s1 then DOWHILE (e', s1', l) else s | FOR (fc1, e2, e3, s4, l) -> let _ = vis#vEnterScope () in let fc1' = match fc1 with FC_EXP e1 -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then FC_EXP e1' else fc1 | FC_DECL d1 -> let d1' = match visitCabsDefinition vis d1 with [d1'] -> d1' | _ -> E.s (E.unimp "visitCabs: for can have only one definition") in if d1' != d1 then FC_DECL d1' else fc1 in let e2' = ve e2 in let e3' = ve e3 in let s4' = vs l s4 in let _ = vis#vExitScope () in if fc1' != fc1 || e2' != e2 || e3' != e3 || s4' != s4 then FOR (fc1', e2', e3', s4', l) else s | BREAK _ | CONTINUE _ | GOTO _ -> s | RETURN (e, l) -> let e' = ve e in if e' != e then RETURN (e', l) else s | SWITCH (e, s1, l) -> let e' = ve e in let s1' = vs l s1 in if e' != e || s1' != s1 then SWITCH (e', s1', l) else s | CASE (e, s1, l) -> let e' = ve e in let s1' = vs l s1 in if e' != e || s1' != s1 then CASE (e', s1', l) else s | CASERANGE (e1, e2, s3, l) -> let e1' = ve e1 in let e2' = ve e2 in let s3' = vs l s3 in if e1' != e1 || e2' != e2 || s3' != s3 then CASERANGE (e1', e2', s3', l) else s | DEFAULT (s1, l) -> let s1' = vs l s1 in if s1' != s1 then DEFAULT (s1', l) else s | LABEL (n, s1, l) -> let s1' = vs l s1 in if s1' != s1 then LABEL (n, s1', l) else s | COMPGOTO (e, l) -> let e' = ve e in if e' != e then COMPGOTO (e', l) else s | DEFINITION d -> begin match visitCabsDefinition vis d with [d'] when d' == d -> s | [d'] -> DEFINITION d' | dl -> let l = get_definitionloc d in let dl' = List.map (fun d' -> DEFINITION d') dl in BLOCK ({blabels = []; battrs = []; bstmts = dl' }, l) end | ASM (sl, b, details, l) -> let childrenStringExp ((s, e) as input) = let e' = ve e in if e' != e then (s, e') else input in let details' = match details with | None -> details | Some { aoutputs = outl; ainputs = inl; aclobbers = clobs } -> let outl' = mapNoCopy childrenStringExp outl in let inl' = mapNoCopy childrenStringExp inl in if outl' == outl && inl' == inl then details else Some { aoutputs = outl'; ainputs = inl'; aclobbers = clobs } in if details' != details then ASM (sl, b, details', l) else s | TRY_FINALLY (b1, b2, l) -> let b1' = visitCabsBlock vis b1 in let b2' = visitCabsBlock vis b2 in if b1' != b1 || b2' != b2 then TRY_FINALLY(b1', b2', l) else s | TRY_EXCEPT (b1, e, b2, l) -> let b1' = visitCabsBlock vis b1 in let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in let b2' = visitCabsBlock vis b2 in if b1' != b1 || e' != e || b2' != b2 then TRY_EXCEPT(b1', e', b2', l) else s and visitCabsExpression vis (e: expression) : expression = doVisit vis vis#vexpr childrenExpression e and childrenExpression vis e = let ve e = visitCabsExpression vis e in match e with NOTHING | LABELADDR _ -> e | UNARY (uo, e1) -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then UNARY (uo, e1') else e | BINARY (bo, e1, e2) -> let e1' = ve e1 in let e2' = ve e2 in if e1' != e1 || e2' != e2 then BINARY (bo, e1', e2') else e | QUESTION (e1, e2, e3) -> let e1' = ve e1 in let e2' = ve e2 in let e3' = ve e3 in if e1' != e1 || e2' != e2 || e3' != e3 then QUESTION (e1', e2', e3') else e | CAST ((s, dt), ie) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let dt' = visitCabsDeclType vis false dt in let ie' = visitCabsInitExpression vis ie in if s' != s || dt' != dt || ie' != ie then CAST ((s', dt'), ie') else e | CALL (f, el) -> let f' = ve f in let el' = mapNoCopy ve el in if f' != f || el' != el then CALL (f', el') else e | COMMA el -> let el' = mapNoCopy ve el in if el' != el then COMMA (el') else e | CONSTANT _ -> e | VARIABLE s -> let s' = vis#vvar s in if s' != s then VARIABLE s' else e | EXPR_SIZEOF (e1) -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then EXPR_SIZEOF (e1') else e | TYPE_SIZEOF (s, dt) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let dt' = visitCabsDeclType vis false dt in if s' != s || dt' != dt then TYPE_SIZEOF (s' ,dt') else e | EXPR_ALIGNOF (e1) -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then EXPR_ALIGNOF (e1') else e | TYPE_ALIGNOF (s, dt) -> let s' = visitCabsSpecifier vis s in let dt' = visitCabsDeclType vis false dt in if s' != s || dt' != dt then TYPE_ALIGNOF (s' ,dt') else e | INDEX (e1, e2) -> let e1' = ve e1 in let e2' = ve e2 in if e1' != e1 || e2' != e2 then INDEX (e1', e2') else e | MEMBEROF (e1, n) -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then MEMBEROF (e1', n) else e | MEMBEROFPTR (e1, n) -> let e1' = ve e1 in if e1' != e1 then MEMBEROFPTR (e1', n) else e | GNU_BODY b -> let b' = visitCabsBlock vis b in if b' != b then GNU_BODY b' else e | EXPR_PATTERN _ -> e and visitCabsInitExpression vis (ie: init_expression) : init_expression = doVisit vis vis#vinitexpr childrenInitExpression ie and childrenInitExpression vis ie = let rec childrenInitWhat iw = match iw with NEXT_INIT -> iw | INFIELD_INIT (n, iw1) -> let iw1' = childrenInitWhat iw1 in if iw1' != iw1 then INFIELD_INIT (n, iw1') else iw | ATINDEX_INIT (e, iw1) -> let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in let iw1' = childrenInitWhat iw1 in if e' != e || iw1' != iw1 then ATINDEX_INIT (e', iw1') else iw | ATINDEXRANGE_INIT (e1, e2) -> let e1' = visitCabsExpression vis e1 in let e2' = visitCabsExpression vis e2 in if e1' != e1 || e2' != e2 then ATINDEXRANGE_INIT (e1, e2) else iw in match ie with NO_INIT -> ie | SINGLE_INIT e -> let e' = visitCabsExpression vis e in if e' != e then SINGLE_INIT e' else ie | COMPOUND_INIT il -> let childrenOne ((iw, ie) as input) = let iw' = childrenInitWhat iw in let ie' = visitCabsInitExpression vis ie in if iw' != iw || ie' != ie then (iw', ie') else input in let il' = mapNoCopy childrenOne il in if il' != il then COMPOUND_INIT il' else ie and visitCabsAttribute vis (a: attribute) : attribute list = doVisitList vis vis#vattr childrenAttribute a and childrenAttribute vis ((n, el) as input) = let el' = mapNoCopy (visitCabsExpression vis) el in if el' != el then (n, el') else input and visitCabsAttributes vis (al: attribute list) : attribute list = mapNoCopyList (visitCabsAttribute vis) al let visitCabsFile (vis: cabsVisitor) ((fname, f): file) : file = (fname, mapNoCopyList (visitCabsDefinition vis) f) (* end of file *)