(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * Ben Liblit * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* cprint -- pretty printer of C program from abstract syntax ** ** Project: FrontC ** File: cprint.ml ** Version: 2.1e ** Date: 9.1.99 ** Author: Hugues Cassé ** ** 1.0 2.22.99 Hugues Cassé First version. ** 2.0 3.18.99 Hugues Cassé Compatible with Frontc 2.1, use of CAML ** pretty printer. ** 2.1 3.22.99 Hugues Cassé More efficient custom pretty printer used. ** 2.1a 4.12.99 Hugues Cassé Correctly handle: ** char *m, *m, *p; m + (n - p) ** 2.1b 4.15.99 Hugues Cassé x + (y + z) stays x + (y + z) for ** keeping computation order. ** 2.1c 7.23.99 Hugues Cassé Improvement of case and default display. ** 2.1d 8.25.99 Hugues Cassé Rebuild escape sequences in string and ** characters. ** 2.1e 9.1.99 Hugues Cassé Fix, recognize and correctly display '\0'. *) (* George Necula: I changed this pretty dramatically since CABS changed *) open Cabs open Escape let version = "Cprint 2.1e 9.1.99 Hugues Cassé" type loc = { line : int; file : string } let lu = {line = -1; file = "loc unknown";} let cabslu = {lineno = -10; filename = "cabs loc unknown"; byteno = -10;} let curLoc = ref cabslu let msvcMode = ref false let printLn = ref true let printLnComment = ref false let printCounters = ref false let printComments = ref false (* ** FrontC Pretty printer *) let out = ref stdout let width = ref 80 let tab = ref 2 let max_indent = ref 60 let line = ref "" let line_len = ref 0 let current = ref "" let current_len = ref 0 let spaces = ref 0 let follow = ref 0 let roll = ref 0 let print_tab size = for i = 1 to size / 8 do output_char !out '\t' done; for i = 1 to size mod 8 do output_char !out ' ' done let flush _ = if !line <> "" then begin print_tab (!spaces + !follow); output_string !out !line; line := ""; line_len := 0 end let commit _ = if !current <> "" then begin if !line = "" then begin line := !current; line_len := !current_len end else begin line := (!line ^ " " ^ !current); line_len := !line_len + 1 + !current_len end; current := ""; current_len := 0 end let addline () = curLoc := {lineno = !curLoc.lineno+1; filename = !curLoc.filename; byteno = -1;} (*sfg: can we do better than this?*) let new_line _ = commit (); if !line <> "" then begin flush (); addline(); output_char !out '\n' end; follow := 0 let force_new_line _ = commit (); flush (); addline(); output_char !out '\n'; follow := 0 let indent _ = new_line (); spaces := !spaces + !tab; if !spaces >= !max_indent then begin spaces := !tab; roll := !roll + 1 end let indentline _ = new_line (); if !spaces >= !max_indent then begin spaces := !tab; roll := !roll + 1 end let unindent _ = new_line (); spaces := !spaces - !tab; if (!spaces <= 0) && (!roll > 0) then begin spaces := ((!max_indent - 1) / !tab) * !tab; roll := !roll - 1 end let space _ = commit () let print str = current := !current ^ str; current_len := !current_len + (String.length str); if (!spaces + !follow + !line_len + 1 + !current_len) > !width then begin if !line_len = 0 then commit (); flush (); addline(); output_char !out '\n'; if !follow = 0 then follow := !tab end (* sm: for some reason I couldn't just call print from frontc.... ? *) let print_unescaped_string str = print str let setLoc (l : cabsloc) = if !printLn then if (l.lineno <> !curLoc.lineno) || l.filename <> !curLoc.filename then begin let oldspaces = !spaces in (* sm: below, we had '//#' instead of '#', which means printLnComment was disregarded *) if !printLnComment then print "//" else print "#"; if !msvcMode then print "line"; print " "; print (string_of_int l.lineno); if (l.filename <> !curLoc.filename) then begin print (" \"" ^ l.filename ^ "\"") end; spaces := oldspaces; new_line(); curLoc := l end (* ** Useful primitives *) let print_list print_sep print_elt lst = let _ = List.fold_left (fun com elt -> if com then print_sep (); print_elt elt; true) false lst in () let print_commas nl fct lst = print_list (fun () -> print ","; if nl then new_line() else space()) fct lst let print_string (s:string) = print ("\"" ^ escape_string s ^ "\"") let print_wstring (s: int64 list ) = print ("L\"" ^ escape_wstring s ^ "\"") (* ** Base Type Printing *) let rec print_specifiers (specs: spec_elem list) = comprint "specifier("; let print_spec_elem = function SpecTypedef -> print "typedef " | SpecInline -> print "__inline " | SpecStorage sto -> print (match sto with NO_STORAGE -> (comstring "/*no storage*/") | AUTO -> "auto " | STATIC -> "static " | EXTERN -> "extern " | REGISTER -> "register ") | SpecCV cv -> print (match cv with | CV_CONST -> "const " | CV_VOLATILE -> "volatile " | CV_RESTRICT -> "restrict ") | SpecAttr al -> print_attribute al; space () | SpecType bt -> print_type_spec bt | SpecPattern name -> print ("@specifier(" ^ name ^ ") ") in List.iter print_spec_elem specs ;comprint ")" and print_type_spec = function Tvoid -> print "void " | Tchar -> print "char " | Tshort -> print "short " | Tint -> print "int " | Tlong -> print "long " | Tint64 -> print "__int64 " | Tfloat -> print "float " | Tdouble -> print "double " | Tsigned -> print "signed " | Tunsigned -> print "unsigned " | Tnamed s -> comprint "tnamed"; print s; space (); | Tstruct (n, None, _) -> print ("struct " ^ n ^ " ") | Tstruct (n, Some flds, extraAttrs) -> (print_struct_name_attr "struct" n extraAttrs); (print_fields flds) | Tunion (n, None, _) -> print ("union " ^ n ^ " ") | Tunion (n, Some flds, extraAttrs) -> (print_struct_name_attr "union" n extraAttrs); (print_fields flds) | Tenum (n, None, _) -> print ("enum " ^ n ^ " ") | Tenum (n, Some enum_items, extraAttrs) -> (print_struct_name_attr "enum" n extraAttrs); (print_enum_items enum_items) | TtypeofE e -> print "__typeof__("; print_expression e; print ") " | TtypeofT (s,d) -> print "__typeof__("; print_onlytype (s, d); print ") " (* print "struct foo", but with specified keyword and a list of * attributes to put between keyword and name *) and print_struct_name_attr (keyword: string) (name: string) (extraAttrs: attribute list) = begin if extraAttrs = [] then print (keyword ^ " " ^ name) else begin (print (keyword ^ " ")); (print_attributes extraAttrs); (* prints a final space *) (print name); end end (* This is the main printer for declarations. It is easy bacause the * declarations are laid out as they need to be printed. *) and print_decl (n: string) = function JUSTBASE -> if n <> "___missing_field_name" then print n else comprint "missing field name" | PARENTYPE (al1, d, al2) -> print "("; print_attributes al1; space (); print_decl n d; space (); print_attributes al2; print ")" | PTR (al, d) -> print "* "; print_attributes al; space (); print_decl n d | ARRAY (d, al, e) -> print_decl n d; print "["; print_attributes al; if e <> NOTHING then print_expression e; print "]" | PROTO(d, args, isva) -> comprint "proto("; print_decl n d; print "("; print_params args isva; print ")"; comprint ")" and print_fields (flds : field_group list) = if flds = [] then print " { } " else begin print " {"; indent (); List.iter (fun fld -> print_field_group fld; print ";"; new_line ()) flds; unindent (); print "} " end and print_enum_items items = if items = [] then print " { } " else begin print " {"; indent (); print_commas true (fun (id, exp, loc) -> print id; if exp = NOTHING then () else begin space (); print "= "; print_expression exp end) items; unindent (); print "} "; end and print_onlytype (specs, dt) = print_specifiers specs; print_decl "" dt and print_name ((n, decl, attrs, _) : name) = print_decl n decl; space (); print_attributes attrs and print_init_name ((n, i) : init_name) = print_name n; if i <> NO_INIT then begin space (); print "= "; print_init_expression i end and print_name_group (specs, names) = print_specifiers specs; print_commas false print_name names and print_field_group (specs, fields) = print_specifiers specs; print_commas false print_field fields and print_field (name, widtho) = print_name name; (match widtho with None -> () | Some w -> print " : "; print_expression w) and print_init_name_group (specs, names) = print_specifiers specs; print_commas false print_init_name names and print_single_name (specs, name) = print_specifiers specs; print_name name and print_params (pars : single_name list) (ell : bool) = print_commas false print_single_name pars; if ell then print (if pars = [] then "..." else ", ...") else () and print_old_params pars ell = print_commas false (fun id -> print id) pars; if ell then print (if pars = [] then "..." else ", ...") else () (* ** Expression printing ** Priorities ** 16 variables ** 15 . -> [] call() ** 14 ++, -- (post) ** 13 ++ -- (pre) ~ ! - + & *(cast) ** 12 * / % ** 11 + - ** 10 << >> ** 9 < <= > >= ** 8 == != ** 7 & ** 6 ^ ** 5 | ** 4 && ** 3 || ** 2 ? : ** 1 = ?= ** 0 , *) and get_operator exp = match exp with NOTHING -> ("", 16) | UNARY (op, _) -> (match op with MINUS -> ("-", 13) | PLUS -> ("+", 13) | NOT -> ("!", 13) | BNOT -> ("~", 13) | MEMOF -> ("*", 13) | ADDROF -> ("&", 13) | PREINCR -> ("++", 13) | PREDECR -> ("--", 13) | POSINCR -> ("++", 14) | POSDECR -> ("--", 14)) | LABELADDR s -> ("", 16) (* Like a constant *) | BINARY (op, _, _) -> (match op with MUL -> ("*", 12) | DIV -> ("/", 12) | MOD -> ("%", 12) | ADD -> ("+", 11) | SUB -> ("-", 11) | SHL -> ("<<", 10) | SHR -> (">>", 10) | LT -> ("<", 9) | LE -> ("<=", 9) | GT -> (">", 9) | GE -> (">=", 9) | EQ -> ("==", 8) | NE -> ("!=", 8) | BAND -> ("&", 7) | XOR -> ("^", 6) | BOR -> ("|", 5) | AND -> ("&&", 4) | OR -> ("||", 3) | ASSIGN -> ("=", 1) | ADD_ASSIGN -> ("+=", 1) | SUB_ASSIGN -> ("-=", 1) | MUL_ASSIGN -> ("*=", 1) | DIV_ASSIGN -> ("/=", 1) | MOD_ASSIGN -> ("%=", 1) | BAND_ASSIGN -> ("&=", 1) | BOR_ASSIGN -> ("|=", 1) | XOR_ASSIGN -> ("^=", 1) | SHL_ASSIGN -> ("<<=", 1) | SHR_ASSIGN -> (">>=", 1)) | QUESTION _ -> ("", 2) | CAST _ -> ("", 13) | CALL _ -> ("", 15) | COMMA _ -> ("", 0) | CONSTANT _ -> ("", 16) | VARIABLE name -> ("", 16) | EXPR_SIZEOF exp -> ("", 16) | TYPE_SIZEOF _ -> ("", 16) | EXPR_ALIGNOF exp -> ("", 16) | TYPE_ALIGNOF _ -> ("", 16) | INDEX (exp, idx) -> ("", 15) | MEMBEROF (exp, fld) -> ("", 15) | MEMBEROFPTR (exp, fld) -> ("", 15) | GNU_BODY _ -> ("", 17) | EXPR_PATTERN _ -> ("", 16) (* sm: not sure about this *) and print_comma_exps exps = print_commas false print_expression exps and print_init_expression (iexp: init_expression) : unit = match iexp with NO_INIT -> () | SINGLE_INIT e -> print_expression e | COMPOUND_INIT initexps -> let doinitexp = function NEXT_INIT, e -> print_init_expression e | i, e -> let rec doinit = function NEXT_INIT -> () | INFIELD_INIT (fn, i) -> print ("." ^ fn); doinit i | ATINDEX_INIT (e, i) -> print "["; print_expression e; print "]"; doinit i | ATINDEXRANGE_INIT (s, e) -> print "["; print_expression s; print " ... "; print_expression e; print "]" in doinit i; print " = "; print_init_expression e in print "{"; print_commas false doinitexp initexps; print "}" and print_expression (exp: expression) = print_expression_level 1 exp and print_expression_level (lvl: int) (exp : expression) = let (txt, lvl') = get_operator exp in let _ = if lvl > lvl' then print "(" else () in let _ = match exp with NOTHING -> () | UNARY (op, exp') -> (match op with POSINCR | POSDECR -> print_expression_level lvl' exp'; print txt | _ -> print txt; space (); (* Print the space to avoid --5 *) print_expression_level lvl' exp') | LABELADDR l -> print ("&& " ^ l) | BINARY (op, exp1, exp2) -> (*if (op = SUB) && (lvl <= lvl') then print "(";*) print_expression_level lvl' exp1; space (); print txt; space (); (*print_expression exp2 (if op = SUB then (lvl' + 1) else lvl');*) print_expression_level (lvl' + 1) exp2 (*if (op = SUB) && (lvl <= lvl') then print ")"*) | QUESTION (exp1, exp2, exp3) -> print_expression_level 2 exp1; space (); print "? "; print_expression_level 2 exp2; space (); print ": "; print_expression_level 2 exp3; | CAST (typ, iexp) -> print "("; print_onlytype typ; print ")"; (* Always print parentheses. In a small number of cases when we print * constants we don't need them *) (match iexp with SINGLE_INIT e -> print_expression_level 15 e | COMPOUND_INIT _ -> (* print "("; *) print_init_expression iexp (* ; print ")" *) | NO_INIT -> print "") | CALL (VARIABLE "__builtin_va_arg", [arg; TYPE_SIZEOF (bt, dt)]) -> comprint "variable"; print "__builtin_va_arg"; print "("; print_expression_level 1 arg; print ","; print_onlytype (bt, dt); print ")" | CALL (exp, args) -> print_expression_level 16 exp; print "("; print_comma_exps args; print ")" | COMMA exps -> print_comma_exps exps | CONSTANT cst -> (match cst with CONST_INT i -> print i | CONST_FLOAT r -> print r | CONST_CHAR c -> print ("'" ^ escape_wstring c ^ "'") | CONST_WCHAR c -> print ("L'" ^ escape_wstring c ^ "'") | CONST_STRING s -> print_string s | CONST_WSTRING ws -> print_wstring ws) | VARIABLE name -> comprint "variable"; print name | EXPR_SIZEOF exp -> print "sizeof("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ")" | TYPE_SIZEOF (bt,dt) -> print "sizeof("; print_onlytype (bt, dt); print ")" | EXPR_ALIGNOF exp -> print "__alignof__("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ")" | TYPE_ALIGNOF (bt,dt) -> print "__alignof__("; print_onlytype (bt, dt); print ")" | INDEX (exp, idx) -> print_expression_level 16 exp; print "["; print_expression_level 0 idx; print "]" | MEMBEROF (exp, fld) -> print_expression_level 16 exp; print ("." ^ fld) | MEMBEROFPTR (exp, fld) -> print_expression_level 16 exp; print ("->" ^ fld) | GNU_BODY (blk) -> print "("; print_block blk; print ")" | EXPR_PATTERN (name) -> print ("@expr(" ^ name ^ ") ") in if lvl > lvl' then print ")" else () (* ** Statement printing *) and print_statement stat = match stat with NOP (loc) -> setLoc(loc); print ";"; new_line () | COMPUTATION (exp, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print_expression exp; print ";"; new_line () | BLOCK (blk, loc) -> print_block blk | SEQUENCE (s1, s2, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print_statement s1; print_statement s2; | IF (exp, s1, s2, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "if("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ")"; print_substatement s1; (match s2 with | NOP(_) -> () | _ -> begin print "else"; print_substatement s2; end) | WHILE (exp, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "while("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ")"; print_substatement stat | DOWHILE (exp, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "do"; print_substatement stat; print "while("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ");"; new_line (); | FOR (fc1, exp2, exp3, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "for("; (match fc1 with FC_EXP exp1 -> print_expression_level 0 exp1; print ";" | FC_DECL dec1 -> print_def dec1); space (); print_expression_level 0 exp2; print ";"; space (); print_expression_level 0 exp3; print ")"; print_substatement stat | BREAK (loc)-> setLoc(loc); print "break;"; new_line () | CONTINUE (loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "continue;"; new_line () | RETURN (exp, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "return"; if exp = NOTHING then () else begin print " "; print_expression_level 1 exp end; print ";"; new_line () | SWITCH (exp, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "switch("; print_expression_level 0 exp; print ")"; print_substatement stat | CASE (exp, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); unindent (); print "case "; print_expression_level 1 exp; print ":"; indent (); print_substatement stat | CASERANGE (expl, exph, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); unindent (); print "case "; print_expression expl; print " ... "; print_expression exph; print ":"; indent (); print_substatement stat | DEFAULT (stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); unindent (); print "default :"; indent (); print_substatement stat | LABEL (name, stat, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print (name ^ ":"); space (); print_substatement stat | GOTO (name, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print ("goto " ^ name ^ ";"); new_line () | COMPGOTO (exp, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print ("goto *"); print_expression exp; print ";"; new_line () | DEFINITION d -> print_def d | ASM (attrs, tlist, details, loc) -> setLoc(loc); let print_asm_operand (cnstr, e) = print_string cnstr; space (); print_expression_level 100 e in if !msvcMode then begin print "__asm {"; print_list (fun () -> new_line()) print tlist; (* templates *) print "};" end else begin print "__asm__ "; print_attributes attrs; print "("; print_list (fun () -> new_line()) print_string tlist; (* templates *) begin match details with | None -> () | Some { aoutputs = outs; ainputs = ins; aclobbers = clobs } -> print ":"; space (); print_commas false print_asm_operand outs; if ins <> [] || clobs <> [] then begin print ":"; space (); print_commas false print_asm_operand ins; if clobs <> [] then begin print ":"; space (); print_commas false print_string clobs end; end end; print ");" end; new_line () | TRY_FINALLY (b, h, loc) -> setLoc loc; print "__try "; print_block b; print "__finally "; print_block h | TRY_EXCEPT (b, e, h, loc) -> setLoc loc; print "__try "; print_block b; print "__except("; print_expression e; print ")"; print_block h and print_block blk = new_line(); print "{"; indent (); if blk.blabels <> [] then begin print "__label__ "; print_commas false print blk.blabels; print ";"; new_line (); end; if blk.battrs <> [] then begin List.iter print_attribute blk.battrs; new_line (); end; List.iter print_statement blk.bstmts; unindent (); print "}"; new_line () and print_substatement stat = match stat with IF _ | SEQUENCE _ | DOWHILE _ -> new_line (); print "{"; indent (); print_statement stat; unindent (); print "}"; new_line (); | BLOCK _ -> print_statement stat | _ -> indent (); print_statement stat; unindent () (* ** GCC Attributes *) and print_attribute (name,args) = if args = [] then print ( match name with "restrict" -> "__restrict" (* weimer: Fri Dec 7 17:12:35 2001 * must not print 'restrict' and the code below does allows some * plain 'restrict's to slip though! *) | x -> x) else begin print name; print "("; if name = "__attribute__" then print "("; (match args with [VARIABLE "aconst"] -> print "const" | [VARIABLE "restrict"] -> print "__restrict" | _ -> print_commas false (fun e -> print_expression e) args); print ")"; if name = "__attribute__" then print ")" end (* Print attributes. *) and print_attributes attrs = List.iter (fun a -> print_attribute a; space ()) attrs (* ** Declaration printing *) and print_defs defs = let prev = ref false in List.iter (fun def -> (match def with DECDEF _ -> prev := false | _ -> if not !prev then force_new_line (); prev := true); print_def def) defs and print_def def = match def with FUNDEF (proto, body, loc, _) -> comprint "fundef"; if !printCounters then begin try let fname = match proto with (_, (n, _, _, _)) -> n in print_def (DECDEF (([SpecType Tint], [(fname ^ "__counter", JUSTBASE, [], cabslu), NO_INIT]), loc)); with Not_found -> print "/* can't print the counter */" end; setLoc(loc); print_single_name proto; print_block body; force_new_line (); | DECDEF (names, loc) -> comprint "decdef"; setLoc(loc); print_init_name_group names; print ";"; new_line () | TYPEDEF (names, loc) -> comprint "typedef"; setLoc(loc); print_name_group names; print ";"; new_line (); force_new_line () | ONLYTYPEDEF (specs, loc) -> comprint "onlytypedef"; setLoc(loc); print_specifiers specs; print ";"; new_line (); force_new_line () | GLOBASM (asm, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "__asm__ ("; print_string asm; print ");"; new_line (); force_new_line () | PRAGMA (a,loc) -> setLoc(loc); force_new_line (); print "#pragma "; let oldwidth = !width in width := 1000000; (* Do not wrap pragmas *) print_expression a; width := oldwidth; force_new_line () | LINKAGE (n, loc, dl) -> setLoc (loc); force_new_line (); print "extern "; print_string n; print_string " {"; List.iter print_def dl; print_string "}"; force_new_line () | TRANSFORMER(srcdef, destdeflist, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "@transform {"; force_new_line(); print "{"; force_new_line(); indent (); print_def srcdef; unindent(); print "}"; force_new_line(); print "to {"; force_new_line(); indent(); List.iter print_def destdeflist; unindent(); print "}"; force_new_line() | EXPRTRANSFORMER(srcexpr, destexpr, loc) -> setLoc(loc); print "@transformExpr { "; print_expression srcexpr; print " } to { "; print_expression destexpr; print " }"; force_new_line() (* sm: print a comment if the printComments flag is set *) and comprint (str : string) : unit = begin if (!printComments) then ( print "/*"; print str; print "*/ " ) else () end (* sm: yield either the given string, or "", depending on printComments *) and comstring (str : string) : string = begin if (!printComments) then str else "" end (* print abstrac_syntax -> () ** Pretty printing the given abstract syntax program. *) let printFile (result : out_channel) ((fname, defs) : file) = out := result; print_defs defs; flush () (* sm: should do this here *) let set_tab t = tab := t let set_width w = width := w