(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) module E = Errormsg open Trace open Pretty (* Output management *) let out : out_channel option ref = ref None let close_me = ref false let close_output _ = match !out with None -> () | Some o -> begin flush o; if !close_me then close_out o else (); close_me := false end let set_output filename = close_output (); (try out := Some (open_out filename) with (Sys_error msg) -> output_string stderr ("Error while opening output: " ^ msg); exit 1); close_me := true (* Signal that we are in MS VC mode *) let setMSVCMode () = Cprint.msvcMode := true (* filename for patching *) let patchFileName : string ref = ref "" (* by default do no patching *) (* patching file contents *) let patchFile : Cabs.file option ref = ref None (* whether to print the patched CABS files *) let printPatchedFiles : bool ref = ref false (* whether to print a file of prototypes after parsing *) let doPrintProtos : bool ref = ref false (* this seems like something that should be built-in.. *) let isNone (o : 'a option) : bool = begin match o with | Some _ -> false | None -> true end (* ** Argument definition *) let args : (string * Arg.spec * string) list = [ "--cabsonly", Arg.String set_output, ": CABS output file name"; "--printComments", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Cprint.printComments := true), ": print cabs tree structure in comments in cabs output"; "--patchFile", Arg.String (fun pf -> patchFileName := pf), ": name the file containing patching transformations"; "--printPatched", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> printPatchedFiles := true), ": print patched CABS files after patching, to *.patched"; "--printProtos", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> doPrintProtos := true), ": print prototypes to safec.proto.h after parsing"; ] exception ParseError of string exception CabsOnly (* parse, and apply patching *) let rec parse_to_cabs fname = begin (* parse the patch file if it isn't parsed already *) if ((!patchFileName <> "") && (isNone !patchFile)) then ( (* parse the patch file *) patchFile := Some(parse_to_cabs_inner !patchFileName); if !E.hadErrors then (failwith "There were parsing errors in the patch file") ); (* now parse the file we came here to parse *) let cabs = parse_to_cabs_inner fname in if !E.hadErrors then E.s (E.error "There were parsing errors in %s\n" fname); (* and apply the patch file, return transformed file *) let patched = match !patchFile with | Some(pf) -> ( (* save old value of out so I can use it for debugging during patching *) let oldOut = !out in (* reset out so we don't try to print the patch file to it *) out := None; (trace "patch" (dprintf "newpatching %s\n" fname)); let result = (Stats.time "newpatch" (Patch.applyPatch pf) cabs) in if (!printPatchedFiles) then begin let outFname:string = fname ^ ".patched" in (trace "patch" (dprintf "printing patched version of %s to %s\n" fname outFname)); let o = (open_out outFname) in (Cprint.printFile o result); (close_out o) end; (* restore out *) Cprint.flush (); out := oldOut; result ) | None -> cabs in (* print it ... *) (match !out with Some o -> begin (trace "sm" (dprintf "writing the cabs output\n")); output_string o ("/* Generated by Frontc */\n"); Stats.time "printCABS" (Cprint.printFile o) patched; close_output (); raise CabsOnly end | None -> ()); if !E.hadErrors then raise Parsing.Parse_error; (* and return the patched source *) patched end (* just parse *) and parse_to_cabs_inner (fname : string) = try if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (E.log "Frontc is parsing %s\n" fname); flush !E.logChannel; E.hadErrors := false; let lexbuf = Clexer.init fname in let cabs = Stats.time "parse" (Cparser.file Clexer.initial) lexbuf in Clexer.finish (); (fname, cabs) with (Sys_error msg) -> begin ignore (E.log "Cannot open %s : %s\n" fname msg); Clexer.finish (); close_output (); raise (ParseError("Cannot open " ^ fname ^ ": " ^ msg ^ "\n")) end | Parsing.Parse_error -> begin ignore (E.log "Parsing error\n"); Clexer.finish (); close_output (); raise (ParseError("Parse error")) end | e -> begin ignore (E.log "Caught %s while parsing\n" (Printexc.to_string e)); Clexer.finish (); raise e end (* print to safec.proto.h the prototypes of all functions that are defined *) let printPrototypes ((fname, file) : Cabs.file) : unit = begin (*ignore (E.log "file has %d defns\n" (List.length file));*) let chan = open_out "safec.proto.h" in ignore (fprintf chan "/* generated prototypes file, %d defs */\n" (List.length file)); Cprint.out := chan; let counter : int ref = ref 0 in let rec loop (d : Cabs.definition) = begin match d with | Cabs.FUNDEF(name, _, loc, _) -> ( match name with | (_, (funcname, Cabs.PROTO(_,_,_), _, _)) -> ( incr counter; ignore (fprintf chan "\n/* %s from %s:%d */\n" funcname loc.Cabs.filename loc.Cabs.lineno); flush chan; Cprint.print_single_name name; Cprint.print_unescaped_string ";"; Cprint.force_new_line (); Cprint.flush () ) | _ -> () ) | _ -> () end in (List.iter loop file); ignore (fprintf chan "\n/* wrote %d prototypes */\n" !counter); close_out chan; ignore (E.log "printed %d prototypes from %d defns to safec.proto.h\n" !counter (List.length file)) end let parse fname = (trace "sm" (dprintf "parsing %s to Cabs\n" fname)); let cabs = parse_to_cabs fname in (* Now (return a function that will) convert to CIL *) fun _ -> (trace "sm" (dprintf "converting %s from Cabs to CIL\n" fname)); let cil = Stats.time "conv" Cabs2cil.convFile cabs in if !doPrintProtos then (printPrototypes cabs); cil