(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* maincil *) (* this module is the program entry point for the 'cilly' program, *) (* which reads a C program file, parses it, translates it to the CIL *) (* intermediate language, and then renders that back into C *) module F = Frontc module C = Cil module CK = Check module E = Errormsg open Pretty open Trace type outfile = { fname: string; fchan: out_channel } let outChannel : outfile option ref = ref None let mergedChannel : outfile option ref = ref None let parseOneFile (fname: string) : C.file = (* PARSE and convert to CIL *) if !Cilutil.printStages then ignore (E.log "Parsing %s\n" fname); let cil = F.parse fname () in if (not !Epicenter.doEpicenter) then ( (* sm: remove unused temps to cut down on gcc warnings *) (* (Stats.time "usedVar" Rmtmps.removeUnusedTemps cil); *) (trace "sm" (dprintf "removing unused temporaries\n")); (Rmtmps.removeUnusedTemps cil) ); cil (** These are the statically-configured features. To these we append the * features defined in Feature_config.ml (from Makefile) *) let makeCFGFeature : C.featureDescr = { C.fd_name = "makeCFG"; C.fd_enabled = Cilutil.makeCFG; C.fd_description = "make the program look more like a CFG" ; C.fd_extraopt = []; C.fd_doit = (fun f -> ignore (Partial.calls_end_basic_blocks f) ; ignore (Partial.globally_unique_vids f) ; Cil.iterGlobals f (fun glob -> match glob with Cil.GFun(fd,_) -> Cil.prepareCFG fd ; (* jc: blockinggraph depends on this "true" arg *) ignore (Cil.computeCFGInfo fd true) | _ -> ()) ); C.fd_post_check = true; } let features : C.featureDescr list = [ Epicenter.feature; Simplify.feature; Canonicalize.feature; Callgraph.feature; Logwrites.feature; Heapify.feature1; Heapify.feature2; Oneret.feature; makeCFGFeature; (* ww: make CFG *must* come before Partial *) Partial.feature; Simplemem.feature; Sfi.feature; Dataslicing.feature; Logcalls.feature; Ptranal.feature; Liveness.feature; ] @ Feature_config.features let rec processOneFile (cil: C.file) = begin if !Cilutil.doCheck then begin ignore (E.log "First CIL check\n"); ignore (CK.checkFile [] cil); end; (* Scan all the features configured from the Makefile and, if they are * enabled then run them on the current file *) List.iter (fun fdesc -> if ! (fdesc.C.fd_enabled) then begin if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (E.log "Running CIL feature %s (%s)\n" fdesc.C.fd_name fdesc.C.fd_description); (* Run the feature, and see how long it takes. *) Stats.time fdesc.C.fd_name fdesc.C.fd_doit cil; (* See if we need to do some checking *) if !Cilutil.doCheck && fdesc.C.fd_post_check then begin ignore (E.log "CIL check after %s\n" fdesc.C.fd_name); ignore (CK.checkFile [] cil); end end) features; (match !outChannel with None -> () | Some c -> Stats.time "printCIL" (C.dumpFile (!C.printerForMaincil) c.fchan c.fname) cil); if !E.hadErrors then E.s (E.error "Error while processing file; see above for details."); end (***** MAIN *****) let rec theMain () = let usageMsg = "Usage: cilly [options] source-files" in (* Processign of output file arguments *) let openFile (what: string) (takeit: outfile -> unit) (fl: string) = if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (Printf.printf "Setting %s to %s\n" what fl); (try takeit { fname = fl; fchan = open_out fl } with _ -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Cannot open " ^ what ^ " file " ^ fl))) in let outName = ref "" in (* sm: enabling this by default, since I think usually we * want 'cilly' transformations to preserve annotations; I * can easily add a command-line flag if someone sometimes * wants these suppressed *) C.print_CIL_Input := true; (*********** COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS *****************) (* Construct the arguments for the features configured from the Makefile *) let blankLine = ("", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> ()), "") in let featureArgs = List.fold_right (fun fdesc acc -> if !(fdesc.C.fd_enabled) then (* The feature is enabled by default *) blankLine :: ("--dont" ^ fdesc.C.fd_name, Arg.Clear(fdesc.C.fd_enabled), " Disable " ^ fdesc.C.fd_description) :: fdesc.C.fd_extraopt @ acc else (* Disabled by default *) blankLine :: ("--do" ^ fdesc.C.fd_name, Arg.Set(fdesc.C.fd_enabled), " Enable " ^ fdesc.C.fd_description) :: fdesc.C.fd_extraopt @ acc ) features [blankLine] in let featureArgs = ("", Arg.Unit (fun () -> ()), "\n\t\tCIL Features") :: featureArgs in let argDescr = Ciloptions.options @ [ "--out", Arg.String (openFile "output" (fun oc -> outChannel := Some oc)), "the name of the output CIL file. The cilly script sets this for you."; "--mergedout", Arg.String (openFile "merged output" (fun oc -> mergedChannel := Some oc)), "specify the name of the merged file"; ] @ F.args @ featureArgs in begin (* this point in the code is the program entry point *) Stats.reset (Stats.has_performance_counters ()); (* parse the command-line arguments *) Arg.parse argDescr Ciloptions.recordFile usageMsg; Cil.initCIL (); Ciloptions.fileNames := List.rev !Ciloptions.fileNames; if !Cilutil.testcil <> "" then begin Testcil.doit !Cilutil.testcil end else (* parse each of the files named on the command line, to CIL *) let files = List.map parseOneFile !Ciloptions.fileNames in (* if there's more than one source file, merge them together; *) (* now we have just one CIL "file" to deal with *) let one = match files with [one] -> one | [] -> E.s (E.error "No arguments for CIL\n") | _ -> let merged = Stats.time "merge" (Mergecil.merge files) (if !outName = "" then "stdout" else !outName) in if !E.hadErrors then E.s (E.error "There were errors during merging\n"); (* See if we must save the merged file *) (match !mergedChannel with None -> () | Some mc -> begin let oldpci = !C.print_CIL_Input in C.print_CIL_Input := true; Stats.time "printMerged" (C.dumpFile !C.printerForMaincil mc.fchan mc.fname) merged; C.print_CIL_Input := oldpci end); merged in if !E.hadErrors then E.s (E.error "Cabs2cil had some errors"); (* process the CIL file (merged if necessary) *) processOneFile one end ;; (* Define a wrapper for main to * intercept the exit *) let failed = ref false let cleanup () = if !E.verboseFlag || !Cilutil.printStats then Stats.print stderr "Timings:\n"; if !E.logChannel != stderr then close_out (! E.logChannel); (match ! outChannel with Some c -> close_out c.fchan | _ -> ()) (* Without this handler, cilly.asm.exe will quit silently with return code 0 when a segfault happens. *) let handleSEGV code = if !Cil.currentLoc == Cil.locUnknown then E.log "**** Segmentation fault (possibly a stack overflow)\n" else begin E.log ("**** Segmentation fault (possibly a stack overflow) "^^ "while processing %a\n") Cil.d_loc !Cil.currentLoc end; exit code let _ = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigsegv (Sys.Signal_handle handleSEGV); ;; begin try theMain (); with F.CabsOnly -> (* this is OK *) () end; cleanup (); exit (if !failed then 1 else 0)