(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * Ben Liblit * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* rmtmps.ml *) (* implementation for rmtmps.mli *) open Pretty open Cil module H = Hashtbl module E = Errormsg module U = Util (* Set on the command-line: *) let keepUnused = ref false let rmUnusedInlines = ref false let trace = Trace.trace "rmtmps" (*********************************************************************** * * Clearing of "referenced" bits * *) let clearReferencedBits file = let considerGlobal global = match global with | GType (info, _) -> trace (dprintf "clearing mark: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); info.treferenced <- false | GEnumTag (info, _) | GEnumTagDecl (info, _) -> trace (dprintf "clearing mark: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); info.ereferenced <- false | GCompTag (info, _) | GCompTagDecl (info, _) -> trace (dprintf "clearing mark: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); info.creferenced <- false | GVar ({vname = name} as info, _, _) | GVarDecl ({vname = name} as info, _) -> trace (dprintf "clearing mark: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); info.vreferenced <- false | GFun ({svar = info} as func, _) -> trace (dprintf "clearing mark: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); info.vreferenced <- false; let clearMark local = trace (dprintf "clearing mark: local %s\n" local.vname); local.vreferenced <- false in List.iter clearMark func.slocals | _ -> () in iterGlobals file considerGlobal (*********************************************************************** * * Scanning and categorization of pragmas * *) (* collections of names of things to keep *) type collection = (string, unit) H.t type keepers = { typedefs : collection; enums : collection; structs : collection; unions : collection; defines : collection; } (* rapid transfer of control when we find a malformed pragma *) exception Bad_pragma let ccureddeepcopystring = "ccureddeepcopy" (* Save this length so we don't recompute it each time. *) let ccureddeepcopystring_length = String.length ccureddeepcopystring (* CIL and CCured define several pragmas which prevent removal of * various global symbols. Here we scan for those pragmas and build * up collections of the corresponding symbols' names. *) let categorizePragmas file = (* names of things which should be retained *) let keepers = { typedefs = H.create 0; enums = H.create 0; structs = H.create 0; unions = H.create 0; defines = H.create 1 } in (* populate these name collections in light of each pragma *) let considerPragma = let badPragma location pragma = ignore (warnLoc location "Invalid argument to pragma %s" pragma) in function | GPragma (Attr ("cilnoremove" as directive, args), location) -> (* a very flexible pragma: can retain typedefs, enums, * structs, unions, or globals (functions or variables) *) begin let processArg arg = try match arg with | AStr specifier -> (* isolate and categorize one symbol name *) let collection, name = (* Two words denotes a typedef, enum, struct, or * union, as in "type foo" or "enum bar". A * single word denotes a global function or * variable. *) let whitespace = Str.regexp "[ \t]+" in let words = Str.split whitespace specifier in match words with | ["type"; name] -> keepers.typedefs, name | ["enum"; name] -> keepers.enums, name | ["struct"; name] -> keepers.structs, name | ["union"; name] -> keepers.unions, name | [name] -> keepers.defines, name | _ -> raise Bad_pragma in H.add collection name () | _ -> raise Bad_pragma with Bad_pragma -> badPragma location directive in List.iter processArg args end | GVarDecl (v, _) -> begin (* Look for alias attributes, e.g. Linux modules *) match filterAttributes "alias" v.vattr with [] -> () (* ordinary prototype. *) | [Attr("alias", [AStr othername])] -> H.add keepers.defines othername () | _ -> E.s (error "Bad alias attribute at %a" d_loc !currentLoc) end (*** Begin CCured-specific checks: ***) (* these pragmas indirectly require that we keep the function named in -- the first arguments of boxmodelof and ccuredwrapperof, and -- the third argument of ccureddeepcopy*. *) | GPragma (Attr("ccuredwrapper" as directive, attribute :: _), location) -> begin match attribute with | AStr name -> H.add keepers.defines name () | _ -> badPragma location directive end | GPragma (Attr("ccuredvararg", funcname :: (ASizeOf t) :: _), location) -> begin match t with | TComp(c,_) when c.cstruct -> (* struct *) H.add keepers.structs c.cname () | TComp(c,_) -> (* union *) H.add keepers.unions c.cname () | TNamed(ti,_) -> H.add keepers.typedefs ti.tname () | TEnum(ei, _) -> H.add keepers.enums ei.ename () | _ -> () end | GPragma (Attr(directive, _ :: _ :: attribute :: _), location) when String.length directive > ccureddeepcopystring_length && (Str.first_chars directive ccureddeepcopystring_length) = ccureddeepcopystring -> begin match attribute with | AStr name -> H.add keepers.defines name () | _ -> badPragma location directive end (** end CCured-specific stuff **) | _ -> () in iterGlobals file considerPragma; keepers (*********************************************************************** * * Function body elimination from pragmas * *) (* When performing global slicing, any functions not explicitly marked * as pragma roots are reduced to mere declarations. This leaves one * with a reduced source file that still compiles to object code, but * which contains the bodies of only explicitly retained functions. *) let amputateFunctionBodies keptGlobals file = let considerGlobal = function | GFun ({svar = {vname = name} as info}, location) when not (H.mem keptGlobals name) -> trace (dprintf "slicing: reducing to prototype: function %s\n" name); GVarDecl (info, location) | other -> other in mapGlobals file considerGlobal (*********************************************************************** * * Root collection from pragmas * *) let isPragmaRoot keepers = function | GType ({tname = name}, _) -> H.mem keepers.typedefs name | GEnumTag ({ename = name}, _) | GEnumTagDecl ({ename = name}, _) -> H.mem keepers.enums name | GCompTag ({cname = name; cstruct = structure}, _) | GCompTagDecl ({cname = name; cstruct = structure}, _) -> let collection = if structure then keepers.structs else keepers.unions in H.mem collection name | GVar ({vname = name}, _, _) | GVarDecl ({vname = name}, _) | GFun ({svar = {vname = name}}, _) -> H.mem keepers.defines name | _ -> false (*********************************************************************** * * Common root collecting utilities * *) let traceRoot reason global = trace (dprintf "root (%s): %a@!" reason d_shortglobal global); true let traceNonRoot reason global = trace (dprintf "non-root (%s): %a@!" reason d_shortglobal global); false let hasExportingAttribute funvar = let rec isExportingAttribute = function | Attr ("constructor", []) -> true | Attr ("destructor", []) -> true | _ -> false in List.exists isExportingAttribute funvar.vattr (*********************************************************************** * * Root collection from external linkage * *) (* Exported roots are those global symbols which are visible to the * linker and dynamic loader. For variables, this consists of * anything that is not "static". For functions, this consists of: * * - functions bearing a "constructor" or "destructor" attribute * - functions declared extern but not inline * - functions declared neither inline nor static * * gcc incorrectly (according to C99) makes inline functions visible to * the linker. So we can only remove inline functions on MSVC. *) let isExportedRoot global = let result, reason = match global with | GVar ({vstorage = Static}, _, _) -> false, "static variable" | GVar _ -> true, "non-static variable" | GFun ({svar = v}, _) -> begin if hasExportingAttribute v then true, "constructor or destructor function" else if v.vstorage = Static then false, "static function" else if v.vinline && v.vstorage != Extern && (!msvcMode || !rmUnusedInlines) then false, "inline function" else true, "other function" end | GVarDecl(v,_) when hasAttribute "alias" v.vattr -> true, "has GCC alias attribute" | _ -> false, "neither function nor variable" in trace (dprintf "isExportedRoot %a -> %b, %s@!" d_shortglobal global result reason); result (*********************************************************************** * * Root collection for complete programs * *) (* Exported roots are "main()" and functions bearing a "constructor" * or "destructor" attribute. These are the only things which must be * retained in a complete program. *) let isCompleteProgramRoot global = let result = match global with | GFun ({svar = {vname = "main"; vstorage = vstorage}}, _) -> vstorage <> Static | GFun (fundec, _) when hasExportingAttribute fundec.svar -> true | _ -> false in trace (dprintf "complete program root -> %b for %a@!" result d_shortglobal global); result (*********************************************************************** * * Transitive reachability closure from roots * *) (* This visitor recursively marks all reachable types and variables as used. *) class markReachableVisitor ((globalMap: (string, Cil.global) H.t), (currentFunc: fundec option ref)) = object (self) inherit nopCilVisitor method vglob = function | GType (typeinfo, _) -> typeinfo.treferenced <- true; DoChildren | GCompTag (compinfo, _) | GCompTagDecl (compinfo, _) -> compinfo.creferenced <- true; DoChildren | GEnumTag (enuminfo, _) | GEnumTagDecl (enuminfo, _) -> enuminfo.ereferenced <- true; DoChildren | GVar (varinfo, _, _) | GVarDecl (varinfo, _) | GFun ({svar = varinfo}, _) -> varinfo.vreferenced <- true; DoChildren | _ -> SkipChildren method vinst = function Asm (_, tmpls, _, _, _, _) when !msvcMode -> (* If we have inline assembly on MSVC, we cannot tell which locals * are referenced. Keep thsem all *) (match !currentFunc with Some fd -> List.iter (fun v -> let vre = Str.regexp_string (Str.quote v.vname) in if List.exists (fun tmp -> try ignore (Str.search_forward vre tmp 0); true with Not_found -> false) tmpls then v.vreferenced <- true) fd.slocals | _ -> assert false); DoChildren | _ -> DoChildren method vvrbl v = if not v.vreferenced then begin let name = v.vname in if v.vglob then trace (dprintf "marking transitive use: global %s\n" name) else trace (dprintf "marking transitive use: local %s\n" name); (* If this is a global, we need to keep everything used in its * definition and declarations. *) if v.vglob then begin trace (dprintf "descending: global %s\n" name); let descend global = ignore (visitCilGlobal (self :> cilVisitor) global) in let globals = Hashtbl.find_all globalMap name in List.iter descend globals end else v.vreferenced <- true; end; SkipChildren method vexpr (e: exp) = match e with Const (CEnum (_, _, ei)) -> ei.ereferenced <- true; DoChildren | _ -> DoChildren method vtype typ = let old : bool = let visitAttrs attrs = ignore (visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) attrs) in let visitType typ = ignore (visitCilType (self :> cilVisitor) typ) in match typ with | TEnum(e, attrs) -> let old = e.ereferenced in if not old then begin trace (dprintf "marking transitive use: enum %s\n" e.ename); e.ereferenced <- true; visitAttrs attrs; visitAttrs e.eattr end; old | TComp(c, attrs) -> let old = c.creferenced in if not old then begin trace (dprintf "marking transitive use: compound %s\n" c.cname); c.creferenced <- true; (* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *) let recurse f = visitType f.ftype in List.iter recurse c.cfields; visitAttrs attrs; visitAttrs c.cattr end; old | TNamed(ti, attrs) -> let old = ti.treferenced in if not old then begin trace (dprintf "marking transitive use: typedef %s\n" ti.tname); ti.treferenced <- true; (* recurse deeper into the type referred-to by the typedef *) (* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *) visitType ti.ttype; visitAttrs attrs end; old | _ -> (* for anything else, just look inside it *) false in if old then SkipChildren else DoChildren end let markReachable file isRoot = (* build a mapping from global names back to their definitions & * declarations *) let globalMap = Hashtbl.create 137 in let considerGlobal global = match global with | GFun ({svar = info}, _) | GVar (info, _, _) | GVarDecl (info, _) -> Hashtbl.add globalMap info.vname global | _ -> () in iterGlobals file considerGlobal; let currentFunc = ref None in (* mark everything reachable from the global roots *) let visitor = new markReachableVisitor (globalMap, currentFunc) in let visitIfRoot global = if isRoot global then begin trace (dprintf "traversing root global: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); (match global with GFun(fd, _) -> currentFunc := Some fd | _ -> currentFunc := None); ignore (visitCilGlobal visitor global) end else trace (dprintf "skipping non-root global: %a\n" d_shortglobal global) in iterGlobals file visitIfRoot (********************************************************************** * * Marking and removing of unused labels * **********************************************************************) (* We keep only one label, preferably one that was not introduced by CIL. * Scan a list of labels and return the data for the label that should be * kept, and the remaining filtered list of labels *) let labelsToKeep (ll: label list) : (string * location * bool) * label list = let rec loop (sofar: string * location * bool) = function [] -> sofar, [] | l :: rest -> let newlabel, keepl = match l with | Case _ | Default _ -> sofar, true | Label (ln, lloc, isorig) -> begin match isorig, sofar with | false, ("", _, _) -> (* keep this one only if we have no label so far *) (ln, lloc, isorig), false | false, _ -> sofar, false | true, (_, _, false) -> (* this is an original label; prefer it to temporary or * missing labels *) (ln, lloc, isorig), false | true, _ -> sofar, false end in let newlabel', rest' = loop newlabel rest in newlabel', (if keepl then l :: rest' else rest') in loop ("", locUnknown, false) ll class markUsedLabels (labelMap: (string, unit) H.t) = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vstmt (s: stmt) = match s.skind with Goto (dest, _) -> let (ln, _, _), _ = labelsToKeep !dest.labels in if ln = "" then E.s (E.bug "rmtmps: destination of statement does not have labels"); (* Mark it as used *) H.replace labelMap ln (); DoChildren | _ -> DoChildren (* No need to go into expressions or instructions *) method vexpr _ = SkipChildren method vinst _ = SkipChildren method vtype _ = SkipChildren end class removeUnusedLabels (labelMap: (string, unit) H.t) = object inherit nopCilVisitor method vstmt (s: stmt) = let (ln, lloc, lorig), lrest = labelsToKeep s.labels in s.labels <- (if ln <> "" && H.mem labelMap ln then (* We had labels *) (Label(ln, lloc, lorig) :: lrest) else lrest); DoChildren (* No need to go into expressions or instructions *) method vexpr _ = SkipChildren method vinst _ = SkipChildren method vtype _ = SkipChildren end (*********************************************************************** * * Removal of unused symbols * *) (* regular expression matching names of uninteresting locals *) let uninteresting = let names = [ (* Cil.makeTempVar *) "__cil_tmp"; (* sm: I don't know where it comes from but these show up all over. *) (* this doesn't seem to do what I wanted.. *) "iter"; (* various macros in glibc's *) "__result"; "__s"; "__s1"; "__s2"; "__s1_len"; "__s2_len"; "__retval"; "__len"; (* various macros in glibc's *) "__c"; "__res"; (* We remove the __malloc variables *) ] in (* optional alpha renaming *) let alpha = "\\(___[0-9]+\\)?" in let pattern = "\\(" ^ (String.concat "\\|" names) ^ "\\)" ^ alpha ^ "$" in Str.regexp pattern let removeUnmarked file = let removedLocals = ref [] in let filterGlobal global = match global with (* unused global types, variables, and functions are simply removed *) | GType ({treferenced = false}, _) | GCompTag ({creferenced = false}, _) | GCompTagDecl ({creferenced = false}, _) | GEnumTag ({ereferenced = false}, _) | GEnumTagDecl ({ereferenced = false}, _) | GVar ({vreferenced = false}, _, _) | GVarDecl ({vreferenced = false}, _) | GFun ({svar = {vreferenced = false}}, _) -> trace (dprintf "removing global: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); false (* retained functions may wish to discard some unused locals *) | GFun (func, _) -> let rec filterLocal local = if not local.vreferenced then begin (* along the way, record the interesting locals that were removed *) let name = local.vname in trace (dprintf "removing local: %s\n" name); if not (Str.string_match uninteresting name 0) then removedLocals := (func.svar.vname ^ "::" ^ name) :: !removedLocals; end; local.vreferenced in func.slocals <- List.filter filterLocal func.slocals; (* We also want to remove unused labels. We do it all here, including * marking the used labels *) let usedLabels:(string, unit) H.t = H.create 13 in ignore (visitCilBlock (new markUsedLabels usedLabels) func.sbody); (* And now we scan again and we remove them *) ignore (visitCilBlock (new removeUnusedLabels usedLabels) func.sbody); true (* all other globals are retained *) | _ -> trace (dprintf "keeping global: %a\n" d_shortglobal global); true in file.globals <- List.filter filterGlobal file.globals; !removedLocals (*********************************************************************** * * Exported interface * *) type rootsFilter = global -> bool let isDefaultRoot = isExportedRoot let rec removeUnusedTemps ?(isRoot : rootsFilter = isDefaultRoot) file = if !keepUnused || Trace.traceActive "disableTmpRemoval" then Trace.trace "disableTmpRemoval" (dprintf "temp removal disabled\n") else begin if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (E.log "Removing unused temporaries\n" ); if Trace.traceActive "printCilTree" then dumpFile defaultCilPrinter stdout "stdout" file; (* digest any pragmas that would create additional roots *) let keepers = categorizePragmas file in (* if slicing, remove the bodies of non-kept functions *) if !Cilutil.sliceGlobal then amputateFunctionBodies keepers.defines file; (* build up the root set *) let isRoot global = isPragmaRoot keepers global || isRoot global in (* mark everything reachable from the global roots *) clearReferencedBits file; markReachable file isRoot; (* take out the trash *) let removedLocals = removeUnmarked file in (* print which original source variables were removed *) if false && removedLocals != [] then let count = List.length removedLocals in if count > 2000 then ignore (E.warn "%d unused local variables removed" count) else ignore (E.warn "%d unused local variables removed:@!%a" count (docList ~sep:(chr ',' ++ break) text) removedLocals) end