(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* A test for CIL *) open Pretty open Cil module E = Errormsg let lu = locUnknown (* If you have trouble try to reproduce the problem on a smaller type. Try * limiting the maxNesting and integerKinds *) let integerKinds = [ IChar; ISChar; IUChar; IInt; IUInt; IShort; IUShort; ILong; IULong; ILongLong; IULongLong ] let floatKinds = [ FFloat; FDouble ] let baseTypes = (List.map (fun ik -> (1, fun _ -> TInt(ik, []))) integerKinds) @ (List.map (fun fk -> (1, fun _ -> TFloat(fk, []))) floatKinds) (* Make a random struct *) let maxNesting = ref 3 (* Maximum number of levels for struct nesting *) let maxFields = ref 8 (* The maximum number of fields in a struct *) let useBitfields = ref false let useZeroBitfields = ref true (* Collect here the globals *) let globals: global list ref = ref [] let addGlobal (g:global) = globals := g :: !globals let getGlobals () = List.rev !globals (* Collect here the statements for main *) let statements: stmt list ref = ref [] let addStatement (s: stmt) = statements := s :: !statements let getStatements () = List.rev !statements (* Keep here the main function *) let main: fundec ref = ref dummyFunDec let mainRetVal: varinfo ref = ref dummyFunDec.svar let assertId = ref 0 let addAssert (b: exp) (extra: stmt list) : unit = incr assertId; addStatement (mkStmt (If(UnOp(LNot, b, intType), mkBlock (extra @ [mkStmt (Return (Some (integer !assertId), lu))]), mkBlock [], lu))) let addSetRetVal (b: exp) (extra: stmt list) : unit = addStatement (mkStmt (If(UnOp(LNot, b, intType), mkBlock (extra @ [mkStmtOneInstr (Set(var !mainRetVal, one, lu))]), mkBlock [], lu))) let printfFun: fundec = let fdec = emptyFunction "printf" in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(intType, Some [ ("format", charPtrType, [])], true, []); fdec let memsetFun: fundec = let fdec = emptyFunction "memset" in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(voidPtrType, Some [ ("start", voidPtrType, []); ("v", intType, []); ("len", uintType, [])], false, []); fdec let checkOffsetFun: fundec = let fdec = emptyFunction "checkOffset" in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(voidType, Some [ ("start", voidPtrType, []); ("len", uintType, []); ("expected_start", intType, []); ("expected_width", intType, []); ("name", charPtrType, []) ], false, []); fdec let checkSizeOfFun: fundec = let fdec = emptyFunction "checkSizeOf" in fdec.svar.vtype <- TFun(voidType, Some [ ("len", uintType, []); ("expected", intType, []); ("name", charPtrType, []) ], false, []); fdec let doPrintf format args = mkStmtOneInstr (Call(None, Lval(var printfFun.svar), (Const(CStr format)) :: args, lu)) (* Select among the choices, each with a given weight *) type 'a selection = int * (unit -> 'a) let select (choices: 'a selection list) : 'a = (* Find the total weight *) let total = List.fold_left (fun sum (w, _) -> sum + w) 0 choices in if total = 0 then E.s (E.bug "Total for choices = 0\n"); (* Pick a random number *) let thechoice = Random.int total in (* Now get the choice *) let rec loop thechoice = function [] -> E.s (E.bug "Ran out of choices\n") | (w, c) :: rest -> if thechoice < w then c () else loop (thechoice - w) rest in loop thechoice choices (* Generate a new name *) let nameId = ref 0 let newName (base: string) = incr nameId; base ^ (string_of_int !nameId) (********** Testing of SIZEOF ***********) (* The current selection of types *) let typeChoices : typ selection list ref = ref [] let baseTypeChoices : typ selection list ref = ref [] let currentNesting = ref 0 let mkCompType (iss: bool) = if !currentNesting >= !maxNesting then (* Replace it with an int *) select !baseTypeChoices else begin incr currentNesting; let ci = mkCompInfo iss (newName "comp") (fun _ -> let nrFields = 1 + (Random.int !maxFields) in let rec mkFields (i: int) = if i = nrFields then [] else begin let ft = select !typeChoices in let fname = "f" ^ string_of_int i in let fname', width = if not !useBitfields || not (isIntegralType ft) || (Random.int 8 >= 6) then fname, None else begin let tw = bitsSizeOf ft in (* Assume this works for TInt *) let w = (if !useZeroBitfields then 0 else 1) + Random.int (3 * tw / 4) in (if w = 0 then "___missing_field_name" else fname), Some w end in (fname', ft, width, [], lu) :: mkFields (i + 1) end in mkFields 0) [] in decr currentNesting; (* Register it with the file *) addGlobal (GCompTag(ci, lu)); TComp(ci, []) end (* Make a pointer type. They are all equal so make one to void *) let mkPtrType () = TPtr(TVoid([]), []) (* Make an array type. *) let mkArrayType () = if !currentNesting >= !maxNesting then select !baseTypeChoices else begin incr currentNesting; let at = TArray(select !typeChoices, Some (integer (1 + (Random.int 32))), []) in decr currentNesting; at end let testSizeOf () = let doOne (i: int) = (* ignore (E.log "doOne %d\n" i); *) (* Make a random type *) let t = select !typeChoices in (* Create a global with that type *) let g = makeGlobalVar (newName "g") t in addGlobal (GVar(g, {init=None}, lu)); addStatement (mkStmtOneInstr(Call(None, Lval(var memsetFun.svar), [ mkAddrOrStartOf (var g); zero; SizeOfE(Lval(var g))], lu))); try (* if i = 0 then ignore (E.log "0: %a\n" d_plaintype t); *) let bsz = try bitsSizeOf t (* This is what we are testing *) with e -> begin ignore (E.log "Exception %s caught while computing bitsSizeOf(%a)\n" (Printexc.to_string e) d_type t); raise (Failure "") end in (* ignore (E.log "1 "); *) if bsz mod 8 <> 0 then begin ignore (E.log "bitsSizeOf did not return a multiple of 8\n"); raise (Failure ""); end; (* ignore (E.log "2 "); *) (* Check the offset of all fields in there *) let rec checkOffsets (lv: lval) (lvt: typ) = match lvt with TComp(c, _) -> List.iter (fun f -> if f.fname <> "___missing_field_name" then checkOffsets (addOffsetLval (Field(f, NoOffset)) lv) f.ftype) c.cfields | TArray (bt, Some len, _) -> let leni = match isInteger len with Some i64 -> Int64.to_int i64 | None -> E.s (E.bug "Array length is not a constant") in let i = Random.int leni in checkOffsets (addOffsetLval (Index(integer i, NoOffset)) lv) bt | _ -> (* Now a base type *) let _, off = lv in let start, width = bitsOffset t off in let setLv (v: exp) = match lvt with TFloat (FFloat, _) -> Set((Mem (mkCast (AddrOf lv) intPtrType), NoOffset), v, lu) | TFloat (FDouble, _) -> Set((Mem (mkCast (AddrOf lv) (TPtr(TInt(IULongLong, []), []))), NoOffset), mkCast v (TInt(IULongLong, [])), lu) | (TPtr _ | TInt((IULongLong|ILongLong), _)) -> Set(lv, mkCast v lvt, lu) | _ -> Set(lv, v, lu) in let ucharPtrType = TPtr(TInt(IUChar, []), []) in let s = mkStmt (Instr ([ setLv mone; Call(None, Lval(var checkOffsetFun.svar), [ mkCast (mkAddrOrStartOf (var g)) ucharPtrType; SizeOfE (Lval(var g)); integer start; integer width; (Const(CStr(sprint 80 (d_lval () lv))))],lu); setLv zero])) in addStatement s in checkOffsets (var g) t; (* ignore (E.log "3 ");*) (* Now check the size of *) let s = mkStmtOneInstr (Call(None, Lval(var checkSizeOfFun.svar), [ SizeOfE (Lval (var g)); integer (bitsSizeOf t); mkString g.vname ], lu)) in addStatement s; (* ignore (E.log "10\n"); *) with _ -> () in (* Make the composite choices more likely *) typeChoices := [ (1, mkPtrType); (5, mkArrayType); (5, fun _ -> mkCompType true); (5, fun _ -> mkCompType false); ] @ baseTypes; baseTypeChoices := baseTypes; useBitfields := false; maxFields := 4; for i = 0 to 100 do doOne i done; (* Now test the bitfields. *) typeChoices := [ (1, fun _ -> mkCompType true) ]; baseTypeChoices := [(1, fun _ -> TInt(IInt, []))]; useBitfields := true; for i = 0 to 100 do doOne i done; (* Now make it a bit more complicated *) baseTypeChoices := List.map (fun ik -> (1, fun _ -> TInt(ik, []))) [IInt; ILong; IUInt; IULong ]; useBitfields := true; for i = 0 to 100 do doOne i done; (* An really complicated now *) baseTypeChoices := baseTypes; useBitfields := true; for i = 0 to 100 do doOne i done; () (* Now the main tester. Pass to it the name of a command "cmd" that when * invoked will compile "testingcil.c" and run the result *) let createFile () = assertId := 0; nameId := 0; (* Start a new file *) globals := []; statements := []; (* Now make a main function *) main := emptyFunction "main"; !main.svar.vtype <- TFun(intType, None, false, []); mainRetVal := makeGlobalVar "retval" intType; addGlobal (GVar(!mainRetVal, {init=None}, lu)); addGlobal (GText("#include \"testcil.h\"\n")); addStatement (mkStmtOneInstr(Set(var !mainRetVal, zero, lu))); (* Add prototype for printf *) addGlobal (GVar(printfFun.svar, {init=None}, lu)); addGlobal (GVar(memsetFun.svar, {init=None}, lu)); (* now fill in the composites and the code of main. For simplicity we add * the statements of main in reverse order *) testSizeOf (); (* Now add a return 0 at the end *) addStatement (mkStmt (Return(Some (Lval(var !mainRetVal)), lu))); (* Add main at the end *) addGlobal (GFun(!main, lu)); !main.sbody.bstmts <- getStatements (); (* Now build the CIL.file *) let file = { fileName = "testingcil.c"; globals = getGlobals (); globinit = None; globinitcalled = false; } in (* Print the file *) let oc = open_out "testingcil.c" in dumpFile defaultCilPrinter oc "testingcil.c" file; close_out oc (* initialization code for the tester *) let randomStateFile = "testcil.random" (* The name of a file where we store * the state of the random number * generator last time *) let doit (command: string) = while true do (* Initialize the random no generator *) begin try let randomFile = open_in randomStateFile in (* The file exists so restore the Random state *) Random.set_state (Marshal.from_channel randomFile); ignore (E.log "!! Restoring Random state from %s\n" randomStateFile); close_in randomFile; (* Leave the file there until we succeed *) with _ -> begin (* The file does not exist *) Random.self_init (); (* Save the state of the generator *) let randomFile = open_out randomStateFile in Marshal.to_channel randomFile (Random.get_state()) [] ; close_out randomFile; end end; createFile (); (* Now compile and run the file *) ignore (E.log "Running %s\n" command); let err = Sys.command command in if err <> 0 then E.s (E.bug "Failed to run the command: %s (errcode=%d)" command err) else begin ignore (E.log "Successfully ran one more round. Press CTRL-C to stop\n"); (* Delete the file *) Sys.remove randomStateFile end done