(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Corollaries of the main semantic preservation theorem. *) Require Import Classical. Require Import Coqlib. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Values. Require Import Events. Require Import Globalenvs. Require Import Smallstep. Require Import Csyntax. Require Import Csem. Require Import PPC. Require Import Main. Require Import Errors. (** * Determinism of PPC semantics *) (** In this section, we show that the semantics for the PPC language are deterministic, in a sense to be made precise later. There are two sources of apparent non-determinism: - The semantics leaves unspecified the results of calls to external functions. Different results to e.g. a "read" operation can of course lead to different behaviors for the program. We address this issue by modeling a notion of deterministic external world that uniquely determines the results of external calls. - For diverging executions, the trace of I/O events is not uniquely determined: it can contain events that will never be performed because the program diverges earlier. We address this issue by showing the existence of a minimal trace for diverging executions. *) (** ** Deterministic worlds *) (** An external world is a function that, given the name of an external call and its arguments, returns either [None], meaning that this external call gets stuck, or [Some(r,w)], meaning that this external call succeeds, has result [r], and changes the world to [w]. *) Inductive world: Set := World: (ident -> list eventval -> option (eventval * world)) -> world. Definition nextworld (w: world) (evname: ident) (evargs: list eventval) : option (eventval * world) := match w with World f => f evname evargs end. (** A trace is possible in a given world if all events correspond to non-stuck external calls according to the given world. Two predicates are defined, for finite and infinite traces respectively: - [possible_trace w t w'], where [w] is the initial state of the world, [t] the finite trace of interest, and [w'] the state of the world after performing trace [t]. - [possible_traceinf w T], where [w] is the initial state of the world and [T] the possibly infinite trace of interest. *) Inductive possible_trace: world -> trace -> world -> Prop := | possible_trace_nil: forall w, possible_trace w E0 w | possible_trace_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 t w2, nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) -> possible_trace w1 t w2 -> possible_trace w0 (mkevent evname evargs evres :: t) w2. Lemma possible_trace_app: forall t2 w2 w0 t1 w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w1 t2 w2 -> possible_trace w0 (t1 ** t2) w2. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros. auto. econstructor; eauto. Qed. Lemma possible_trace_app_inv: forall t2 w2 t1 w0, possible_trace w0 (t1 ** t2) w2 -> exists w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 /\ possible_trace w1 t2 w2. Proof. induction t1; simpl; intros. exists w0; split. constructor. auto. inv H. exploit IHt1; eauto. intros [w1 [A B]]. exists w1; split. econstructor; eauto. auto. Qed. CoInductive possible_traceinf: world -> traceinf -> Prop := | possible_traceinf_nil: forall w0, possible_traceinf w0 Enilinf | possible_traceinf_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 T, nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) -> possible_traceinf w1 T -> possible_traceinf w0 (Econsinf (mkevent evname evargs evres) T). Lemma possible_traceinf_app: forall t2 w0 t1 w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_traceinf w1 t2 -> possible_traceinf w0 (t1 *** t2). Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros. auto. econstructor; eauto. Qed. Lemma possible_traceinf_app_inv: forall t2 t1 w0, possible_traceinf w0 (t1 *** t2) -> exists w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 /\ possible_traceinf w1 t2. Proof. induction t1; simpl; intros. exists w0; split. constructor. auto. inv H. exploit IHt1; eauto. intros [w1 [A B]]. exists w1; split. econstructor; eauto. auto. Qed. Ltac possibleTraceInv := match goal with | [H: possible_trace _ (_ ** _) _ |- _] => let P1 := fresh "P" in let w := fresh "w" in let P2 := fresh "P" in elim (possible_trace_app_inv _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intros w [P1 P2]; possibleTraceInv | [H: possible_traceinf _ (_ *** _) |- _] => let P1 := fresh "P" in let w := fresh "w" in let P2 := fresh "P" in elim (possible_traceinf_app_inv _ _ _ H); clear H; intros w [P1 P2]; possibleTraceInv | _ => idtac end. (** Determinism properties of [event_match]. *) Remark eventval_match_deterministic: forall ev1 ev2 ty v1 v2, eventval_match ev1 ty v1 -> eventval_match ev2 ty v2 -> (ev1 = ev2 <-> v1 = v2). Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0; intuition congruence. Qed. Remark eventval_list_match_deterministic: forall ev1 ty v, eventval_list_match ev1 ty v -> forall ev2, eventval_list_match ev2 ty v -> ev1 = ev2. Proof. induction 1; intros. inv H. auto. inv H1. decEq. rewrite (eventval_match_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ H H6). auto. eauto. Qed. Lemma event_match_deterministic: forall w0 t1 w1 t2 w2 ef vargs vres1 vres2, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 -> event_match ef vargs t1 vres1 -> event_match ef vargs t2 vres2 -> vres1 = vres2 /\ t1 = t2 /\ w1 = w2. Proof. intros. inv H1. inv H2. assert (eargs = eargs0). eapply eventval_list_match_deterministic; eauto. subst eargs0. inv H. inv H12. inv H0. inv H12. rewrite H11 in H10. inv H10. intuition. rewrite <- (eventval_match_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ H4 H5). auto. Qed. (** ** Determinism of PPC transitions. *) Remark extcall_arguments_deterministic: forall rs m sg args args', extcall_arguments rs m sg args -> extcall_arguments rs m sg args' -> args = args'. Proof. assert ( forall rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args, extcall_args rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args -> forall args', extcall_args rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args' -> args = args'). induction 1; intros. inv H. auto. inv H1. decEq; eauto. inv H1. decEq. congruence. eauto. inv H1. decEq; eauto. inv H1. decEq. congruence. eauto. unfold extcall_arguments; intros; eauto. Qed. Lemma step_deterministic: forall ge s0 t1 s1 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2, step ge s0 t1 s1 -> step ge s0 t2 s2 -> possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 -> s1 = s2 /\ t1 = t2 /\ w1 = w2. Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0. assert (c0 = c) by congruence. subst c0. assert (i0 = i) by congruence. subst i0. split. congruence. split. auto. inv H1; inv H2; auto. congruence. congruence. assert (ef0 = ef) by congruence. subst ef0. assert (args0 = args). eapply extcall_arguments_deterministic; eauto. subst args0. exploit event_match_deterministic. eexact H1. eexact H2. eauto. eauto. intros [A [B C]]. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma initial_state_deterministic: forall p s1 s2, initial_state p s1 -> initial_state p s2 -> s1 = s2. Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma final_state_not_step: forall ge st r t st', final_state st r -> step ge st t st' -> False. Proof. intros. inv H. inv H0. unfold Vzero in H1. congruence. unfold Vzero in H1. congruence. Qed. Lemma final_state_deterministic: forall st r1 r2, final_state st r1 -> final_state st r2 -> r1 = r2. Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0. congruence. Qed. (** ** Determinism for terminating executions. *) (* Lemma star_star_inv: forall ge s t1 s1, star step ge s t1 s1 -> forall t2 s2 w w1 w2, star step ge s t2 s2 -> possible_trace w t1 w1 -> possible_trace w t2 w2 -> exists t, (star step ge s1 t s2 /\ t2 = t1 ** t) \/ (star step ge s2 t s1 /\ t1 = t2 ** t). Proof. induction 1; intros. exists t2; left; split; auto. inv H2. exists (t1 ** t2); right; split. econstructor; eauto. auto. possibleTraceInv. exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H5. eauto. eauto. intros [U [V W]]. subst s5 t3 w3. exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [t [ [Q R] | [Q R] ]]. subst t4. exists t; left; split. auto. traceEq. subst t2. exists t; right; split. auto. traceEq. Qed. *) Lemma steps_deterministic: forall ge s0 t1 s1, star step ge s0 t1 s1 -> forall r1 r2 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2, star step ge s0 t2 s2 -> final_state s1 r1 -> final_state s2 r2 -> possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 -> t1 = t2 /\ r1 = r2. Proof. induction 1; intros. inv H. split. auto. eapply final_state_deterministic; eauto. byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s); eauto. inv H2. byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s0); eauto. possibleTraceInv. exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H7. eauto. eauto. intros [A [B C]]. subst s5 t3 w3. exploit IHstar. eexact H8. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. intros [A B]. subst t4 r2. auto. Qed. (** ** Determinism for infinite transition sequences. *) Lemma forever_star_inv: forall ge s t s', star step ge s t s' -> forall T w w', forever step ge s T -> possible_trace w t w' -> possible_traceinf w T -> exists T', forever step ge s' T' /\ possible_traceinf w' T' /\ T = t *** T'. Proof. induction 1; intros. inv H0. exists T; auto. subst t. possibleTraceInv. inv H2. possibleTraceInv. exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H1. eauto. eauto. intros [A [B C]]; subst s4 t1 w1. exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]]. exists T'; split. auto. split. auto. rewrite C. rewrite Eappinf_assoc; auto. Qed. Lemma star_final_not_forever: forall ge s1 t s2 r T w1 w2, star step ge s1 t s2 -> final_state s2 r -> forever step ge s1 T -> possible_trace w1 t w2 -> possible_traceinf w1 T -> False. Proof. intros. exploit forever_star_inv; eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]]. inv A. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto. Qed. (** ** Minimal traces for divergence. *) (** There are two mutually exclusive way in which a program can diverge. It can diverge in a reactive fashion: it performs infinitely many external calls, and the internal computations between two external calls are always finite. Or it can diverge silently: after a finite number of external calls, it enters an infinite sequence of internal computations. *) Definition reactive (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) := forall t s1 w1, star step ge s t s1 -> possible_trace w t w1 -> exists s2, exists t', exists s3, exists w2, star step ge s1 E0 s2 /\ step ge s2 t' s3 /\ possible_trace w1 t' w2 /\ t' <> E0. Definition diverges_silently (ge: genv) (s: state) := forall s2, star step ge s E0 s2 -> exists s3, step ge s2 E0 s3. Definition diverges_eventually (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) := exists t, exists s1, exists w1, star step ge s t s1 /\ possible_trace w t w1 /\ diverges_silently ge s1. (** Using classical logic, we show that any infinite sequence of transitions that is possible in a deterministic world is of one of the two forms described above. *) Lemma reactive_or_diverges: forall ge s T w, forever step ge s T -> possible_traceinf w T -> reactive ge s w \/ diverges_eventually ge s w. Proof. intros. elim (classic (diverges_eventually ge s w)); intro. right; auto. left. red; intros. generalize (not_ex_all_not trace _ H1 t). intro. clear H1. generalize (not_ex_all_not state _ H4 s1). intro. clear H4. generalize (not_ex_all_not world _ H1 w1). intro. clear H1. elim (not_and_or _ _ H4); clear H4; intro. contradiction. elim (not_and_or _ _ H1); clear H1; intro. contradiction. generalize (not_all_ex_not state _ H1). intros [s2 A]. clear H1. destruct (imply_to_and _ _ A). clear A. exploit forever_star_inv. eapply star_trans. eexact H2. eexact H1. reflexivity. eauto. rewrite E0_right. eauto. eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]]. inv A. possibleTraceInv. exists s2; exists t0; exists s3; exists w4. intuition. subst t0. apply H4. exists s3; auto. Qed. (** Moreover, a program cannot be both reactive and silently diverging. *) Lemma reactive_not_diverges: forall ge s w, reactive ge s w -> diverges_eventually ge s w -> False. Proof. intros. destruct H0 as [t [s1 [w1 [A [B C]]]]]. destruct (H _ _ _ A B) as [s2 [t' [s3 [w2 [P [Q [R S]]]]]]]. destruct (C _ P) as [s4 T]. assert (s3 = s4 /\ t' = E0 /\ w2 = w1). eapply step_deterministic; eauto. constructor. intuition congruence. Qed. (** A program that silently diverges can be given any finite or infinite trace of events. In particular, taking [T' = Enilinf], it can be given the empty trace of events. *) Lemma diverges_forever: forall ge s1 T w T', diverges_silently ge s1 -> forever step ge s1 T -> possible_traceinf w T -> forever step ge s1 T'. Proof. cofix COINDHYP; intros. inv H0. possibleTraceInv. assert (exists s3, step ge s1 E0 s3). apply H. constructor. destruct H0 as [s3 C]. assert (s2 = s3 /\ t = E0 /\ w0 = w). eapply step_deterministic; eauto. constructor. destruct H0 as [Q [R S]]. subst s3 t w0. change T' with (E0 *** T'). econstructor. eassumption. eapply COINDHYP; eauto. red; intros. apply H. eapply star_left; eauto. Qed. (** The trace of I/O events generated by a reactive diverging program is uniquely determined up to bisimilarity. *) Lemma reactive_sim: forall ge s w T1 T2, reactive ge s w -> forever step ge s T1 -> forever step ge s T2 -> possible_traceinf w T1 -> possible_traceinf w T2 -> traceinf_sim T1 T2. Proof. cofix COINDHYP; intros. elim (H E0 s w); try constructor. intros s2 [t' [s3 [w2 [A [B [C D]]]]]]. assert (star step ge s t' s3). eapply star_right; eauto. destruct (forever_star_inv _ _ _ _ H4 _ _ _ H0 C H2) as [T1' [P [Q R]]]. destruct (forever_star_inv _ _ _ _ H4 _ _ _ H1 C H3) as [T2' [S [T U]]]. destruct t'. unfold E0 in D. congruence. assert (t' = nil). inversion B. inversion H7. auto. subst t'. subst T1 T2. simpl. constructor. apply COINDHYP with ge s3 w2; auto. red; intros. eapply H. eapply star_trans; eauto. eapply possible_trace_app; eauto. Qed. (** A trace is minimal for a program if it is a prefix of all possible traces. *) Definition minimal_trace (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) (T: traceinf) := forall T', forever step ge s T' -> possible_traceinf w T' -> traceinf_prefix T T'. (** For any program that diverges with some possible trace [T1], the set of possible traces admits a minimal element [T]. If the program is reactive, this trace is [T1]. If the program silently diverges, this trace is the finite trace of events performed prior to silent divergence. *) Lemma forever_minimal_trace: forall ge s T1 w, forever step ge s T1 -> possible_traceinf w T1 -> exists T, forever step ge s T /\ possible_traceinf w T /\ minimal_trace ge s w T. Proof. intros. destruct (reactive_or_diverges _ _ _ _ H H0). (* reactive *) exists T1; split. auto. split. auto. red; intros. elim (reactive_or_diverges _ _ _ _ H2 H3); intro. apply traceinf_sim_prefix. eapply reactive_sim; eauto. elimtype False. eapply reactive_not_diverges; eauto. (* diverges *) elim H1. intros t [s1 [w1 [A [B C]]]]. exists (t *** Enilinf); split. exploit forever_star_inv; eauto. intros [T' [P [Q R]]]. eapply star_forever. eauto. eapply diverges_forever; eauto. split. eapply possible_traceinf_app. eauto. constructor. red; intros. exploit forever_star_inv. eauto. eexact H2. eauto. eauto. intros [T2 [P [Q R]]]. subst T'. apply traceinf_prefix_app. constructor. Qed. (** ** Refined semantics for program executions. *) (** We now define the following variant [exec_program'] of the [exec_program] predicate defined in module [Smallstep]. In the diverging case [Diverges T], the new predicate imposes that the finite or infinite trace [T] is minimal. *) Inductive exec_program' (p: program) (w: world): program_behavior -> Prop := | program_terminates': forall s t s' w' r, initial_state p s -> star step (Genv.globalenv p) s t s' -> possible_trace w t w' -> final_state s' r -> exec_program' p w (Terminates t r) | program_diverges': forall s T, initial_state p s -> forever step (Genv.globalenv p) s T -> possible_traceinf w T -> minimal_trace (Genv.globalenv p) s w T -> exec_program' p w (Diverges T). (** We show that any [exec_program] execution corresponds to an [exec_program'] execution. *) Definition possible_behavior (w: world) (b: program_behavior) : Prop := match b with | Terminates t r => exists w', possible_trace w t w' | Diverges T => possible_traceinf w T end. Inductive matching_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop := | matching_behaviors_terminates: forall t r, matching_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r) | matching_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2, traceinf_prefix T2 T1 -> matching_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2). Theorem exec_program_program': forall p b w, exec_program p b -> possible_behavior w b -> exists b', exec_program' p w b' /\ matching_behaviors b b'. Proof. intros. inv H; simpl in H0. (* termination *) destruct H0 as [w' A]. exists (Terminates t r). split. econstructor; eauto. constructor. (* divergence *) exploit forever_minimal_trace; eauto. intros [T0 [A [B C]]]. exists (Diverges T0); split. econstructor; eauto. constructor. apply C; auto. Qed. (** Moreover, [exec_program'] is deterministic, in that the behavior associated with a given program and external world is uniquely defined up to bisimilarity between infinite traces. *) Inductive same_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop := | same_behaviors_terminates: forall t r, same_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r) | same_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2, traceinf_sim T2 T1 -> same_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2). Theorem exec_program'_deterministic: forall p b1 b2 w, exec_program' p w b1 -> exec_program' p w b2 -> same_behaviors b1 b2. Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0; assert (s0 = s) by (eapply initial_state_deterministic; eauto); subst s0. (* terminates, terminates *) exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H5. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. intros [A B]. subst. constructor. (* terminates, diverges *) byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto. (* diverges, terminates *) byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto. (* diverges, diverges *) constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_2_sim; auto. Qed. Lemma matching_behaviors_same: forall b b1' b2', matching_behaviors b b1' -> same_behaviors b1' b2' -> matching_behaviors b b2'. Proof. intros. inv H; inv H0. constructor. constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_compat with T2 T1. auto. apply traceinf_sim_sym; auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl. Qed. (** * Additional semantic preservation property *) (** Combining the semantic preservation theorem from module [Main] with the determinism of PPC executions, we easily obtain additional, stronger semantic preservation properties. The first property states that, when compiling a Clight program that has well-defined semantics, all possible executions of the resulting PPC code correspond to an execution of the source Clight program, in the sense of the [matching_behaviors] predicate. *) Theorem transf_c_program_correct_strong: forall p tp b w, transf_c_program p = OK tp -> Csem.exec_program p b -> possible_behavior w b -> (exists b', exec_program' tp w b') /\(forall b', exec_program' tp w b' -> exists b0, Csem.exec_program p b0 /\ matching_behaviors b0 b'). Proof. intros. assert (PPC.exec_program tp b). eapply transf_c_program_correct; eauto. exploit exec_program_program'; eauto. intros [b' [A B]]. split. exists b'; auto. intros. exists b. split. auto. apply matching_behaviors_same with b'. auto. eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto. Qed. Section SPECS_PRESERVED. (** The second additional results shows that if one execution of the source Clight program satisfies a given specification (a predicate on the observable behavior of the program), then all executions of the produced PPC program satisfy this specification as well. *) Variable spec: program_behavior -> Prop. (* Since the execution trace for a diverging Clight program is not uniquely defined (the trace can contain events that the program will never perform because it loops earlier), this result holds only if the specification is closed under prefixes in the case of diverging executions. This is the case for all safety properties (some undesirable event never occurs), but not for liveness properties (some desirable event always occurs). *) Hypothesis spec_safety: forall T T', traceinf_prefix T T' -> spec (Diverges T') -> spec (Diverges T). Theorem transf_c_program_preserves_spec: forall p tp b w, transf_c_program p = OK tp -> Csem.exec_program p b -> possible_behavior w b -> spec b -> (exists b', exec_program' tp w b') /\(forall b', exec_program' tp w b' -> spec b'). Proof. intros. assert (PPC.exec_program tp b). eapply transf_c_program_correct; eauto. exploit exec_program_program'; eauto. intros [b' [A B]]. split. exists b'; auto. intros b'' EX. assert (same_behaviors b' b''). eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto. inv B; inv H4. auto. apply spec_safety with T1. eapply traceinf_prefix_compat with T2 T1. auto. apply traceinf_sim_sym; auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl. auto. Qed. End SPECS_PRESERVED.