(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* Sandrine Blazy, ENSIIE and INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** This file develops the memory model that is used in the dynamic semantics of all the languages used in the compiler. It defines a type [mem] of memory states, the following 4 basic operations over memory states, and their properties: - [load]: read a memory chunk at a given address; - [store]: store a memory chunk at a given address; - [alloc]: allocate a fresh memory block; - [free]: invalidate a memory block. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Values. Definition update (A: Set) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) : Z -> A := fun y => if zeq y x then v else f y. Implicit Arguments update [A]. Lemma update_s: forall (A: Set) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A), update x v f x = v. Proof. intros; unfold update. apply zeq_true. Qed. Lemma update_o: forall (A: Set) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) (y: Z), x <> y -> update x v f y = f y. Proof. intros; unfold update. apply zeq_false; auto. Qed. (** * Structure of memory states *) (** A memory state is organized in several disjoint blocks. Each block has a low and a high bound that defines its size. Each block map byte offsets to the contents of this byte. *) (** The possible contents of a byte-sized memory cell. To give intuitions, a 4-byte value [v] stored at offset [d] will be represented by the content [Datum(4, v)] at offset [d] and [Cont] at offsets [d+1], [d+2] and [d+3]. The [Cont] contents enable detecting future writes that would partially overlap the 4-byte value. *) Inductive content : Set := | Undef: content (**r undefined contents *) | Datum: nat -> val -> content (**r first byte of a value *) | Cont: content. (**r continuation bytes for a multi-byte value *) Definition contentmap : Set := Z -> content. (** A memory block comprises the dimensions of the block (low and high bounds) plus a mapping from byte offsets to contents. *) Record block_contents : Set := mkblock { low: Z; high: Z; contents: contentmap }. (** A memory state is a mapping from block addresses (represented by [Z] integers) to blocks. We also maintain the address of the next unallocated block, and a proof that this address is positive. *) Record mem : Set := mkmem { blocks: Z -> block_contents; nextblock: block; nextblock_pos: nextblock > 0 }. (** * Operations on memory stores *) (** Memory reads and writes are performed by quantities called memory chunks, encoding the type, size and signedness of the chunk being addressed. The following functions extract the size information from a chunk. *) Definition size_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z := match chunk with | Mint8signed => 1 | Mint8unsigned => 1 | Mint16signed => 2 | Mint16unsigned => 2 | Mint32 => 4 | Mfloat32 => 4 | Mfloat64 => 8 end. Definition pred_size_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : nat := match chunk with | Mint8signed => 0%nat | Mint8unsigned => 0%nat | Mint16signed => 1%nat | Mint16unsigned => 1%nat | Mint32 => 3%nat | Mfloat32 => 3%nat | Mfloat64 => 7%nat end. Lemma size_chunk_pred: forall chunk, size_chunk chunk = 1 + Z_of_nat (pred_size_chunk chunk). Proof. destruct chunk; auto. Qed. Lemma size_chunk_pos: forall chunk, size_chunk chunk > 0. Proof. intros. rewrite size_chunk_pred. omega. Qed. (** Memory reads and writes must respect alignment constraints: the byte offset of the location being addressed should be an exact multiple of the natural alignment for the chunk being addressed. This natural alignment is defined by the following [align_chunk] function. Some target architectures (e.g. the PowerPC) have no alignment constraints, which we could reflect by taking [align_chunk chunk = 1]. However, other architectures have stronger alignment requirements. The following definition is appropriate for PowerPC and ARM. *) Definition align_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z := match chunk with | Mint8signed => 1 | Mint8unsigned => 1 | Mint16signed => 2 | Mint16unsigned => 2 | _ => 4 end. Lemma align_chunk_pos: forall chunk, align_chunk chunk > 0. Proof. intro. destruct chunk; simpl; omega. Qed. Lemma align_size_chunk_divides: forall chunk, (align_chunk chunk | size_chunk chunk). Proof. intros. destruct chunk; simpl; try apply Zdivide_refl. exists 2; auto. Qed. Lemma align_chunk_compat: forall chunk1 chunk2, size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> align_chunk chunk1 = align_chunk chunk2. Proof. intros chunk1 chunk2. destruct chunk1; destruct chunk2; simpl; congruence. Qed. (** The initial store. *) Remark one_pos: 1 > 0. Proof. omega. Qed. Definition empty_block (lo hi: Z) : block_contents := mkblock lo hi (fun y => Undef). Definition empty: mem := mkmem (fun x => empty_block 0 0) 1 one_pos. Definition nullptr: block := 0. (** Allocation of a fresh block with the given bounds. Return an updated memory state and the address of the fresh block, which initially contains undefined cells. Note that allocation never fails: we model an infinite memory. *) Remark succ_nextblock_pos: forall m, Zsucc m.(nextblock) > 0. Proof. intro. generalize (nextblock_pos m). omega. Qed. Definition alloc (m: mem) (lo hi: Z) := (mkmem (update m.(nextblock) (empty_block lo hi) m.(blocks)) (Zsucc m.(nextblock)) (succ_nextblock_pos m), m.(nextblock)). (** Freeing a block. Return the updated memory state where the given block address has been invalidated: future reads and writes to this address will fail. Note that we make no attempt to return the block to an allocation pool: the given block address will never be allocated later. *) Definition free (m: mem) (b: block) := mkmem (update b (empty_block 0 0) m.(blocks)) m.(nextblock) m.(nextblock_pos). (** Freeing of a list of blocks. *) Definition free_list (m:mem) (l:list block) := List.fold_right (fun b m => free m b) m l. (** Return the low and high bounds for the given block address. Those bounds are 0 for freed or not yet allocated address. *) Definition low_bound (m: mem) (b: block) := low (m.(blocks) b). Definition high_bound (m: mem) (b: block) := high (m.(blocks) b). (** A block address is valid if it was previously allocated. It remains valid even after being freed. *) Definition valid_block (m: mem) (b: block) := b < m.(nextblock). (** Reading and writing [N] adjacent locations in a [contentmap]. We define two functions and prove some of their properties: - [getN n ofs m] returns the datum at offset [ofs] in block contents [m] after checking that the contents of offsets [ofs+1] to [ofs+n+1] are [Cont]. - [setN n ofs v m] updates the block contents [m], storing the content [v] at offset [ofs] and the content [Cont] at offsets [ofs+1] to [ofs+n+1]. *) Fixpoint check_cont (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) {struct n} : bool := match n with | O => true | S n1 => match m p with | Cont => check_cont n1 (p + 1) m | _ => false end end. Definition eq_nat: forall (p q: nat), {p=q} + {p<>q}. Proof. decide equality. Defined. Definition getN (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) : val := match m p with | Datum n' v => if eq_nat n n' && check_cont n (p + 1) m then v else Vundef | _ => Vundef end. Fixpoint set_cont (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) {struct n} : contentmap := match n with | O => m | S n1 => update p Cont (set_cont n1 (p + 1) m) end. Definition setN (n: nat) (p: Z) (v: val) (m: contentmap) : contentmap := update p (Datum n v) (set_cont n (p + 1) m). Lemma check_cont_spec: forall n m p, if check_cont n p m then (forall q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q = Cont) else (exists q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n /\ m q <> Cont). Proof. induction n; intros. simpl. intros; omegaContradiction. simpl check_cont. repeat rewrite inj_S. caseEq (m p); intros. exists p; split. omega. congruence. exists p; split. omega. congruence. generalize (IHn m (p + 1)). case (check_cont n (p + 1) m). intros. assert (p = q \/ p + 1 <= q < p + Zsucc (Z_of_nat n)) by omega. elim H2; intro. congruence. apply H0; omega. intros [q [A B]]. exists q; split. omega. auto. Qed. Lemma check_cont_true: forall n m p, (forall q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q = Cont) -> check_cont n p m = true. Proof. intros. generalize (check_cont_spec n m p). destruct (check_cont n p m). auto. intros [q [A B]]. elim B; auto. Qed. Lemma check_cont_false: forall n m p q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q <> Cont -> check_cont n p m = false. Proof. intros. generalize (check_cont_spec n m p). destruct (check_cont n p m). intros. elim H0; auto. auto. Qed. Lemma set_cont_inside: forall n p m q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> (set_cont n p m) q = Cont. Proof. induction n; intros. unfold Z_of_nat in H. omegaContradiction. simpl. assert (p = q \/ p + 1 <= q < (p + 1) + Z_of_nat n). rewrite inj_S in H. omega. elim H0; intro. subst q. apply update_s. rewrite update_o. apply IHn. auto. red; intro; subst q. omega. Qed. Lemma set_cont_outside: forall n p m q, q < p \/ p + Z_of_nat n <= q -> (set_cont n p m) q = m q. Proof. induction n; intros. simpl. auto. simpl. rewrite inj_S in H. rewrite update_o. apply IHn. omega. omega. Qed. Lemma getN_setN_same: forall n p v m, getN n p (setN n p v m) = v. Proof. intros. unfold getN, setN. rewrite update_s. rewrite check_cont_true. unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite dec_eq_true. auto. intros. rewrite update_o. apply set_cont_inside. auto. omega. Qed. Lemma getN_setN_other: forall n1 n2 p1 p2 v m, p1 + Z_of_nat n1 < p2 \/ p2 + Z_of_nat n2 < p1 -> getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = getN n2 p2 m. Proof. intros. unfold getN, setN. generalize (check_cont_spec n2 m (p2 + 1)); destruct (check_cont n2 (p2 + 1) m); intros. rewrite check_cont_true. rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto. omega. omega. intros. rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto. omega. omega. destruct H0 as [q [A B]]. rewrite (check_cont_false n2 (update p1 (Datum n1 v) (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m)) (p2 + 1) q). rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto. omega. omega. omega. rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto. omega. omega. Qed. Lemma getN_setN_overlap: forall n1 n2 p1 p2 v m, p1 <> p2 -> p1 + Z_of_nat n1 >= p2 -> p2 + Z_of_nat n2 >= p1 -> getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = Vundef. Proof. intros. unfold getN, setN. rewrite update_o; auto. destruct (zlt p2 p1). (* [p1] belongs to [[p2, p2 + n2 - 1]], therefore [check_cont n2 (p2 + 1) ...] is false. *) rewrite (check_cont_false n2 (update p1 (Datum n1 v) (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m)) (p2 + 1) p1). destruct (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m p2); auto. destruct (eq_nat n2 n); auto. omega. rewrite update_s. congruence. (* [p2] belongs to [[p1 + 1, p1 + n1 - 1]], therefore [set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m p2] is [Cont]. *) rewrite set_cont_inside. auto. omega. Qed. Lemma getN_setN_mismatch: forall n1 n2 p v m, n1 <> n2 -> getN n2 p (setN n1 p v m) = Vundef. Proof. intros. unfold getN, setN. rewrite update_s. unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite dec_eq_false; simpl. auto. auto. Qed. Lemma getN_setN_characterization: forall m v n1 p1 n2 p2, getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = v \/ getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = getN n2 p2 m \/ getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = Vundef. Proof. intros. destruct (zeq p1 p2). subst p2. destruct (eq_nat n1 n2). subst n2. left; apply getN_setN_same. right; right; apply getN_setN_mismatch; auto. destruct (zlt (p1 + Z_of_nat n1) p2). right; left; apply getN_setN_other; auto. destruct (zlt (p2 + Z_of_nat n2) p1). right; left; apply getN_setN_other; auto. right; right; apply getN_setN_overlap; omega. Qed. Lemma getN_init: forall n p, getN n p (fun y => Undef) = Vundef. Proof. intros. auto. Qed. (** [valid_access m chunk b ofs] holds if a memory access (load or store) of the given chunk is possible in [m] at address [b, ofs]. This means: - The block [b] is valid. - The range of bytes accessed is within the bounds of [b]. - The offset [ofs] is aligned. *) Inductive valid_access (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : Prop := | valid_access_intro: valid_block m b -> low_bound m b <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= high_bound m b -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) -> valid_access m chunk b ofs. (** The following function checks whether accessing the given memory chunk at the given offset in the given block respects the bounds of the block. *) Definition in_bounds (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : {valid_access m chunk b ofs} + {~valid_access m chunk b ofs}. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt b m.(nextblock)). destruct (zle (low_bound m b) ofs). destruct (zle (ofs + size_chunk chunk) (high_bound m b)). destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk chunk) ofs (align_chunk_pos chunk)). left; constructor; auto. right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction. right; red; intro V; inv V; omega. right; red; intro V; inv V; omega. right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction. Defined. Lemma in_bounds_true: forall m chunk b ofs (A: Set) (a1 a2: A), valid_access m chunk b ofs -> (if in_bounds m chunk b ofs then a1 else a2) = a1. Proof. intros. destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs). auto. contradiction. Qed. (** [valid_pointer] holds if the given block address is valid and the given offset falls within the bounds of the corresponding block. *) Definition valid_pointer (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : bool := zlt b m.(nextblock) && zle (low_bound m b) ofs && zlt ofs (high_bound m b). (** [load chunk m b ofs] perform a read in memory state [m], at address [b] and offset [ofs]. [None] is returned if the address is invalid or the memory access is out of bounds. *) Definition load (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : option val := if in_bounds m chunk b ofs then Some (Val.load_result chunk (getN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs (contents (blocks m b)))) else None. Lemma load_inv: forall chunk m b ofs v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> valid_access m chunk b ofs /\ v = Val.load_result chunk (getN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs (contents (blocks m b))). Proof. intros until v; unfold load. destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs); intros. split. auto. congruence. congruence. Qed. (** [loadv chunk m addr] is similar, but the address and offset are given as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *) Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr: val) : option val := match addr with | Vptr b ofs => load chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) | _ => None end. (* The memory state [m] after a store of value [v] at offset [ofs] in block [b]. *) Definition unchecked_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val) : mem := let c := m.(blocks) b in mkmem (update b (mkblock c.(low) c.(high) (setN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs v c.(contents))) m.(blocks)) m.(nextblock) m.(nextblock_pos). (** [store chunk m b ofs v] perform a write in memory state [m]. Value [v] is stored at address [b] and offset [ofs]. Return the updated memory store, or [None] if the address is invalid or the memory access is out of bounds. *) Definition store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val) : option mem := if in_bounds m chunk b ofs then Some(unchecked_store chunk m b ofs v) else None. Lemma store_inv: forall chunk m b ofs v m', store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' -> valid_access m chunk b ofs /\ m' = unchecked_store chunk m b ofs v. Proof. intros until m'; unfold store. destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs); intros. split. auto. congruence. congruence. Qed. (** [storev chunk m addr v] is similar, but the address and offset are given as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *) Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr v: val) : option mem := match addr with | Vptr b ofs => store chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) v | _ => None end. (** Build a block filled with the given initialization data. *) Fixpoint contents_init_data (pos: Z) (id: list init_data) {struct id}: contentmap := match id with | nil => (fun y => Undef) | Init_int8 n :: id' => setN 0%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id') | Init_int16 n :: id' => setN 1%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id') | Init_int32 n :: id' => setN 3%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id') | Init_float32 f :: id' => setN 3%nat pos (Vfloat f) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id') | Init_float64 f :: id' => setN 7%nat pos (Vfloat f) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id') | Init_space n :: id' => contents_init_data (pos + Zmax n 0) id' | Init_pointer x :: id' => (* Not handled properly yet *) contents_init_data (pos + 4) id' end. Definition size_init_data (id: init_data) : Z := match id with | Init_int8 _ => 1 | Init_int16 _ => 2 | Init_int32 _ => 4 | Init_float32 _ => 4 | Init_float64 _ => 8 | Init_space n => Zmax n 0 | Init_pointer _ => 4 end. Definition size_init_data_list (id: list init_data): Z := List.fold_right (fun id sz => size_init_data id + sz) 0 id. Remark size_init_data_list_pos: forall id, size_init_data_list id >= 0. Proof. induction id; simpl. omega. assert (size_init_data a >= 0). destruct a; simpl; try omega. generalize (Zmax2 z 0). omega. omega. Qed. Definition block_init_data (id: list init_data) : block_contents := mkblock 0 (size_init_data_list id) (contents_init_data 0 id). Definition alloc_init_data (m: mem) (id: list init_data) : mem * block := (mkmem (update m.(nextblock) (block_init_data id) m.(blocks)) (Zsucc m.(nextblock)) (succ_nextblock_pos m), m.(nextblock)). Remark block_init_data_empty: block_init_data nil = empty_block 0 0. Proof. auto. Qed. (** * Properties of the memory operations *) (** ** Properties related to block validity *) Lemma valid_not_valid_diff: forall m b b', valid_block m b -> ~(valid_block m b') -> b <> b'. Proof. intros; red; intros. subst b'. contradiction. Qed. Lemma valid_access_valid_block: forall m chunk b ofs, valid_access m chunk b ofs -> valid_block m b. Proof. intros. inv H; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_access_aligned: forall m chunk b ofs, valid_access m chunk b ofs -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs). Proof. intros. inv H; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_access_compat: forall m chunk1 chunk2 b ofs, size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> valid_access m chunk1 b ofs -> valid_access m chunk2 b ofs. Proof. intros. inv H0. rewrite H in H3. constructor; auto. rewrite <- (align_chunk_compat _ _ H). auto. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_not_valid_diff valid_access_valid_block valid_access_aligned: mem. (** ** Properties related to [load] *) Theorem valid_access_load: forall m chunk b ofs, valid_access m chunk b ofs -> exists v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v. Proof. intros. econstructor. unfold load. rewrite in_bounds_true; auto. Qed. Theorem load_valid_access: forall m chunk b ofs v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> valid_access m chunk b ofs. Proof. intros. generalize (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). tauto. Qed. Hint Resolve load_valid_access valid_access_load. (** ** Properties related to [store] *) Lemma valid_access_store: forall m1 chunk b ofs v, valid_access m1 chunk b ofs -> exists m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2. Proof. intros. econstructor. unfold store. rewrite in_bounds_true; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_access_store: mem. Section STORE. Variable chunk: memory_chunk. Variable m1: mem. Variable b: block. Variable ofs: Z. Variable v: val. Variable m2: mem. Hypothesis STORE: store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2. Lemma low_bound_store: forall b', low_bound m2 b' = low_bound m1 b'. Proof. intro. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. subst m2. unfold low_bound, unchecked_store; simpl. unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. subst b'; auto. Qed. Lemma high_bound_store: forall b', high_bound m2 b' = high_bound m1 b'. Proof. intro. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. subst m2. unfold high_bound, unchecked_store; simpl. unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. subst b'; auto. Qed. Lemma nextblock_store: nextblock m2 = nextblock m1. Proof. intros. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. subst m2; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma store_valid_block_1: forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'. Proof. unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store; auto. Qed. Lemma store_valid_block_2: forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> valid_block m1 b'. Proof. unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store in H; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem. Lemma store_valid_access_1: forall chunk' b' ofs', valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' -> valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs'. Proof. intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. rewrite low_bound_store; auto. rewrite high_bound_store; auto. Qed. Lemma store_valid_access_2: forall chunk' b' ofs', valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' -> valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs'. Proof. intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. rewrite low_bound_store in H1; auto. rewrite high_bound_store in H2; auto. Qed. Lemma store_valid_access_3: valid_access m1 chunk b ofs. Proof. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. auto. Qed. Hint Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2 store_valid_access_3: mem. Theorem load_store_similar: forall chunk', size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk -> load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk' v). Proof. intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). unfold load. rewrite in_bounds_true. decEq. decEq. rewrite H1. unfold unchecked_store; simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl. replace (pred_size_chunk chunk) with (pred_size_chunk chunk'). apply getN_setN_same. repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H. omega. apply store_valid_access_1. inv H0. constructor; auto. congruence. rewrite (align_chunk_compat _ _ H). auto. Qed. Theorem load_store_same: load chunk m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk v). Proof. eapply load_store_similar; eauto. Qed. Theorem load_store_other: forall chunk' b' ofs', b' <> b \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' -> load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = load chunk' m1 b' ofs'. Proof. intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). unfold load. destruct (in_bounds m1 chunk' b' ofs'). rewrite in_bounds_true. decEq. decEq. rewrite H1; unfold unchecked_store; simpl. unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b). subst b'. simpl. repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H. apply getN_setN_other. elim H; intro. congruence. omega. auto. eauto with mem. destruct (in_bounds m2 chunk' b' ofs'); auto. elim n. eauto with mem. Qed. Theorem load_store_overlap: forall chunk' ofs' v', load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v' -> ofs' <> ofs -> ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' -> v' = Vundef. Proof. intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H6. rewrite H4. unfold unchecked_store. simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl. rewrite getN_setN_overlap. destruct chunk'; reflexivity. auto. rewrite size_chunk_pred in H2. omega. rewrite size_chunk_pred in H1. omega. Qed. Theorem load_store_overlap': forall chunk' ofs', valid_access m1 chunk' b ofs' -> ofs' <> ofs -> ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' -> load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some Vundef. Proof. intros. assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v'). eauto with mem. destruct H3 as [v' LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq. eapply load_store_overlap; eauto. Qed. Theorem load_store_mismatch: forall chunk' v', load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v' -> size_chunk chunk' <> size_chunk chunk -> v' = Vundef. Proof. intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H4. rewrite H2. unfold unchecked_store. simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl. rewrite getN_setN_mismatch. destruct chunk'; reflexivity. repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H0; omega. Qed. Theorem load_store_mismatch': forall chunk', valid_access m1 chunk' b ofs -> size_chunk chunk' <> size_chunk chunk -> load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some Vundef. Proof. intros. assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v'). eauto with mem. destruct H1 as [v' LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq. eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto. Qed. Inductive load_store_cases (chunk1: memory_chunk) (b1: block) (ofs1: Z) (chunk2: memory_chunk) (b2: block) (ofs2: Z) : Set := | lsc_similar: b1 = b2 -> ofs1 = ofs2 -> size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2 | lsc_other: b1 <> b2 \/ ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2 <= ofs1 \/ ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1 <= ofs2 -> load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2 | lsc_overlap: b1 = b2 -> ofs1 <> ofs2 -> ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2 > ofs1 -> ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1 > ofs2 -> load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2 | lsc_mismatch: b1 = b2 -> ofs1 = ofs2 -> size_chunk chunk1 <> size_chunk chunk2 -> load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2. Definition load_store_classification: forall (chunk1: memory_chunk) (b1: block) (ofs1: Z) (chunk2: memory_chunk) (b2: block) (ofs2: Z), load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2. Proof. intros. destruct (eq_block b1 b2). destruct (zeq ofs1 ofs2). destruct (zeq (size_chunk chunk1) (size_chunk chunk2)). apply lsc_similar; auto. apply lsc_mismatch; auto. destruct (zle (ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2) ofs1). apply lsc_other. tauto. destruct (zle (ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1) ofs2). apply lsc_other. tauto. apply lsc_overlap; auto. apply lsc_other; tauto. Qed. Theorem load_store_characterization: forall chunk' b' ofs', valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' -> load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = match load_store_classification chunk b ofs chunk' b' ofs' with | lsc_similar _ _ _ => Some (Val.load_result chunk' v) | lsc_other _ => load chunk' m1 b' ofs' | lsc_overlap _ _ _ _ => Some Vundef | lsc_mismatch _ _ _ => Some Vundef end. Proof. intros. assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = Some v') by eauto with mem. destruct H0 as [v' LOAD]. destruct (load_store_classification chunk b ofs chunk' b' ofs'). subst b' ofs'. apply load_store_similar; auto. apply load_store_other; intuition. subst b'. rewrite LOAD. decEq. eapply load_store_overlap; eauto. subst b' ofs'. rewrite LOAD. decEq. eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto. Qed. End STORE. Hint Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem. Hint Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2 store_valid_access_3: mem. (** ** Properties related to [alloc]. *) Section ALLOC. Variable m1: mem. Variables lo hi: Z. Variable m2: mem. Variable b: block. Hypothesis ALLOC: alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b). Lemma nextblock_alloc: nextblock m2 = Zsucc (nextblock m1). Proof. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; auto. Qed. Lemma alloc_result: b = nextblock m1. Proof. injection ALLOC; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_block_alloc: forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'. Proof. unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega. Qed. Lemma fresh_block_alloc: ~(valid_block m1 b). Proof. unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. omega. Qed. Lemma valid_new_block: valid_block m2 b. Proof. unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem. Lemma valid_block_alloc_inv: forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> b' = b \/ valid_block m1 b'. Proof. unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_alloc in H. rewrite alloc_result. unfold block; omega. Qed. Lemma low_bound_alloc: forall b', low_bound m2 b' = if zeq b' b then lo else low_bound m1 b'. Proof. intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; unfold low_bound; simpl. unfold update. rewrite H. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. Qed. Lemma low_bound_alloc_same: low_bound m2 b = lo. Proof. rewrite low_bound_alloc. apply zeq_true. Qed. Lemma low_bound_alloc_other: forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> low_bound m2 b' = low_bound m1 b'. Proof. intros; rewrite low_bound_alloc. apply zeq_false. eauto with mem. Qed. Lemma high_bound_alloc: forall b', high_bound m2 b' = if zeq b' b then hi else high_bound m1 b'. Proof. intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; unfold high_bound; simpl. unfold update. rewrite H. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. Qed. Lemma high_bound_alloc_same: high_bound m2 b = hi. Proof. rewrite high_bound_alloc. apply zeq_true. Qed. Lemma high_bound_alloc_other: forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> high_bound m2 b' = high_bound m1 b'. Proof. intros; rewrite high_bound_alloc. apply zeq_false. eauto with mem. Qed. Lemma valid_access_alloc_other: forall chunk b' ofs, valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs -> valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs. Proof. intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. rewrite low_bound_alloc_other; auto. rewrite high_bound_alloc_other; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_access_alloc_same: forall chunk ofs, lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) -> valid_access m2 chunk b ofs. Proof. intros. constructor; auto with mem. rewrite low_bound_alloc_same; auto. rewrite high_bound_alloc_same; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem. Lemma valid_access_alloc_inv: forall chunk b' ofs, valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs -> valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs \/ (b' = b /\ lo <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs)). Proof. intros. inv H. elim (valid_block_alloc_inv _ H0); intro. subst b'. rewrite low_bound_alloc_same in H1. rewrite high_bound_alloc_same in H2. right. tauto. left. constructor; auto. rewrite low_bound_alloc_other in H1; auto. rewrite high_bound_alloc_other in H2; auto. Qed. Theorem load_alloc_unchanged: forall chunk b' ofs, valid_block m1 b' -> load chunk m2 b' ofs = load chunk m1 b' ofs. Proof. intros. unfold load. destruct (in_bounds m2 chunk b' ofs). elim (valid_access_alloc_inv _ _ _ v). intro. rewrite in_bounds_true; auto. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H2; simpl. rewrite update_o. auto. rewrite H1. apply sym_not_equal. eauto with mem. intros [A [B C]]. subst b'. elimtype False. eauto with mem. destruct (in_bounds m1 chunk b' ofs). elim n; eauto with mem. auto. Qed. Theorem load_alloc_other: forall chunk b' ofs v, load chunk m1 b' ofs = Some v -> load chunk m2 b' ofs = Some v. Proof. intros. rewrite <- H. apply load_alloc_unchanged. eauto with mem. Qed. Theorem load_alloc_same: forall chunk ofs v, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v -> v = Vundef. Proof. intros. destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H1. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H3; simpl. rewrite <- H2. rewrite update_s. simpl. rewrite getN_init. destruct chunk; auto. Qed. Theorem load_alloc_same': forall chunk ofs, lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) -> load chunk m2 b ofs = Some Vundef. Proof. intros. assert (exists v, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v). apply valid_access_load. constructor; eauto with mem. rewrite low_bound_alloc_same. auto. rewrite high_bound_alloc_same. auto. destruct H2 as [v LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq. eapply load_alloc_same; eauto. Qed. End ALLOC. Hint Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem. Hint Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem. Hint Resolve load_alloc_unchanged: mem. (** ** Properties related to [free]. *) Section FREE. Variable m: mem. Variable bf: block. Lemma valid_block_free_1: forall b, valid_block m b -> valid_block (free m bf) b. Proof. unfold valid_block, free; intros; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_block_free_2: forall b, valid_block (free m bf) b -> valid_block m b. Proof. unfold valid_block, free; intros; simpl in *; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_block_free_1 valid_block_free_2: mem. Lemma low_bound_free: forall b, b <> bf -> low_bound (free m bf) b = low_bound m b. Proof. intros. unfold low_bound, free; simpl. rewrite update_o; auto. Qed. Lemma high_bound_free: forall b, b <> bf -> high_bound (free m bf) b = high_bound m b. Proof. intros. unfold high_bound, free; simpl. rewrite update_o; auto. Qed. Lemma low_bound_free_same: forall m b, low_bound (free m b) b = 0. Proof. intros. unfold low_bound; simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl; omega. Qed. Lemma high_bound_free_same: forall m b, high_bound (free m b) b = 0. Proof. intros. unfold high_bound; simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl; omega. Qed. Lemma valid_access_free_1: forall chunk b ofs, valid_access m chunk b ofs -> b <> bf -> valid_access (free m bf) chunk b ofs. Proof. intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_access_free_2: forall chunk ofs, ~(valid_access (free m bf) chunk bf ofs). Proof. intros; red; intros. inv H. unfold free, low_bound in H1; simpl in H1. rewrite update_s in H1. simpl in H1. unfold free, high_bound in H2; simpl in H2. rewrite update_s in H2. simpl in H2. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_access_free_1 valid_access_free_2: mem. Lemma valid_access_free_inv: forall chunk b ofs, valid_access (free m bf) chunk b ofs -> valid_access m chunk b ofs /\ b <> bf. Proof. intros. destruct (eq_block b bf). subst b. elim (valid_access_free_2 _ _ H). inv H. rewrite low_bound_free in H1; auto. rewrite high_bound_free in H2; auto. split; auto. constructor; auto with mem. Qed. Theorem load_free: forall chunk b ofs, b <> bf -> load chunk (free m bf) b ofs = load chunk m b ofs. Proof. intros. unfold load. destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs). rewrite in_bounds_true; auto with mem. unfold free; simpl. rewrite update_o; auto. destruct (in_bounds (free m bf) chunk b ofs); auto. elim n. elim (valid_access_free_inv _ _ _ v); auto. Qed. End FREE. (** ** Properties related to [free_list] *) Lemma valid_block_free_list_1: forall bl m b, valid_block m b -> valid_block (free_list m bl) b. Proof. induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. apply valid_block_free_1; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_block_free_list_2: forall bl m b, valid_block (free_list m bl) b -> valid_block m b. Proof. induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. apply IHbl. apply valid_block_free_2 with a; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_access_free_list: forall chunk b ofs m bl, valid_access m chunk b ofs -> ~In b bl -> valid_access (free_list m bl) chunk b ofs. Proof. induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. apply valid_access_free_1. apply IHbl. auto. intuition. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma valid_access_free_list_inv: forall chunk b ofs m bl, valid_access (free_list m bl) chunk b ofs -> ~In b bl /\ valid_access m chunk b ofs. Proof. induction bl; simpl; intros. tauto. elim (valid_access_free_inv _ _ _ _ _ H); intros. elim (IHbl H0); intros. intuition congruence. Qed. (** ** Properties related to pointer validity *) Lemma valid_pointer_valid_access: forall m b ofs, valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> valid_access m Mint8unsigned b ofs. Proof. unfold valid_pointer; intros; split; intros. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0). constructor. red. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1. generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H1). omega. simpl. apply Zone_divide. inv H. unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite zlt_true; auto. rewrite zle_true; auto. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H2. rewrite zlt_true. auto. omega. Qed. Theorem valid_pointer_alloc: forall (m1 m2: mem) (lo hi: Z) (b b': block) (ofs: Z), alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b') -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true. Proof. intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access. eauto with mem. Qed. Theorem valid_pointer_store: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2: mem) (b b': block) (ofs ofs': Z) (v: val), store chunk m1 b' ofs' v = Some m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true. Proof. intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access. eauto with mem. Qed. (** * Generic injections between memory states. *) Section GENERIC_INJECT. Definition meminj : Set := block -> option (block * Z). Variable val_inj: meminj -> val -> val -> Prop. Hypothesis val_inj_undef: forall mi, val_inj mi Vundef Vundef. Definition mem_inj (mi: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) := forall chunk b1 ofs v1 b2 delta, mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 -> exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inj mi v1 v2. Lemma valid_access_inj: forall mi m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta, mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs -> valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta). Proof. intros. assert (exists v1, load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1) by eauto with mem. destruct H2 as [v1 LOAD1]. destruct (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ H LOAD1) as [v2 [LOAD2 VCP]]. eauto with mem. Qed. Hint Resolve valid_access_inj: mem. Lemma store_unmapped_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b ofs v chunk m1', mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> mi b = None -> store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m1' -> mem_inj mi m1' m2. Proof. intros; red; intros. assert (load chunk0 m1 b1 ofs0 = Some v1). rewrite <- H3; symmetry. eapply load_store_other; eauto. left. congruence. eapply H; eauto. Qed. Lemma store_outside_inj: forall mi m1 m2 chunk b ofs v m2', mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> (forall b' delta, mi b' = Some(b, delta) -> high_bound m1 b' + delta <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b' + delta) -> store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' -> mem_inj mi m1 m2'. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]]. exists v2; split; auto. rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_store_other; eauto. destruct (eq_block b2 b). subst b2. right. generalize (H0 _ _ H2); intro. assert (valid_access m1 chunk0 b1 ofs0) by eauto with mem. inv H5. omega. auto. Qed. Definition meminj_no_overlap (mi: meminj) (m: mem) : Prop := forall b1 b1' delta1 b2 b2' delta2, b1 <> b2 -> mi b1 = Some (b1', delta1) -> mi b2 = Some (b2', delta2) -> b1' <> b2' \/ low_bound m b1 >= high_bound m b1 \/ low_bound m b2 >= high_bound m b2 \/ high_bound m b1 + delta1 <= low_bound m b2 + delta2 \/ high_bound m b2 + delta2 <= low_bound m b1 + delta1. Lemma store_mapped_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta v1 v2 chunk m1', mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> meminj_no_overlap mi m1 -> mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some m1' -> (forall chunk', size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk -> val_inj mi (Val.load_result chunk' v1) (Val.load_result chunk' v2)) -> exists m2', store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some m2' /\ mem_inj mi m1' m2'. Proof. intros. assert (exists m2', store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some m2') by eauto with mem. destruct H4 as [m2' STORE2]. exists m2'; split. auto. red. intros chunk' b1' ofs' v b2' delta' CP LOAD1. assert (valid_access m1 chunk' b1' ofs') by eauto with mem. generalize (load_store_characterization _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 _ _ _ H4). destruct (load_store_classification chunk b1 ofs chunk' b1' ofs'); intro. (* similar *) subst b1' ofs'. rewrite CP in H1. inv H1. rewrite LOAD1 in H5. inv H5. exists (Val.load_result chunk' v2). split. eapply load_store_similar; eauto. auto. (* disjoint *) rewrite LOAD1 in H5. destruct (H _ _ _ _ _ _ CP (sym_equal H5)) as [v2' [LOAD2 VCP]]. exists v2'. split; auto. rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_store_other; eauto. destruct (eq_block b1 b1'). subst b1'. rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. right. elim o; [congruence | omega]. assert (valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs) by eauto with mem. generalize (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ n H1 CP). intros [A | [A | [A | A]]]. auto. inv H6. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). intro. omegaContradiction. inv H4. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk'). intro. omegaContradiction. right. inv H4. inv H6. omega. (* overlapping *) subst b1'. rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. assert (exists v2', load chunk' m2' b2 (ofs' + delta) = Some v2') by eauto with mem. destruct H1 as [v2' LOAD2']. assert (v2' = Vundef). eapply load_store_overlap; eauto. omega. omega. omega. exists v2'; split. auto. replace v with Vundef by congruence. subst v2'. apply val_inj_undef. (* mismatch *) subst b1' ofs'. rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. assert (exists v2', load chunk' m2' b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2') by eauto with mem. destruct H1 as [v2' LOAD2']. assert (v2' = Vundef). eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto. exists v2'; split. auto. replace v with Vundef by congruence. subst v2'. apply val_inj_undef. Qed. Definition inj_offset_aligned (delta: Z) (size: Z) : Prop := forall chunk, size_chunk chunk <= size -> (align_chunk chunk | delta). Lemma alloc_parallel_inj: forall mi m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b1 lo2 hi2 m2' b2 delta, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) -> alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2) -> mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> lo2 <= lo1 + delta -> hi1 + delta <= hi2 -> inj_offset_aligned delta (hi1 - lo1) -> mem_inj mi m1' m2'. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem. intros [A | [A [B [C D]]]]. assert (load chunk m1 b0 ofs = Some v1). rewrite <- H7. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem. exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]]. exists v2; split. rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem. auto. subst b0. rewrite H2 in H6. inversion H6. subst b3 delta0. assert (v1 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m1); eauto. subst v1. assert (exists v2, load chunk m2' b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2). apply valid_access_load. eapply valid_access_alloc_same; eauto. omega. omega. apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. apply H5. omega. destruct H8 as [v2 LOAD2]. assert (v2 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m2); eauto. subst v2. exists Vundef; split. auto. apply val_inj_undef. Qed. Lemma alloc_right_inj: forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b2 m2', mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) -> mem_inj mi m1 m2'. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]]. exists v2; split; auto. assert (valid_block m2 b0). apply valid_access_valid_block with chunk (ofs + delta). eauto with mem. rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto. Qed. Hypothesis val_inj_undef_any: forall mi v, val_inj mi Vundef v. Lemma alloc_left_unmapped_inj: forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1', mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) -> mi b1 = None -> mem_inj mi m1' m2. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem. intros [A | [A [B C]]]. eapply H; eauto. rewrite <- H3. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem. subst b0. congruence. Qed. Lemma alloc_left_mapped_inj: forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1' b2 delta, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) -> mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> valid_block m2 b2 -> low_bound m2 b2 <= lo + delta -> hi + delta <= high_bound m2 b2 -> inj_offset_aligned delta (hi - lo) -> mem_inj mi m1' m2. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem. intros [A | [A [B [C D]]]]. eapply H; eauto. rewrite <- H7. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem. subst b0. rewrite H1 in H6. inversion H6. subst b3 delta0. assert (v1 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m1); eauto. subst v1. assert (exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2). apply valid_access_load. constructor. auto. omega. omega. apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. apply H5. omega. destruct H8 as [v2 LOAD2]. exists v2; split. auto. apply val_inj_undef_any. Qed. Lemma free_parallel_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b1 b2 delta, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> (forall b delta', mi b = Some(b2, delta') -> b = b1) -> mem_inj mi (free m1 b1) (free m2 b2). Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit valid_access_free_inv; eauto with mem. intros [A B]. assert (load chunk m1 b0 ofs = Some v1). rewrite <- H3. symmetry. apply load_free. auto. exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 INJ]]. exists v2; split. rewrite <- LOAD2. apply load_free. red; intro; subst b3. elim B. eauto. auto. Qed. Lemma free_left_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b1, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> mem_inj mi (free m1 b1) m2. Proof. intros; red; intros. exploit valid_access_free_inv; eauto with mem. intros [A B]. eapply H; eauto with mem. rewrite <- H1; symmetry; eapply load_free; eauto. Qed. Lemma free_list_left_inj: forall mi bl m1 m2, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> mem_inj mi (free_list m1 bl) m2. Proof. induction bl; intros; simpl. auto. apply free_left_inj. auto. Qed. Lemma free_right_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b2, mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> (forall b1 delta chunk ofs, mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> ~(valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs)) -> mem_inj mi m1 (free m2 b2). Proof. intros; red; intros. assert (b0 <> b2). red; intro; subst b0. elim (H0 b1 delta chunk ofs H1). eauto with mem. exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 INJ]]. exists v2; split; auto. rewrite <- LOAD2. apply load_free. auto. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_inj: forall mi m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta, mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> mem_inj mi m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b1 ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = true. Proof. intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access. eauto with mem. Qed. End GENERIC_INJECT. (** ** Store extensions *) (** A store [m2] extends a store [m1] if [m2] can be obtained from [m1] by increasing the sizes of the memory blocks of [m1] (decreasing the low bounds, increasing the high bounds), while still keeping the same contents for block offsets that are valid in [m1]. *) Definition inject_id : meminj := fun b => Some(b, 0). Definition val_inj_id (mi: meminj) (v1 v2: val) : Prop := v1 = v2. Definition extends (m1 m2: mem) := nextblock m1 = nextblock m2 /\ mem_inj val_inj_id inject_id m1 m2. Theorem extends_refl: forall (m: mem), extends m m. Proof. intros; split. auto. red; unfold inject_id; intros. inv H. exists v1; split. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. auto. unfold val_inj_id; auto. Qed. Theorem alloc_extends: forall (m1 m2 m1' m2': mem) (lo1 hi1 lo2 hi2: Z) (b1 b2: block), extends m1 m2 -> lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 -> alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) -> alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2) -> b1 = b2 /\ extends m1' m2'. Proof. intros. destruct H. assert (b1 = b2). transitivity (nextblock m1). eapply alloc_result; eauto. symmetry. rewrite H. eapply alloc_result; eauto. subst b2. split. auto. split. rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H2). rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H3). congruence. eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto. unfold val_inj_id; auto. unfold inject_id; eauto. omega. omega. red; intros. apply Zdivide_0. Qed. Theorem free_extends: forall (m1 m2: mem) (b: block), extends m1 m2 -> extends (free m1 b) (free m2 b). Proof. intros. destruct H. split. simpl; auto. eapply free_parallel_inj; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto. unfold inject_id; intros. congruence. Qed. Theorem load_extends: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val), extends m1 m2 -> load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v -> load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v. Proof. intros. destruct H. exploit H1; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto. unfold val_inj_id. intros [v2 [LOAD EQ]]. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in LOAD by omega. congruence. Qed. Theorem store_within_extends: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2 m1': mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val), extends m1 m2 -> store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m1' -> exists m2', store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' /\ extends m1' m2'. Proof. intros. destruct H. exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. unfold val_inj_id; eauto. unfold meminj_no_overlap, inject_id; intros. inv H3. inv H4. auto. unfold inject_id; eauto. unfold val_inj_id; intros. eauto. intros [m2' [STORE MINJ]]. exists m2'; split. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in STORE by omega. auto. split. rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). auto. auto. Qed. Theorem store_outside_extends: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2 m2': mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val), extends m1 m2 -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b \/ high_bound m1 b <= ofs -> store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' -> extends m1 m2'. Proof. intros. destruct H. split. rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto. eapply store_outside_inj; eauto. unfold inject_id; intros. inv H3. omega. Qed. Theorem valid_pointer_extends: forall m1 m2 b ofs, extends m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true. Proof. intros. destruct H. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. apply valid_pointer_inj with val_inj_id inject_id m1 b; auto. Qed. (** * The ``less defined than'' relation over memory states *) (** A memory state [m1] is less defined than [m2] if, for all addresses, the value [v1] read in [m1] at this address is less defined than the value [v2] read in [m2], that is, either [v1 = v2] or [v1 = Vundef]. *) Definition val_inj_lessdef (mi: meminj) (v1 v2: val) : Prop := Val.lessdef v1 v2. Definition lessdef (m1 m2: mem) : Prop := nextblock m1 = nextblock m2 /\ mem_inj val_inj_lessdef inject_id m1 m2. Lemma lessdef_refl: forall m, lessdef m m. Proof. intros; split. auto. red; intros. unfold inject_id in H. inv H. exists v1; split. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. auto. red. constructor. Qed. Lemma load_lessdef: forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs v1, lessdef m1 m2 -> load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 -> exists v2, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2. Proof. intros. destruct H. exploit H1; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]]. exists v2; split. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. auto. auto. Qed. Lemma loadv_lessdef: forall m1 m2 chunk addr1 addr2 v1, lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 -> loadv chunk m1 addr1 = Some v1 -> exists v2, loadv chunk m2 addr2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2. Proof. intros. inv H0. destruct addr2; simpl in *; try discriminate. eapply load_lessdef; eauto. simpl in H1; discriminate. Qed. Lemma store_lessdef: forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs v1 v2 m1', lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 -> store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some m1' -> exists m2', store chunk m2 b ofs v2 = Some m2' /\ lessdef m1' m2'. Proof. intros. destruct H. exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. unfold val_inj_lessdef; intros; constructor. red; unfold inject_id; intros. inv H4. inv H5. auto. unfold inject_id; eauto. unfold val_inj_lessdef; intros. apply Val.load_result_lessdef. eexact H0. intros [m2' [STORE MINJ]]. exists m2'; split. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. auto. split. rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1). rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). auto. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_lessdef: forall m1 m2 chunk addr1 v1 addr2 v2 m1', lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 -> storev chunk m1 addr1 v1 = Some m1' -> exists m2', storev chunk m2 addr2 v2 = Some m2' /\ lessdef m1' m2'. Proof. intros. inv H0. destruct addr2; simpl in H2; try discriminate. simpl. eapply store_lessdef; eauto. discriminate. Qed. Lemma alloc_lessdef: forall m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1' b2 m2', lessdef m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) -> alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) -> b1 = b2 /\ lessdef m1' m2'. Proof. intros. destruct H. assert (b1 = b2). transitivity (nextblock m1). eapply alloc_result; eauto. symmetry. rewrite H. eapply alloc_result; eauto. subst b2. split. auto. split. rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H1). congruence. eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto. unfold val_inj_lessdef; auto. unfold inject_id; eauto. omega. omega. red; intros. apply Zdivide_0. Qed. Lemma free_lessdef: forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> lessdef (free m1 b) (free m2 b). Proof. intros. destruct H. split. simpl; auto. eapply free_parallel_inj; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto. unfold inject_id; intros. congruence. Qed. Lemma free_left_lessdef: forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> lessdef (free m1 b) m2. Proof. intros. destruct H. split. rewrite <- H. auto. apply free_left_inj; auto. Qed. Lemma free_right_lessdef: forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> low_bound m1 b >= high_bound m1 b -> lessdef m1 (free m2 b). Proof. intros. destruct H. unfold lessdef. split. rewrite H. auto. apply free_right_inj; auto. intros. unfold inject_id in H2. inv H2. red; intro. inv H2. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intro. omega. Qed. Lemma valid_block_lessdef: forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> valid_block m1 b -> valid_block m2 b. Proof. unfold valid_block. intros. destruct H. rewrite <- H; auto. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_lessdef: forall m1 m2 b ofs, lessdef m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true. Proof. intros. destruct H. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. apply valid_pointer_inj with val_inj_lessdef inject_id m1 b; auto. Qed. (** ** Memory injections *) (** A memory injection [f] is a function from addresses to either [None] or [Some] of an address and an offset. It defines a correspondence between the blocks of two memory states [m1] and [m2]: - if [f b = None], the block [b] of [m1] has no equivalent in [m2]; - if [f b = Some(b', ofs)], the block [b] of [m2] corresponds to a sub-block at offset [ofs] of the block [b'] in [m2]. *) (** A memory injection defines a relation between values that is the identity relation, except for pointer values which are shifted as prescribed by the memory injection. *) Inductive val_inject (mi: meminj): val -> val -> Prop := | val_inject_int: forall i, val_inject mi (Vint i) (Vint i) | val_inject_float: forall f, val_inject mi (Vfloat f) (Vfloat f) | val_inject_ptr: forall b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 x, mi b1 = Some (b2, x) -> ofs2 = Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x) -> val_inject mi (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2) | val_inject_undef: forall v, val_inject mi Vundef v. Hint Resolve val_inject_int val_inject_float val_inject_ptr val_inject_undef. Inductive val_list_inject (mi: meminj): list val -> list val-> Prop:= | val_nil_inject : val_list_inject mi nil nil | val_cons_inject : forall v v' vl vl' , val_inject mi v v' -> val_list_inject mi vl vl'-> val_list_inject mi (v :: vl) (v' :: vl'). Hint Resolve val_nil_inject val_cons_inject. (** A memory state [m1] injects into another memory state [m2] via the memory injection [f] if the following conditions hold: - loads in [m1] must have matching loads in [m2] in the sense of the [mem_inj] predicate; - unallocated blocks in [m1] must be mapped to [None] by [f]; - if [f b = Some(b', delta)], [b'] must be valid in [m2]; - distinct blocks in [m1] are mapped to non-overlapping sub-blocks in [m2]; - the sizes of [m2]'s blocks are representable with signed machine integers; - the offsets [delta] are representable with signed machine integers. *) Record mem_inject (f: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop := mk_mem_inject { mi_inj: mem_inj val_inject f m1 m2; mi_freeblocks: forall b, ~(valid_block m1 b) -> f b = None; mi_mappedblocks: forall b b' delta, f b = Some(b', delta) -> valid_block m2 b'; mi_no_overlap: meminj_no_overlap f m1; mi_range_1: forall b b' delta, f b = Some(b', delta) -> Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed; mi_range_2: forall b b' delta, f b = Some(b', delta) -> delta = 0 \/ (Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b' /\ high_bound m2 b' <= Int.max_signed) }. (** The following lemmas establish the absence of machine integer overflow during address computations. *) Lemma address_inject: forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs1 b2 delta, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> valid_access m1 chunk b1 (Int.signed ofs1) -> f b1 = Some (b2, delta) -> Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta. Proof. intros. inversion H. elim (mi_range_4 _ _ _ H1); intro. (* delta = 0 *) subst delta. change (Int.repr 0) with Int.zero. rewrite Int.add_zero. omega. (* delta <> 0 *) rewrite Int.add_signed. repeat rewrite Int.signed_repr. auto. eauto. assert (valid_access m2 chunk b2 (Int.signed ofs1 + delta)). eapply valid_access_inj; eauto. inv H3. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega. eauto. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow: forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' x, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true -> f b = Some(b', x) -> Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed. Proof. intros. inv H. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0. assert (valid_access m2 Mint8unsigned b' (Int.signed ofs + x)). eapply valid_access_inj; eauto. inv H. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H4. rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto. exploit mi_range_4; eauto. intros [A | [A B]]. subst x. rewrite Zplus_0_r. apply Int.signed_range. omega. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_inject: forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs', mem_inject f m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true -> val_inject f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') -> valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true. Proof. intros. inv H1. exploit valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto. intro NOOV. inv H. rewrite Int.add_signed. rewrite Int.signed_repr; auto. rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto. eapply valid_pointer_inj; eauto. Qed. Lemma different_pointers_inject: forall f m m' b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2, mem_inject f m m' -> b1 <> b2 -> valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) = true -> valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) = true -> f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) -> f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) -> b1' <> b2' \/ Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta1)) <> Int.signed (Int.add ofs2 (Int.repr delta2)). Proof. intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H2. rewrite (address_inject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1 H3). rewrite (address_inject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H2 H4). inv H1. simpl in H7. inv H2. simpl in H10. exploit (mi_no_overlap _ _ _ H); eauto. intros [A | [A | [A | [A | A]]]]. auto. omegaContradiction. omegaContradiction. right. omega. right. omega. Qed. (** Relation between injections and loads. *) Lemma load_inject: forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta v1, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 -> f b1 = Some (b2, delta) -> exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2. Proof. intros. inversion H. eapply mi_inj0; eauto. Qed. Lemma loadv_inject: forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 -> val_inject f a1 a2 -> exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2. Proof. intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. exploit load_inject; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]]. exists v2; split; auto. simpl. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x))) with (Int.signed ofs1 + x). auto. symmetry. eapply address_inject; eauto with mem. Qed. (** Relation between injections and stores. *) Inductive val_content_inject (f: meminj): memory_chunk -> val -> val -> Prop := | val_content_inject_base: forall chunk v1 v2, val_inject f v1 v2 -> val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 | val_content_inject_8: forall chunk n1 n2, chunk = Mint8unsigned \/ chunk = Mint8signed -> Int.zero_ext 8 n1 = Int.zero_ext 8 n2 -> val_content_inject f chunk (Vint n1) (Vint n2) | val_content_inject_16: forall chunk n1 n2, chunk = Mint16unsigned \/ chunk = Mint16signed -> Int.zero_ext 16 n1 = Int.zero_ext 16 n2 -> val_content_inject f chunk (Vint n1) (Vint n2) | val_content_inject_32: forall f1 f2, Float.singleoffloat f1 = Float.singleoffloat f2 -> val_content_inject f Mfloat32 (Vfloat f1) (Vfloat f2). Hint Resolve val_content_inject_base. Lemma load_result_inject: forall f chunk v1 v2 chunk', val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 -> size_chunk chunk = size_chunk chunk' -> val_inject f (Val.load_result chunk' v1) (Val.load_result chunk' v2). Proof. intros. inv H; simpl. inv H1; destruct chunk'; simpl; econstructor; eauto. elim H1; intro; subst chunk; destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl. replace (Int.sign_ext 8 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 8 n2). constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto. rewrite H2. constructor. replace (Int.sign_ext 8 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 8 n2). constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto. rewrite H2. constructor. elim H1; intro; subst chunk; destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl. replace (Int.sign_ext 16 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 16 n2). constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto. rewrite H2. constructor. replace (Int.sign_ext 16 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 16 n2). constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto. rewrite H2. constructor. destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl. constructor. rewrite H1; constructor. Qed. Lemma store_mapped_inject_1 : forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 -> f b1 = Some (b2, delta) -> val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 -> exists n2, store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2. Proof. intros. inversion H. exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. intros; constructor. intros. apply load_result_inject with chunk; eauto. intros [n2 [STORE MINJ]]. exists n2; split. auto. constructor. (* inj *) auto. (* freeblocks *) intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro. elim H3. eauto with mem. (* mappedblocks *) intros. eauto with mem. (* no_overlap *) red; intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). eapply mi_no_overlap0; eauto. (* range *) auto. intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). eapply mi_range_4; eauto. Qed. Lemma store_mapped_inject: forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 -> f b1 = Some (b2, delta) -> val_inject f v1 v2 -> exists n2, store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2. Proof. intros. eapply store_mapped_inject_1; eauto. Qed. Lemma store_unmapped_inject: forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 -> f b1 = None -> mem_inject f n1 m2. Proof. intros. inversion H. constructor. (* inj *) eapply store_unmapped_inj; eauto. (* freeblocks *) intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intros; elim H2; eauto with mem. (* mappedblocks *) intros. eapply mi_mappedblocks0; eauto with mem. (* no_overlap *) red; intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). eapply mi_no_overlap0; eauto. (* range *) auto. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_mapped_inject_1: forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 -> val_inject f a1 a2 -> val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 -> exists n2, storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2. Proof. intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. simpl. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x))) with (Int.signed ofs1 + x). eapply store_mapped_inject_1; eauto. symmetry. eapply address_inject; eauto with mem. Qed. Lemma storev_mapped_inject: forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 -> val_inject f a1 a2 -> val_inject f v1 v2 -> exists n2, storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2. Proof. intros. eapply storev_mapped_inject_1; eauto. Qed. (** Relation between injections and [free] *) Lemma meminj_no_overlap_free: forall mi m b, meminj_no_overlap mi m -> meminj_no_overlap mi (free m b). Proof. intros; red; intros. assert (low_bound (free m b) b >= high_bound (free m b) b). rewrite low_bound_free_same; rewrite high_bound_free_same; auto. omega. destruct (eq_block b1 b); destruct (eq_block b2 b); subst; auto. repeat (rewrite low_bound_free; auto). repeat (rewrite high_bound_free; auto). Qed. Lemma meminj_no_overlap_free_list: forall mi m bl, meminj_no_overlap mi m -> meminj_no_overlap mi (free_list m bl). Proof. induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. apply meminj_no_overlap_free. auto. Qed. Lemma free_inject: forall f m1 m2 l b, (forall b1 delta, f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> In b1 l) -> mem_inject f m1 m2 -> mem_inject f (free_list m1 l) (free m2 b). Proof. intros. inversion H0. constructor. (* inj *) apply free_right_inj. apply free_list_left_inj. auto. intros; red; intros. elim (valid_access_free_list_inv _ _ _ _ _ H2); intros. elim H3; eauto. (* freeblocks *) intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro; elim H1. apply valid_block_free_list_1; auto. (* mappedblocks *) intros. apply valid_block_free_1. eauto. (* overlap *) apply meminj_no_overlap_free_list; auto. (* range *) auto. intros. destruct (eq_block b' b). subst b'. rewrite low_bound_free_same; rewrite high_bound_free_same. right; compute; intuition congruence. rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto. eauto. Qed. (** Monotonicity properties of memory injections. *) Definition inject_incr (f1 f2: meminj) : Prop := forall b, f1 b = f2 b \/ f1 b = None. Lemma inject_incr_refl : forall f , inject_incr f f . Proof. unfold inject_incr . intros. left . auto . Qed. Lemma inject_incr_trans : forall f1 f2 f3, inject_incr f1 f2 -> inject_incr f2 f3 -> inject_incr f1 f3 . Proof . unfold inject_incr; intros. generalize (H b); generalize (H0 b); intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma val_inject_incr: forall f1 f2 v v', inject_incr f1 f2 -> val_inject f1 v v' -> val_inject f2 v v'. Proof. intros. inversion H0. constructor. constructor. elim (H b1); intro. apply val_inject_ptr with x. congruence. auto. congruence. constructor. Qed. Lemma val_list_inject_incr: forall f1 f2 vl vl' , inject_incr f1 f2 -> val_list_inject f1 vl vl' -> val_list_inject f2 vl vl'. Proof. induction vl; intros; inv H0. auto. constructor. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. auto. Qed. Hint Resolve inject_incr_refl val_inject_incr val_list_inject_incr. (** Properties of injections and allocations. *) Definition extend_inject (b: block) (x: option (block * Z)) (f: meminj) : meminj := fun (b': block) => if zeq b' b then x else f b'. Lemma extend_inject_incr: forall f b x, f b = None -> inject_incr f (extend_inject b x f). Proof. intros; red; intros. unfold extend_inject. destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0; auto. auto. Qed. Lemma alloc_right_inject: forall f m1 m2 lo hi m2' b, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b) -> mem_inject f m1 m2'. Proof. intros. inversion H. constructor. eapply alloc_right_inj; eauto. auto. intros. eauto with mem. auto. auto. intros. replace (low_bound m2' b') with (low_bound m2 b'). replace (high_bound m2' b') with (high_bound m2 b'). eauto. symmetry. eapply high_bound_alloc_other; eauto. symmetry. eapply low_bound_alloc_other; eauto. Qed. Lemma alloc_unmapped_inject: forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b) -> mem_inject (extend_inject b None f) m1' m2 /\ inject_incr f (extend_inject b None f). Proof. intros. inversion H. assert (inject_incr f (extend_inject b None f)). apply extend_inject_incr. apply mi_freeblocks0. eauto with mem. split; auto. constructor. (* inj *) eapply alloc_left_unmapped_inj; eauto. red; intros. unfold extend_inject in H2. destruct (zeq b1 b). congruence. exploit mi_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD VINJ]]. exists v2; split. auto. apply val_inject_incr with f; auto. unfold extend_inject. apply zeq_true. (* freeblocks *) intros. unfold extend_inject. destruct (zeq b0 b). auto. apply mi_freeblocks0; red; intro. elim H2. eauto with mem. (* mappedblocks *) intros. unfold extend_inject in H2. destruct (zeq b0 b). discriminate. eauto. (* overlap *) red; unfold extend_inject, update; intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). repeat rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). destruct (zeq b1 b); try discriminate. destruct (zeq b2 b); try discriminate. eauto. (* range *) unfold extend_inject; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). discriminate. eauto. unfold extend_inject; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). discriminate. eauto. Qed. Lemma alloc_mapped_inject: forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b b' ofs, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b) -> valid_block m2 b' -> Int.min_signed <= ofs <= Int.max_signed -> Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b' -> high_bound m2 b' <= Int.max_signed -> low_bound m2 b' <= lo + ofs -> hi + ofs <= high_bound m2 b' -> inj_offset_aligned ofs (hi-lo) -> (forall b0 ofs0, f b0 = Some (b', ofs0) -> high_bound m1 b0 + ofs0 <= lo + ofs \/ hi + ofs <= low_bound m1 b0 + ofs0) -> mem_inject (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f) m1' m2 /\ inject_incr f (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f). Proof. intros. inversion H. assert (inject_incr f (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f)). apply extend_inject_incr. apply mi_freeblocks0. eauto with mem. split; auto. constructor. (* inj *) eapply alloc_left_mapped_inj; eauto. red; intros. unfold extend_inject in H10. rewrite zeq_false in H10. exploit mi_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD VINJ]]. exists v2; split. auto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. eauto with mem. unfold extend_inject. apply zeq_true. (* freeblocks *) intros. unfold extend_inject. rewrite zeq_false. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro. elim H10; eauto with mem. apply sym_not_equal; eauto with mem. (* mappedblocks *) unfold extend_inject; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto. (* overlap *) red; unfold extend_inject, update; intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). repeat rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). destruct (zeq b1 b); [inv H11|idtac]; (destruct (zeq b2 b); [inv H12|idtac]). congruence. destruct (zeq b1' b2'). subst b2'. generalize (H8 _ _ H12). tauto. auto. destruct (zeq b1' b2'). subst b2'. generalize (H8 _ _ H11). tauto. auto. eauto. (* range *) unfold extend_inject; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto. unfold extend_inject; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto. Qed. Lemma alloc_parallel_inject: forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' m2' b1 b2, mem_inject f m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) -> alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) -> Int.min_signed <= lo -> hi <= Int.max_signed -> mem_inject (extend_inject b1 (Some(b2, 0)) f) m1' m2' /\ inject_incr f (extend_inject b1 (Some(b2, 0)) f). Proof. intros. eapply alloc_mapped_inject; eauto. eapply alloc_right_inject; eauto. eauto with mem. compute; intuition congruence. rewrite (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto. rewrite (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto. rewrite (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). omega. rewrite (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). omega. red; intros. apply Zdivide_0. intros. elimtype False. inv H. exploit mi_mappedblocks0; eauto. change (~ valid_block m2 b2). eauto with mem. Qed. Definition meminj_init (m: mem) : meminj := fun (b: block) => if zlt b m.(nextblock) then Some(b, 0) else None. Definition mem_inject_neutral (m: mem) : Prop := forall f chunk b ofs v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> val_inject f v v. Lemma init_inject: forall m, mem_inject_neutral m -> mem_inject (meminj_init m) m m. Proof. intros; constructor. (* inj *) red; intros. unfold meminj_init in H0. destruct (zlt b1 (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst b2 delta. exists v1; split. rewrite Zplus_0_r. auto. eapply H; eauto. (* free blocks *) unfold valid_block, meminj_init; intros. apply zlt_false. omega. (* mapped blocks *) unfold valid_block, meminj_init; intros. destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst b'; auto. (* overlap *) red; unfold meminj_init; intros. destruct (zlt b1 (nextblock m)); inversion H1. destruct (zlt b2 (nextblock m)); inversion H2. left; congruence. (* range *) unfold meminj_init; intros. destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst delta. compute; intuition congruence. unfold meminj_init; intros. destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst delta. auto. Qed. Remark getN_setN_inject: forall f m v n1 p1 n2 p2, val_inject f (getN n2 p2 m) (getN n2 p2 m) -> val_inject f v v -> val_inject f (getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m)) (getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m)). Proof. intros. destruct (getN_setN_characterization m v n1 p1 n2 p2) as [A | [A | A]]; rewrite A; auto. Qed. Remark getN_contents_init_data_inject: forall f n ofs id pos, val_inject f (getN n ofs (contents_init_data pos id)) (getN n ofs (contents_init_data pos id)). Proof. induction id; simpl; intros. repeat rewrite getN_init. constructor. destruct a; auto; apply getN_setN_inject; auto. Qed. Lemma alloc_init_data_neutral: forall m id m' b, mem_inject_neutral m -> alloc_init_data m id = (m', b) -> mem_inject_neutral m'. Proof. intros. injection H0; intros A B. red; intros. exploit load_inv; eauto. intros [C D]. rewrite <- B in D; simpl in D. rewrite A in D. unfold update in D. destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0. rewrite D. simpl. apply load_result_inject with chunk. constructor. apply getN_contents_init_data_inject. auto. apply H with chunk b0 ofs. unfold load. rewrite in_bounds_true. congruence. inversion C. constructor. generalize H2. unfold valid_block. rewrite <- B; simpl. rewrite A. unfold block in n; intros. omega. replace (low_bound m b0) with (low_bound m' b0). auto. unfold low_bound; rewrite <- B; simpl; rewrite A. rewrite update_o; auto. replace (high_bound m b0) with (high_bound m' b0). auto. unfold high_bound; rewrite <- B; simpl; rewrite A. rewrite update_o; auto. auto. Qed. (** ** Memory shifting *) (** A special case of memory injection where blocks are not coalesced: each source block injects in a distinct target block. *) Definition memshift := block -> option Z. Definition meminj_of_shift (mi: memshift) : meminj := fun b => match mi b with None => None | Some x => Some (b, x) end. Definition val_shift (mi: memshift) (v1 v2: val): Prop := val_inject (meminj_of_shift mi) v1 v2. Record mem_shift (f: memshift) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop := mk_mem_shift { ms_inj: mem_inj val_inject (meminj_of_shift f) m1 m2; ms_samedomain: nextblock m1 = nextblock m2; ms_domain: forall b, match f b with Some _ => b < nextblock m1 | None => b >= nextblock m1 end; ms_range_1: forall b delta, f b = Some delta -> Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed; ms_range_2: forall b delta, f b = Some delta -> Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b /\ high_bound m2 b <= Int.max_signed }. (** The following lemmas establish the absence of machine integer overflow during address computations. *) Lemma address_shift: forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs1 delta, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> valid_access m1 chunk b (Int.signed ofs1) -> f b = Some delta -> Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta. Proof. intros. inversion H. elim (ms_range_4 _ _ H1); intros. rewrite Int.add_signed. repeat rewrite Int.signed_repr. auto. eauto. assert (valid_access m2 chunk b (Int.signed ofs1 + delta)). eapply valid_access_inj with (mi := meminj_of_shift f); eauto. unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1; auto. inv H4. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega. eauto. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_shift_no_overflow: forall f m1 m2 b ofs x, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true -> f b = Some x -> Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed. Proof. intros. inv H. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0. assert (valid_access m2 Mint8unsigned b (Int.signed ofs + x)). eapply valid_access_inj with (mi := meminj_of_shift f); eauto. unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1; auto. inv H. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H4. rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto. exploit ms_range_4; eauto. intros [A B]. omega. Qed. Lemma valid_pointer_shift: forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs', mem_shift f m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true -> val_shift f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') -> valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true. Proof. intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1. assert (f b = Some x). unfold meminj_of_shift in H5. destruct (f b); congruence. exploit valid_pointer_shift_no_overflow; eauto. intro NOOV. inv H. rewrite Int.add_signed. rewrite Int.signed_repr; auto. rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto. eapply valid_pointer_inj; eauto. Qed. (** Relation between shifts and loads. *) Lemma load_shift: forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs delta v1, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 -> f b = Some delta -> exists v2, load chunk m2 b (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_shift f v1 v2. Proof. intros. inversion H. unfold val_shift. eapply ms_inj0; eauto. unfold meminj_of_shift; rewrite H1; auto. Qed. Lemma loadv_shift: forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 -> val_shift f a1 a2 -> exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_shift f v1 v2. Proof. intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. generalize H2. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H3. exploit load_shift; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]]. exists v2; split; auto. simpl. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x))) with (Int.signed ofs1 + x). auto. symmetry. eapply address_shift; eauto with mem. Qed. (** Relation between shifts and stores. *) Lemma store_within_shift: forall f chunk m1 b ofs v1 n1 m2 delta v2, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some n1 -> f b = Some delta -> val_shift f v1 v2 -> exists n2, store chunk m2 b (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_shift f n1 n2. Proof. intros. inversion H. exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. intros; constructor. red. intros until delta2. unfold meminj_of_shift. destruct (f b1). destruct (f b2). intros. inv H4. inv H5. auto. congruence. congruence. unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1. auto. intros. apply load_result_inject with chunk; eauto. unfold val_shift in H2. eauto. intros [n2 [STORE MINJ]]. exists n2; split. auto. constructor. (* inj *) auto. (* samedomain *) rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). auto. (* domain *) rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto. (* range *) auto. intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). eapply ms_range_4; eauto. Qed. Lemma store_outside_shift: forall f chunk m1 b ofs m2 v m2' delta, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> f b = Some delta -> high_bound m1 b + delta <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b + delta -> store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' -> mem_shift f m1 m2'. Proof. intros. inversion H. constructor. (* inj *) eapply store_outside_inj; eauto. unfold meminj_of_shift. intros b' d'. caseEq (f b'); intros; inv H4. congruence. (* samedomain *) rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2). auto. (* domain *) auto. (* range *) auto. intros. repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2). repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2). eapply ms_range_4; eauto. Qed. Lemma storev_shift: forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 -> val_shift f a1 a2 -> val_shift f v1 v2 -> exists n2, storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_shift f n1 n2. Proof. intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. generalize H3. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H4. exploit store_within_shift; eauto. intros [n2 [A B]]. exists n2; split; auto. unfold storev. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x))) with (Int.signed ofs1 + x). auto. symmetry. eapply address_shift; eauto with mem. Qed. (** Relation between shifts and [free]. *) Lemma free_shift: forall f m1 m2 b, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> mem_shift f (free m1 b) (free m2 b). Proof. intros. inv H. constructor. (* inj *) apply free_right_inj. apply free_left_inj; auto. intros until ofs. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H0. apply valid_access_free_2. (* samedomain *) simpl. auto. (* domain *) simpl. auto. (* range *) auto. intros. destruct (eq_block b0 b). subst b0. rewrite low_bound_free_same. rewrite high_bound_free_same. vm_compute; intuition congruence. rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto. eauto. Qed. (** Relation between shifts and allocation. *) Definition shift_incr (f1 f2: memshift) : Prop := forall b, f1 b = f2 b \/ f1 b = None. Remark shift_incr_inject_incr: forall f1 f2, shift_incr f1 f2 -> inject_incr (meminj_of_shift f1) (meminj_of_shift f2). Proof. intros. unfold meminj_of_shift. red. intros. elim (H b); intro. rewrite H0. auto. rewrite H0. auto. Qed. Lemma val_shift_incr: forall f1 f2 v1 v2, shift_incr f1 f2 -> val_shift f1 v1 v2 -> val_shift f2 v1 v2. Proof. unfold val_shift; intros. apply val_inject_incr with (meminj_of_shift f1). apply shift_incr_inject_incr. auto. auto. Qed. (*** Remark mem_inj_incr: forall f1 f2 m1 m2, inject_incr f1 f2 -> mem_inj val_inject f1 m1 m2 -> mem_inj val_inject f2 m1 m2. Proof. intros; red; intros. destruct (H b1). rewrite <- H3 in H1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]]. exists v2; split. auto. apply val_inject_incr with f1; auto. congruence. ***) Lemma alloc_shift: forall f m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b delta lo2 hi2, mem_shift f m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b) -> lo2 <= lo1 + delta -> hi1 + delta <= hi2 -> Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed -> Int.min_signed <= lo2 -> hi2 <= Int.max_signed -> inj_offset_aligned delta (hi1-lo1) -> exists f', exists m2', alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b) /\ mem_shift f' m1' m2' /\ shift_incr f f' /\ f' b = Some delta. Proof. intros. inv H. caseEq (alloc m2 lo2 hi2). intros m2' b' ALLOC2. assert (b' = b). rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). auto. subst b'. assert (f b = None). generalize (ms_domain0 b). rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0). destruct (f (nextblock m1)). intros. omegaContradiction. auto. set (f' := fun (b': block) => if zeq b' b then Some delta else f b'). assert (shift_incr f f'). red; unfold f'; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b); auto. subst b0. auto. exists f'; exists m2'. split. auto. (* mem_shift *) split. constructor. (* inj *) assert (mem_inj val_inject (meminj_of_shift f') m1 m2). red; intros. assert (meminj_of_shift f b1 = Some (b2, delta0)). rewrite <- H8. unfold meminj_of_shift, f'. destruct (zeq b1 b); auto. subst b1. assert (valid_block m1 b) by eauto with mem. assert (~valid_block m1 b) by eauto with mem. contradiction. exploit ms_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]]. exists v2; split; auto. apply val_inject_incr with (meminj_of_shift f). apply shift_incr_inject_incr. auto. auto. eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto. unfold meminj_of_shift, f'. rewrite zeq_true. auto. (* samedomain *) rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). congruence. (* domain *) intros. unfold f'. rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0). destruct (zeq b0 (nextblock m1)). omega. generalize (ms_domain0 b0). destruct (f b0); omega. (* range *) unfold f'; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). congruence. eauto. unfold f'; intros. rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). destruct (zeq b0 b). auto. eauto. (* shift_incr *) split. auto. (* f' b = delta *) unfold f'. apply zeq_true. Qed. (** ** Relation between signed and unsigned loads and stores *) (** Target processors do not distinguish between signed and unsigned stores of 8- and 16-bit quantities. We show these are equivalent. *) (** Signed 8- and 16-bit stores can be performed like unsigned stores. *) Remark in_bounds_equiv: forall chunk1 chunk2 m b ofs (A: Set) (a1 a2: A), size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> (if in_bounds m chunk1 b ofs then a1 else a2) = (if in_bounds m chunk2 b ofs then a1 else a2). Proof. intros. destruct (in_bounds m chunk1 b ofs). rewrite in_bounds_true. auto. eapply valid_access_compat; eauto. destruct (in_bounds m chunk2 b ofs); auto. elim n. eapply valid_access_compat with (chunk1 := chunk2); eauto. Qed. Lemma storev_8_signed_unsigned: forall m a v, storev Mint8signed m a v = storev Mint8unsigned m a v. Proof. intros. unfold storev. destruct a; auto. unfold store. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint8signed Mint8unsigned). auto. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_16_signed_unsigned: forall m a v, storev Mint16signed m a v = storev Mint16unsigned m a v. Proof. intros. unfold storev. destruct a; auto. unfold store. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint16signed Mint16unsigned). auto. auto. Qed. (** Likewise, some target processors (e.g. the PowerPC) do not have a ``load 8-bit signed integer'' instruction. We show that it can be synthesized as a ``load 8-bit unsigned integer'' followed by a sign extension. *) Lemma loadv_8_signed_unsigned: forall m a, loadv Mint8signed m a = option_map (Val.sign_ext 8) (loadv Mint8unsigned m a). Proof. intros. unfold Mem.loadv. destruct a; try reflexivity. unfold load. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint8signed Mint8unsigned). destruct (in_bounds m Mint8unsigned b (Int.signed i)); auto. simpl. destruct (getN 0 (Int.signed i) (contents (blocks m b))); auto. simpl. rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. auto. compute; auto. auto. Qed.