(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* C abstract syntax after elaboration *) (* Locations *) type location = string * int (* filename, line number *) (* Identifiers *) type ident = { name: string; (* name as in the source *) stamp: int } (* unique ID *) (* kinds of integers *) type ikind = | IBool (** [_Bool] *) | IChar (** [char] *) | ISChar (** [signed char] *) | IUChar (** [unsigned char] *) | IInt (** [int] *) | IUInt (** [unsigned int] *) | IShort (** [short] *) | IUShort (** [unsigned short] *) | ILong (** [long] *) | IULong (** [unsigned long] *) | ILongLong (** [long long] (or [_int64] on Microsoft Visual C) *) | IULongLong (** [unsigned long long] (or [unsigned _int64] on Microsoft Visual C) *) (** Kinds of floating-point numbers*) type fkind = FFloat (** [float] *) | FDouble (** [double] *) | FLongDouble (** [long double] *) (** Constants *) type constant = | CInt of int64 * ikind * string (* as it appeared in the source *) | CFloat of float * fkind * string (* as it appeared in the source *) | CStr of string | CWStr of int64 list | CEnum of ident * int64 (* enum tag, integer value *) (** Attributes *) type attribute = AConst | AVolatile | ARestrict type attributes = attribute list (** Storage classes *) type storage = | Storage_default | Storage_extern | Storage_static | Storage_register (** Unary operators *) type unary_operator = | Ominus (* unary "-" *) | Oplus (* unary "+" *) | Olognot (* "!" *) | Onot (* "~" *) | Oderef (* unary "*" *) | Oaddrof (* "&" *) | Opreincr (* "++" prefix *) | Opredecr (* "--" prefix *) | Opostincr (* "++" postfix *) | Opostdecr (* "--" postfix *) | Odot of string (* ".field" *) | Oarrow of string (* "->field" *) type binary_operator = | Oadd (* binary "+" *) | Osub (* binary "-" *) | Omul (* binary "*" *) | Odiv (* "/" *) | Omod (* "%" *) | Oand (* "&" *) | Oor (* "|" *) | Oxor (* "^" *) | Oshl (* "<<" *) | Oshr (* ">>" *) | Oeq (* "==" *) | One (* "!=" *) | Olt (* "<" *) | Ogt (* ">" *) | Ole (* "<=" *) | Oge (* ">=" *) | Oindex (* "a[i]" *) | Oassign (* "=" *) | Oadd_assign (* "+=" *) | Osub_assign (* "-=" *) | Omul_assign (* "*=" *) | Odiv_assign (* "/=" *) | Omod_assign (* "%=" *) | Oand_assign (* "&=" *) | Oor_assign (* "|=" *) | Oxor_assign (* "^=" *) | Oshl_assign (* "<<=" *) | Oshr_assign (* ">>=" *) | Ocomma (* "," *) | Ologand (* "&&" *) | Ologor (* "||" *) (** Types *) type typ = | TVoid of attributes | TInt of ikind * attributes | TFloat of fkind * attributes | TPtr of typ * attributes | TArray of typ * int64 option * attributes | TFun of typ * (ident * typ) list option * bool * attributes | TNamed of ident * attributes | TStruct of ident * attributes | TUnion of ident * attributes (** Expressions *) type exp = { edesc: exp_desc; etyp: typ } and exp_desc = | EConst of constant | ESizeof of typ | EVar of ident | EUnop of unary_operator * exp | EBinop of binary_operator * exp * exp * typ (* the type at which the operation is performed *) | EConditional of exp * exp * exp | ECast of typ * exp | ECall of exp * exp list (** Statements *) type stmt = { sdesc: stmt_desc; sloc: location } and stmt_desc = | Sskip | Sdo of exp | Sseq of stmt * stmt | Sif of exp * stmt * stmt | Swhile of exp * stmt | Sdowhile of stmt * exp | Sfor of stmt * exp * stmt * stmt | Sbreak | Scontinue | Sswitch of exp * stmt | Slabeled of slabel * stmt | Sgoto of string | Sreturn of exp option | Sblock of stmt list | Sdecl of decl and slabel = | Slabel of string | Scase of exp | Sdefault (** Declarations *) and decl = storage * ident * typ * init option (** Initializers *) and init = | Init_single of exp | Init_array of init list | Init_struct of ident * (field * init) list | Init_union of ident * field * init (** Struct or union field *) and field = { fld_name: string; fld_typ: typ; fld_bitfield: int option } type struct_or_union = | Struct | Union (** Function definitions *) type fundef = { fd_storage: storage; fd_name: ident; fd_ret: typ; (* return type *) fd_params: (ident * typ) list; (* formal parameters *) fd_vararg: bool; (* variable arguments? *) fd_locals: decl list; (* local variables *) fd_body: stmt } (** Global declarations *) type globdecl = { gdesc: globdecl_desc; gloc: location } and globdecl_desc = | Gdecl of decl (* variable declaration, function prototype *) | Gfundef of fundef (* function definition *) | Gcompositedecl of struct_or_union * ident (* struct/union declaration *) | Gcompositedef of struct_or_union * ident * field list (* struct/union definition *) | Gtypedef of ident * typ (* typedef *) | Genumdef of ident * (ident * exp option) list (* enum definition *) | Gpragma of string (* #pragma directive *) type program = globdecl list